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Thread: Gearheaded’s crazy EXPERIMENTS log

  1. #321
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    Quote Originally Posted by KennyJ View Post
    Sorry GH I’m definitely not trying to hijack your thread.
    Charger, do you ever take anything to thin your blood when running a compound that thickens it?
    Anyone else who does, what do you take to thin your blood some?
    I don't take anything. increasing blood volume (or "thickness") is one of the anabolic benefits and attributes that come from taking things like Deca, Anadrol, Tren. you have more muscle building potential with more blood. you also have more work capacity potential. and the reason why bodybuilders in contest prep will take drugs like EPO to dramatically increase their blood thickness , is that these will show up in the physique as fuller, rounder, harder, and more vascular muscle.

    so taking something to 'thin the blood' , when the whole benefit of some of these compounds is to actually 'thicken the blood' , is counter productive .. the answer is to simply not take these type of steroids in the first place if you don't want thicker blood (but in bodybuilding and some sports, the thicker blood is a big benefit and reason to take the drugs).

    note: of course having 'thick blood' chronically months on end year after year is not healthy . taking time off these drugs and donating blood takes care of the issue for the most part and prevent "Chronic" high rbc and hematocrit

  2. #322
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    Gearheaded’s crazy EXPERIMENTS log

    Quote Originally Posted by KennyJ View Post
    Sorry GH I’m definitely not trying to hijack your thread.
    Charger, do you ever take anything to thin your blood when running a compound that thickens it?
    Anyone else who does, what do you take to thin your blood some?
    Besides donating I have read previously where people were experimenting with GSE (grapefruit seed extract) and seeing some noticeable decreases in hct. And no you can’t just eat grapefruit as this would require something like 3-4 whole ones per day to reach effective goal. Also drinking plenty of water helps keep values down. Another thing worth mentioning if my understanding is correct the platelet count is something to really watch if the hct is fairly high.

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    Last edited by balance; 01-04-2019 at 01:58 PM.

  3. #323
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    Gearheaded’s crazy EXPERIMENTS log

    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Why not HIIT to cut down the time?
    I used to do SS for the same amount of time 5 days per week and I found that I was slowing down the leg decelopement.

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    I would also venture a guess that adding hiit on top of lifting that frequently would seriously add exponential strain on CNS. I know when I add hiit to the menu I have to add more full rest days.

    GH the way you fully raise and lower hormone levels to where they are modulated like on/off switches is this something ifbb pros generally employ?

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    Last edited by balance; 01-04-2019 at 02:06 PM.

  4. #324
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    that works for a lot of people .. for me though for whatever reason HIIT is very glycolytic (works great if I'm trying to get depleted though). when I do steady state cardio I stay lean without going so flat everywhere else.
    so HIIT must put me in more of a calorie deficit and get my metabolism rolling a lot faster then SS does

    plus, working in and owning a gym, I like to just do steady state as a time to check emails and things like that (where when I do HIIT or I weight train I can only focus on the training itself).
    Let’s define SS. My definition is a jog at about a 10 minute mile. It sounds like yours is a brisk walk.

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  5. #325
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    Quote Originally Posted by KennyJ View Post
    Sorry GH I’m definitely not trying to hijack your thread.
    Charger, do you ever take anything to thin your blood when running a compound that thickens it?
    Anyone else who does, what do you take to thin your blood some?
    I would donate blood every thirty days. When my hematocrit would get high, I would know because my cardio would go to shit really fast. I would struggle with breathing.

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  6. #326
    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Let’s define SS. My definition is a jog at about a 10 minute mile. It sounds like yours is a brisk walk.

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    Either way both of y'all are at least doing cardio. My cardio lately has been any walking at work and walking in and out of the gym lol

  7. #327
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I don't take anything. increasing blood volume (or "thickness") is one of the anabolic benefits and attributes that come from taking things like Deca, Anadrol, Tren. you have more muscle building potential with more blood. you also have more work capacity potential. and the reason why bodybuilders in contest prep will take drugs like EPO to dramatically increase their blood thickness , is that these will show up in the physique as fuller, rounder, harder, and more vascular muscle.

    so taking something to 'thin the blood' , when the whole benefit of some of these compounds is to actually 'thicken the blood' , is counter productive .. the answer is to simply not take these type of steroids in the first place if you don't want thicker blood (but in bodybuilding and some sports, the thicker blood is a big benefit and reason to take the drugs).

    note: of course having 'thick blood' chronically months on end year after year is not healthy . taking time off these drugs and donating blood takes care of the issue for the most part and prevent "Chronic" high rbc and hematocrit
    Thanks GH, how much does running only test thicken the blood? That's the only thing I'm running and I've stayed below 900 mg per week. I have no idea how thick my blood is at the moment, I'm getting blood work done in about 2-3 weeks but was just curious.
    Last edited by KennyJ; 01-04-2019 at 05:45 PM.

