Hi all,
I've been a lurker for about a year on many forums. Posting a intro and cycle below, note it is unorthodox in why I am running the cycle. I wanted to first state the goal of my cycle:
Age: 25 Weight: 190 Height: 6'1 BF: 11%
GOAL: Injured spine (herniated disks) nine year ago. Surgery 4 months ago, no success. Waiting game for 2-3 more months, then considering other options. Not considering something like a fusion or would not be running cycle. Need to rule out lack of muscle as cause for backpain, as I have ruled out almost everything else. (next procedure would possible be stem cell, then pain therapy (mental), then if all else fails, a fusion way down the line.
I have been running 4iu of GH for the past 3 months, to see if that would assist in the healing. So far, zero noticeable impact (it is legit, pharm grade, had bloods, sides noticable)
Week 1- 8 Test E 300 mg EW, no split
Week 1- 8 Have aromasin on hand, not sure if I am going to use it unless sides appear, given
what is really a low test only cycle. Will probably do 10ed or 20e3d
Week 1- 10 GH ED 4iu
Week 10- 12 Clomid/Nolva (both on hand, either or)
Week 12-13/14 Clomid/Nolva (less)
Ideally want to push to a 10 week cycle, in which case everything would be pushed back 2 weeks, all depends on the future ahead of me procedure wise.
Note: I am aware test e cycle of 8 weeks is 'pointless', but my goal is to build a foundation past what I am currently able to do. I am able to to intensive physical therapy for two hours a day, and do upperbody (currently on back only, benches for bis and tris), legs with weight belt so no extra weight on spine, at least at the beginning. I understand many will be critical to me running when I'm unable to be physical, but I've essentially plat'd in all exercises I can do
Please feel free to comment on what you think about the above. I tried to keep it short, I could write a ten page essay on all the procedures I've had if more info is needed.