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Thread: how likely is permanent high shutdown from 3 months of use at 6 ius?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2017

    how likely is permanent high shutdown from 3 months of use at 6 ius?

    I know exogenous use can cause suppression

    I ran hgh for only 3 months at 6 ius every morning monday-friday, taking weekends off.

    Im curious if this can cause my natural hgh levels to be permanently hindered, despite only running hgh for a short period of time

    I tried to time my dosage in the morning so i could still have my nightly production. Also taking weekends off.

  2. #2
    You're screwed. LOL

    Your pituitary gland is pretty resilient. It'll slow the endogenous HGH down for a while but it'll pick back up. It may be a little slow but you're young and you have time.

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