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Thread: Pulled lower back on cycle

  1. #1

    Pulled lower back on cycle

    Hey guys. I'm into my 5th week of test prop. Last night I pulled my lower back doing a dead lift just after my warm up. Was only 100kgs but form was off and mind was elsewhere. I have a history of lower back problems ( car accident 2014 ) plus I am a concreter so that doesnt help. I've pulled my lower back previously on more than one occasion and have recovered fully. This is not new to me but what is new is that I am on a cycle. Should I continue training lightly if I can, or should I take this opportunity to rest while on cycle. Being my 5th week, this is obviously a time I do not want to seize training. My training has been vigorous and strict and have seen great gains in the last 5 weeks. I am mid cycle so this didnt happen at the worst of times, but it has happened and now I need some tips and advice from you guys to overcome this issue as effectively and timely as possible!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Arctic Circle
    You can either

    (A) PCT/TRT, rest and heal up, then start over when you are back to 100%

    (B) Avoid anything that will make it worse or cause more stress on the lower back (This eliminates a lot of exercises - bench, squats, deads, rowing, etc) and just train minimally. This risks increasing the severity of the injury or having it cascade into other injuries by other body parts overcompensating.

    As someone who was in a car accident myself, I would strongly recommend choosing option A. See a physiotherapist or sports rehabilitation therapist asap for at least a consultation and go through all of the standard of care. Finishing a cycle isn't worth a risking a lifetime injury that might cause you to stop training even longer or have a permanent adjustment.

    If you use switch grip for deadlifts, in the future you need to make sure you alternate which palm faces up. Alternatively, this can be a way of your body telling you it doesn't want to deadlift. Despite people praising Deadlift as the holy grail (myself included once upon a time), it's not a necessary lift and you can achieve goals just as easily by removing it from training.
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  3. #3
    I wouldn't Fuck around with your back. A few buddies of mine pulled their backs and continued lifting.. They were in pain for years. One friend of mine had such severe back issues that you tried to take his own life. Definitely go with some PCT and rest. It's better to start over then end up in a surgery room for a herniated disc.

    Sent from my LG-H872 using Tapatalk

  4. #4
    I was also thinking that another option for you would be to take a few small doses of NPP. You could do 75 mg twice a week. That would reduce the swelling and would not make you crazy like a corticosteroid would.

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  5. #5
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    I have zero clue how bad your back is (however I know back injuries as I've had a lot plus 4 surgeries) so take this comment with a 'grain of salt' .

    lets say your original cycle was 8 week of test prop. your now injured at week 5. but your not bed ridden or debilitated, you can probably still get an arm pump. whats it going to hurt you to go ahead and run test for a few more weeks? heck there are 80 year old men that run test and do nothing lol .. my point is, whats the harm in running some test and see how it goes. its not going to hurt you. if anything it may help you heal.
    (after most my injuries and surgeries I ran gear just for the healing properties . . . think people forget thats one of the main reason AAS was invented and prescribed to people) .

  6. #6
    Thanks for the help guys. All depends how bad it gets over the next 2 days. If it worsens, then I will obviously be taking a minimum of 4 weeks off where I will begin PCT alongside my stretching and recovery routines for my back as this is not something new to me. If it starts to feel better within a couple of days which is usually the case (I hope it is again), I will continue to take my week off training to rest and if that proves a successful recovery I will run test as advised for a further couple of weeks. If it does not prove a successful recovery, I will PCT, rest and recover.

    The last time this happened with a deadlift I removed the exercise from my regime for at least 12 months as it kind of left me scarred. I began to deadlift again once a month, mainly for a test of strength. Then I fell in love with it again. Also the gear didnt assist with keeping me away from the deadlift station because I wanted to test that strength. And I sure as hell did test it along with other strength related compound exercises.

