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Thread: New to working out new to juice. (Already feel the hate coming)

  1. #1

    New to working out new to juice. (Already feel the hate coming)

    Ok I have been reading through the forums for a few weeks now and I know what most people are going to say already but please save the dont donit shit cause it’s too late. I’m 34 I was/am over weight I was at 290 at right under 6’2 had 2 knee surgeries bad shoulder and never got my testosterone checked but I’m sure it was low and I have been feeling lazy tired and like shit all the time. I ended up working out dieting and lost over 20 lbs and I have been working out for like 4 months and I decided to take some stuff I was originally going to go with just test e but ended up going with that Anadrol as a booster for 2 weeks and some other shit called Thor’s hammer it’s a mixture only take 1cc of that a week and 1 cc twice of the test. I don’t plan on getting off of the stuff I work out 6 days a week this even the first week just boosted my results pretty nicely and I really am not that knowledgeable in this work but I’m a quick learner. So I have these questions.

    After the full cycle what do I do to stay on only take like 1cc of test weekly for as long as I want to stay on and cycle harder 2 times a year?

    Since I plan on staying on what do I do about the post cycle therapy? Do I take anything the whole time I’m on? If so should I be taking anything not and what? Currently just taking tudca.

    What do you guys recommend for the shortest muscle recovery time? Is 2 days enough for a muscle to recover or should i give it 3?

    The Anadrol makes me feel like crap and aggravated no headaches or anything but just feel sick a big part of me doing this was cause I thought that test would help me out with the way I feel and stuff so I’m only taking the drol for one more week does test make you feel better when it kicks in? Does it boost your mood and make you more alert and active?

    I think that’s all my questions for now if I think of more I’ll write in the comments. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Bobbyloads View Post
    After the full cycle what do I do to stay on only take like 1cc of test weekly for as long as I want to stay on and cycle harder 2 times a year?
    WHat was your full planned cycle here? What is the test dosed at per cc? Can't recommend protocols without dosages... And WTF is in 'Thor's Hammer?'

    Since I plan on staying on what do I do about the post cycle therapy? Do I take anything the whole time I’m on? If so should I be taking anything not and what? Currently just taking tudca.
    If you're staying on forever (at a responsible dose most of the year) you would not need a post cycle therapy for restarting natural test production. Someone I know of who does this supplements hcg occasionally to keep testicular atrophy at bay.

    What do you guys recommend for the shortest muscle recovery time? Is 2 days enough for a muscle to recover or should i give it 3?
    Depends on your workouts and how you feel, mostly. Generally speaking some folks workout one muscle group 2x per week, some like 1x per week.

    The Anadrol makes me feel like crap and aggravated no headaches or anything but just feel sick a big part of me doing this was cause I thought that test would help me out with the way I feel and stuff so I’m only taking the drol for one more week does test make you feel better when it kicks in? Does it boost your mood and make you more alert and active?
    I wouldn't bother taking something that just makes me feel ill and aggravated. Two weeks of drol is kind of waste anyway IMO. Many people find test to provide a general sense of well-being. Given that it sounds like you're pretty overweight, aromatization and side effects may be a much heavier concern for you. Do you have anti-e's on hand? Watch out for your blood pressure too, I wouldn't be surprised if it's already pretty high.
    Answers in bold. Don't know if you've read these yet:

  3. #3
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    Apr 2014
    You do know you are chemically castrating yourself right?

  4. #4
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    Wow, never ceases to amaze ,e that grown men put all kinds ofbshit into their bodies without researching or understanding the consequences.

    I’d say don’t do it but you don’t want to hear what you don’t want to hear but I’m sure some of the other guys will tell you what you do want to hear.

    Good luck.

  5. #5
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    What's in the shit Thor's hammer, or do you even know. You are being very careless, not a good strategy for a long term lifestyle. Sounds like you're planning to blast and cruise, you really need to only introduce one compound at a time. I would drop everything and finish with test only, do a pct and then get blood work. If you gonna do this, do it right.

    Big muscle groups need 3 days, the smaller ones can get by with 2, really depends on the person and the workout

  6. #6
    Sorry planned cycle 12 weeks 250mg x2 a week with the test e. The Anadrol I wanted as a booster I have more than 2 weeks worth but I am really not sure I want to take it longer than that. The Thor’s hammer is a mixture of test e nandrolone and parenabol I think I will not take that cause reading more about this stuff as my first time I should go easy. For the anti e’s I was advised not to take them unless I feel or see side affects but I’m 1000% open to advice and will take them if you think they are necessary.

  7. #7
    So is everyone else that takes the shit them I guess.