  8. #328
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    requires a lot of mental will power and focus.. but basically if I can occupy my mind with things that I'm passionate about (like if I'm in an intense training session or training a client) and stay busy with that then it doesn't bother me. the problem is when the day is over and its time to unwind and relax or go to sleep that the anxiety really ramps up (because I'm not occupied with other things)
    GH, are all of your clients that you train aware that you know so much stuff. I hope they can appreciate that they are being coached by someone with extensive knowledge

  9. #329
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    ok so here is what my back workout looked like today (with traps and some bi's)
    Back thickness / row focused

    hi to low cable rows wide neutral grip
    3 sets 15 reps
    6 sets 10 reps (this is relatively heavy, the stack + 45pound plate strapped on)
    1 set 15 reps

    seated cable rows close grip
    6 sets 10 reps (very slow controlled contraction focus)

    snatch grip rack pulls
    3 sets 15 reps (light weight focused on contracting the upper back and traps)

    barbell shrugs
    3 sets 8 reps
    Haney shrugs
    3 sets 12 reps

    face pulls
    5 sets 20 reps

    alternating dumbbell curls
    4 sets 20 reps
    alternating hammer curls
    4 sets 26 reps
    hammer curl
    1 set 10 reps (fairly heavy 85 pound DB)
    preacher curl machine
    2 sets 20 reps

    25 mins cardio..
    about 2.5 hour session

    I'll start updating some of my diet on this log as well . yeah yeah I know, you guys want to hear about all the drugs but figured throwing in some of my training and diet may be beneficial during this "off cycle'' period . off cycle is no time to slack on diet and training !!

  10. #330
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    Quote Originally Posted by balance View Post
    GH the way you fully raise and lower hormone levels to where they are modulated like on/off switches is this something ifbb pros generally employ?
    yes . the idea of rapid hormone fluctuations and having 'blast' periods of max androgen phases, anti cortisol phases, anabolic phases etc. (using various PEDs to help accomplish these phases) is not something I came up with on my own (though I have my own ways of doing it).
    I learned it originally from a guy that coached Olympia level pros back in the late 90s and 2000s

  11. #331
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    ok so here is what my back workout looked like today (with traps and some bi's)
    Back thickness / row focused

    hi to low cable rows wide neutral grip
    3 sets 15 reps
    6 sets 10 reps (this is relatively heavy, the stack + 45pound plate strapped on)
    1 set 15 reps

    seated cable rows close grip
    6 sets 10 reps (very slow controlled contraction focus)

    snatch grip rack pulls
    3 sets 15 reps (light weight focused on contracting the upper back and traps)

    barbell shrugs
    3 sets 8 reps
    Haney shrugs
    3 sets 12 reps

    face pulls
    5 sets 20 reps

    alternating dumbbell curls
    4 sets 20 reps
    alternating hammer curls
    4 sets 26 reps
    hammer curl
    1 set 10 reps (fairly heavy 85 pound DB)
    preacher curl machine
    2 sets 20 reps

    25 mins cardio..
    about 2.5 hour session

    I'll start updating some of my diet on this log as well . yeah yeah I know, you guys want to hear about all the drugs but figured throwing in some of my training and diet may be beneficial during this "off cycle'' period . off cycle is no time to slack on diet and training !!
    I am going to contact the owner of the gym and tell him you are trying to ruin his equipment by strapping weights onto the cable weights. LOL
    You do know the cable size is determined by the weights with the machine don’t you?? LOL

