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Thread: Deca sides & results vs Tren

  1. #1
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    Deca sides & results vs Tren

    I’ve never tried Deca. I have run Tren a few times and I tolerate it very well. Never had erectile issues on Tren. The only side I get from Tren that is uncomfortable is night sweats. Does that mean I should tolerate Deca well also since they are both 19nors? I do have caber on hand.

    Also, I see that Deca only has an anabolic rating of 150. Is it strong enough or am I gonna be disappointed? I’ve gotten great results from Tren but I’d like to try Deca just to see what it does. However I don’t want to waste a cycle and wish I had just run Tren instead. Is Deca going to give me the same kind of gains as Tren? Should I even mess with Deca or stick with Tren since my Tren cycles have done so well?

  2. #2
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    What do you combine it with? What is your dosage?

  3. #3
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    All of these compounds have pretty well established effects BUT each may have, not only varying sides to you the individual, but may even have varying sides from one use to the next as your own body composition aand tolerance change. Sry. Kinda confusing.

    When I started, all research said equipose was mostly useless n tren could really crank up aggression. 1st time I ran Eq I turned into an asshole and the 1st time I used tren I became Casanova! Right now on test/NPP/mast and I've soaked the sheets 2 night's in a row and last time on tren, no Casanova but instead anxiety!

    Short story, try it! It's the only way to really know, specifically for you, specifically for your current stats, how well it'll work :-)

  4. #4
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    Deca dick is different from tren dick. Tren dick is due to high prolactin levels, if you don’t pay attention to it.
    On the other hand, deca metabolizes into dihydronandrolone (DHN) which causes so-called deca dick with a different mechanism.
    So, running a 19-nor and having no sides does not guarantee that you won’t have any if you run another substance.
    And no, deca and tren are different compounds with different receptor affinity while both being 19-nors.
    Tren is a very versatile compound that can be used both for bulking and cutting. What makes the difference is your diet here.
    If you were happy with tren, you can obviously go for it.
    I want to note that if you are not on TRT, deca is a little harder on your HPTA and that makes your recovery much harder than tren since deca takes very long time to leave your body (especially its metabolites can be detected for a very long time).
    So if you are planning to do PCT, I don’t recommend deca if you arent willing to be on TRT for life.
    Last edited by The God Himself; 11-24-2018 at 10:09 AM.

  5. #5
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    I am currently on TRT so pct isn’t an issue. My wife is also on HRT and her sex drive is off the chain. She’s gonna be mad if my dick stops working. I think I can control that with caber though.
    Does Deca really give good gains though? Having a 150 anabolic rating makes me think it’s not all that great. Is it worth the trouble with negative sides? On Tren I get shredded and hard. Does Deca make you more fluffy and less defined?

  6. #6
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    Deca and Tren are completely different compounds (main similarity is the derivative nature, progestin).
    Tren is a very strong ANDROGEN . you use it in your cycle when the cycle or your goals calls for androgenic effects. Deca is not a strong Androgen at all , its an ANABOLIC. you run deca as a growth orientated compound when androgenic effects are least desired.

    you keep saying that Deca 'only' has an anabolic rating of 150 and that thats not very good.. umm, well thats 1.5 times as strong as test. plus deca only has an androgenic rating of 30. so deca is 5 times more anabolic then it is androgenic (where as test and tren are not any more anabolic then they are androgenic. . thats why they are not classified as anabolic, but as androgenic).
    Deca also has a binding affinity of 1.5 x. which is also much stronger then test.

    so again. Deca and Tren are completely different compounds and are really not comparable. it depends on your goals and plans for your cycle. sometimes Tren will be a better match, sometimes deca will be a better match .. as for me , I often run them both together at various times during my cycle (depending on if I'm in an androgen phase or anabolic phase of my cycle).

  7. #7
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    side note:

    guys think that Deca and Tren are both 'nandrolone' derived steroids. they are not. Deca is a progestin derived steroid, and IS nandrolone. Deca is not derived from nandrolone, it is nandrolone. tren on the other hand is 'derived' from nandrolone. tren is NOT nandrolone itself like Deca is, its just derived from nandrolone.

    example. Dbol is 'derived' from testosterone. Dbol therefore is NOT testosterone itself. EQ is 'derived' from Dbol, it is therefore neither dbol nor test anymore.

    again, Deca and Tren are completely different compounds. just because they have a similar structure chemically at the 19th position does not make them the same compound in any way.

    its a mistake to say that deca and tren are both nandrolone. just like its a mistake to say that DHT and Anavar are both Dht (Anavar is only DHT 'derived' and it thus no longer a DHT itself and can also not convert to DHT)

  8. #8
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    GH, man. When I grow up I wanna be as smart as you!

  9. #9
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    a comparable example here is , EQ and Dbol .

