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Thread: Newbie, don't know what I'm doing

  1. #1

    Newbie, don't know what I'm doing

    I'm sure you guys get posts like this fairly often, so sorry if it's a common refrain. Basically I started my first cycle completely unprepared and I'm now realizing that it probably wasn't my greatest idea. I have an acquaintance who's cycled test for years. I hit him up awhile back about getting me some. I don't really know why I mentioned it; using steroids was never something I'd ever considered before, it was just a spur of the moment thing. I lift recreationally and am in good shape physically, but I have no desires to ever compete in powerlifting or bodybuilding. For reference, I'm a 27 year old male, 6'3" tall, 210lbs, very lean. Anyway, I got set up with Sustanon 250 and Equipoise. He gave me some basic advice on how to inject and how much and how often (which I misunderstood), and then I pretty much just dove into it instead of doing my research. That was about a month ago. For the past month I have injected 250mg of Sustanon and 200mg of EQ once a week. So I've done four total injections. (Turns out my friend meant for me to do the injections twice a week for a total of 500mg Sus/wk and 400 mg EQ/wk but I misunderstood.) I haven't been taking any AI or SERM, although I'm pretty confident I can get some Nolvadex soon. To be honest I haven't felt all that much of an effect so far, aside from a sore leg or butt cheek for two or three days of each week. I'm a little bigger, maybe a little more defined, although my bodyfat percentage is naturally always pretty low. A little stronger too, but not blowing my PRs out of the water or anything like that. Anyways, to get to the point, I'm wondering what I should do going forward. I've done a little more research the past couple weeks and I keep reading stuff about all the negative effects of AAS, how they thicken your blood and affect your HPTA axis, how you should never do them without an AI and hCG, etc. I'm reading all this stuff and freaking myself out, wondering what the hell I've gotten into. Should I stop the injections cold turkey or should I continue at the low dose until the end of they cycle (originally planned to be 8 weeks) and then take Nolva for the PCT? I don't plan to do any cycles in the future, although I will probably pursue TRT later in life. Like I mentioned before, this was not planned well, basically I just opened my big mouth and then when the roids arrived I figured "screw it, now that they're here I might as well man up and follow through with it."

    Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    aka m.hornbuckle
    Damn I feel ya on the scaring yourself stuff.

    You really aren't deep.into shit.

    4 shot not very much, shut down, yeah but not that long. You'll be fine .

    Stop using them if you can get the nolva, get it. Try to see if he has or you can get clomid. If not you'll be fine either way..

    Maybe feel a little blah... Fir a week or so. But you'll snap out of it

  3. #3
    Don't need pct for 4 shots.

  4. #4
    Thank you guys for the feedback. Based on the amount that I have injected so far, is it likely that my natural testosterone production has stopped, or is the exogenous test just supplementing my natural test? Like for example say my natural test levels were 600 ng/dl (I have no clue what they were but I'm just picking this number because I think its close to "average" for someone my age), would the 250mg Sus/wk + 200mg EQ/wk push my levels to the upper end of the normal range, maybe 1000ng/dl, or does any exogenous testosterone stop normal production in it's tracks? Is there a rough formula to calculate what your test levels should be based on natural levels + weekly injection amount? Also, is there a certain threshold you have to cross in order to start seeing the negative effects such as acne, gyno, blood thickening, etc? If a young healthy male were to inject a tiny amount, say 50mg test per week, would that bump up his normal levels and allow him to experience some of the positive effects, without having to worry about the side effects? Not something I have any intentions of doing, just wondering. Thanks again

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    aka m.hornbuckle
    Yes once you start exogenous hormones, your natural productiom comes to a screeching hault.

    150-200 mg test per week is around natural levels.

    But just cuzz those are "natural levels* it don't mean it isn't shutting you down

  6. #6

    Question 2nd cycle

    I'm new here also I'm not sure how to start a new thread but I wanted to ask what would be a good steroid for cutting and shredding and making my veins show I want to use this on my second cycle my first cycle I am still on and I'm doing 500 of testosterone e 2x a week and I have some letrozole just in case
    Last edited by Jesusmack84; 07-09-2018 at 05:28 PM. Reason: Left info out

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    aka m.hornbuckle
    Quote Originally Posted by Jesusmack84 View Post
    I'm new here also I'm not sure how to start a new thread but I wanted to ask what would be a good steroid for cutting and shredding and making my veins show I want to use this on my second cycle my first cycle I am still on and I'm doing 500 of testosterone e 2x a week and I have some letrozole just in case
    If you can't cut on test alone, diet and training are to blame

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    I don’t even know where to begin. You don’t care to compete and you barely lift and you decided to take AAS with no passion for it ?
    What was the point ?!?

    I have no idea why you even considered this ? You are already fit but don’t really care for this Sport.
    Like I’m just so confused why this was even a thought.
    Personally if you don’t have a passion for this whether it’s improving your body , your mind and or competing ... or you have low T and need it ...

    You are wasting your time man.

  9. #9
    what the....

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    This is a tough one.
    On one hand I want to tell you to stop now and PCT.
    But EQ is long acting - it will be in you for a while, and your already 4 weeks in.....
    Decisions, decisions.....

    As much of waste as it will be....your best bet is to stop and start PCT 3 weeks after your last injection.

    If you decide not to stop, do the following:
    IMMEDIATELY get your hands on some arimidex, start take .25mg EOD
    Eliminate the EQ
    Double your sust dose, switch to 2x a week pin instead of 1x week.
    Extended your cycle to be 12 weeks long instead of 8 weeks.
    Get your hands on clomid and nolva and HCG if you can, read up on PCT protocol.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    aka m.hornbuckle
    Just stop
    No drugs no pct. Just stop.

    I've done it befire6

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by m.hornbuckle View Post
    Just stop
    No drugs no pct. Just stop.

    I've done it befire6

    This ^^^ .No need for pct for 4 injections.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Night City
    Agreed at 4 weeks you are not far into your cycle. Without having the proper ancillaries on hand, proper research and preparation, I do think you need to come off until you are ready. Most of the Test should clear in a week with the 100mg Testosterone Decanoate and EQ taking a bit longer. You will probably be fine with no PCT, hell people sometimes don't full recover with a full PCT, everybody is different. I think you could feel a little lethargic for a few weeks or so but your young and should bounce back. After about 2 months plan a good physical with your doc and get bloodwork to check your levels and establish a baseline. Don't say anything about your cycle though.

    The first cycle sticky is a must read and won't steer you wrong to get you going. It's an excellent read for anyone wanting to begin the road of cycling or just really educate yourself with it before going back on again if you do decide to.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Dallas, Texas
    I'm really surprised you didn't get blasted on here for that stupidity. But yes just quit and you should be fine at those doses and length of time. You could get your labs checked in a couple of months to verify you are shut down.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by vtach12 View Post
    I'm really surprised you didn't get blasted on here for that stupidity. But yes just quit and you should be fine at those doses and length of time. You could get your labs checked in a couple of months to verify you are shut down.
    I think the reason he didn't get blasted was because he took advice from someone he knew personally who had done it for years, so it's easy to see real life experience in front of you and say "hey whatever he's doing, it's working for him so surely it'll work for me". Personally I don't blame him. Just wish he'd gotten his hands on this information sooner.

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