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  12. #332
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    I am going to contact the owner of the gym and tell him you are trying to ruin his equipment by strapping weights onto the cable weights. LOL
    You do know the cable size is determined by the weights with the machine don’t you?? LOL
    lol , yeah I've had to replace the cables about 6 mos ago. my equipment repair guy told me not to be strapping plates to the stack. but I'm the one who pays the bill and that movement really hits my lower mid back and lower lats, so I'm going to keep doing it (just wish it had an over sized 400 pound stack on it)

  13. #333
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    ok so here is what my back workout looked like today (with traps and some bi's)
    Back thickness / row focused

    hi to low cable rows wide neutral grip
    3 sets 15 reps
    6 sets 10 reps (this is relatively heavy, the stack + 45pound plate strapped on)
    1 set 15 reps

    seated cable rows close grip
    6 sets 10 reps (very slow controlled contraction focus)

    snatch grip rack pulls
    3 sets 15 reps (light weight focused on contracting the upper back and traps)

    barbell shrugs
    3 sets 8 reps
    Haney shrugs
    3 sets 12 reps

    face pulls
    5 sets 20 reps

    alternating dumbbell curls
    4 sets 20 reps
    alternating hammer curls
    4 sets 26 reps
    hammer curl
    1 set 10 reps (fairly heavy 85 pound DB)
    preacher curl machine
    2 sets 20 reps

    25 mins cardio..
    about 2.5 hour session

    I'll start updating some of my diet on this log as well . yeah yeah I know, you guys want to hear about all the drugs but figured throwing in some of my training and diet may be beneficial during this "off cycle'' period . off cycle is no time to slack on diet and training !!
    What exactly is a “hi to low cable row”?

  14. #334
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    ok so here is what my back workout looked like today (with traps and some bi's)
    Back thickness / row focused

    hi to low cable rows wide neutral grip
    3 sets 15 reps
    6 sets 10 reps (this is relatively heavy, the stack + 45pound plate strapped on)
    1 set 15 reps

    seated cable rows close grip
    6 sets 10 reps (very slow controlled contraction focus)

    snatch grip rack pulls
    3 sets 15 reps (light weight focused on contracting the upper back and traps)

    barbell shrugs
    3 sets 8 reps
    Haney shrugs
    3 sets 12 reps

    face pulls
    5 sets 20 reps

    alternating dumbbell curls
    4 sets 20 reps
    alternating hammer curls
    4 sets 26 reps
    hammer curl
    1 set 10 reps (fairly heavy 85 pound DB)
    preacher curl machine
    2 sets 20 reps

    25 mins cardio..
    about 2.5 hour session

    I'll start updating some of my diet on this log as well . yeah yeah I know, you guys want to hear about all the drugs but figured throwing in some of my training and diet may be beneficial during this "off cycle'' period . off cycle is no time to slack on diet and training !!
    Holy shit man that’s 40 sets! That’s crazy.

    Are you taking carbs intraworkout?

  15. #335
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    Quote Originally Posted by Family_guy View Post
    What exactly is a “hi to low cable row”?
    a standard seated cable row (I,e, low row) is set up so that when you sit down and row your pulling the cable from a pulley that is below eye level.

    a high to low cable row is the same movement but your pulling from a cable pulley that is above eye level. if you were to measure it out, its probably the angle split between a standard cable row and a lat pulldown

  16. #336
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    Quote Originally Posted by Family_guy View Post
    Holy shit man that’s 40 sets! That’s crazy.

    Are you taking carbs intraworkout?
    yeah its a 2 hour workout.. I take in intra workout nutrition, Carbs, elecotrolytes, essential amino acids, etc. during the workout.

    keep in mind 40 sets sounds like a lot on paper. but its split between multiple muscles (not just one muscle). you've got traps, rhomboids, lats, rear delts, and biceps. its not like I'm doing 40 sets for just one muscle like biceps

    also, not all of my sets are max working sets. would be impossible to go to failure on 40 sets. I pick and choose my failure sets. non failure sets are generally an RIR of 3 with a strong focus on form and contraction and TUT
    (imo, going to failure too often will limit your work capacity, time under tension, and total volume and thus ultimately muscle growth.. gotta pick and choose your battles)

  17. #337
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    strong focus on form and contraction and TUT
    Really starting to utilize this with my shoulder workouts now. I’m coming from a different direction though (joint preservation), but I’m placing emphasis on every single rep (but not doing volume). Sloooow reps both concentrically & eccentrically and am experimenting with doing pauses through the ROM by doing brief isometric holds.