    EQ was derived from Dbol . but EQ is a totally different compound in almost every way then Dbol when it comes down to actual real world use.
    Same with Nandrolone (deca) and Tren . Tren was derived from nandrolone, but its a much much different compound in its real world use

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    side note:

    guys think that Deca and Tren are both 'nandrolone' derived steroids. they are not. Deca is a progestin derived steroid, and IS nandrolone. Deca is not derived from nandrolone, it is nandrolone. tren on the other hand is 'derived' from nandrolone. tren is NOT nandrolone itself like Deca is, its just derived from nandrolone.

    example. Dbol is 'derived' from testosterone. Dbol therefore is NOT testosterone itself. EQ is 'derived' from Dbol, it is therefore neither dbol nor test anymore.

    again, Deca and Tren are completely different compounds. just because they have a similar structure chemically at the 19th position does not make them the same compound in any way.

    its a mistake to say that deca and tren are both nandrolone. just like its a mistake to say that DHT and Anavar are both Dht (Anavar is only DHT 'derived' and it thus no longer a DHT itself and can also not convert to DHT)
    Dude , I fucking love you as I learn every damn day we speak. Thank you for your time and knowledge.

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  11. #11
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    Maybe my math is off so correct me if I’m wrong. Test has an anabolic rating of 100. Deca is 150.
    That’s not 1.5 times more. It’s 50% more. The first couple cycles I ran way back were test only. I have a good grasp of what test by itself can do. If Deca is only 50% more anabolic then that doesn’t seem like much compared to Tren which has an anabolic rating of 500. I know these ratings don’t always convert to actual results. I’m gonna try Deca just to see how my body reacts and what gains it has to offer. I have caber on hand as well as arimidex as usual. I plan to run 400 per week of Deca and around 300-400 per week of test. Do you think that’s enough Deca to see what it can do? I got plenty on hand so I can run much higher dose if needed. I want to run a solid Deca cycle so I can see exactly what it does.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-boner View Post
    Maybe my math is off so correct me if I’m wrong. Test has an anabolic rating of 100. Deca is 150.
    That’s not 1.5 times more. It’s 50% more.
    so out of all the good info given in this thread, its the 'math stuff' that catches your eye

    ok I'm not a math wizz either . but I do know for fact that if you take a calculator and punch in the number "100" and you times it by 1.5 , the answer you get is 150. therefore , 100 x 1.5 is 150 . that kinda leads me to believe that the saying '150 is 1.5 times more then 100' is true

    also , if I take that exact same calculator and type in '100 x 150%' , the answer is 150 . however if I type in '100 x 50%' the answer is only 50.

    so I'm kinda thinking that my calculator thinks that deca, at 150, IS 1.5 times more anabolic then test at 100.

    so YES it is 1.5 times more
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 11-24-2018 at 10:49 PM.

  13. #13
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    I have a good grasp of what test by itself can do
    I'll add to the conversation - if your wanting to compare Deca to Test. Testosterone has a distinct advantage over Deca, which is that Test highly aromatizes and converts to estrogen. and estrogen is a powerful muscle builder in and of itself through various direct and indirect mechanisms. . so with Test , in only a single compound, your able to get all 3 aspects/phases of AAS use , which is Anabolic/Androgenic/Estrogenic (test is all three of these things in one, where as Deca is primarily just an Anabolic).

    of course, if your going to blast an AI with your test cycle, then your taking this advantage away from test. so you might as well just run a stronger anabolic only compound at that point.

    Test + an AI on cycle = less powerful then Deca
    Test with no AI = equal to or perhaps more powerful then Deca

    ^ note: I'm talking in broad terms here, not specific mg per mg dosages .
    if your estrogen sensitive, the clear choice is to run Deca over Test as your primary muscle building compound
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 11-24-2018 at 11:18 PM.

  14. #14
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    Based on the feedback it Sounds to me like Deca isn’t a great choice then. Only 50% more anabolic than test alone, but Test without an AI is stronger due to estrogen advantages and you don’t have to worry about erectile issues. Maybe I’ll just pass on the Deca for now.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-boner View Post
    Based on the feedback it Sounds to me like Deca isn’t a great choice then. Only 50% more anabolic than test alone, .
    not sure why you keep down playing the "50%" .. its more then you think. if you only had a 4 inch dick, wouldn't having a 50% larger one be quite an improvement

    for what its worth. I've purposely obtained more Deca/npp over the years then any other compound. its one of the best and most useful compounds available . you can run it in nearly any situation, and it has a lot of benefits that other compounds do not have.
    I include it in one way or another in almost every cycle I run

  16. #16
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    it would also be beneficial to look into how the whole anabolic rating and ratios work. it doesn't always play out in real life like you think

    eg. Halotestin has an Anabolic rating of 1,900 . thats way way higher then anything else we are talking about. yet it doesn't build muscle worth a shit in real life

    another example - Tren . its '500' anabolic rating is 5x that of test. yet guys will run Tren on a bulk but with a very low dose of test and after 5 weeks they find they have lost weight
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 11-25-2018 at 12:22 AM.

