Hey guys I'm a 40 year old male. 6'4" 230lbs about 20% body fat. Ten years of lifting hard in my 40 years but stoped 5 years ago and just back into it 4 months ago. Muscle memory is back and i feel strong.Gonna start my first cycle very soon. A little nervous. Basically here it is
Week 1-12 1ml of test e 300 every 4 days
Week 1-4 2×20mg of tbol ed
I'll take milk thisle during cycle and start Clomid 2 weeks after last pin
And of course eat alot of clean food and lift 5-6 days a week. I use BSN products for supps and a good multi vit. I did a ton of research but couldn't find anyone my age doing the same cycle.
My gear: test e 300 from northern trust pharmaceutical and tbol from lufsen rx (mixed reviews online, my buddy uses their tbol and says it's legit)
Any suggestions would be appreciated.