  18. #338
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Really starting to utilize this with my shoulder workouts now. I’m coming from a different direction though (joint preservation), but I’m placing emphasis on every single rep (but not doing volume). Sloooow reps both concentrically & eccentrically and am experimenting with doing pauses through the ROM by doing brief isometric holds.
    I focus a lot on these things as well . really try to get into the muscle and focus the tension on where it belongs, and off of the joint.
    I've got -
    4 back surgeries (and multiple rods, screws, brackets, holding my lower back together from the hips up)
    reconstructive ankle surgery
    reconstructive hand surgery
    a separated collar bone that never got surgically repaired on one side (motorcycle accident)
    a torn rotator on the other side (greatly hinders my chest pressing ability)
    a bum neck with scar tissue needing repaired (motorcycle accident number 2)

    so I have to work around a lot of joint issues myself . thats why going balls to the walls with heavy compound or HIT training does not work for me.. my training has to be very precise and meticulous and the emphasis put directly on the muscle I'm trying to work and engage
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 01-06-2019 at 10:35 AM.

  19. #339
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    Darn right you have to work around some "issues". It will be enjoyable & educational hearing about your approach to training.

    By HIT, are you referring to the approach that you see in Marcus's thread? The drop in volume & the emphasis on the drop sets, rest/pauses & forced reps really agreed with my joints & am moving back in that direction.

  20. #340
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I focus a lot on these things as well . really try to get into the muscle and focus the tension on where it belongs, and off of the joint.
    I've got -
    4 back surgeries (and multiple rods, screws, brackets, holding my lower back together from the hips up)
    reconstructive ankle surgery
    reconstructive hand surgery
    a separated collar bone that never got surgically repaired on one side (motorcycle accident)
    a torn rotator on the other side (greatly hinders my chest pressing ability)
    a bum neck with scar tissue needing repaired (motorcycle accident number 2)

    so I have to work around a lot of joint issues myself . thats why going balls to the walls with heavy compound or HIT training does not work for me.. my training has to be very precise and meticulous and the emphasis put directly on the muscle I'm trying to work and engage
    Can we call you the six million dollar man?

    We can rebuild him, we have the technology. We can make him faster and stronger. LOL

    I hope your not too young to know what I’m talking about.

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  21. #341
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Darn right you have to work around some "issues". It will be enjoyable & educational hearing about your approach to training.

    By HIT, are you referring to the approach that you see in Marcus's thread? The drop in volume & the emphasis on the drop sets, rest/pauses & forced reps really agreed with my joints & am moving back in that direction.
    I'm referring mainly to the 'intensity' part of HIT training , not the techniques employed (as I use many of the techniques).
    by dropping the volume and upping the intensity and lowering the time (like in HIT), I personally would have to push some pretty heavy weight , otherwise there is not enough stimulus there.

    instead of over head pressing 205 lbs for 5 sets of strict form at 8 reps. I'd probably have to push 255 lbs very intensely with more lose form and only 1-2 working sets of failure.. I personally would rather go for the lighter weight 205 and more sets. OR I'd have to go beyond failure a lot more often, which compromises form and is going to inevitably put more stress on my joints and non specific tissues (ligaments, non targeting muscle etc.)
    your risk of joint stress goes up significantly anytime you go beyond failure. I'm talking probably an 800+% more risk.

    remember .. volume is .. reps x sets x weight . people forget to add the weight moved in their volume calculations and think its only reps and sets.
    with the amount of volume that I personally am after, IF I did a shorter workout with more intensity (I,e HIT) then I would have to increase the weight substantially to try and hit my volume needs.

    example ..
    bench press
    8 sets at 10 reps x 225 pounds =. 18,000 lbs of volume

    IF I wanted to reach this same amount of volume using a much higher intensity (but short time duration) then I'd have to up the weight big time

    3 sets at 6 reps x 335 pounds = 6,030 lbs of volume

    see , my weight went up significantly and so must my intensity to move it and no doubt I will put more stress on my joints . YET my volume is only a third of what it was in the first example.

