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Thread: Posting Workout Questions/Training Cycles

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Exclamation Posting Workout Questions/Training Cycles

    Much like the AAS forum, when asking for training cycle critiques - don't forget to post some personal stats. Age, bodyweight/fat and especially your training experience all play significant roles in getting good responses.

    Age, Bodyweight/fat
    There are many differences between an 18 year old athlete and one that is 30 years their senior. Recovery ability, connective tissue strength and endogenous androgen levels can all be very different. Your weight and bodyfat helps others to determine what musculature you already have.

    Training Experience
    The training required by someone in an advanced stage is much different than a beginner just getting the mind-muscle connection. As we are able to handle larger loads we tax our systems much more - 315lbs for 10 puts much more stress on your system than when you could only do 135lbs for 10... your muscle grow but your organs, internal filtering processes and CNS do not (other than a motivational tollerance that is developed to cope with things like lactic acid burn). In the beggining, working the entire body a few times per week is usually the best answer - but the loads get heavier and the training more intense, more recovery days are needed per muscle group.

    Your training experience also helps people to know what kind of knowledge you are bringing to the forum. If you have been a consistent for several years... than explaining how to preform a dumbell flye would be redundant...

    Size, speed, and/or sport-specific training - all require different training cycles... for more focused results.

    Existing/Previous Injuries
    Existing or previous injuries are very important training variables to consider when designing a training cycle.

    Ergogenic Aids
    Sometimes it helps to add to your post what supplements you may be taking to assist with training and recovery. If you are on anabolic-androgenic steriods - this would deffinitly be a factor due to increased protein synthesis and cross over binding to gluco-corticoid receptors (cortisol blocking).

    Basically - the more info you give... the easier it is for others to chime in with good feedback... asking, "Does this split look good?" is way too generic and not easy to answer...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    BUMP for stats in training questions...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Great Post!!!

    This would certainly make it easier to evaluate what kind of information people are really seeking....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Under the gym
    where did this come from.....

    good post though


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    brian wasnt u the guy who lied about a pic being ur gf??lol

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Question help on cycle

    I sarting a new cycle and was thinking of taking 5mg dbol 250tab or 50mg anadrol 50tabs and stacking it with sustanon 250 10ml and test suspension 8ml and finishing it off with Winstrol 50mg 20ml. WAnted to know what you thout of this stack and what you would advise to stack to gain weight abd strength but still stsy sum what lean and still be able to pass a drug test 3 months after cycling off, cuz intially I was goign to stack deca and sust insted od sust ans suspension but I get drug tested at school for football.

  7. #7

    to Warrior

    whats good,

    How do you develop fast twitch muscle fiber and is there anything to take to specifically help the development?
    Last edited by bbplayer9; 09-01-2005 at 05:16 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Made In Ohio.
    Quote Originally Posted by bbplayer9
    whats good,

    How do you develop fast twitch muscle fiber and is there anything to take to specifically help the development?
    yeah i'm curious of that as well

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by bbplayer9
    whats good,

    How do you develop fast twitch muscle fiber and is there anything to take to specifically help the development?
    Fast-twitch are your more explosive, less oxidative fibers. Everyone has a different ratio and each muscle group further changes this (another reason to not only vary your exercises but also your rep ranges). For instance, your hamstrings are predominatly fast-twitch while the calves are mostly slow-twitch (more endurance orientated).

    The famous Canadian strength coach, Charles Poliquin has written a few times about how this should be applied to how you work a muscle group. He has written that hamstrings should usually be worked under 10 reps and calves need at least 40 seconds of continuous tension - so neither blow off the training session.

    What can you take? Well... working in a low rep range would require quick explosive power... so however you can mentally harness that enthusiasm. Creatine has long been a supplement to help increase the muscles ATP capacity to be able to be more forceful in low rep resistance training and sprinting.

  10. #10
    Hey I got some work out ?'s. I'm 20 and weight about 145 and have a skinny build. I wanna be able to gain some muscle to get a stong cut look. I'm gonna do my best to gain the weight but what would be a good work out routine to get myself into?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I see a lot of training critique threads that don't give the whole story...

