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Thread: Why do you think a cycle without test is bad?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Why do you think a cycle without test is bad?

    See so many people preaching not going on cycle without test as a base, but whats wrong with going on a cycle with an oral only? Natural test will be suppressed either way and PCT will also speed up the recovery either way so what's the big deal?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    You actually answered your own question and probably did not realize it. You suppress natural test which is the reason to use exogenous test while on cycle.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Destination Peaksville
    Simple answer....your dick won't work son!

    If you're cool with that then by all means run oral only cycles lol...

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    There are Testosterone receptors throughout your body. brain, hear, dick etc.. Testosterone also converts to estrogen and DHT, and there are receptors for those as well. those hormones are all vital at controlling everything from your mood, libido, sexual function, hair growth, erections, and everything else that gives you manly characteristics .

    IF you run an oral, lets say winny.. then that is going to suppress natty Test production and your levels of Test will tank, and so will estrogen and DHT. All those functions I just mentioned now no longer work.

    so instead of having all those functions stop working, we simply run Test with any cycle that we do.

    The only exception to this is that there are some AAS compounds that mimic Test and work in the body like Test and also convert to estrogen . MENT for example can be ran without Test and all those functions will still operate (except DHT, as it does not covert to DHT)

    having said all that some guys do get by ok running VAR cycles with no test base, as it is minimally suppressive. but the gains are crap compared to running Test with it, as VAR actually makes Test work better in the body and those illicits much better gains
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 02-15-2018 at 05:32 PM.

  5. #5
    A cycle without Test and Flintstone vitamins unthinkable. Really, Drago is correct the only time I drop test is during cutting. I will say my Test, Deca, and D-bol stack (I normally use EQ in place of Deca however my joints where killing me ) has been causing some bloating.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by AllexCord View Post
    A cycle without Test and Flintstone vitamins unthinkable. Really, Drago is correct the only time I drop test is during cutting. I will say my Test, Deca, and D-bol stack (I normally use EQ in place of Deca however my joints where killing me ) has been causing some bloating.
    interesting . EQ is awesome for the joints, in fact some guys will chose that over Deca for joint support . its also given to horses as a veterinary steroid for joint health. does just fine increasing collagen synthesis and synovial fluid in the joints.

  7. #7
    Yeah people ran deca dbol cycles throughout the 60's 70's and 80's. I wouldn't really see a problem with EQ only cycle. I would run it without a AI and probably be like a weaker cleaner test.

  8. #8
    Imagine taking fuel from a car when trying to tune it....Yea you got plenty of air............

    Same thing. A man without test isn't nearly his best

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    interesting . EQ is awesome for the joints, in fact some guys will chose that over Deca for joint support . its also given to horses as a veterinary steroid for joint health. does just fine increasing collagen synthesis and synovial fluid in the joints.
    The other side of nandrolone, is that it is the most powerful anti inflammatory that I know of. I never took it for its collagen synthesis increases or the fluid.

    The simple fact that it keeps my RA literally at bay, is why I take it. Corticosteroids such as cortisone, pale in comparison to nandrolone, as an anti inflammatory. What with the war on steroids, it has gone by the wayside in modern medicine for the treatment of arthritis.

    Shocks me how doctors would rather stick a needle in my knuckles once a month than give me something that makes me feel like a million bucks that is not site specific, but rather given intramuscularly, treating the entire body.

    Nandrolone brought me back to life at a time when getting out of bed took thirty minutes. I see no replacement for it as a guy with arthritis. Not implying that you said eq would replace it. Given the choice though, if I had to choose one steroid other than test, nandrolone gets my vote.

    The grandfather of all nors and the most versatile steroid in existence.

  10. #10
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    Apr 2007
    Also must add that I would not oil my shotgun with EQ. I simply see it as an outdated useless compound that has its ass handed to it at every turn with nandrolone. Nandrolone in the form of deca gets a terrible rap via "decadick" when guys have zero clue how to control prolactin and progesterone, while any nor is capapble of elevating both to the same consequence. Eq and nandrolone are not in any way comparable in my mind.

    From steroid .com home page:
    For decades, it has been assumed that Equipoise was very similar to Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate). This assumption was in part based on comments the late Dan Duchaine made about the steroid. However, the two compounds are not similar in any way; in fact, Duchaine would recant the statement, but the initial statement has been enough to keep the rumor alive.

    The two are black and white different. The only added benefit I see to eq is apetite and that is individual specific. So few ever say nandrolone anymore. How does this sound, "EQ or NPP?"

    I am indeed of the "EQ is worthless" crowd. All just my opiniin though. You are looking at a guy that now increases his apetite with insulin though.

    "Man... I sure don't feel like eating," Well... Its eat or die and the only way you are getting those rice carbs you need is if you eat the two lbs of chicken with it!

    How about that I cleaned my plate.

  11. #11
    The beautiful thing about this board is that it welcomes all views and perspectives. A lot of comments were made about NOT running an oral only cycle. I include myself in that crowd as there are a lot of empirical data to support that perspective. However, I for one and open to any new data. I would welcome logs of oral only cycles, good or bad. My guess is that there will be a lot of posts asking for help from the vets.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Thanks for all the answers! I just have two more questions now. When ending a cycle with test, you still have zero natural test in your body, so what's the difference between starting on PCT after a cycle with test or a cycle with oral(s) only. Is it just that you feel better while you still have some artificial test in your body while your natural test restabilize?

    And what do people mean by saying some orals are more mild than others, (excluding how hard it is on your organs)? For example in one thread people are saying that Tbol will only shut you down a little bit.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    interesting . EQ is awesome for the joints, in fact some guys will chose that over Deca for joint support . its also given to horses as a veterinary steroid for joint health. does just fine increasing collagen synthesis and synovial fluid in the joints.
    while it increases collagen synthesis it does not increase the cross-linking connectivity. This can make the tendons brittle. Same issue with winny except winny can also dry them out more
    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
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