    I can get much more work, more time under tension, better muscular contractions, more targeting focus on the muscle being worked, etc.. by NOT using heavier loads and high intensity.

    note: by most peoples standards, I still move some pretty heavy weight. what I'm mainly talking about here is the 'intensity' factor. I have to pick and choose my battles when it comes to intensity. not every set and rep can be intense to a 10 on a scale of 1-10. especially for my situation and injuries

  22. #342
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Can we call you the six million dollar man?

    We can rebuild him, we have the technology. We can make him faster and stronger. LOL

    I hope your not too young to know what I’m talking about.

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    I've started the process, those are my original hips. Hey, they're mine, figured I'd keep them.

  23. #343
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    what I'm mainly talking about here is the 'intensity' factor. I have to pick and choose my battles when it comes to intensity. not every set and rep can be intense to a 10 on a scale of 1-10.
    Definitely how it is once you've been in the game a while.
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  24. #344
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I'm referring mainly to the 'intensity' part of HIT training , not the techniques employed (as I use many of the techniques).
    by dropping the volume and upping the intensity and lowering the time (like in HIT), I personally would have to push some pretty heavy weight , otherwise there is not enough stimulus there.

    instead of over head pressing 205 lbs for 5 sets of strict form at 8 reps. I'd probably have to push 255 lbs very intensely with more lose form and only 1-2 working sets of failure.. I personally would rather go for the lighter weight 205 and more sets. OR I'd have to go beyond failure a lot more often, which compromises form and is going to inevitably put more stress on my joints and non specific tissues (ligaments, non targeting muscle etc.)
    your risk of joint stress goes up significantly anytime you go beyond failure. I'm talking probably an 800+% more risk.

    remember .. volume is .. reps x sets x weight . people forget to add the weight moved in their volume calculations and think its only reps and sets.
    with the amount of volume that I personally am after, IF I did a shorter workout with more intensity (I,e HIT) then I would have to increase the weight substantially to try and hit my volume needs.

    example ..
    bench press
    8 sets at 10 reps x 225 pounds =. 18,000 lbs of volume

    IF I wanted to reach this same amount of volume using a much higher intensity (but short time duration) then I'd have to up the weight big time

    3 sets at 6 reps x 335 pounds = 6,030 lbs of volume

    see , my weight went up significantly and so must my intensity to move it and no doubt I will put more stress on my joints . YET my volume is only a third of what it was in the first example.

    I can get much more work, more time under tension, better muscular contractions, more targeting focus on the muscle being worked, etc.. by NOT using heavier loads and high intensity.

    note: by most peoples standards, I still move some pretty heavy weight. what I'm mainly talking about here is the 'intensity' factor. I have to pick and choose my battles when it comes to intensity. not every set and rep can be intense to a 10 on a scale of 1-10. especially for my situation and injuries
    I understand your explanation of and your usage of volume.

    My usage of volume in this instance is the quantity of repetitions & sets.

    With respect to increasing the amount of “stress” on the joints based upon the increase in resistance, this might be more dependent upon the joint and the exercise.

    If you are discussing squats and you increase the weight, then you are definitely adding stress to what would be referred to as weight bearing joints such as the spine, hips, knees, ankles & feet. So if you were to squat heavier there, even if you dropped your sets & reps, those joints will have issues. Same with the shoulders, elbows & wrists for pressing motions. But, lateral raises or upright rows, if you keep your form pure & limit impingement by not approaching 70-80 degrees of elevation, I’d be more concerned with the quantity of the sets and reps, causing damage.

  25. #345
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Definitely how it is once you've been in the game a while.
    Or just age. LOL

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  26. #346
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    You have promoted higher estrogen levels.
    Do you feel there is any reason to worry about osteoporosis?

    Also, I have been researching and I need help to understand.... you always make it understandable. I will give you my understanding and let you poke holes in it.
    We are interested in the free test levels. The test in a free state is what can interact with the receptors. The majority is bound to SHBG and albumin which prevents it from interacting.
    Proviron binds with SHBG at a much greater rate. Why don’t you use proviron in your cycles?
    The level of SHBG can be reduced by lowering estrogen and thyroid content which in turn heightens the anabolic/androgen level.
    On the contrary, estrogen plays an important role in the promotion of the anabolic state through glucose utilization and plays a role in the production of the growth hormone IGF-1.
    What is the balance?
    DHT has also been shown to aid in the proliferation of androgen receptors. Is that why I have seen a lot of your mass gaining cycles contain DHT?