    Think about it: why do you want the critique? Are you making any type of progress with what you are doing? Are you gaining with heavier loads, more reps or simply finishing faster (a greater power output capacity)? Why do you ask for a critique? Are you regressing or getting overtrained - what makes you question what you are currently doing?

    Different people need different training splits... finding one that works best for you a challenge that you have to keep adjusting through out your bodybuilding endeavors... going stale and not making adjustments is the very deffinition of insanity. Add goal-orientated training (to maximize fat loss, muscle or mass gain) to the mix and it all gets even more complicated.

    When you ask for a critique - please share why you are asking.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    i second that

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    i have just started my first ever cycle of 30mg dbol and 400mg test cyp
    i`m into the dbol cycle by 2 weeks but just had my first test inj yesterday(delivery of test a prob, i know i should of waited)
    Anyway my question is will being on gear help bring a lagging body part in line (legs)
    i have always trained them harder and longer and they have always been a problem
    I have trained on and off for 20 years
    over the years they have got better but only because i ease up on chest and arms particularly.
    I am by nature i very thin person and my ankles are the same size as my wrist
    what do you think

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Look up in the sky...
    Need info on how much water to consume during work out. I am thristy as hell latetley but not as much in the gym. I see a lot of guys caring gallon jugs while I sip at it so i was curious. THanks for any input!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Huntington Beach, Ca.

    General Info

    Ok, Hi all, hi Warrior, I've been getting back into the gym lately which has been difficult b/c I have been inconsistent in both diet and exercise, plus I've reached a plateau..

    Let me begin by saying that I am 38 years old, weigh about 210, 6'3" tall. I am a recovering addict/alcoholic/etc. Food was my first drug of choice back when I was 11 years old. I was a really skinny kid.....until then that is. I ate, and ate, and ate, mostly junk. I became fat quickly and up until I was 31 I was overweight and did alot of drinking and drugging. My average weight from 23 til 31 was about 275, and, I once wieghed 310.

    My last time in the state pen. in '98 I decided to get into shape. At this time I wieghed my most 310. After 9 months of walking, jogging, handball, etc. I got down to 247......pretty amazing!

    I got out in early 2001 and went back to doping but still put on weight; back to 265. I got into rehab and since I had no major responsibilities at the time, I went to the gym 7 days a week. I had no clue as to what I was doing. I probably did alot of damage. I mean, can you imagine a guy at 267 jogging on the treadmill.....yeah, my knees, shins, EVERYTHING started hurting.

    Just after about 10 months I actually got down to 188lbs. I had trainers at the gym telling me that my losing weight that fast was dangerous. People were telling me that I was too skinny, which actually after being fat my whole life made me feel good!

    I was on a starvation diet at this time (3 small meals a day and one snack). You gotta remember I grew up in the 80's when starvation diets were the thing. I wanted to put on some muscle and I finally got a trainer who told me that I had to eat 5 to 7 times a day.

    I learned a little about exercise and quite a bit about nutrition in the past 7 years, but, man have I been struggling. Remember I was an active dope fiend for 17 years of my life, was overweight. And, now I found out some years ago that I have a herniated L5 which is also degenerating (man this ****er hurts EVERY GODDAMNED DAY!)

    I also have hepatitis C and along with my back pain and some strange phenomenon with my midsection I find it quite hard to stay motivated. This midsection thing is a long story, but, in short, it has been theorized that because I had been so overweight for so long that my stomach muscle lining had been stretched out and though I am alot skinnier, the lining is still weak. What happened is that about 3 years ago I was doing stomach/core routines and all of a sudden my stomach portruded and felt like someone took a red hot Rambo knife and gutted my ass.........worst pain EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Nope, its not a hernia because you cant feel it. Perhaps because of the weak lining that I have a potential for a hernia but, hell I don't have insurance so I don't know.

    ANYWAYS I am here today to just get some ideas on a workout I can do to build mass. I will want to cut later, but for now I would like all the info I can get on adding muscle mass while keeping fat gains low. This would include: nutrition, supplements, workout routines (be specific I need stuff spelled out!), etc.

    REMEMBER, I am 38 years old, herniated/degenerative L5, joints hurt due to Hepatitis C. I wiegh 210 and I am almost 6'3".

