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Thread: 2nd cycle Test 300 + EQ 600

  1. #1
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    2nd cycle Test 300 + EQ 600

    Hey, have all my stuff together for a 2nd cycle. Will be starting on Jan.7 (next monday) for 12 weeks. May move up to 14 but will see.

    Running: test300 (1-12); eq600 (1-12); HCG 500iu (1-12); aromasin 12.5mg eod.

    PCT: standard nolva / clomid for 4 weeks.

    Stats: 5'11 195. bf: ?? not sure would estimate 13-14% based on photos.

    Last cycle did test400 for 12 weeks with a tbol kickstarter and have held onto my gains much better than expected, leaning out, keeping strength, and adding muscle.

    Goals: looking to add 10-15lbs and look lean.

    Will update diet and workouts in later posts but will be focusing on HIT for muscle growth and am using a fitness app and hitting 3800 calories a day.

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  2. #2
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    Feb 2015
    First injection today - 150mg test and 300mg eq

    Got a fair bit of blood must have knicked a vein but otherwise fine. Feels weird injecting 1.5ml - only had to shoot 0.7 last time.

    Will be starting the aromasin and HCG start of week 2.

  3. #3
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    Dec 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by jackfrost88 View Post
    First injection today - 150mg test and 300mg eq

    Got a fair bit of blood must have knicked a vein but otherwise fine. Feels weird injecting 1.5ml - only had to shoot 0.7 last time.

    Will be starting the aromasin and HCG start of week 2.
    Looking forward to your results bro

  4. #4
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    considering your only running 300mg of test . and your running EQ which barely aromatizes, yet it itself is anti estrogenic in that it produces anti estrogen enzymes in the body which the longer your on EQ the more and more it illicits anti estrogen properties ,, you may want to consider lowering your AI dose or just keeping it on hand to start (no point in hindering your possibility for gains with too much AI if you don't need it)

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChasinGains View Post
    Looking forward to your results bro
    Thanks bro!

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    considering your only running 300mg of test . and your running EQ which barely aromatizes, yet it itself is anti estrogenic in that it produces anti estrogen enzymes in the body which the longer your on EQ the more and more it illicits anti estrogen properties ,, you may want to consider lowering your AI dose or just keeping it on hand to start (no point in hindering your possibility for gains with too much AI if you don't need it)
    Haven't started the AI yet, was thinking the same. Or adding it in week 3+ just twice a week with my shots as it seems Aromasin kills the estrogen and isn't needed to be consistently administrated

  7. #7
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    2nd shot yesterday. Added HCG now. Will be holding off on the aromasin and monitoring how my body is doing. Worthwhile knowing how I convert estrogen for future cycles. Have extra nolva and aromasin on hand.

    Have an energy boost (felt on my first cycle too). Obviously too early to see any physique changes but slept 6 hours and felt refreshed, when it usually takes me 8 and a 1 hour nap when I do a tough workout. Balls tingly after 1st shot as well.

    Started doing 4 days a week HIT style training - going for muscle building, disregarding strength right now. Workout feels super foreign but am curious to see how I get results from this new style as I have never done it.

  8. #8
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    I will be following along! Good luck

  9. #9
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    3rd shot today - 1 week in. Have tons of energy still.

    Hit legs today and felt great. Good pump too. No signs on any elevated estrogen yet, but I am keeping a close eye on it.

  10. #10
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    Shot 4 today, 1.5weeks in. Same weight - feel like I am on cycle and having great workouts. Endurance is noticeable. Doing 4 days a week HIT style with lots of sets to failure and focusing on feeling the muscle in exercises. Really sore the next day but like this style a lot. Diet is still geared for bulking with 3800-4000 calories a day. Not hard for me to hit that with clean food - A lot of eggs / oatmeal / chicken / fish / rice / potatoes / steamed veggies. Upped carbs to 450-500g a day which the highest I've done. Feel a bit puffy but can get rid of that in the future after the bulk