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  27. #347
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    Update - fastest way to lose weight.
    begin a carb depletion phase coupled with some depletion style workouts and some diuretics.. then get the stomach flu so bad you're loosing it every 30 mins on both ends and having to sleep on the bathroom floor for a day and night.
    ugh. so dehydrated it hurts my fingers to type.

    not exactly how I was planning on going into this cruise phase

  28. #348
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    Update - fastest way to lose weight.
    begin a carb depletion phase coupled with some depletion style workouts and some diuretics.. then get the stomach flu so bad you're loosing it every 30 mins on both ends and having to sleep on the bathroom floor for a day and night.
    ugh. so dehydrated it hurts my fingers to type.

    not exactly how I was planning on going into this cruise phase
    Get well sir!
    Get your pedialyte and slin it back in.

  29. #349
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    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Damn GH. Sorry to hear this.
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  30. #350
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Get well sir!
    Get your pedialyte and slin it back in.
    Click image for larger version. 

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    breakfast of champs right there

  31. #351
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
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    breakfast of champs right there
    Hell yes

  32. #352
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
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    breakfast of champs right there

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  33. #353
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    You have promoted higher estrogen levels.
    Do you feel there is any reason to worry about osteoporosis?
    well I also promote using lots of steroids and lots of weight training (which are both anti osteoporosis).
    so I'm a bit confused where this question is coming from (note, some of the negative side effects found in men with elevated estrogen levels are in regards to men who do NOT have massively high amounts of androgens coming in .. so those would not really relate to me and my situation at all)

    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Also, I have been researching and I need help to understand.... you always make it understandable. I will give you my understanding and let you poke holes in it.
    We are interested in the free test levels. The test in a free state is what can interact with the receptors. The majority is bound to SHBG and albumin which prevents it from interacting.
    Proviron binds with SHBG at a much greater rate. Why don’t you use proviron in your cycles?
    the idea of lowering SHBG or displacing bound test from SHBG so it can become free test is something thats in my mind in most cycles that I design. especially cycles that are low dose test cycles. I simply choose not to use Proviron to accomplish this though.
    you've probably noticed a ton of my cycles (or recommendations) will often times utilize Masteron in the stack (and if not then at least Var).

    the reason I chose Mast over Proviron , is that Proviron is merely androgenic in nature (it has no anabolic properties). so you get a small benefit from the Proviron, but you get all those benefits PLUS anabolic benefits by running a Masteron or a Var instead . way way more bang for your buck using either of these (and proviron is not really cheap)

    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    The level of SHBG can be reduced by lowering estrogen and thyroid content which in turn heightens the anabolic/androgen level.
    On the contrary, estrogen plays an important role in the promotion of the anabolic state through glucose utilization and plays a role in the production of the growth hormone IGF-1.
    What is the balance?
    to be bluntly honest here. I balance these things with drugs.
    I can get my estrogen high AND my SHBG low at the same time with the proper use of drugs synergistically stacked..
    eg.. 20mg Dbol in the AM, while on 300mg of test, 300mg of mast, and 50mg of Var, and no AI, all while running Insulin and T4.
    I lower shbg, I displace bound up test into more free test, I increase estrogen and its anabolic factors (like increase in HGH and IGF), upregulate glucose metabolism with both the Dbol/elevated estrogen and the insulin use , etc etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    DHT has also been shown to aid in the proliferation of androgen receptors. Is that why I have seen a lot of your mass gaining cycles contain DHT?
    just to clarify .. DHT 'Derived' compounds in and of themselves are no longer really DHT and also can no longer convert to DHT... a lot of guys will refer to things like Var, Mast, Winstrol, etc. as "DHTs" , but this is a mistake . as these compounds cannot event covert to DHT.. of course they refer to them this way simply because they are DHT 'derived' .
    but thats like referring to Dbol as "test" just because it was derived from Test.. I'd like to see someone run Dbol only for their "TRT".

    so, if I would want 'actual DHT' itself increased while on cycle , then I would go to Test . as Test converts directly into DHT (the derivatives do not)

    but I'm not a big fan of DHT itself. I am a fan of its derivatives though . the reason I don't care much for DHT is that it itself is NOT anabolic in muscle tissue.

