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Thread: On TRT want to run a cycle to boost

  1. #1
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    Apr 2018

    On TRT want to run a cycle to boost

    Hello. 45yrs old 223lbs at 16% bf.
    and I am 8weeks into TRT consisting of 200mg/w of Cyp,
    100mg/w of Deca and
    .5 mg of Anastrozole 2x a week.
    HCG trouche 1000iu once a week.
    All prescribed via the DR.

    The deca will run out in the next 6 weeks as the Cyp continues in this 20 week script

    My diet is paleo with protein daily at or over 250grams. and i have dropped 6percent of fat already and added some nice size and strength in the last 8 weeks.

    My pre TRT blood work had me in the low 300s for test, and basically have hypogonadism. Hence the trt.
    Prostate and all other numbers were good.

    Im looking to boost my test with Test Prop at 50mg up to 3x a week as a preworkout.

    Thoughts on adding the prop?

    Thoughts on running a 200/week of EQ later on instead or with?

    Plan on staying at 200 cyp TRT for the forseeable future and not PCTing.

    I ran cycles over 15yrs ago of Sust250.
    My workout and diet and anabolics knowledge is above average.

    Thanks in advance for discussing this with me.

  2. #2

    On TRT want to run a cycle to boost

    Here’s an idea. Run the prop or even Sust at 200-600/week

    Add Masteron. IMHO there is no AAS that adds a greater sense of wellbeing than Masteron. It will keep you dry, reduce your dose needed for AI, make you one HORNY SOB! It is also very activating of your CNS. More energy focus, etc. If you can get mast Prop even better than enth. 200-600/week

    200 a week for ‘souped up trt’.

    600 of each will grow you lean and mean, with masteron it’s like there’s no crying in baseball, you become one hard motherf*cker.

    Add the Tren to that stack and you’ll be an absolute monster. If you add the Tren, don’t take it at the same time as the Deca, pick up your script as usual and save it for a later blast... watch out for Deca dick too you probably know a lot about juice already or you wouldn’t be planning the cycle. Get some Prami or Caber Incase of elevated Prolactin from Deca/Tren.

    All this is assuming diet and training is on point of course.

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    Last edited by destroyingit; 04-04-2018 at 06:33 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Thank you for the response..
    If I read correctly, add Masteron enth at 200 a week to my 200 cyp and 100 deca?
    For all the bennies you describe.

    If I find Mast prop, ill have to pin more often than enth but keep it at 200 a week total?

    600 Test Cyp and 600 Masterone is your "monster" suggestion

    So leave the EQ out, replace with Mast ?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Or replace the test prop with Mast prop?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by DarthFlex View Post
    Thank you for the response..
    If I read correctly, add Masteron enth at 200 a week to my 200 cyp and 100 deca?
    For all the bennies you describe.

    If I find Mast prop, ill have to pin more often than enth but keep it at 200 a week total?

    600 Test Cyp and 600 Masterone is your "monster" suggestion

    So leave the EQ out, replace with Mast ?
    Don’t need the Deca at all in there unless your joints are hurting perhaps you’re getting old like me... As long as you are taking the Deca it should lubricate your joints by increasing synovial fluid.

    EQ can make you really anxious.

    Tren is the real monster maker but totally useless if health and well-being is your goal.

    I guess the short and sweet answer is yes, that looks like a sweet souped up HRT.

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  6. #6

    On TRT want to run a cycle to boost

    Quote Originally Posted by DarthFlex View Post
    Or replace the test prop with Mast prop?
    Preferably both prop, but if prop youll likely want to inject every other day. If Enth or cyp 2 x per week, to maintain a stable blood level. We do t want you on a roller coaster

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  7. #7
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    Yeah Deca was there for me as I have had 2 neck surguries and my DR felt it could help in the beginning.
    It will fall off in 6 more weeks.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by destroyingit View Post
    Preferably both prop, but if prop youll likely want to inject every other day. If Enth or cyp 2 x per week, to maintain a stable blood level. We do t want you on a roller coaster

    Ok. Going to see if I can swap my eq order for Mast E and Ill just add it to the cyp.
    And yes I do half doses 2x week of the cyp and deca now for a smoother blood level

  9. #9
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    So I will end up with
    200 cyp /week
    200 Mast E /week
    With occasional test prop 50mg preworkout.
    .5 ai x2 a week
    Hcg once a week
    Have a caber on deck incase I need it

  10. #10
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    All the above is idiotic. You just started TRT and you're a whole 8 weeks in. You probably have not even had your first set of BW yet to review with your doctor and titrate your dose.

