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Thread: First Cycle Questions...

  1. #1

    First Cycle Questions...

    Going to be starting my first cycle in mid June, have a pretty good grasp on it but do have a few questions. My stats...32 years old, 6'3", 252 lbs., 14% BF, former D1 college football player, train 6 days a week.

    First cycle is going to be test only, Sustanon at 500mg/week for 12 weeks. Couple questions...

    1. AI is going to be included from the start, will be using Aromasin, what should I dose it at? I've seen multiple suggestions...

    2. HCG...should I be adding it to the cycle as well?

    3. What am I forgetting? PCT is a given and probably another topic, but being a newbie want to make sure I've got everything covered.

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    1. 12.5mg ED is fine,do mid cycle bloods to adjust if needed (sensitive estradiol test) up until a couple days before PCT
    2. 250iu twice a week up until a couple days before PCT
    3. 50/50/50/50 clomid, 40/20/20/20 nolvadex is a good PCT, that's the daily dose for each week.

    Get enanthate or cypionate instead. Sustanon isn't ideal, it takes longer to kick in and the decanoate ester takes a long time to go out of your system so you have to wait longer until PCT (plus you'll be waiting while having low levels of test)

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by cousinmuscles View Post
    1. 12.5mg ED is fine,do mid cycle bloods to adjust if needed (sensitive estradiol test) up until a couple days before PCT
    2. 250iu twice a week up until a couple days before PCT
    3. 50/50/50/50 clomid, 40/20/20/20 nolvadex is a good PCT, that's the daily dose for each week.

    Get enanthate or cypionate instead. Sustanon isn't ideal, it takes longer to kick in and the decanoate ester takes a long time to go out of your system so you have to wait longer until PCT (plus you'll be waiting while having low levels of test)
    Thanks, I've already got the Sustanon in hand though so will likely be sticking with that.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Destination Peaksville
    The long ester in Sust (decaonate) only has a 3 day longer half life than Cyp so it's not a big deal, you can run PCT pretty much the same maybe wait a few extra days if it makes you feel better but I don't think it makes a notable difference

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMindz View Post
    The long ester in Sust (decaonate) only has a 3 day longer half life than Cyp so it's not a big deal, you can run PCT pretty much the same maybe wait a few extra days if it makes you feel better but I don't think it makes a notable difference
    The half life is one number but looking at the graph of the release you do see how this becomes less optimal. The half life only says how much time it takes for half of the test to be released, the other half is released much slower. A lesser amount of it is decanoate and decanoate lingers for longer in your system. So you inhibit the start of natural production but with only 100mg decanoate injected in the last injection...

    If I were natural and would do a PCT I would do propionate only... I metabolize esters slowly (takes 5.5-6 weeks for enanthate to kick in) and it goes out slowly and my first cycle and PCT was horrible due to feeling like crap until the exogenous test got out and let the SERMs do their work... To explain the point, last year I did self TRT for a couple weeks at 100mg test E per week, then didn't inject for over 3 weeks and bloods showed LH bottomed and test at 10 nmol (300ng/dl). Had it been decanoate and I was going to PCT I would have botched that one completely.

    You can start your PCT earlier anyway, the SERMs take time to build up. Even with enanthate/cypionate you still have some of it lingering in your system and inhibiting test production somewhat the first days. The faster the ester the easier the transition though.

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