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Thread: Switching compounds

  1. #1

    Switching compounds

    Question for those who already have experience with these compounds in the past.
    Would it make sense for you to switch compounds mid cycle?
    For example you run test +deca for 6 weeks and switch to test+tren E for another 6.
    Do you see any benefit from this?

    Assuming you've cycled with this compounds separately and know sides and benefits.

    Just wondering if you hit plateau with your stack is it possible to keep gaining by switching compounds or you gotta up the dose?

    Scenario is for bulking and yes diet on spot +500 cals always surplus

  2. #2
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    I'm a fan of interchanging compounds and do it quite often. HOWEVER I'm on TRT (blast and cruise) and this works better for guys running gear a majority of the year then for guys that only do 1-2 cycles per year. for one I'm able to experiment and try out several different compounds individually at various times throughout the year without ever having to worry about doing a planned cycle or PCT (if I want to experiment with running 1-test/dhb, I can just jump on it for 5 weeks and give it a run solo to see how it goes , don't need a planned cycle).

    so keep that in mind. if your only doing 1-2 cycles per year then I'd just stick with a standard 8-12 week protocol with a few various compounds that are synergistic, ie., a well put together stack.

    for me what I'll do is 8 week blasts, then 3 weeks off followed by another 8 week blast. when I go longer then 8 week blasts , like 12, I'll usually be interchanging the compounds I use.
    NPP week 1-6
    Deca week 1-12
    Tren week 3-9
    Dbol week 1-8
    Masteron week 6-12
    Winny week 8-12

    when I do 8 week blasts I'll usually use the same compounds throughout. , then do 3 weeks off and then the next 8 week blast different compounds will be used. thats a way to avoid de-sensitiztion as well.

  3. #3
    Tanks for response. No PCT here. I am usually cruising at 200-250mg/pw test. Time between blasts for me a bit longer like 8 weeks off. I'm a little confused on your stack here. You said you run NPP 1-6 and deca 1-12? Is that because you don't want wait for the effect?
    Also when you switch to tren you don't drop deca?
    Is it better to add low dose of tren E like 200mg/w to 800 test E and 600 deca
    Or drop deca and run 800 test and 600mg tren E per week?

    or maybe give deca more time? Let's say another 4 weeks? After all I just finished 2 10ml 300mg-1ml vials.

    Just weighing my options here to make sure I'll get the most out of my blast

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by suasponte1983 View Post
    Tanks for response. No PCT here. I am usually cruising at 200-250mg/pw test. Time between blasts for me a bit longer like 8 weeks off. I'm a little confused on your stack here. You said you run NPP 1-6 and deca 1-12? Is that because you don't want wait for the effect?
    Also when you switch to tren you don't drop deca?
    Is it better to add low dose of tren E like 200mg/w to 800 test E and 600 deca
    Or drop deca and run 800 test and 600mg tren E per week?

    or maybe give deca more time? Let's say another 4 weeks? After all I just finished 2 10ml 300mg-1ml vials.

    Just weighing my options here to make sure I'll get the most out of my blast
    I usually run NPP at the start of any Deca cycle just because I like to front load the Deca with NPP to get nandrolone in the blood stream and going much quicker.

    no I don't drop the Deca when I add in Tren,, just the opposite, I like to run 19 nors together. Tren/NPP , Tren/Deca, Deca/NPP , even Tren/NPP/MENT . I'm not prolactin sensitive, running two Nors together allows me to run a lighter dose of each, but combine them together . so instead of running 1000mg of Deca like I've done in the past, I'll run 500 deca 400 Tren,, or 300 Tren, 300 NPP, 300 Ment (thats 900 mg of 19nors, better results and less sides then the 1000mg of deca alone)

    is what you put in your first post a proposed cycle , or was it just an example ?

    if its a proposed cycle, then I'd swap the Deca out with NPP (running only 6 weeks NPP is much better).. also swap the Tren E out with Tren Ace.
    but I don't really like the swap out in this situation , again I like running nandrolones together . you'd get better results by doing something like this
    week 1-6
    week 7-12
    mast p
    Adrol (7-9)
    winny (10-12)

    IF you are prolactin sensitive and do NOT want to run 19nors together ,, then yeah you can run like your proposed cycle and that is a safer play (but personally I get better results running 19 nors together) .

    theres lots of ways to do it.. Another way is stacking class 1 compounds with class 2 compounds. you run one of each type the first half of the cycle and then run one of each class the second half of the cycle

    class 1 compounds -
    NPP and VAR weeks 1-6
    Boldenone ace and Primo Ace week 7-12
    Class 2 compounds -
    injectable Dbol weeks 1-8
    Winny week 9-12

    note: I'm not suggesting that cycle . I'm simply making a point of class 1 and class 2 steroids being a way of stacking and interchanging compounds.
    just an FYI - class 1 steroids work their magic by binding to the androgen receptor, class 2 steroids work their magic outside of androgen receptor binding

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Good info here

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I usually run NPP at the start of any Deca cycle just because I like to front load the Deca with NPP to get nandrolone in the blood stream and going much quicker.

    no I don't drop the Deca when I add in Tren,, just the opposite, I like to run 19 nors together. Tren/NPP , Tren/Deca, Deca/NPP , even Tren/NPP/MENT . I'm not prolactin sensitive, running two Nors together allows me to run a lighter dose of each, but combine them together . so instead of running 1000mg of Deca like I've done in the past, I'll run 500 deca 400 Tren,, or 300 Tren, 300 NPP, 300 Ment (thats 900 mg of 19nors, better results and less sides then the 1000mg of deca alone)

    is what you put in your first post a proposed cycle , or was it just an example ?

    if its a proposed cycle, then I'd swap the Deca out with NPP (running only 6 weeks NPP is much better).. also swap the Tren E out with Tren Ace.
    but I don't really like the swap out in this situation , again I like running nandrolones together . you'd get better results by doing something like this
    week 1-6
    week 7-12
    mast p
    Adrol (7-9)
    winny (10-12)

    IF you are prolactin sensitive and do NOT want to run 19nors together ,, then yeah you can run like your proposed cycle and that is a safer play (but personally I get better results running 19 nors together) .

    theres lots of ways to do it.. Another way is stacking class 1 compounds with class 2 compounds. you run one of each type the first half of the cycle and then run one of each class the second half of the cycle

    class 1 compounds -
    NPP and VAR weeks 1-6
    Boldenone ace and Primo Ace week 7-12
    Class 2 compounds -
    injectable Dbol weeks 1-8
    Winny week 9-12

    note: I'm not suggesting that cycle . I'm simply making a point of class 1 and class 2 steroids being a way of stacking and interchanging compounds.
    just an FYI - class 1 steroids work their magic by binding to the androgen receptor, class 2 steroids work their magic outside of androgen receptor binding
    Makes sense.
    I'm not prolactin sensitive. Never had to run DA with tren. Not running now either and I'm
    6 weeks into test deca cycle. I pulsed Adroll 50 mg day for 10 days took brake 1 week and again 50 mg 15 days now completely dropped droll.

    So would it make sense to add tren to 600 mg deca? Let's say I go long ester. How much per week would be beneficial.
    Should I lower test? Currently at 800mg.

    But you never can be sure on dose with UGL.

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