  8. #8
    I plan on staying working out and I don’t need to get huge and compete I just want to get bulked up and look healthy. So your saying drop everything else and stick to test? Also should I be taking anything to help me with the damage the stuff is causing me now? I’m ok with only taking one I just wanted a booster from the Anadrol and with in a week it for sure gave me a boost but like I said I feel off of it

  9. #9
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    Bobby- anadrol probably isnt the best choice to jump out of the gate with. I would suggest to drop it, continue your test however long you plan on, then either drop to a responsible trt type dose or come off altogether, but get blood work done. You need to know how these compounds affect you. Dont just take info off the internet as always being correct. Too many times its not. Once you have run whatever you are going to run and felt it for yourself, get your bloods, and monitor what it does to you and learn why, you will have a better understanding of your body and what steroids will do to you. The test only will still accomplish your goals.

  10. #10
    Sounds good now when would you suggest to get my tests done? Also I just tell the doctor off the bat that I’m taking roids? Probably no so they know what to look for? At least I have good health insurance so that’s good. Ok so take the 12 weeks of test at the 500mg a week and then drop it to how much to stay on? Also should I be taking anything besides the tudca to help my recovery?

  11. #11
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    by any change, did gearheaded advise this?

    thors hammer,
    no ai

    curious as to who advised you

  12. #12
    What does no ai mean?

    I was advised to run the test e by it’s self I wanted to get a booster for a few weeks before the injections kicked in so it was either that or dbol and he recommends the Anadrol so that’s what i went with. The Thor’s hammer was a choice to buy to have extra stuff. I really just don’t want to be calling this guy daily with all these questions so that’s why I jumped in here so I can get more answers anytime I have questions. I just started reading the other stuff on here I didn’t notice before and it has a lot of info I see everything is against being new over weight and using the shit even though I still think it will be good for me to get where I want to be.

  13. #13
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    I'll give you some help.

    AI = Aromatase Inhibitor

    Test E = There should be a MG dosage on the bottle, most likely will say 250mg. Then off of that you can judge to see if you want to stay on a TRT dosage after cycle. TRT is testosterone replacement therapy.


    PCT: YOU NEED TO BUY THIS IF COMING OFF. Post cycle treament. Clomid, Nolvadex, Torem, a few choices......

    WTF is Thors Hammer........and you are taking it and don't even know what it is.

    YOU NEED TO START READING, RESEARCHING AND EVALUATING EVERYTHING YOU of right now you are probably going to end up with big t!ts and a limp dick if and when you come off this stuff, the t!tties will come first.....

  14. #14
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bobbyloads View Post
    I don’t need to get huge and compete

    Whew. I was sweating it there for a minute....

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  15. #15
    Thanks buddy that’s really helpful!!!

  16. #16
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bobbyloads View Post
    Thanks buddy that’s really helpful!!!

    Humor Bobby. Try to have some fun here.
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  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    by any change, did gearheaded advise this?

    thors hammer,
    no ai

    curious as to who advised you
    You read my mind. That’s his mo. As soon as I saw Thor’s hammer I knew it was GH

  18. #18
    Sorry did I make the impression of being pissed or upset? I’m good you did not say anything and even if you did I am extremely open minded and take all advice into consideration. I appreciate you guys even responding and giving advice means a lot. I also see how this is a territorial thing and people get upset when new people get on here that have never done it or think they are doing it the wrong way and so on but that’s with everything in life so it does not bother me I just want to take as much information and knowledge so I can better my experience as well as make it as safe as possible for me so my dick works and I get in good shape and I won’t have to wear bras lol

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Bobbyloads View Post
    Sorry did I make the impression of being pissed or upset? I’m good you did not say anything and even if you did I am extremely open minded and take all advice into consideration. I appreciate you guys even responding and giving advice means a lot. I also see how this is a territorial thing and people get upset when new people get on here that have never done it or think they are doing it the wrong way and so on Totally false. The more members the better. but that’s with everything in life so it does not bother me I just want to take as much information and knowledge so I can better my experience as well as make it as safe as possible for me drop the drol and thor's hammer so my dick works and I get in good shape and I won’t have to wear bras lol
    What is Thor's Hammer?

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    What is Thor's Hammer?
    Some herbs concoction and arimistane, an OTC and putative suicidal AI inhibitor with no studies to back up its effectiveness.

  21. #21
    Mixture of

    test e
    Boldenone undecylenate
    Nandrolone decanoate

    Not the Thor’s hammer supplement stuff if you google it .

  22. #22
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bobbyloads View Post
    Sorry did I make the impression of being pissed or upset? I’m good you did not say anything and even if you did I am extremely open minded and take all advice into consideration. I appreciate you guys even responding and giving advice means a lot. I also see how this is a territorial thing and people get upset when new people get on here that have never done it or think they are doing it the wrong way and so on but that’s with everything in life so it does not bother me I just want to take as much information and knowledge so I can better my experience as well as make it as safe as possible for me so my dick works and I get in good shape and I won’t have to wear bras lol

    Well said. Especially the last sentence.
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  23. #23
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    with that great attitude you will do great here and learn and be safe. Keep it up, and im serious. Its nice to see a guy want to learn, not just here what he wants.