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  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    considering your only running 300mg of test . and your running EQ which barely aromatizes, yet it itself is anti estrogenic in that it produces anti estrogen enzymes in the body which the longer your on EQ the more and more it illicits anti estrogen properties ,, you may want to consider lowering your AI dose or just keeping it on hand to start (no point in hindering your possibility for gains with too much AI if you don't need it)
    I agree, as I've said before the last time I cycled before now was a few years back but I don't remember near as much AI being taken. I don't want anyone to get gyno but man it seems like there's some overkill on some of the dosages of AI's these days. If you know you're prone that's another story. I would definitely suggest to anyone to have it on hand though. Nolva is another option to keep from crushing your estrogen.
    Last edited by KennyJ; 01-18-2019 at 02:28 AM.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by KennyJ View Post
    I agree, as I've said before the last time I cycled before now was a few years back but I don't remember near as much AI being taken. I don't want anyone to get gyno but man it seems like there's some overkill on some of the dosages of AI's these days. If you know you're prone that's another story. I would definitely suggest to anyone to have it on hand though. Nolva is another option to keep from crushing your estrogen.
    Sorry I missed it. I see where you backed off the AI for the first part of your cycle. Good luck

  13. #13
    Personally I would do 0.5 arim T/Th and that's it!

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by petapopin1 View Post
    Personally I would do 0.5 arim T/Th and that's it!
    Have aromasin and nolva - no access to arimidex. Was thinking of doing what your saying if I start to feel any minor raised estrogen symptoms and throw in 12.5 aromasin mon/thurs

  15. #15
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    Shot 5 today. Up to 196.5 lbs but that could easily just be a fluctuation. Diet is consistent hitting 3800-4000 calories a day. A bit more on deadlift or squat days. Noticing a leaner look. And the appetite, oh my god the appetite is starting to get out of control. Did not get this on Test / tbol so attributing this to the EQ.

    For my cheat meal I had a large supreme pizza from Boston Pizza and destroyed it no problem and was hungry afterwards. The 3800-4000 calories is a breeze to get in and I'm hitting it without logging any condiments / oil I use to cook / butter etc. so that 4000 is realistically probably 200-500 more calories. No complains as I'm trying to bulk. Just interesting that the appetite effects came on so quickly.

    Workouts consistent and added 1 day of 20-30mins of cardio to keep things tight.

  16. #16
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    a healthy appetite on cycle is a good thing. its a healthy sign your body is doing well and trying to grow.. its when you lose your appetite that you need to start getting concerned that things may not be 'right' in your body, or your in a bit of a toxic state from the drugs.

    just hope your digestion and assimilation of nutrients keeps up

  17. #17
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    15 days in. Can for sure feel the steroids now noticeably. Appetite way up, can't go 2 hours without eating during the day. Feel like I have a pump all day, and have this light sense of euphoria.

    Very good energy and improvement in my squats in the last 2 weeks. Did rest pause sets for 10/6-10/6-10 on conventional squat the other day. 30 seconds rest in between sets (this is the limiting factor to achieve failure). First week did 315x9 315x6 315x6. needed about 45sec in between sets until i could go again at the earliest. Yesterday got 315x10 315x8 315x7. Focusing on hitting ass to grass (was trying to just break parallel the first time) and with 40secs rest. So incredibly good performance benefits if anyone cares about that kind of stuff like I do. Followed this up with leg extensions, stiff leg deadlifts, hack squats to failure, hamstring curls, seated calf raises and leg press calf raises.

    Muscles are super sore after these kind of workouts so having the extra days off is great. Have a prescription for CBD oil which helps a lot with muscle/joint soreness / getting great sleep and staying focused to work. Only other "supplement" I am taking.

    If you have any questions or info I could maybe add let me know. Had a couple pm's on more specifics of training and eating so feel free to ask if you guys want.

  18. #18
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    Shot 6 yesterday - everything going fine. Still no need for an AI or nolva so continuing to hold off on that. Carbs are still being run high but I'm noticing a little bit of thickness starting to creep in, so I'm dropping them down to 300g (from 450-500) for a few days and re-evaluating.

    Workouts are great, really enjoy working out on gear (and off it too). Good pumps and excellent energy. Great performance benefits so far and they will only get better. Getting used to HIT style and finding my flow on where I'm failing and where I want to progress to, to fail in the future.

    A bit confused as to why I'm feeling everything so quickly on cycle when most people who ran test/eq cycles with similar dosages sometimes report nothing or commonly feel nothing until week 6. Not sure if they are full of BS, not training well or if the drugs just affect different people differently?