    Thanks for everyone's time and efforts!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Huntington Beach, Ca.
    Quote Originally Posted by theforce3169 View Post
    Ok, Hi all, hi Warrior, I've been getting back into the gym lately which has been difficult b/c I have been inconsistent in both diet and exercise, plus I've reached a plateau..

    Let me begin by saying that I am 38 years old, weigh about 210, 6'3" tall. I am a recovering addict/alcoholic/etc. Food was my first drug of choice back when I was 11 years old. I was a really skinny kid.....until then that is. I ate, and ate, and ate, mostly junk. I became fat quickly and up until I was 31 I was overweight and did alot of drinking and drugging. My average weight from 23 til 31 was about 275, and, I once wieghed 310.

    My last time in the state pen. in '98 I decided to get into shape. At this time I wieghed my most 310. After 9 months of walking, jogging, handball, etc. I got down to 247......pretty amazing!

    I got out in early 2001 and went back to doping but still put on weight; back to 265. I got into rehab and since I had no major responsibilities at the time, I went to the gym 7 days a week. I had no clue as to what I was doing. I probably did alot of damage. I mean, can you imagine a guy at 267 jogging on the treadmill.....yeah, my knees, shins, EVERYTHING started hurting.

    Just after about 10 months I actually got down to 188lbs. I had trainers at the gym telling me that my losing weight that fast was dangerous. People were telling me that I was too skinny, which actually after being fat my whole life made me feel good!

    I was on a starvation diet at this time (3 small meals a day and one snack). You gotta remember I grew up in the 80's when starvation diets were the thing. I wanted to put on some muscle and I finally got a trainer who told me that I had to eat 5 to 7 times a day.

    I learned a little about exercise and quite a bit about nutrition in the past 7 years, but, man have I been struggling. Remember I was an active dope fiend for 17 years of my life, was overweight. And, now I found out some years ago that I have a herniated L5 which is also degenerating (man this ****er hurts EVERY GODDAMNED DAY!)

    I also have hepatitis C and along with my back pain and some strange phenomenon with my midsection I find it quite hard to stay motivated. This midsection thing is a long story, but, in short, it has been theorized that because I had been so overweight for so long that my stomach muscle lining had been stretched out and though I am alot skinnier, the lining is still weak. What happened is that about 3 years ago I was doing stomach/core routines and all of a sudden my stomach portruded and felt like someone took a red hot Rambo knife and gutted my ass.........worst pain EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Nope, its not a hernia because you cant feel it. Perhaps because of the weak lining that I have a potential for a hernia but, hell I don't have insurance so I don't know.

    ANYWAYS I am here today to just get some ideas on a workout I can do to build mass. I will want to cut later, but for now I would like all the info I can get on adding muscle mass while keeping fat gains low. This would include: nutrition, supplements, workout routines (be specific I need stuff spelled out!), etc.

    REMEMBER, I am 38 years old, herniated/degenerative L5, joints hurt due to Hepatitis C. I wiegh 210 and I am almost 6'3".

    Thanks for everyone's time and efforts!

    I am asking for a critique because I have been on a plateau for like close to 2 years and I am tired of working out without getting the results I want....

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2008
    This is the wrong place to post this. You should have made your own thread. This is just a sticky thread for information only, not posting.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

  19. #19
    Join Date
    May 2010
    El Paso, Texas

    Workout Cycle? Advice...

    Wanted to get some advice on my workout cycle.
    I wanted to breakdown my workouts into 8 muscle groups, so I started to think what muscle groups I could come up with. The ones I could come up with are
    • Back
    • Biceps
    • Triceps
    • Chest
    • Legs
    • Abs
    • Shoulders
    • Forearm (Weird I know)

    Stats are as followed:
    Age: 30
    Height: 5'11
    Weight: 205lbs
    BodyFat: I Don't Know (Never Measured)

