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Thread: Cycle advice

  1. #1

    Cycle advice

    Hi everyone

    Looking for cycle recommendations, this is my second cycle I had good results for my first run but would like some advice on when to run what hcg’s etc

    I have the following at hand

    Test e 300
    Deca 200
    Clomid and Nolvadex

    I’m aware I won’t have to run all at the time time but would like to know when and what I should run in respects to hcg, is it necessary at certain doses of test etc

    For now I’m starting my cycle at 1ml test which I’ll probably up to twice a week down the line, I’m unsure on how many weeks/months I will run my cycle yet.

    Open to other recommendations tho

    I am 11 stone, 5’8 and under 10% body fat

    Any advice would be appreciated

    If u have missed anything I will answer


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Destination Peaksville
    If you currently weight 144 lbs (my conversion may be off but I'm pretty sure 1 stone is 11 lbs) then what did you weigh before your first cycle?

    It sounds like you haven't learned how to eat properly yet. Don't get discouraged cause IMO that's the most difficult aspect of body building. Lifting weights is fun, doing steroids is fun, but eating enough CLEAN food everyday is NOT fun lol. It's a major pain in the ass and that's once you know exactly what you're doing, it's a even bigger pain in the ass while you're still trying to figure it out!

    I'm mentioning this because you're going to save yourself a lot of time, money, and frustration if you get the diet and nutrition aspect of this sorted out before you spend money on steroids and potentially cause issues in your body while getting minimal results from the gear.

    You're very light in weight, especially for someone who's already run a cycle so you really need to focus on your food intake. The steroids will not work very well if that piece of the puzzle isn't in place.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle
    Alpha nailed it - your weight is indicative that you don't know how to feed your body. Above that, deca shouldn't be in a 2nd cycle.

  4. #4
    Ok thank you for your response, so can you advise me on what I can do to improve this then? Ie a good diet? Amount of calories/protein etc

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by countingcrows View Post
    Ok thank you for your response, so can you advise me on what I can do to improve this then? Ie a good diet? Amount of calories/protein etc
    This site has a very helpful diet section.Check it out!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    upper midwest
    Once again I would recommend steak and potatoes before steroids.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    New England
    Quote Originally Posted by diesel101 View Post
    Once again I would recommend steak and potatoes before steroids.
    This. Eat, train, sleep, repeat. The Diet and Training sections fo the forum... read them.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMindz View Post
    Don't get discouraged cause IMO that's the most difficult aspect of body building. Lifting weights is fun, doing steroids is fun, but eating enough CLEAN food everyday is NOT fun lol. It's a major pain in the ass and that's once you know exactly what you're doing, it's a even bigger pain in the ass while you're still trying to figure it out!
    AIN'T...THAT...THE DAMN TRUTH!!!!!! Diet is not only the most important aspect of bodybuilding, but it's by far the toughest. And IMO, the most difficult to figure out. I personally have never been all about counting my macros, but my goals aren't to have a super physique, but rather, to just look bigger and more powerful. I've gotten great results by just doing my best to eat lots of lean protein and overall clean calories. Eating enough food usually isn't a problem, but eating enough CLEAN food is rough, because IDK about everyone else, but when I eat stuff I don't wanna eat, my appetite tends to be greatly reduced. Doing this day in and day out takes a level of discipline that only comes from wanting the results so bad that you're willing to sacrifice your other desires. But I still slip up a lot. I'm lucky I have one of those metabolisms that burns everything before it gets to my stomach, which makes it incredibly easy to avoid gaining too much fat (but incredibly difficult to gain muscle).

    But focus on the diet first. You can get incredible results just from eating right. If you've already cycled before, you should be bigger than 11 stone (154 pounds), even at 5'8. I'm not knocking you in the slightest, because all of us know first-hand how big a pain in the ass diet is, but I don't think you got nearly what you could have on your first cycle. I'm currently working more and more on my diet and this forum does have a great diet section that I'm learning from right now. I plan to actually get a little further than I already am using that before I start my first cycle.

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