    Physique wise I want to add muscle mass obviously as I'm on a bulk. Places I want to bring up: quad separation, arms, overall aesthetic proportion of shoulders, waist, good lines. Strengths I won't focus on as much: legs (in terms of size not detail), shoulders

    Some photo updates:
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  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackfrost88 View Post
    Shot 6 yesterday - everything going fine. Still no need for an AI or nolva so continuing to hold off on that. Carbs are still being run high but I'm noticing a little bit of thickness starting to creep in, so I'm dropping them down to 300g (from 450-500) for a few days and re-evaluating.

    Workouts are great, really enjoy working out on gear (and off it too). Good pumps and excellent energy. Great performance benefits so far and they will only get better. Getting used to HIT style and finding my flow on where I'm failing and where I want to progress to, to fail in the future.

    A bit confused as to why I'm feeling everything so quickly on cycle when most people who ran test/eq cycles with similar dosages sometimes report nothing or commonly feel nothing until week 6. Not sure if they are full of BS, not training well or if the drugs just affect different people differently?

    Physique wise I want to add muscle mass obviously as I'm on a bulk. Places I want to bring up: quad separation, arms, overall aesthetic proportion of shoulders, waist, good lines. Strengths I won't focus on as much: legs (in terms of size not detail), shoulders

    Some photo updates:
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    Rear double bicep looks awesome bro!

  20. #20
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    Shot 7 today. 21 days in. Weighed in this morning @ 198lbs. the 195 I weighed in at the start was at night after work so put on a good 5 lbs. Still no AI and no signs of elevated estrogen. Only thing that could potentially be worrying is a bit of bloating in the stomach area (but nowhere else), I'd attribute this to the higher amount of carbs I've added in to hit 4000 calories a day.

    Overall, great improvements in the physique. Noticing a lot more hardness in the muscles - better separation as well. Have lines I haven't had before in my back and quads. Forearms are also very pumped up looking, even when I'm not working out, and have noticeably increased in vascularity.

    Side effects very limited. Only thing I'm noticing is that I'm hot more often (was on 1st cycle too) and that is about it.

  21. #21
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    Shot 8 today. Weighing 199. So weight going up steadily but nothing crazy that I've noticed over night. Most noticeable improvements are in endurance and recovery. Had 3rd squat week and have increased to 315x10 315x10 315x8 with 30 seconds between sets. Started at 315x9 315x7 315x5 and needed 1 min of rest. So huge improvements in cardiovascular performance and recovery.

    Also with the weight gain and a bit of puffiness I've managed to become much more vascular somehow. Can start to see veins on the front of the shoulders, forearms and hands are super vascular and have a lat vein I hadn't seen before - even when I was at my leanest at 185lbs.

    Area I'm keeping an eye on is a bit of bloating. Could be due to the increased calories and eating or maybe elevated estrogen (not sure), as I am still not taking any AI. Playing around with the idea of adding aromasin @ 12.5mg with my monday/thursday shots as an experiment to see if it decreases puffiness or if it is indeed caused by my bulking diet. Bloating is mostly int he stomach so I think it's food related but not sure.

    Overall, very satisfied with the results so far. Early in the cycle still so looking forward to when the long ester compounds I'm on start kicking in fully.

    Really dedicated to hitting 4000 calories a day and meal prepping every meal in advance. Been going to bed early as well, giving myself an extra 1 hour a day which really carries over into better intensity during workouts.

    Would anyone recommend adding aromasin this way or would a simple 10mg of nolva a day be a good test to see if estrogen is causing the bloating? I have no other symptoms of high estrogen, no gyno or even itchy nipples.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackfrost88 View Post
    Shot 8 today. Weighing 199. So weight going up steadily but nothing crazy that I've noticed over night. Most noticeable improvements are in endurance and recovery. Had 3rd squat week and have increased to 315x10 315x10 315x8 with 30 seconds between sets. Started at 315x9 315x7 315x5 and needed 1 min of rest. So huge improvements in cardiovascular performance and recovery.

