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most of my training time was spent following the advice of the two greatest bodybuilders
in the golden age of bodybuilding: arnold and mike mentzer. there have been other at the time
who have achieved astounding results (one of the examples would be serge nubret) but none
of them have taken their bodies to the level than arnold and mentzer have.
i always liked arnold's high rep training. going for the pump. 3 exercices, 4 sets each,
and 12 reps on each set. but let's face it, i don't have arnold's genetics, actually i probably
have worse than average genetics. nor am i a heavy juicer, but i will get to that in another
topic. so i can't do it like arnold, i can't afford 3 exercices and 4 sets each. so i do
2 exercices, 3 sets, 12 reps for biceps. same for triceps. switch the exercices every three weeks.
keep it up for 9 weeks and then switch to almost mentzer-like training. 1 exercice, 2 sets, one
high rep (40-50) with as big a weight as i can manage. i cheat the last 15 reps, and the last 5 go
through only with help. i use 110 pounds on this...i used to manage 130 pounds when i was younger.
then the next set i only do 3 reps (after a 2 minute rest) with generally around 200 pounds. i try to
keep a good form but usually cheat on the 3rd rep. and i keep it up for 3 weeks.
so it's arnold training for 9 weeks and mentzer training for 3 weeks. then i start it all over again.
this would be a general description of my training in the last 10 years. of course, i have changed it,
varied the exercices, concentrated more on form, or weight, or isolation of the muscle, but it has all
been done within the limits of this 9/3 week training.
but in conclusion, my arms aren't big. i'm only a shadow compared to pros. the secret to big arms is of
course the quantity of steroids you use. i chose to concentrate more on the shape of my arms, and i belive
i was able to attain good shape largely due to high reps. as you can see, they are always a part of my