    Let's hope I can keep from the deadlifts next time round.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stevenh93 View Post
    Thanks for the help guys. All depends how bad it gets over the next 2 days. If it worsens, then I will obviously be taking a minimum of 4 weeks off where I will begin PCT alongside my stretching and recovery routines for my back as this is not something new to me. If it starts to feel better within a couple of days which is usually the case (I hope it is again), I will continue to take my week off training to rest and if that proves a successful recovery I will run test as advised for a further couple of weeks. If it does not prove a successful recovery, I will PCT, rest and recover.

    The last time this happened with a deadlift I removed the exercise from my regime for at least 12 months as it kind of left me scarred. I began to deadlift again once a month, mainly for a test of strength. Then I fell in love with it again. Also the gear didnt assist with keeping me away from the deadlift station because I wanted to test that strength. And I sure as hell did test it along with other strength related compound exercises.

    Let's hope I can keep from the deadlifts next time round.
    It sounds like your body is trying to tell you it doesn't want to deadlift anymore. You can easily reach your goals without doing deadlift, it's not some holy grail exercise.
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  8. #8
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    ICE immediately, 15 mins on 30 mins off, ALL DAY if you can for the first day. I also went directly to the chiropractor from the gym. This is the most crucial time for this. Also if you have a stim machine in house to use in conjunction. I did the same thing on cycle few months ago and this cured it big time if you catch it early enough with super intense icing regiment. I laid off deadlifts for a few weeks.

  9. #9
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    I do not know the extent of injury, however I would start out like Windex suggested.
    If you go to a Dr they will just give you drugs.

    I had a similar situation last year and the Dr said I could try a physiotherapist and get better in a week or 2 or go with the meds and it would take 6-8 weeks.
    I couldn’t stand up straight when I went to the physiotherapist but I could dance leaving his “treatment”. I had 4 follow ups and I was good to go and still made the competition.

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  10. #10
    I have always said if you cant train 100% while on a cycle, your wasting it. I would probably consider going into PCT or TRT if that's an option.

  11. #11
    So guys being my first cycle, I really didn't want to stop and PCT. I figured I would run through a few days and see how I felt. It has been 4 days and recovery isnt 100% that would be ridiculous but I can say that it is healing alot faster than it would have any other stage in my life where I have pulled my lower back. Props to the Prop.

    Have been doing my stretches, light walking and using rolling foams for 20minutes a time. I can walk without struggle and more importantly today I was able to run medium intensity punching bag drills (MMA background). That was a great sign for me.

    Will continue my cycle, weight training resumes today (lightly) and still have no plans of getting near a deadlift station. Have still gained weight over the last 4 days without training. Props to the prop again alongside my clean high caloric diet.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashop View Post
    I have always said if you cant train 100% while on a cycle, your wasting it. I would probably consider going into PCT or TRT if that's an option.
    what exactly are you 'wasting' though ? a $25 bottle of test prop ? diet is probably more important, and one weeks worth of food costs 10x the amount of that bottle of test, if you can't train 100% should you not eat either ?

    I don't see any harm in running gear when your NOT 100% optimal. heck all your pro athletes who run gear aren't at 100% when they are on , in fact the gear probably helps aide them when they are off and thats when they need it most.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    what exactly are you 'wasting' though ? a $25 bottle of test prop ? diet is probably more important, and one weeks worth of food costs 10x the amount of that bottle of test, if you can't train 100% should you not eat either ?

    I don't see any harm in running gear when your NOT 100% optimal. heck all your pro athletes who run gear aren't at 100% when they are on , in fact the gear probably helps aide them when they are off and thats when they need it most.
    You could put my ass in a wheelchair and I would be building my tris on gear. I would have an excuse to skip leg day too!

  14. #14
    ^^^ Obs, I bet you could do them wheel chair handstand push ups. When I'm injured, I run a low dose cycle. Nothing too crazy, like 350mg/wk Test only cycle.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    ^^^ Obs, I bet you could do them wheel chair handstand push ups. When I'm injured, I run a low dose cycle. Nothing too crazy, like 350mg/wk Test only cycle.
    In my opinion it helps speed recovery at least to some degree... So why not?
    I also believe a persons attitude is gonna affect the outcome of a recovery as much as medicine though.

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