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Thread: 37 and on TRT... Thinking about bumping my dose from 200mg to 300mg

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2018

    37 and on TRT... Thinking about bumping my dose from 200mg to 300mg

    Hey guys, after doing so googling and forum searching, I decided to go ahead and create an acct since I didn't find what I was looking for. I hope you all don't mind.

    I'm 37 and unfortunately have naturally low test. My numbers are around 119ng/d. I have been on 200mg for a little over a year now. I was thinking that since I'm on it nonstop and I'm getting all the test I want (to a limit, from the pharmacy), why not take a little advantage of my situation and bump it up .5cc and dose 300mg, since I've started back at the gym.

    I don't get any type of PCT or Estro blockers, but then again, I'm always on it, but I am worried about the Estro, since my Estro is high. I swear, I'm more woman than man, hormonally , just missed the twat.

    I've noticed some changes from the 200mg, I've been taking. It's been aiding in fat loss and I see a slight gain in muscle. Do you think, taking a little advantage of the situation, and bumping up the dose to 300/wk would be beneficial in building more mass? At this dose how much AI would I need?

    * Current dose 200/mg Once a week

    I look forward to your replies, thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    I could of swore you posted before and was given advice.
    200 is the high end of TRT. Why would you bump it up to 300?
    And of your E is high ( did you get the right bloods to check for this ) then why on earth would you not be taking AI?
    If you bump it up to 300 your estrogen will go up even more, plus you would 90% have to donate blood on that protocol. Jay amount a week will have sides. Best bet is to stay in the spectrum of 100-200. Unless you are looking to do a cycle , there is no point to go anywhere above that.
    Youthful will tell you. He knows better than anyone with healthy levels and where to be at.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Yeah I posted this in the other forum, but the guys suggested that I also post here.

    Yes, when I say that I want to take advantage of my situation, to gain mass, I meant doing a "cycle", but since you never come off HRT, I didn't think it correct in calling it a cycle. I'm assuming that since I never come off my HRT, I won't need a PCT, just an AI.

    As for AI, my Endo will not prescribed me any; however, I found on here that Lion has good stuff so I was going to pick up his liquid AI.

  4. #4
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    Apr 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by EVJ View Post
    Yeah I posted this in the other forum, but the guys suggested that I also post here.

    Yes, when I say that I want to take advantage of my situation, to gain mass, I meant doing a "cycle", but since you never come off HRT, I didn't think it correct in calling it a cycle. I'm assuming that since I never come off my HRT, I won't need a PCT, just an AI.

    As for AI, my Endo will not prescribed me any; however, I found on here that Lion has good stuff so I was going to pick up his liquid AI.
    I don’t understand why your Endo would not prescrip AI and hcg. These are things you should always have on hand while on TRT.
    And if you are going to do a “cycle” read the sticky on first cycle. It’s usially 500mg a week 250mg pinned twice a week. But it’s not that simple. Go read it too to bottom

  5. #5
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    Jun 2018
    Yeah, I asked for Anastrozole, but got the "its only for women with breast cancer" speech.

    I've researched many different cycles, but since I'm on HRT, they don't exactly apply to me. That's why I'm asking about it here.

    As for hcg, I know many guys, on HRT and they're not doing hcg.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    What you are wanting to do is called a "Blast and Cruse". More knowledgeable members will be along to help you but in the mean time read the sticky " Planning and exciting your first cycle". That should keep you going until the others arrive. Most importantly you need to post your blood work with reference ranges. More info on that and what tests you should run in the " Finding a Doc" sticky at the top of this section I thing. Good luck, and keep reading.

  7. #7
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    Apr 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by EVJ View Post
    Yeah, I asked for Anastrozole, but got the "its only for women with breast cancer" speech.

    I've researched many different cycles, but since I'm on HRT, they don't exactly apply to me. That's why I'm asking about it here.

    As for hcg, I know many guys, on HRT and they're not doing hcg.
    For a doctor to say that is pure non sense, esp if this is he dose she/he put you on. What are they going to tell you next when they come to find out you have high E ...”it’s okay, crying is heathy for the soul”

  8. #8
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    Jun 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Head View Post
    What you are wanting to do is called a "Blast and Cruse". More knowledgeable members will be along to help you but in the mean time read the sticky " Planning and exciting your first cycle". That should keep you going until the others arrive. Most importantly you need to post your blood work with reference ranges. More info on that and what tests you should run in the " Finding a Doc" sticky at the top of this section I thing. Good luck, and keep reading.

    Thanks for the post. I've been read a lot of this site, before I decided to sign up. Great info!

    Blast and Cruse, lol, that's great! Yeah, I kew what I was looking/asking for, was not the normal and what I had found, so far, I wasn't sure how to apply the protocols, to my situation. I look forward to speaking with the others.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chrisp83TRT View Post
    For a doctor to say that is pure non sense, esp if this is he dose she/he put you on. What are they going to tell you next when they come to find out you have high E ...”it’s okay, crying is heathy for the soul”
    Yeah, I was a bit pissed. And since my Estro was already high, I was a bit worried. I am glad to say, that I haven't had any obvious signs of out of hand Estro, like gyno, or swore and puffy nipples.

  10. #10
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    Lots of doctors do not know about HCG. That stupid "HCG Diet" really messed up a lot of doctors head on that drug. Call around doctors offices and you can find a doctor that will write it or can order it for you. If not it is not that expesive and not a lot of fakes on the market so a lot of URLs carry it. As far as your AI, a lot of the Rx are expensive at the pharm. All the URLs and research chems sites carry them as well.