    Also with the weight gain and a bit of puffiness I've managed to become much more vascular somehow. Can start to see veins on the front of the shoulders, forearms and hands are super vascular and have a lat vein I hadn't seen before - even when I was at my leanest at 185lbs.

    Area I'm keeping an eye on is a bit of bloating. Could be due to the increased calories and eating or maybe elevated estrogen (not sure), as I am still not taking any AI. Playing around with the idea of adding aromasin @ 12.5mg with my monday/thursday shots as an experiment to see if it decreases puffiness or if it is indeed caused by my bulking diet. Bloating is mostly int he stomach so I think it's food related but not sure.

    Overall, very satisfied with the results so far. Early in the cycle still so looking forward to when the long ester compounds I'm on start kicking in fully.

    Really dedicated to hitting 4000 calories a day and meal prepping every meal in advance. Been going to bed early as well, giving myself an extra 1 hour a day which really carries over into better intensity during workouts.

    Would anyone recommend adding aromasin this way or would a simple 10mg of nolva a day be a good test to see if estrogen is causing the bloating? I have no other symptoms of high estrogen, no gyno or even itchy nipples.
    I don’t think the nolva would actually do anything in terms of bloat related to estrogen. I may be wrong though. If you want to see if the bloat/puffiness is related to Estrogen then try the aromasin. But if it’s only an aesthetic issue I wouldn’t add the aromasin. I’m no expert for sure I’m just basing that on what I’ve read so you might want to see what a more experienced guy would tell you!

  23. #23
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    Great log btw I like the detail you are putting in and I am very interested still in this log! Keep it up brother!

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Family_guy View Post
    Great log btw I like the detail you are putting in and I am very interested still in this log! Keep it up brother!
    Thanks man appreciate it!

  25. #25
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    Shot 9 today. So 1 month in on my next injection. Continuing to progress very nicely. All lifts are continuing to go up very quickly. Very obvious strength gains, endurance continues to be amazing as well.

    Been getting comments that I look very "hard" even though I know my body fat is up a bit from the beginning of cycle as I am still going for 4000-4200 calories (logging all food) per day to maintain a calorie surplus. Traps and delts are looking puffed up now. They grew first on me for my last cycle as well so know I'm responding to the drugs nicely. Have a bit of the disappearing neck from trap growth.

    No acne on my chest or back - been using an acne body wash after workouts every day to avoid the body acne I got in my last cycle.

    Overall, very smooth progression, very happy with it. Feel as though the test/eq are running in the background and are not very noticeable until I workout then the performance is evident.

    Will be updating photo's at the end of this week or beginning of next.

  26. #26
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    Shot 10 today. 1 month in. Finished my first 4 weeks of my loading HIT training and going onto another load phase. Strength is up significantly week over week in every lift with excellent recovery and endurance, no injuries as well, so see no reason to dial back the intensity. Will incorporate a deload week after the next 4 week block.

    Bit more on training: Bodybuilding style is completely new to me, have been doing less than a year - come from a competitive power lifting background. Exercises that are providing a ton of benefit that I was not doing before: straight arm lat pull downs, direct delt work, shrugs, hack squats have been a godsend for my quads (my stubborn body part), incline bench, smith machine work for overhead press. Calfs up an inch in last 6mo adding in seated raises and leg press calf extensions.

    On drugs: No need for an AI still, I am getting mid cycle bloodwork next week and will post up any abnormalities compared to my pre bloodwork for any broscientists out there. Only "sides" I have are that I can almost feel my whole bodies circulatory system pulsing when my heart beats, especially when working out. Like a big pump that just sticks around all day. Where I live it is extremely dry and I notice my hair and nails improving which is very odd for the far north in Canada this time of year. Bloat I had earlier has gone away - attributing this to eating too many carbs - adjusted down from 450-500 to 350-400 and it did the trick after a couple days.

    On diet: Sticking to hitting 4000-4200 calories a day still. Mostly eating: eggs, egg whites, oatmeal, chicken, rice, assorted vegetables, avocado, nuts, fish, small amount of fruits, have a cheat meal on the weekend. On hard training days will occasionally hit McDicks for a burger but otherwise completely clean.

    Weight up to 200 today as well.

