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Thread: What is the best workout split while on gear???

  1. #1
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    What is the best workout split while on gear???

    Okay so I am starting my cycle in 2 weeks and I was wondering what split is the best to run while on gear. I currently run one body part once a week but when your on gear you recover alot faster so would you get better gains doing like a push/pull split like twice a week???

  2. #2
    Whatever program you have used in the past that works, just use that one.

  3. #3
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    stick to what works for you, you dont need any fancy crap and i never would train a muscle group more than once, consider the pounding assistant muscles get all week long on a normal once a week routine

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by noMuscles View Post
    Whatever program you have used in the past that works, just use that one.
    Well that is what I plan on doing but it does make sense that if your muscles are recovering faster than you could do more and get better results

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by KickboxerChamp View Post
    Well that is what I plan on doing but it does make sense that if your muscles are recovering faster than you could do more and get better results
    consider triceps, they get worked on shoulder press, bench press and they get their own specific workout, so basically thats 3 times a week

  6. #6
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    Things are different when you are juicing....your physiology is're not the same. You're basically (physiologically speaking) a different person....with whom a whole new version of trial and error is applicable.

  7. #7
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    Agee that whatever works for you, stick with it. I keep my training the same as far as substance and splits but I take less time between sets. When a few weeks into the cycle the energy and intensity goes way up when in the gym.

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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    stick to what works for you, you dont need any fancy crap and i never would train a muscle group more than once, consider the pounding assistant muscles get all week long on a normal once a week routine
    Yeah also biceps with most back workouts.

  9. #9
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    the best results ive had always comes down to a three day split.

    chest and arms
    legs and abs
    back and shoulders
    start again

    now, on gear these are serious are serious tough blast workouts

  10. #10
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    working lagging bodyparts twice a week whil on gear really helped me. i did calves and tris twice a week for about 8 weeks then reverted back to once a week but i think its important to keep the number of work sets similar to the once a week split. i also read an interview with johnnie jackson (cant find it now) where he said that for one week he trained his bis once then the following week he trained them 2 or 3 times, then repeat. he said it worked great for him. also training muscle groups twice a week is a good way to keep the blood thus nutrients flowing through that muscle group. but i think for the long haul training most bodyparts once a week is best - pros have done it for generations cos it works.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    the best results ive had always comes down to a three day split.

    chest and arms
    legs and abs
    back and shoulders
    start again

    now, on gear these are serious are serious tough blast workouts
    yeah i did something similar when i was doig loads of overtime at work but a 4 day split -

    chest an delts
    legs and abs
    back and traps.

    but i feel alot better training 5 or 6 times a week really hammering each muscle group, johnnie jackson used to do a 3 day split a while back. also evan centopani said that for a 8 week period he trained 3 times a week -


    thats it! but he said to do it this way you really have to give it your all on these days with no isolation exercises - 2 hours of pounding away on compounds!
    essentially triceps and delts would be trained on chest days, bis and traps on back days.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by ricky23 View Post
    yeah i did something similar when i was doig loads of overtime at work but a 4 day split -

    chest an delts
    legs and abs
    back and traps.

    but i feel alot better training 5 or 6 times a week really hammering each muscle group, johnnie jackson used to do a 3 day split a while back. also evan centopani said that for a 8 week period he trained 3 times a week -


    thats it! but he said to do it this way you really have to give it your all on these days with no isolation exercises - 2 hours of pounding away on compounds!
    essentially triceps and delts would be trained on chest days, bis and traps on back days.
    i throw in two isolation exercises per muscle group also on tht 3 day split. none of its set in stone, its good to vary it up now and again
    as they say a change is as good as a break sometimes

  13. #13
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    I read a lot to keep same split BUT what i dont quite understand is this...

    if one of steroids main purpose is to make you recover incredibly faster, shouldn't you train much more per week? like a full body split in 2 or 3 days.. rest, and repeat?

    or much much more volume?

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    ^ awaiting a response to this question

  15. #15
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    First cycle for me and I'm training 5 days a week.
    Mon: Chest, bicepts
    Wed: Back Tricept
    Thu: Legs
    Sat: Delts
    Sun: Plyo day

    On week 3 of a test only cycle Everything seems to be just starting to kick in. I dont' feel overtrained. And If i'm drained enough I'll skip the plyometric day for extra recovery time. Only thing I've added to my supps and routine is a little more time for stretching and 10g of glutamine after workouts.

  16. #16
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    aas will help with recovery but overtraining is still a possibility. if you can take training bodyprts twice a week then theres not really a problem. i personally think ronnie rowlands views are the most logical - dorian yates also, he trained each muscle group once every 6 days but beyond failure. depends on what youre body can take. if anything the one thing you can increase while on aas is protein intake to 2g per pound of bodweight as protein synthesis would be extremely high. also i agree with dec11 as triceps are trained with chest and delts because of the heavy pressing and considering that theyre a relatively small muscle group they can be overtrained. i think if a bodypart is lagging then twice a week is a good idea.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by KickboxerChamp View Post
    Okay so I am starting my cycle in 2 weeks and I was wondering what split is the best to run while on gear. I currently run one body part once a week but when your on gear you recover alot faster so would you get better gains doing like a push/pull split like twice a week???
    I'm a big advocate of training each muscle group 2x PW. There is no magic split that should be run while "on". Cycle as if you weren't on anything at all. You may be able to increase the volume a bit, as long as you don't exceed your own recovery capacity.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by KickboxerChamp View Post
    Okay so I am starting my cycle in 2 weeks and I was wondering what split is the best to run while on gear. I currently run one body part once a week but when your on gear you recover alot faster so would you get better gains doing like a push/pull split like twice a week???
    the one you have been doing all those years previous to this cycle, the one thats always worked for you and produces results,

  19. #19
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    I'm a newby myself. I do whole body in 3 days,. Day off,. Rinse repeat . We heal so much quicker especially when I'm stuffing mass protein food in me. Protein powder is great,. But real food is better

  20. #20
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    Everyone is different, matters your makeup, your specific muscle fibers you want to hit, hypertrophy etc. Some people respond better to higher reps and some lower reps. This is a test for your own body and how it responds. There is no correct program. IMHO.

  21. #21
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    Same body part every 3 days, but alternate a heavy day with a volume pumps day.
    Take a day off when your body says so

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