    Now, I started working out seriously in April of 2008. When I started, I weighed 178lbs, now 205lbs. Now by seriously, I mean going to the gym regularly. Back in 2008 I crammed my workouts into a FOUR bodyparts a day into two a days. Two parts in the morning, two in the evening, however that was overkill IMO, so I dropped it to two bodyparts a day as followed (As of Jan 2011):
    • Day 1: 10Mins Pre Cardio (Back/Chest) 10Mins Post Cardio
    • Day 2: 10Mins Pre Cardio (Bis/Tri) 10Mins Post Cardio
    • Day 3: Rest/Cardio
    • Day 4: 10 Pre (Legs/Forearms) 10 Post
    • Day 5: 10 Pre (Shoulders/Abs) 10 Post
    • Day 6: Rest/Cardio
    Now as you can see with this schedule, the days always rotate. So Day 1 may start on say a Monday here, but when I have to day do Back/Chest again, it'll be Sunday the next time and so on and so on. Now the Rest/Cardio days mean, if I'm not toooooooooo lazy I'll go to the gym and do cardio for a full hour. If I am lazy, then it becomes a full fledged rest day.

    Anywho, that's my workout routine as of Jan 2011. It seems to be working for me a lot better than before. Because before I never really gave 48 good hours before I hit the same body part again. I figure with this schedule, there's roughly 120 hours in between each respective body part. Anywho. any advice...

  20. #20
    Could anyone help me pls. My left arm si more bigger than my right arm how can I possibly make it even? Should I increase my weight on the right arm or increase my reps? Thanks a lot.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior View Post
    Much like the AAS forum, when asking for training cycle critiques - don't forget to post some personal stats. Age, bodyweight/fat and especially your training experience all play significant roles in getting good responses.

    Age, Bodyweight/fat
    There are many differences between an 18 year old athlete and one that is 30 years their senior. Recovery ability, connective tissue strength and endogenous androgen levels can all be very different. Your weight and bodyfat helps others to determine what musculature you already have.

    Training Experience
    The training required by someone in an advanced stage is much different than a beginner just getting the mind-muscle connection. As we are able to handle larger loads we tax our systems much more - 315lbs for 10 puts much more stress on your system than when you could only do 135lbs for 10... your muscle grow but your organs, internal filtering processes and CNS do not (other than a motivational tollerance that is developed to cope with things like lactic acid burn). In the beggining, working the entire body a few times per week is usually the best answer - but the loads get heavier and the training more intense, more recovery days are needed per muscle group.

    Your training experience also helps people to know what kind of knowledge you are bringing to the forum. If you have been a consistent for several years... than explaining how to preform a dumbell flye would be redundant...

    Size, speed, and/or sport-specific training - all require different training cycles... for more focused results.

    Existing/Previous Injuries
    Existing or previous injuries are very important training variables to consider when designing a training cycle.

    Ergogenic Aids
    Sometimes it helps to add to your post what supplements you may be taking to assist with training and recovery. If you are on anabolic-androgenic steriods - this would deffinitly be a factor due to increased protein synthesis and cross over binding to gluco-corticoid receptors (cortisol blocking).

    Basically - the more info you give... the easier it is for others to chime in with good feedback... asking, "Does this split look good?" is way too generic and not easy to answer...
    nice post. informative.

  22. #22
    Whats up everyone. I am fairly new to this forum... i have been dieting and exercising (ie. weights/running) religously since the first of the year. I started at 212lbs and have dropped my weight to 190-192 as of today. My question is...any thoughts that could help me shredd that belly fat quicker? I am running 3 miles 4 times a week and working abs as well. Thanks guys.

    5ft 9in
    31 yrs old
    Click image for larger version. 

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  23. #23
    I have been working out for about a year now. First did a lot of cardio and let carbs out of my diet. Lost 12 kgs/ 26 pounds. Everyone said that I don't look good and need to bulk up. Started to do that a few months back and back to my previous weight of 187 pounds. However, Don't seem to like what I see in the mirror. I do have some mass on my arms and chest but still don't like the overall picture. Whatever, I have been doing I do it through my own reading and wits. This is what I have been doing for the last couple of weeks:

    Sunday - Chest & Back - Four sets each - Bench, Incline Bench, Decline bench and Incline Fly
    Four sets each - Barbell row, T Bar row, One arm dumbbell row and Hyperextension
    Abs any four items for 15-20 mins ----- Stretch.