    Why a doctor would instantly start someone on 200 mgs is beyond me and quite ridiculous. Very few people actually need that much and what it does is simply cause you to then need an AI and without question blood donations down the road due to elevated hematocrit. You should never instantly start with an AI unless your E2 was already high for that matter. Think about this, 1 mg per week of adex is more than the recommended dose for a 500 mgs test cycle.

    When it comes to deca, and I'm quite the fan, why on earth would your doc write this only to run it for 14 weeks? Not sure I see the point.

    Re HCG Trouches, they're absolutely a waste of time and money. Enough of it doesn't make it to the blood stream to be of any use. Get HCG injections or you're wasting your time and not getting any benefits.

    Don't consider taking anything else whatsoever until you get this protocol straightened out. Use common sense here, you're 45 not 18 and your doc is somewhat clueless. Simply restoring your T levels to high physiological levels will make a huge difference for you. If it doesn't then blame your nutrition and training.

    Is this a doc or a clinic?
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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post

    Is this a doc or a clinic?
    Its a doc at a clinic.
    And i can tell you that the hcg troche does something as i feel my balls shrink all week then refill in 6 hrs of taking it.

    So finish my 20 weeks as scribed then see what kinda fun to have?

  12. #12

    On TRT want to run a cycle to boost

    He’s not wrong, but it’s not idiotic either. If you just got on trt you can jump through the hoops for awhile first with your doc. It’ll take time to figure out your blood level. If your dr gave you 200 a week, you have the best dr. I only get 140 a week and I had to fight my way up from 100 proving with blood work every time I wanted to increase because my blood level would drop below the scale by shot day. Everyone is different. Eventually I got tired of jumping through hoops so I decided to see what worked for me.

    I simply offered a cycle that works for me.

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  13. #13
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    Cool. Thx. Yeah the deca will go away soon. So leaving me with 200 C a week. Again just looking to maximize with a synergistic addon in short bursts between blood works so she doesnt suspect but I get alittle more out of it.
    Note that Inhave already added over 6lbs of muscle and lost 9 lbs of fat since I started on the above.
    The bump of a few test props pre workout was my smallest effort to gains idea and my original "bump" query.
    The mastorone suggestion instead of test prop made since because of its traits.
    In the end inhear ya saying" slow down a bit" and do more bw to be sure

  14. #14
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthFlex View Post
    Its a doc at a clinic.
    And i can tell you that the hcg troche does something as i feel my balls shrink all week then refill in 6 hrs of taking it.

    So finish my 20 weeks as scribed then see what kinda fun to have?
    Being that it's a clinic answers a lot. Clinics don't make money prescribing less drugs, only more drugs. I can only assume that you're buying everything from the clinic as well? Re HCG, do more research and you'll find that hcg injections would be far more beneficial for you. Think about this, how smart is it to start out on a maximum dose and then have to immediately issue another drug (adex) to combat side effects? TRT should always be started at a low dose and titrated up based on follow up blood work.

    Quote Originally Posted by destroyingit View Post
    He’s not wrong, but it’s not idiotic either. If you just got on trt you can jump through the hoops for awhile first with your doc. It’ll take time to figure out your blood level. If your dr gave you 200 a week, you have the best dr. I only get 140 a week and I had to fight my way up from 100 proving with blood work every time I wanted to increase because my blood level would drop below the scale by shot day. Everyone is different. Eventually I got tired of jumping through hoops so I decided to see what worked for me.
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    Of course the doc is wrong for all the reasons I listed. Tell me why "it's correct" then? Just because a doc issues the max dose doesn't make him the best doctor. I understand your more is better logic as I'm a bodybuilder myself, but when it comes to TRT it's not the correct path. You yourself having to titrate up based on blood work is the correct way to do it. Obviously you did not like it but it's still the correct way to go about it.

    Also, if you were dropping below scale it indicates you were / are on a once per week protocol. A healthier protocol would be to split your dose in half and inject twice weekly. You'll have more stable levels, require less ancillaries and control hematocrit better. Once per week injection protocols are fine for some but if you monitored your blood work from the day after injection (peak) to 7 days later you'd see a huge swing in levels. A roller coaster effect.

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  15. #15
    I wasn’t referring to the doc, the other poster to the thread is not wrong, there are many ways to the finish line.

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  16. #16
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    Im already splitting my dosage between 2 a week
    Thank you for being frank and logical.
    Ill ride this out to see if they tweak my dosage going into week 20 and then decide if I want to cycle something later

  17. #17
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    I'd love to see how your first set of BW turns out so let us know if you don't mind. We all learn from each other here.
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  18. #18
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    Roger that. Will do . May sneak in earlier than 10wks from now just to see
    And I agree, knowledge is power so Ill wait to stack anything even though alot is on order already

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