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Thread: 19 year old fake China supplement shutdown

  1. #1

    19 year old fake China supplement shutdown

    So I really hope someone has time to help me because I got in a pretty shitty situation that could have happened to anybody.
    I've been a professional volleyball player from Austria for 3 years, but decided to make 2 semesters of uni in Beijing. And there I obviously continued playing volleyball (did weightlifting but wasn't intrested in bodybuilding) and was forced to take supplements, due to heavy trainings.
    Sadly I somehow got fake BCAA.
    After 2 weeks of use I felt something was wrong with it so I stopped using it. I was feeling stronger and my muscles were tighter (so after a lot of research I assume it was anavar).
    2-3 days later I started feeling no energy or motivation at all. My libido levels were gone and I got testicular athropy.
    Because of all that I started doing reasearch and came accros clomid.
    I don't want to start trt because I'm only 19 and just want to start my HPTA.
    I'm also afraid of using HCG because I heard it could suppress my natural testosterone production.
    I used 4 weeks of clomid 50mg/ED but ditched it yesterday. Now I'm taking a natural test booster (19- Anabol Testo from USN) and ZMA.
    My energy levels are better but not how it used to be. Libido still low and athropy still as well.
    I never had the intention to take any steroids in my life and would never have done it, but now here I am stuck in this shitty situation, I really hope somone can help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    I think this is a hypochondriac situation. Your balls dont shrink after two weeks. I have shrunk nuts it takes time.

    If not go get bloods and react accordingly. Until then no one can give you an answer.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Defiling Myself
    Who forced you to take branch chain amino acids?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    aka m.hornbuckle
    Let me ask you OP. do you like creatine decanoate?

  5. #5
    Weightlifting for Volleyball.

  6. #6
    No mate, sadly I'm not making things up. I'm suffering from athropy and my sex drive is gone, which used to be very high.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by m.hornbuckle View Post
    Let me ask you OP. do you like creatine decanoate?
    No idea whats that supposed to be.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Go and get some bloodwork

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    No one would give anavar one of the more expensive steroids to someone as bcaas this makes no sense.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    no one would give anavar one of the more expensive steroids to someone as bcaas this makes no sense.
    hey he didnt know ok hes just a boooooooy.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Agree with above.. testicular atrophy takes more than two days bud. Possibly in your head if you feel lower libido? Get bloods go from there but I wouldn't worry like you made some life changing mistake bud

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by dcycles View Post
    Agree with above.. testicular atrophy takes more than two days bud. Possibly in your head if you feel lower libido? Get bloods go from there but I wouldn't worry like you made some life changing mistake bud
    I used the substance for 2 weeks not 2 days. The atrophy came 2-3 days after I stopped using it.

  13. #13
    It's obviously not something that's just in my head. They shrank for sure, also my loads are way smaller than it used to be. And Libido 0

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    aka m.hornbuckle
    Quote Originally Posted by nellopastello9 View Post
    It's obviously not something that's just in my head. They shrank for sure, also my loads are way smaller than it used to be. And Libido 0
    I don't get what you want us to do about it? It almost seems if you're trying to get us engage into an argument whether or not we believe it's true

    We don't care if it's true or not what do you want to do about it we say go to endocrinologist get blood work and see what's going on that's all you can do at this point

    I mean saltpeter can also make your weiner not work so you know we're not going to recommend any kind of PCT regimen because what if you're not shut down it just going to give you a bunch of drugs you got to take and side effects to deal with for no reason

    Get blood work until then you're going to be playing a guessing game on what to do if you search the forms you can see what a proper PCT after a steroid cycle looks like but again why be spoon-fed the information when you can actually read it and understand it and make your own informed decision because what if we are wrong

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by nellopastello9 View Post
    I used the substance for 2 weeks not 2 days. The atrophy came 2-3 days after I stopped using it.
    I have shot a gallon of shit in 2 weeks. Balls dont shrink like that. It takes many months to years.
    You didn't crash your gd htpa off bcaa's. Maybe your boyfriend dumped some anavar in as a joke. Still not gonna atrophy your balls that quick. Your sex drive is dead? What are you 18? I doubt you have a clue what a dead sex drive is like. You are worried about nothing.

    Go get some hcg and clomid then since you dont want to do bloods.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by nellopastello9 View Post
    It's obviously not something that's just in my head. They shrank for sure, also my loads are way smaller than it used to be. And Libido 0
    I believe you, if you say you'rr atrophy'd with no libido who am I to say you're faking it.

    The first and foremost thing you need is to know the status of your Testosterone, estrogen, LH, LSH, and other hormone levels. Without numbers, everything is just a guess. This means you need to get blood work done.

    If you have no access to a lab, I'm assuming you're still in China, then you have to fly blind. Orals work very quickly so two weeks is enough time for the oral to affect your HPTA. Let's assume you've just run an involuntary cycle. The next step is to do a full PCT. Run Nolvadex and Clomid for 4 weeks. Nolvadex @ 40mg/ed for the first week and 20mg/ed for the next 3 weeks. Clomid @ 100mg/ed for the first week and 50mg/ed for the next 3 weeks. Then just let your body rest.

    As a matter of fact, you don't really have to do anything. I have run Anavar cycles without PCT. It takes a few months but you'll recover.

    Then go check to see if your Chinese coach is on AAS. The best way to find out is to kick him right in the nards. If he's on AAS, his nuts will be so small it will fit between your shoe laces and he won't flinch. If he's not on AAS, you can run and apologize later. LOL, don't worry. Your condition is temporary. You're young and you'll recover well.
    Last edited by ScotchGuard02; 04-10-2018 at 11:10 AM.

  17. #17
    Thanks man, I will get a blood work done, private healthcare is actually good here so that will be no problem.
    That's the informative answer I was waiting to hear.

  18. #18
    Should I run a test booster until I get my blood work done? would that interfere?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Dont run anything. Stop messing with your hormones, unless proved by blood work you didnt have any problems.

    You might have done harm by running clomid.

    Just wait, and focus on mind on something else.

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