  17. #17
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    a number that you should keep in mind is the androgenic/anabolic 'ratio' . Test has a ratio of 1/1 , Tren has a ratio of 1/1 , Deca has a ratio of 1/5 . Superdrol has a ratio of 1/40 .

    comparing an anabolic rating from one steroid to another without looking at these ratios as well doesn't really paint the whole picture.

    apart from these ratios, there is also 'binding affinity' , ie, how strong a steroid can bind to the receptor. Test has a binding affinity factor of 1 , Tren and Deca have binding factors of close to 1.5 , EQ has a binding factor of 0.8.
    BUT, just cause something has a low binding affinity does not mean its weak.. Anadrol is a very strong steroid, yet it has a very weak binding affinity (can't remember the number off the top of my head). thats why you have to run twice as much Anadrol as you do Dbol usually

    Why is this.. because apart from binding affinity factors there is also binding 'time' . ie, how long a steroid stays bound to the receptor. the shorter time it stays bound, the more efficient it is at moving on to more and more cells creating anabolic responses. the longer it stays bound, the less efficient it is at moving on and doing more 'work'.
    Tren for example has a strong binding affinity, yet has a very 'long' binding time. meaning its sticks to a receptor and gets stuck there and becomes useless until it moves on .

    lots of things to consider besides just 'anabolic rating' ,, I could go on
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 11-24-2018 at 11:57 PM.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    a number that you should keep in mind is the androgenic/anabolic 'ratio' . Test has a ratio of 1/1 , Tren has a ratio of 1/1 , Deca has a ratio of 1/5 . Superdrol has a ratio of 1/40 .

    comparing an anabolic rating from one steroid to another without looking at these ratios as well doesn't really paint the whole picture.

    apart from these ratios, there is also 'binding affinity' , ie, how strong a steroid can bind to the receptor. Test has a binding affinity factor of 1 , Tren and Deca have binding factors of close to 1.5 , EQ has a binding factor of 0.8.
    BUT, just cause something has a low binding affinity does not mean its weak.. Anadrol is a very strong steroid, yet it has a very weak binding affinity (can't remember the number off the top of my head). thats why you have to run twice as much Anadrol as you do Dbol usually

    Why is this.. because apart from binding affinity factors there is also binding 'time' . ie, how long a steroid stays bound to the receptor. the shorter time it stays bound, the more efficient it is at moving on to more and more cells creating anabolic responses. the longer it stays bound, the less efficient it is at moving on and doing more 'work'.
    Tren for example has a strong binding affinity, yet has a very 'long' binding time. meaning its sticks to a receptor and gets stuck there and becomes useless until it moves on .

    lots of things to consider besides just 'anabolic rating' ,, I could go on
    how does “binding affinity” effect the “strength” of a steroid?

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    it would also be beneficial to look into how the whole anabolic rating and ratios work. it doesn't always play out in real life like you think

    eg. Halotestin has an Anabolic rating of 1,900 . thats way way higher then anything else we are talking about. yet it doesn't build muscle worth a shit in real life

    another example - Tren . its '500' anabolic rating is 5x that of test. yet guys will run Tren on a bulk but with a very low dose of test and after 5 weeks they find they have lost weight

    Do you happen to know how anabolic/Androgenic scores are determined? And why they don’t always translate into actual effectiveness? For example Halotestin 1900 anabolic score yet it’s not actually a great anabolic

  20. #20
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    Do you suggest running any other AAS with it other than test of course? What dosages do you suggest?

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-boner View Post
    Do you suggest running any other AAS with it other than test of course? What dosages do you suggest?
    Masteon. its very synergistic with Deca (as well as with Tren). it 'blunts' some of the negative aspects of prolactin and estrogen. so you'll be less likely to get negative sides (yet not have to run an AI or a DA like caber , unless your super estrogen or prolactin sensitive).
    masteron will also lower SHBG and provide more Free Test available. it also has some androgenic effects which can offset some of decas non androgenic effects.

    dosage depends on overall goals.. but 500 test, 500 deca, 500 mast . is a good basis to start from

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Family_guy View Post
    how does “binding affinity” effect the “strength” of a steroid?

    a compound that has a strong binding affinity will essentially more often and more efficiently bind to the androgen receptor then a drug that has a weaker affinity. so mg per mg its stronger, and you can get by running less mg with the same effects.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    if you only had a 4 inch dick, wouldn't having a 50% larger one be quite an improvement

    Now there's an analogy.
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