    Monday - Shoulders and Arms - Five Sets - Military Press (Last set drop down), Four sets - DB Shoulder press, Two Sets - Front Raises, Four sets - Side Raises, Four Sets - Bent Over Raises, Two Sets - Upright Rows, Five Sets - Shrugs (Last Set drop down)
    Five Sets each - Barbell Curls, Preacher Curls (Last set drop down)
    Five Sets Each - Tricep Pushdown, Lying Extension (Last Set drop down)--------Abs 10-15 mins ----Stretch

    Tuesday - Legs -- Five sets of Squats --- Four sets - Leg press---Three sets - Leg Extensions--- Four sets - Leg Curl --- Weighted Lunges - 30 -40 each leg.------Abs 15-20 mins----Stretch

    Wednesday - Chest and Back - Four sets each - DB Press, Incline DB Press, Decline DB Press, Flat DB Fly
    Four sets each - Reverse pull down, V Bar pull down, Lat Extension, Seated Row (Last set drop down)-----Abs 15-20 mins --------Stretch

    Thursday - Shoulder and Arms - Four sets each - Behind the neck press, Machine Behind the neck press, Three sets each - Side Raises, Side Cable Raises, Rear Machine, Four sets - Behind Shrugs
    Four sets each - DB Curl, Machine Preacher Curl (Last set drop down), Hammer Curl
    Four sets each - Standing Barbell Extension, DB Kicks, Tricep Push Down---------Abs 10-15 mins-------Stretch.

    I am thinking of incorporating some AM Cardio 15-20 mins (Jogging) with this because of my belly pooch. Can you guys tell me if it is alright or do I need to do something else. My demographics
    Weight - 187 lbs
    Height - 5 feet 10 inches
    Waist - 34.5 inches

  24. #24

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Good post very informative. Thank you for being knowledgeable and answering everyone’s questions. Its guys like you that have made me feel at home here.

    Slovessheela. Hey what’s up? Hope this helps. I’m ISSA certified and have been a PT for 6 yrs. One of the main components of packing on additional muscle mass involves increasing your caloric intake. However, muscle definition often decreases and total body weight increases. Cardio training helps to improve your overall health, and increases stamina and energy during your resistance training routine, it allows you to consume more muscle building calories (from protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats) while not putting on excess fat. You should engage in some type of heart-healthy cardio training at least three days a week for about 30+ minutes a day minimum. I suggest doing cardio that you consider fun. This way you’re more likely to stick to it.

  26. #26
    If you are a busy man then how can you manage your workout daily?

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Someone experienced should make some sample workouts sticky thread for guys like me.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Cenzo, Not sure that this is correct thread for this but here goes...

    When I started to train at age 17/18, I used to devour every kind of magazine, book, article, this was in the black and white days before the web of course. I tried almost every kind of routine there was save the 6 day a week double split favoured by Arnold et al. I just didn't have the energy or recovery ability for that kind of volume. Plus I always trained naturally, in fact I'm only now embarking on my first cycle at the ripe young age of 42! anyway, a lot depends on what your goals are.

    After a few years of trying almost every routine I read about, I stumbled upon HIT, espoused by Mike Mentzer. What he had to say made perfect sense to me, as I had kinda ended up running a similar routine myself due to trial and error. Each body part once per week, workouts to take no longer than one hour. My routine is as follows, it works for me, i've been using a variation of this same routine more or less since my early 20's.

    day 1 - back and biceps

    Deadlifts 5 to 6 sets of 12 to 6 reps
    Bent over Rows 3-4 sets of 10-6 reps
    chins or some variation of pull downs 3 sets of 12-6 reps
    low cable rows 2-3 sets of 12-8 reps

    Barbell or EZ curls 3-5 sets of 12-8 reps
    some kind of preacher machine curl 2 sets of 12-8 reps

    day 2 - shoulders, abs, forearms

    side lateral 5 to 6 sets of 20-8 reps
    front db raises same as above
    barbell upright rows 3 to 4 sets of 12-8 reps
    barbell shrugs 4 to 5 sets of 15-8 reps

    day 3 Rest

    day 4 legs

    BB squats or leg presses 5 to 7 sets of 20 to 6 reps
    leg extensions 3 sets of 15-8 reps
    leg curls 3 sets of 12 to 8 reps
    stiff legged deadlift 3 sets of 15-10 reps
    calf raises of some description

    day 5 - chest and tris

    Bench press 5 to 6 sets of 15 to 6 reps
    Incline flyes 3 to 5 sets of 15-8 reps
    Incline press 2 sets of 10-6 reps
    cable crossovers 3 sets of 15-10 reps
    Dips 1 set to failure usually 15 reps with bodyweight of around 200lbs or 6/8 reps if weighted with db or plate