    I was just like you many years ago, and I got shit but some really helped. You will get the help you need if you want.
    disregard the jerkoffs who want to be tough around here, they just clog up the board.

    I think you need to come off everything and study the diet and training section. Learn about the basics compounds to use to start, like test e and a good pct.

    Train, eat great, and not what you think is great, follow the leaders in the diet section. then add a cycle.

    until then, please ask away and learn before jumping on.

  24. #24
    Thanks appreciate it little to late about the jumping in part though already jumped in lol but I will for sure listen and take advice and study the boards sir!

  25. #25
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    aka m.hornbuckle
    if anadrol is making you feel like shit, then drop it.

    you want a nice clean (somewhat),base line to let yourself know how you feel on different things

    one thing , ifvyiu a heavy guy with alto of fat. adrol is a very serious estrogen bomb.

    its going to do more harm than good for you.

    also yes if you run test, you should run an AI eod like adex.

    also if after your heavy dose 12 week cycle, you want to drop,to TRT or low dose test. you need no PCT.

    but you should try cycle then pct with a an 18 week break before next cycle.

    do it by the book for lack of a better word. at least the first few times.

    how's your cholesterol , liver function, and whatnot?

  26. #26
    Thanks man that answered a lot I’m actually going to get checked up gonna make a doctors apt to check all of that stuff but I got pretty healthy besides smoking smoking cause I dropped some weight and last time I was at the doctors all my stuff was normal. The Anadrol thing I didn’t listen to everyone that said drop it and I bumped up to 100mg last few days and it actually made me feel better so I’m just gonna run it until the 2 weeks is up cause I’m seeing and feeling results crazy. Maybe the test is kicking in but from what everyone says takes up to 4 weeks but my 3rd pin right when I took it I felt warmness and like my whole attitude and the way I feel and mood just changed to really good so now I’m afraid to stop the drol cause I want to get the most results. I never really had muscles before like this and seeing and feeling the tone and watching me just start having shape and hardening up is a really good feeling like if you guys seen me you would be like he’s weak lol and not ripped or muscular but to me it’s an accomplishment and I want to continue it. But if everyone is saying break after the cycle and do pct I don’t think they are saying it to be haters they are speaking from experience so not to fuck my body up I will have to do it even though it will be hard I already know cause if this progress continues I will not want to get off after i see my results if they continue like this but hey at least I’ll be fit for the summer and I’ll be back on as soon as that time period ends that i need to recover. Honestly thank you all for being honest and actually trying to help people it’s greatly appreciated!

  27. #27
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    aka m.hornbuckle
    Quote Originally Posted by Bobbyloads View Post
    Thanks man that answered a lot I’m actually going to get checked up gonna make a doctors apt to check all of that stuff but I got pretty healthy besides smoking smoking cause I dropped some weight and last time I was at the doctors all my stuff was normal. The Anadrol thing I didn’t listen to everyone that said drop it and I bumped up to 100mg last few days and it actually made me feel better so I’m just gonna run it until the 2 weeks is up cause I’m seeing and feeling results crazy. Maybe the test is kicking in but from what everyone says takes up to 4 weeks but my 3rd pin right when I took it I felt warmness and like my whole attitude and the way I feel and mood just changed to really good so now I’m afraid to stop the drol cause I want to get the most results. I never really had muscles before like this and seeing and feeling the tone and watching me just start having shape and hardening up is a really good feeling like if you guys seen me you would be like he’s weak lol and not ripped or muscular but to me it’s an accomplishment and I want to continue it. But if everyone is saying break after the cycle and do pct I don’t think they are saying it to be haters they are speaking from experience so not to fuck my body up I will have to do it even though it will be hard I already know cause if this progress continues I will not want to get off after i see my results if they continue like this but hey at least I’ll be fit for the summer and I’ll be back on as soon as that time period ends that i need to recover. Honestly thank you all for being honest and actually trying to help people it’s greatly appreciated!
    its not about what's going on outside as much as what's going on inside.

    just food for thought.

    juicers make very very good looking coffin fillers

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    Because you didn’t try test only first you will be disappointed in your results imho because you probably won’t notice the test kick in after you drop the adrol and lose the water retention you are most likely interpreting as gains right now...I say this because you have no experience with test only to make comparisons to...anyways good luck let’s see some before and after pics so we can see your progress...

  29. #29
    Will do

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bobbyloads View Post
    Mixture of

    test e
    Boldenone undecylenate
    Nandrolone decanoate

    Not the Thor’s hammer supplement stuff if you google it .
    I know of one supplier that is selling "thors hammer" but his is a blend of test,tren and mast.

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