Originally Posted by
my 3rd cycle
26yr 5'7'' 159lbs 10.5%bf 6years of training
test e 375mg 1-14weeks Durobolin is a very long ester. Run your Test a couple of week more than the Deca.
deca 375mg 1-14 weeks Run the Deca for 12 weeks.
dbol 30mg 1-4 weeks 30mg of Dbol will do little. Run 50mg to 60mg everyday.
winny 30mg 12-17 weeks Drop the winny.
ai aromasin 12.5 mg eod
caber 0.5mg e3d
HCG 13-17 weeks 250ius twice a week Run the HCG for the first 14 weeks. Stop HCG with the last Test injection.
liver support milk thistle and liv 52 Run N-Acetyl L-Cysteine (NAC) for liver support. Forget milk thistle.
nolva 40/40/40/20/20/20 You can do a 5 week PCT 40/20/20/20/20
clomid50/50/50/25/25/25 Same with Clomid 100/50/50/50/50
ai aromasin 12.5mg eod You don't need the aromasin