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Thread: Still on my first cycle... Questions bout #2

  1. #1

    Still on my first cycle... Questions bout #2

    Mid first cycle right now & things are going great. Although this is not a question about my cycle now its more looking towards the future.

    Assuming most people do some sort of Test alone on their first cycle, what have you taken on your second cycle?

    Just curious more than anything, didnt know if people usually added more compounds or even just stuck with test again.

    Let me know your experiences!

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by davekid1294 View Post
    Mid first cycle right now & things are going great. Although this is not a question about my cycle now its more looking towards the future.

    Assuming most people do some sort of Test alone on their first cycle, what have you taken on your second cycle?

    Just curious more than anything, didnt know if people usually added more compounds or even just stuck with test again.

    Let me know your experiences!
    What do you want to accomplish with this cycle? Bulk/Cut/Recomp?

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    There’s no need to dive in too quick. If it is effective you may want to run test alone again or perhaps try an oral along side it.

  4. #4
    I'm not necessarily thinking about mine. For me it would be somewhat of a bulking cycle I was just more interested in what other people had done for their second, assuming they did just test for their first

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    i'm on my first cycle too but i chucked some DBOL 30mg ED for 4 weeks as a kickstarter, one week in and i'm already seeing some good gains! A lot of it is water for sure but still - good mental attitude etc! For my second cycle ill be chucking in some Winstrol and maybe Anavar, i haven't done much reasearch into it yet so i can't give you dosages but i will read up on it when the time comes!

  6. #6
    Hello Friend after your first cycle on your second Cycle you can add Testo Ace and Or Cypionate and Equipoise ,Trenbolone Ace Ok

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by FrankMoss View Post
    Hello Friend after your first cycle on your second Cycle you can add Testo Ace and Or Cypionate and Equipoise ,Trenbolone Ace Ok don't do that

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by BenTren View Post
    i'm on my first cycle too but i chucked some DBOL 30mg ED for 4 weeks as a kickstarter, one week in and i'm already seeing some good gains! A lot of it is water for sure but still - good mental attitude etc! For my second cycle ill be chucking in some Winstrol and maybe Anavar, i haven't done much reasearch into it yet so i can't give you dosages but i will read up on it when the time comes!
    I would not mix my oral steroids unless one of them is proviron. Not worth the potential toxicity.
    Don’t fuck with your liver and Swiss cheese it. It’s not worth it, there are many ways to the finish line and many cycles to make gains. If you take everything all at once too fast you will build a tolerance like any other drug.

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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2017
    Yeah, and stay away from tren next cycle too. Thats jumpin into the deep end right away.

    Nothin wrong with another test only cycle- you can adjust the dose a bit if you want, see how it works and what difference it makes for you. No need to get complicated just yet. Alot of ot depends on what you are trying to get out of the cycle.

    But if you do decide to add something else in, i would suggest something on the milder side- maybe just a few week dbol kickstart, moderate dose deca, few wks of winny at the end. Nothing major. Now all of these examples have certain pros and cons, but just sayin that you dont have to go crazy, and you aso dont have to run another compound for the entire cycle

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    I would add dbol personally.
    Its all goal dependant.

    If I were to lay out a cycle plan for a lean guy that doesn't have issue with keeping fat in control, that wishes to grow and bulk:
    1. 500mg test wk
    2. 500mg test wk, 50mg dbol ed for a few weeks
    3. 750mg test wk, dbol or winny 50 mg ed few weeks
    4. 500mg test wk, 400mg deca wk
    5. 750mg test wk, 400mg deca wk oral optional
    6. You know how you respond to test, adjust as you deem fit and try 200-400 mg of tren if you wish.
    7. Up tren if you wish or throw in some anadrol.
    8. You know how you react its your experiment good luck.

  11. #11
    On a second cycle I would add one oral. For a bulking second cycle run 50mg dbol for the first 4 weeks and 500mg/wk Test Cyp/Enth for 12 weeks. AI, HCG and PCT.

  12. #12

    Still on my first cycle... Questions bout #2

    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I would add dbol personally.
    Its all goal dependant.

    If I were to lay out a cycle plan for a lean guy that doesn't have issue with keeping fat in control, that wishes to grow and bulk:
    1. 500mg test wk
    2. 500mg test wk, 50mg dbol ed for a few weeks
    3. 750mg test wk, dbol or winny 50 mg ed few weeks
    4. 500mg test wk, 400mg deca wk
    5. 750mg test wk, 400mg deca wk oral optional
    6. You know how you respond to test, adjust as you deem fit and try 200-400 mg of tren if you wish.
    7. Up tren if you wish or throw in some anadrol.
    8. You know how you react its your experiment good luck.
    Edit: misread post

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    Last edited by destroyingit; 04-08-2018 at 08:56 PM.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I would add dbol personally.
    Its all goal dependant.

    If I were to lay out a cycle plan for a lean guy that doesn't have issue with keeping fat in control, that wishes to grow and bulk:
    1. 500mg test wk
    2. 500mg test wk, 50mg dbol ed for a few weeks
    3. 750mg test wk, dbol or winny 50 mg ed few weeks
    4. 500mg test wk, 400mg deca wk
    5. 750mg test wk, 400mg deca wk oral optional
    6. You know how you respond to test, adjust as you deem fit and try 200-400 mg of tren if you wish.
    7. Up tren if you wish or throw in some anadrol.
    8. You know how you react its your experiment good luck.
    Oh I thought you meant for him to take ALL of that in his second cycle, and assumed you were effing with him lol.

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  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    aka m.hornbuckle
    Quote Originally Posted by destroyingit View Post
    Oh I thought you meant for him to take ALL of that in his second cycle, and assumed you were effing with him lol.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    bro, that is what he's saying. that's a week to week outline.

    that's my kind of party. minus the deca and tren.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Sorry everyone I laid that out like chunky shit. Yes i meant each number as an entire cycle.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by m.hornbuckle View Post
    bro, that is what he's saying. that's a week to week outline.

    that's my kind of party. minus the deca and tren.
    No, those are multiple different cycle options. Not all in one cycle, how crazy you want the guy to get on his 2nd cycle?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Dannyboy51577 View Post
    No, those are multiple different cycle options. Not all in one cycle, how crazy you want the guy to get on his 2nd cycle?
    Lol Iam pretty sure he was joking.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Lol Iam pretty sure he was joking.
    Hoping so

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