    Close grip bench press on smith machine 2 sets of 12-8
    push downs or over head extensions with rope

    This routine probably isn't for most people, it's what I've found works for me best and has taken over 2 decades to perfect, and is always evolving. To keep it interesting, work around injuries, and keep growing. natural lifters would benefit most from this routine, but should work for enhanced lifters too.

    every set except the last is a warm up set and practice set to prepare for the last set which is taken to absolute failure. Forced reps and negatives will be employed periodically and different excercises will be subsituted, although usually one at a time.

    basically it's a version of what most would call a push pull. My tendons in my elbows have gotten very bad in the last few years so i've had to make sure certain muscle groups don't get strained. That's why i don't do any pressing movements for shoulders and train biceps with back.

    I do chest and tris last in the week as it's my favorite workout and least likely to skip before the weekend.

    hope this helps a little

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Age, Bodyweight/fat : 34 ,86 kgs/189 lbs , 20% fat

    Training Experience: 4 to 5 years

    Goals : lean muscle, 10% body fat ,stronger body

    Existing/Previous Injuries :Herniated disc, Recovered , i go to the gym but i dont stress myself

    i can perform various exercises but have difficulty deciding for back

    thanks in advance

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior View Post
    Much like the AAS forum, when asking for training cycle critiques - don't forget to post some personal stats. Age, bodyweight/fat and especially your training experience all play significant roles in getting good responses.

    Age, Bodyweight/fat
    There are many differences between an 18 year old athlete and one that is 30 years their senior. Recovery ability, connective tissue strength and endogenous androgen levels can all be very different. Your weight and bodyfat helps others to determine what musculature you already have.

    Training Experience
    The training required by someone in an advanced stage is much different than a beginner just getting the mind-muscle connection. As we are able to handle larger loads we tax our systems much more - 315lbs for 10 puts much more stress on your system than when you could only do 135lbs for 10... your muscle grow but your organs, internal filtering processes and CNS do not (other than a motivational tollerance that is developed to cope with things like lactic acid burn). In the beggining, working the entire body a few times per week is usually the best answer - but the loads get heavier and the training more intense, more recovery days are needed per muscle group.

    Your training experience also helps people to know what kind of knowledge you are bringing to the forum. If you have been a consistent for several years... than explaining how to preform a dumbell flye would be redundant...

    Size, speed, and/or sport-specific training - all require different training cycles... for more focused results.

    Existing/Previous Injuries
    Existing or previous injuries are very important training variables to consider when designing a training cycle.

    Ergogenic Aids
    Sometimes it helps to add to your post what supplements you may be taking to assist with training and recovery. If you are on anabolic-androgenic steriods - this would deffinitly be a factor due to increased protein synthesis and cross over binding to gluco-corticoid receptors (cortisol blocking).

    Basically - the more info you give... the easier it is for others to chime in with good feedback... asking, "Does this split look good?" is way too generic and not easy to answer...
    Hello! So my stats are the next:
    Height: 180 CM (5.11 Inches)
    Weight 76 kg (168 pounds)
    Bodyfat around 11-12%
    I can see a clear fourpack, almost six pack
    I have a preety good waistline and overall development
    My goal RN is to cut to 9% then build about 5-6 kg of lean muscle with as low fat as posible then shred again.
    Arms are 38 CM (15 inch)
    Legs 60 cm (23,6 inch)
    Waist 76 cm (30 inch)
    Chest 106 cm (41,7 inch)
    I started a 400 mg/week Test E cycle a week ago. Planning to cut until the cycle kicks in and then start bulking. Im thinking of about 3200 calories a day, carb cycling 1 day a week to cut the excess fat. I have to say I am willing to train every day, 2 times a day if needed. Tell me your thoughts. I feel like I recover very fast from training sessions too. So I can train every body part every 4 days.

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