    Any recommendations or ideas appreciated.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackfrost88 View Post
    Shot 10 today. 1 month in. Finished my first 4 weeks of my loading HIT training and going onto another load phase. Strength is up significantly week over week in every lift with excellent recovery and endurance, no injuries as well, so see no reason to dial back the intensity. Will incorporate a deload week after the next 4 week block.

    Bit more on training: Bodybuilding style is completely new to me, have been doing less than a year - come from a competitive power lifting background. Exercises that are providing a ton of benefit that I was not doing before: straight arm lat pull downs, direct delt work, shrugs, hack squats have been a godsend for my quads (my stubborn body part), incline bench, smith machine work for overhead press. Calfs up an inch in last 6mo adding in seated raises and leg press calf extensions.

    On drugs: No need for an AI still, I am getting mid cycle bloodwork next week and will post up any abnormalities compared to my pre bloodwork for any broscientists out there. Only "sides" I have are that I can almost feel my whole bodies circulatory system pulsing when my heart beats, especially when working out. Like a big pump that just sticks around all day. Where I live it is extremely dry and I notice my hair and nails improving which is very odd for the far north in Canada this time of year. Bloat I had earlier has gone away - attributing this to eating too many carbs - adjusted down from 450-500 to 350-400 and it did the trick after a couple days.

    On diet: Sticking to hitting 4000-4200 calories a day still. Mostly eating: eggs, egg whites, oatmeal, chicken, rice, assorted vegetables, avocado, nuts, fish, small amount of fruits, have a cheat meal on the weekend. On hard training days will occasionally hit McDicks for a burger but otherwise completely clean.

    Weight up to 200 today as well.

    Any recommendations or ideas appreciated.
    Great work! I don’t have anything to add in terms of suggestions or anything. I still haven’t done a cycle...yet!

    Have you noticed any change in appetite due to the EQ?

  28. #28
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    Yes that is one of the first things that I noticed. About 1 week in the hunger was out of control

  29. #29
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    So about 5 weeks in. Up to 201.5lbs. Getting a bit of body acne but nothing too crazy. Was on the road so wasn't getting in all my meals but still moved up in weight. Continue to get stronger and bigger looking. Weight didn't go up a ton but in the mirror and in shirts I can tell I'm larger than before as some of my shirts are not fitting anymore that were at the beginning of cycle.

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  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackfrost88 View Post
    So about 5 weeks in. Up to 201.5lbs. Getting a bit of body acne but nothing too crazy. Was on the road so wasn't getting in all my meals but still moved up in weight. Continue to get stronger and bigger looking. Weight didn't go up a ton but in the mirror and in shirts I can tell I'm larger than before as some of my shirts are not fitting anymore that were at the beginning of cycle.

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    Great job man! Looking bigger to me!

    Have you noticed any androgenic effects from this combo? What I mean to say is can you tell your on “shit” more strongly than your first cycle?

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Family_guy View Post
    Great job man! Looking bigger to me!

    Have you noticed any androgenic effects from this combo? What I mean to say is can you tell your on “shit” more strongly than your first cycle?
    Very little if no androgenic side effects. Have never been an aggressive guy and I'm generally covering up at the gym with a hoodie. Only "on the roids" side effects I am noticing are: getting hot all the time, pumps when working out are crazy, neck and traps have grown quite a bit. But those aren't androgenic side effects so I guess the answer to your question is no haha.

    Can't feel the drugs much at all to be honest. But I am slowly growing all over. That's the one different from this cycle and last - is that the growth is more overall on eq where as on test my upper body exploded, shoulders traps, arms, much more relative to my legs. This time It's almost like my body has just been adjusted to 105% in adobe. My watch doesn't fit my wrist and pants are just as tight as shirts were getting.

  32. #32
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    yeah you shouldn't really be feeling much androgenic effects from the EQ at all . just slow steady growth. thats why some guys think Eq is weak, is cause they don't feel all the "negative" andro side effects .. cause in reality, there is nothing to feel with "anabolism'', muscle just slowly grows.

