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Thread: Need some advice on test/Tren cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Need some advice on test/Tren cycle

    So I’m about to start my 4th cycle. Last cycle I ran Tren ace for the first time with test prop and clen. Cycle went great everything was awesome but towards the end I started to battle signs of gyno. I’m about to start this next cycle up and I was thinking test cyp 600mg per week
    Tren E 400mg per week
    Clen 80mcg per day
    I’m goin to run 15 weeks of test starting Tren on week 4 for 8 weeks. I’ve been reading so many mixed posts on AIs vs Sarms. Nolvadex vs Adex. I have a buddy who’s a strong man and told me that 25mg of nolvadex should do the trick. Then I heard .5mg of Arimidex with each injection twice weekly should be good to reduce estrogen when the test peaks with each injection. I need some professional feedback because the last thing I want to do is fuck my levels up like an asshole

  2. #2
    You can get gyno from 2 sources, Progesterone and Prolactin. You control the first by controlling your estrogen and the second by controlling your prolactin. You need to run an AI for estrogen control and cabergoline or prami for prolactin control. I run arimadex .25mg/eod or .25mg/ed depending on my cycle. You're going to get differing opinions on estrogen control. I'm just telling you what I run.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    I gotcha. Well I know nolvadex stops the conversion of estrogen and Arimidex kills it. Would it be too much to run both? My first two cycles I ran 6-800mg of test and never had a problem. The first cycle I started to get sensitivity but took .5 of Arimidex eod for a week along with 25mg of nolvadex eod and that cleared it up. I know everyone’s body is different and everyone reacts differently to different doses and compounds, but would running nolvadex with Arimidex be over kill? Say 25mg of nolva mon wed and fri and .25 of Arimidex on injextion days? I try not to ask stupid questions and read and research before I ask but there’s so much mixed shit on the subject of AI’s and sarms it’s melting my brain

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Cjbryant View Post
    I gotcha. Well I know nolvadex stops the conversion of estrogen and Arimidex kills it. Would it be too much to run both? My first two cycles I ran 6-800mg of test and never had a problem. The first cycle I started to get sensitivity but took .5 of Arimidex eod for a week along with 25mg of nolvadex eod and that cleared it up. I know everyone’s body is different and everyone reacts differently to different doses and compounds, but would running nolvadex with Arimidex be over kill? Say 25mg of nolva mon wed and fri and .25 of Arimidex on injextion days? I try not to ask stupid questions and read and research before I ask but there’s so much mixed shit on the subject of AI’s and sarms it’s melting my brain
    Yes, I would say running Arimadex and Nolvadex together throughout the cycle is an overkill. You don't want to crash your estrogen. You'll feel terrible and you will not make any gains. You need estrogen to build muscle. Pick one, run either Adex or Nolvadex.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Big Trouble, Little China
    IMO you can drop your test down and the tren will make up for it. I would get a blood test and see where that prolactin is while you are on cycle. I am not a fan of Dex, I like stane better but I do wait until I have been on cycle for a while before I start it. I am not gyno prone.
    Last edited by David LoPan; 02-21-2018 at 02:12 PM.

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