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Thread: Pain in Joints on TRT

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2017

    Pain in Joints on TRT

    Hi Everyone!

    Over the last month I have been having pain in my ankles, knees and Elbows. I am only on TRT and have been since October. Numbers are dialed in well. I have increased my cardio a good bit and am on a 5 day bro split. Trying to find out how to prevent injury as I am worried the pain is from too much wear. I was thinking that it might help to add in some deca or eq. What are your thoughts? Have been on TRT and is well dialed in since October. I have taken 3 days off due to pain and hoping that will help in healing. Might take off one more day and get back at it on Monday.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    N. GA. Jaw Ja N A Cave
    Haven’t been around in a while . However earlier in another thread I read that 100mg of Deca a week is what many senior or should I say experienceed members were using to assist in lowering this issue with joint pain . Hyper extension is also an issue as your body/muscles grow responding to TRT . Good luck in finding the defined and proper assistance with your issues !

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2017
    Thank you for the response! Will start making considerations for it.

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    What's your E2 Sensitive level? I ask as to high / low can cause joint pain. I'd suggest taking a week or two totally off from training and give your joints as well as your central nervous system some time to rest. You won't lose a thing in two weeks and you'll give your body a much needed break. Also remember that if an exercise hurts, avoid it and find another that doesn't. Pushing through the pain just causes deep seeded inflammation which becomes even more of a problem.

    And Buzz is correct regarding Deca. I've run low dose deca with my TRT for years.

    You'll find this interesting:

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    What's your E2 Sensitive level? I ask as to high / low can cause joint pain. I'd suggest taking a week or two totally off from training and give your joints as well as your central nervous system some time to rest. You won't lose a thing in two weeks and you'll give your body a much needed break. Also remember that if an exercise hurts, avoid it and find another that doesn't. Pushing through the pain just causes deep seeded inflammation which becomes even more of a problem.

    And Buzz is correct regarding Deca. I've run low dose deca with my TRT for years.

    You'll find this interesting:


    Thanks for the response. You always give great info. I am taking a week off of training so I can feel better. Have backed off a few days ago and reduced volume. My E2 was at 22 on last bloodwork. Haven't changed anything. Maybe I should cut my anastrazole usage down. I am not wanting to go on a cycle yet but am thinking I want to start some deca with my trt to help with joints. Does deca affect testosterone levels? Just dont want to throw off bloodwork with my doctor.

  6. #6
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    N. GA. Jaw Ja N A Cave
    Make sure you stay on this question and let an experienced member give you the low down ! Deca
    Is great and except for large doses may effect your libido and a reputable member can share issues and positive results from deca and how much Cypionat is needed to balance it out . IMHO , great question .

  7. #7
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    doubtful Test is causing your joints to be sore in and of itself. its more then likely the AI your taking. plus you may have gained a little bit of weight since getting on TRT and training hard. your joints need some time off , then they will come back and need to adjust and adapt.
    I'd lower your AI usage. did you run TRT without using an AI at all to see where your dose of test even puts your E levels ?

    low dose Deca has many benefits, joint health being one of those. if you go that route keep in mind you'll need to pay careful attention to getting your blood work done often and checking hematocrit levels, as the deca will effect that more then test alone.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    doubtful Test is causing your joints to be sore in and of itself. its more then likely the AI your taking. plus you may have gained a little bit of weight since getting on TRT and training hard. your joints need some time off , then they will come back and need to adjust and adapt.
    I'd lower your AI usage. did you run TRT without using an AI at all to see where your dose of test even puts your E levels ?

    low dose Deca has many benefits, joint health being one of those. if you go that route keep in mind you'll need to pay careful attention to getting your blood work done often and checking hematocrit levels, as the deca will effect that more then test alone.
    Thanks GH. I don't think the test itself is causing soreness. AI would make sense. I went without AI for a month and was ignorant about getting bloodwork done at the time. My nipples were itchy and I became paranoid about getting gyno so got the AI. I have been taking .5mg day after injections at 2x week. I should drop the AI and get b/w done in about a month and see where it is at and if that affects my joint pain. I am about 15lbs heavier than I was before and I have added a lot more cardio in for my bulking routine. 30-60 minutes daily. I did this to increase my calorie consumption to minimize fat gain. Seemed to be helping for the two months that I was doing it for size in my arms. Maybe it is just the extra weight and joints havent quite adapted.

    If I decide to go the deca route I will be sure to get b/w done more regularly. Thanks for the tip. Do people normally experience deca dick at the low dosages? I haven't heard of anyone having that issue with it, but I know that you guys have more experience than I do.

  9. #9
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    Oct 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    What's your E2 Sensitive level? I ask as to high / low can cause joint pain. I'd suggest taking a week or two totally off from training and give your joints as well as your central nervous system some time to rest. You won't lose a thing in two weeks and you'll give your body a much needed break. Also remember that if an exercise hurts, avoid it and find another that doesn't. Pushing through the pain just causes deep seeded inflammation which becomes even more of a problem.

    And Buzz is correct regarding Deca. I've run low dose deca with my TRT for years.

    You'll find this interesting:


    Awesome article. Thanks Kelkel!

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