    DHT is deactivated by 3-alpha hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3HSD) in skeletal muscle tissue . 3HSD is an enzyme that is found in skeletal muscle that deactivates circulating DHT, rendering it inactive (non anabolic ) .
    so DHT can't directly build muscle .

    but what about DHT derivatives . things like VAR and Winny are "DHTs" per se .. SO.... since they already are 5-alpha reduced (made from DHT), they cannot be reduced further by 5-alpha reductase enzyme (which is what a DHT blocker does). also due to the presence of the oxygen atom in the A-ring (in the structure of these "dht" sreroids), these steroids are NOT deactivated by 3-alpha hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3HSD) in skeletal muscle tissue either (so unlike DHT itself, they are very anabolic)

    make sense ? DHT 'itself' can be deactivated by 3HSD and thus is not anabolic in muscle , whereas a dht derived steroid (5 alpha reduced) cannot be and is very anabolic in muscle.

    thats why things like VAR are 3x more anabolic then test. reason is test can convert up to 20+% into DHT. and you lose 20% of your 'anabolism' right there (another 20% of test can be converted to estrogen) . where as with VAR it is a pure anabolic and 100% of its nature is anabolic.

    this is why you see a lot of "DHTs" in steroid stacks I advocate. mainly for their pure anabolic properties
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 01-08-2019 at 04:21 PM.

  34. #354
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    UPDATE -
    when it rains it pours.. so I got over that nasty nasty stomach flu. diet has been a joke trying to bounce back from that (lets just say pounding tons of clean food isn't happening). that really drained me. THEN I have a freak accident at home and busted the hell out of my shoulder (the one thats been giving me fits with rotator issues and keeping me from bench pressing heavy the last year).. I've barely been able to dress myself in the morning let alone train.
    not the best start to a 'cruise phase' by any means at all . so I've been out of the gym for the longest I've been in quite awhile not training (of course I own the damn gym and work there and train clients, so yes I'm still there lol . I just haven't trained myself). I guess I'm going to have to focus on growing these legs right now with this damn shoulder issue.

    its always something guys. thats life. you can't ever catch a break . just gotta find a way to work around all the bullshit that life throws at you

  35. #355
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    oh forgot to mention though.. on that gram of tren and 2 grams of test I barely slept 2 hours per night. now I'm sleeping an easy 8 no problem (one perk of being on a cruise dose)

  36. #356
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    UPDATE -
    when it rains it pours.. so I got over that nasty nasty stomach flu. diet has been a joke trying to bounce back from that (lets just say pounding tons of clean food isn't happening). that really drained me. THEN I have a freak accident at home and busted the hell out of my shoulder (the one thats been giving me fits with rotator issues and keeping me from bench pressing heavy the last year).. I've barely been able to dress myself in the morning let alone train.
    not the best start to a 'cruise phase' by any means at all . so I've been out of the gym for the longest I've been in quite awhile not training (of course I own the damn gym and work there and train clients, so yes I'm still there lol . I just haven't trained myself). I guess I'm going to have to focus on growing these legs right now with this damn shoulder issue.

    its always something guys. thats life. you can't ever catch a break . just gotta find a way to work around all the bullshit that life throws at you
    Sorry to hear that man.

    Anything I can do to help me win the competition.... I mean to help you, just drop a note


  37. #357
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    also because of my freak shoulder injury . my emergency protocol (from left over stock).. per day .. 5iu of HGH, 500mcg TB-500, 200mcg Hexarelin. unfortunately no BPC on hand

  38. #358
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    its always something guys. thats life. you can't ever catch a break . just gotta find a way to work around all the bullshit that life throws at you

    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  39. #359
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    also because of my freak shoulder injury . my emergency protocol (from left over stock).. per day .. 5iu of HGH, 500mcg TB-500, 200mcg Hexarelin. unfortunately no BPC on hand
    Have you used BPC before? If so how did it do, how did you administer it subq? Also same questions on the TB500?

  40. #360
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    Quote Originally Posted by balance View Post
    Have you used BPC before? If so how did it do, how did you administer it subq? Also same questions on the TB500?
    yes I generally utilize BPC and TB500 together.. 250mcg of BPC daily with 500mcg of TB injected IM near the site of injury for about 4 weeks.
    totally person dependent though and lots of different dosages and protocols guys have tried out.

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