  33. #33
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    I have surprisingly crashed (apparently) my estrogen while not taking an AI. Started a different thread about this but I'll include it here as well. Mid cycle bloodwork @ 5weeks in came back with the usual test results (high test low LH FSH, high lizer enzyme levels). Have done a bit of digging and am not overly worried about this as I have NO high estrogen symptoms. I have set up a 1 on 1 with a well known drug coach to talk over skype and maybe get some more ideas to add. So somehow my E2 levels are borderline zero even though I have taken no AI and my testesterone levels on the report came back 4x normal. Very odd.

    Continue to get grow @ 202lbs right now. Slow and very steady increase in muscle. Like it a lot. Have noticed this progress become faster since I've hit the 6 week mark.

    Have just started hitting calves / forearms for the first time in the last 3 months or so. Getting a lot of quality growth. Click image for larger version. 

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  34. #34
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    You've entered your 6th week now?

    I am highly interested to see how this combo is going to change your physique.

    Keep it up and good luck

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by CA_DXB_85 View Post
    You've entered your 6th week now?

    I am highly interested to see how this combo is going to change your physique.

    Keep it up and good luck
    Began Jan 7 so coming going to be entering week 7 soon

  36. #36
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    Little cautionary tale and why doing some research prior to cycling is useful - So I was injecting my glute yesterday. As soon as I pinned it, it kind of hurt once in, not a pain when the needle pierced the skin but some pain when it landed inside my glute. So I pulled back on the syringe a bit and for the first time I legit hit a vein in my glute. Felt very easy starting to push the needle so I knew something was wrong. After aspirating the syringe filled with blood so I pulled out and reinjected. Thankfully avoided shooting 1.5cc's into vein. So careful kids! First time I've hit a vein thus far.

    Also working on finding the best spots where I hit no capillaries and feel nothing. So Far delts have been the best when I pin it on the lower part of the 'triangle' your trying to hit on the shoulder.

    It is nice finding areas that don't cause discomfort especially if I go about using ed or eod injecting compounds in the future.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackfrost88 View Post
    So careful kids! First time I've hit a vein thus far.

    You never forget your first time.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  38. #38
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    Into week 6 and up to 204lbs. Drugs continue to build up in the background and looking noticeably different from the beginning of cycle. I have always have enjoyed performance (strength, speed, agility etc.) and really enjoy the performance enhancing effects of this cycle - even more so than the aesthetic parts.

    Into a 2nd loading block in my training (2nd out of 3) and have gotten much stronger while needing less rest in between sets. Got my squat up to 3 sets of 12 with 1 minute rest in between. I know I could hit 1 set of 20 no problem as the limiting factor is cardiovascular capacity and recovery with only 60seconds between high volume sets. I can also feel that with a proper strength peak I could break my old squat record of 525lbs - as the weights seem much lighter.

    Haven't flat benched for a few months due to it always giving me little injuries and switched to incline bench. This has always been my weakest exercise since I first tried it. First time I did incline bench with a flat bench of 330lbs - I was able to barely do sets of 5 with 155lbs. So very weak relative to my flat bench. I have gotten this up to sets of 10 with 235 now with slow controlled reps. So very good progress - probably not due only to drugs but getting used to the movement and strengthening my shoulders enough to do this.

    Deadlift has always been my best and I am able to do sets of 12 with 425 with the same Rest pause method as with squat doing HIT.

    Have stamina for days when doing cardio on my off days.

    Overall, very good performance benefits even though I am trying to bulk and get more muscular, NOT go for strength or powerlift

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    Feb 2015
    Will get photo's tomorrow but have noticed a few positive changes. For the first time I can see my upper most quadricep when flexed and my arms look much bigger from the front. Getting a lot of improvement with sharpness in the physique more so than just size. The size is coming, up to 204.5 lbs when starting at 195 so almost 10 quality pounds and just half way in (when the drug levels starting to peak).

    Progress is really dependent on my diet and forcing myself to eat enough to hit 4000 calories. Gotten better at cooking certain diet meals that taste good so I avoid spending $100 a day on takeout and going broke.

    Did one hour of boxing sparring with my buddy and was not that tired after the session either which is unusual.

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    A couple of progress photo's. No pump first thing in morning. At 205lbs now. Gains are coming.Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20190228_114912.jpg 
Views:	393 
Size:	1.21 MB 
ID:	175865Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20190228_114704.jpg 
Views:	502 
Size:	302.2 KB 
ID:	175866

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