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Thread: Next (cutting) cycle

  1. #1

    Next (cutting) cycle

    Hi guys,

    I’m currently at the third week of PCT with Nolva and Clomid after a 13 week Deca and Sustanon Cycle (stopped Deca 2 weeks before test).
    Recovery has been amazingly easy, I had 2 days of mild depression and low libido for a week or so but always had morning erections and was always able during the whole process. Weights really didn’t go down at all. Actually I’m clearly stronger, particularly in the lower body, I kept essentially all the weight gained until now. I believe my (really fast) metabolism has slowed down a bit after cycle and this led to some fat gain.

    I’m thinking about doing a Test P and Primobolan cycle probably as soon as possible, and that’s the reason why I’m creating this thread. How long do you think should I wait?
    I’m probably close to 12% BF and would like to get to 6/7% for summer. Would a 8 week cycle suffice?
    Do you have any recommendations about the doses for each component?

    This will be my second cycle and the first cutting one.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    A good diet would suffice! 6-7% is a very low bf level that's pretty much bodybuilding competition level, no AAS will magically do that for you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    You are nowhere near recovered whilst still on PCT. It’s the nolva and Clomid that are making you feel that way.

    Recovery from Deca can take along time. Bloodwork will truly tell you but that would rely on you having pre cycle bloodwork done and a follow up at least 6-8 weeks after the end of PCT.

    General rule of thum is time on + PCT = time off. So 13 weeks plus 18-21 days before PCT starts plus 6 weeks PCT. Soooooooo, that’s around 22 weeks.

    Why on earth do you want to be 6% for summer? That low bodyfat isn’t maintainable for any length of time unless you have the genetics for it. 10%, even a true 12%, is an amazing look if you have enough lean tissue.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    You are nowhere near recovered whilst still on PCT. It’s the nolva and Clomid that are making you feel that way.

    Recovery from Deca can take along time. Bloodwork will truly tell you but that would rely on you having pre cycle bloodwork done and a follow up at least 6-8 weeks after the end of PCT.

    General rule of thum is time on + PCT = time off. So 13 weeks plus 18-21 days before PCT starts plus 6 weeks PCT. Soooooooo, that’s around 22 weeks.

    Why on earth do you want to be 6% for summer? That low bodyfat isn’t maintainable for any length of time unless you have the genetics for it. 10%, even a true 12%, is an amazing look if you have enough lean tissue.
    I could always go for a natural cut trying to lose less weight per week until summer.

    For now it is probably a bad idea to cut, right? How long do you think I should wait?
    I really miss my lower abs definition...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    I probably wouldn’t start cutting until 6-8 weeks post PCT - give you time to try and stabilise the gains you have made. Then I’d be looking at a slow cut, 1lb per week or so.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    I probably wouldn’t start cutting until 6-8 weeks post PCT - give you time to try and stabilise the gains you have made. Then I’d be looking at a slow cut, 1lb per week or so.
    Thanks Back In Black. That makes sense.
    Will probably go for a natty cut and then enhanced bulk again during next winter.

    I’m much bigger after this cycle but it really disgusts me to have this flabby look. I was hoping for better lean gains, maybe 10kg was just too much. I was already very close to my genetic limit.

  7. #7
    I love cutting cycles. I always look leaner and tighter than a bulking cycle. Don't be in a rush to cut. Enjoy the size and strength. You need to let your body rest for a while even after PCT. I would run a Test Prop + Winny or Test Prop + Mast for my cut cycle. You really don't need a lot of gear if you have your diet dialed in. I take 350mg/wk of Test and 350mg/wk of Mast. I add 20 mins of HIIT cardio 3 x week and I can get down to 8% pretty easy. I'm older so it takes me more work to get down to 6%.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    I love cutting cycles. I always look leaner and tighter than a bulking cycle. Don't be in a rush to cut. Enjoy the size and strength. You need to let your body rest for a while even after PCT. I would run a Test Prop + Winny or Test Prop + Mast for my cut cycle. You really don't need a lot of gear if you have your diet dialed in. I take 350mg/wk of Test and 350mg/wk of Mast. I add 20 mins of HIIT cardio 3 x week and I can get down to 8% pretty easy. I'm older so it takes me more work to get down to 6%.
    I really am a hard hardgainer, I used to do hiit cardio and also another 10km run once every week but I had to stop towards the end of the cycle to give my stomach some rest during the weekend. I weight 88.5kgs and am eating around 5000kcal a day, and this is for maintenance. A cut for me will actually be a relief. I noticed my metabolism is a bit slower, now that the cycle is over, but it’s still too fast.

    Btw, thanks for your advice, I will be patient I guess.

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