  11. #11
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    Keep in mind TRT is a lifelong commitment so if you have the luxury of having a large network of doctors in your area its worth the time investment to find one that aligns with your goals and has the correct education beyond the "textbooks". Even if it takes you a couple of years you still have a good 40+ years ahead of you.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by David LoPan View Post
    Lots of doctors do not know about HCG. That stupid "HCG Diet" really messed up a lot of doctors head on that drug. Call around doctors offices and you can find a doctor that will write it or can order it for you. If not it is not that expesive and not a lot of fakes on the market so a lot of URLs carry it. As far as your AI, a lot of the Rx are expensive at the pharm. All the URLs and research chems sites carry them as well.

    Hey there Dave, after good reviews here and on some other forums, I decided to go with Lion for his liquid AI. Do you have any personal experience with it?

  13. #13
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    Jun 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    Keep in mind TRT is a lifelong commitment so if you have the luxury of having a large network of doctors in your area its worth the time investment to find one that aligns with your goals and has the correct education beyond the "textbooks". Even if it takes you a couple of years you still have a good 40+ years ahead of you.

    Good info, thanks Windex! Right now I've been dealing with an Endo, because these TRT centers are crazy expensive, here in Florida. One quoted me $500+ a month. I don't know about you, but that's expensive to me. And since I don't have insurance, I pay out if pocket, but my Endo shows me love on the visits and I use the GoodiRx to save on the Test... brings it do from $125 to $40 at Walgreens, for the Test E, the Test C is a little bit more, but from all my research the esters are basically the same, no real difference, unlike Test P, but then again I need a compound pharmacy for that and I don't feel like pinning a million times a week, lol. I also read up on Suspension Test, but from the sound of that, since there are no esters, it's about used up in your system even before you pull out the pin, lol...

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by EVJ View Post
    Good info, thanks Windex! Right now I've been dealing with an Endo, because these TRT centers are crazy expensive, here in Florida. One quoted me $500+ a month. I don't know about you, but that's expensive to me. And since I don't have insurance, I pay out if pocket, but my Endo shows me love on the visits and I use the GoodiRx to save on the Test... brings it do from $125 to $40 at Walgreens, for the Test E, the Test C is a little bit more, but from all my research the esters are basically the same, no real difference, unlike Test P, but then again I need a compound pharmacy for that and I don't feel like pinning a million times a week, lol. I also read up on Suspension Test, but from the sound of that, since there are no esters, it's about used up in your system even before you pull out the pin, lol...

    For saving money look into whether your health centres have any kind of needle exchange. Where I live, they give out unlimited free needles and syringes at my local health unit. The only "downside" is you are limited to the size they use which isn't really a big problem.

    Needles and syringes aren't expensive but hard to argue with free.

  15. #15
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    Jun 2018
    Oh wow, great info, thanks bro! Yeah pins are costing me an extra $20, so yeah, I'll look into that. I'm using 25g 1/2, IIRC. It takes some serious pressure to get that oil through, but that pin slids in like butter.

  16. #16
    Just to report back to you guys on the topic, I spoke to my Urologist (who is a University of California Professor) and he related that his regime for hCG is off TRT and on hCG for one month every year. He told me this is best for retaining healthy sperm. However he does not recommend this regimin unless you wish to impregnate as he says most of his patients feel lousy during the month off TRT

    For the record, at 69 and using home compounded Transdermal Gel containing 100 mg T daily (80mg on arms and arm pits and 20 mg Scrotum), I feel great but I do feel my T is too high because I am always horny with a lack of partners! My Urologist is happy with my labs which are:
    T. 11.41 ng/ml (High)
    T. Free 270 pg/ml (High)
    SHBG 28 mol/L (Low)
    Estradiol 48 pg/ml (High but following high T.)

    Hope helps someone

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Thanks for the info Mike!

    A lot of the guys I talk to say they feel good and healthy, but I don't have and discernible "feeling" since I've been on it.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by EVJ View Post
    Thanks for the info Mike!

    A lot of the guys I talk to say they feel good and healthy, but I don't have and discernible "feeling" since I've been on it.
    Then your levels may be LOW for you. Lab work does not tell the whole story as we are all different. I have a lot of experience with sexual health and I have developed a list that is easily checked to see if you are near the top of where you should be.

    1) You should beaware most of the time that your balls are there. They should always, when concentrated on, have a slight tingle.
    2) You should awake with, of experience in the early morning, and erection at leat four days a week.
    3) You should always produce pre-ejaculary fluid (pre-cum)
    4) You should be able to ejaculate at least two times a day (if you want to)
    5) If you do your Kegel exercises (and you should) you will find them easier
    6) If you have your pelvic floor muscles toned you should experience an automatic spasm (cock to attention) just by stroking, not by flexing the muscle, and
    7) Unless you REALLY DO have the disease (which is unlikely) you should NEVER experience ED

    For me at age 69 to get these results, I have free testosterone of about 230-250 pg/dl but I'm sure for you it will be different. FYI, I am maintaining my current level of 270 pg/ml with transdermal application of 100 mg of testosterone daily, 80 mg on upper body and 20 mg on scrotum. That's equivalent to a muggins 5 pumps daily of the 1.67% proprietary stuff.

    Last edited by MikeOfEster; 06-28-2018 at 01:33 PM.

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