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Thread: Kimbo's sensible 2019 cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Lightbulb Kimbo's sensible 2019 cycle

    I will be taking 1g of Eq per week as the base of my stack. Since Eq only comes in a long ester, it will take a few days of taking big shots of Eq on its own to raise my blood serum level to the point where I can then just take maintenance doses of Eq.

    Next I will do the same with Deca, and I will be taking 600mg of Deca per week.

    After I have taken all my loading doses of Eq and Deca, I will then get a large empty sterile 30ml vial and mix them in it. I will use a mechanical shaker to get even distribution throughout the oils. This way I will then be able to draw both steroids up at once into one syringe.

    I will take a minimum amount of Testosterone per week just for normal bodily function (only about 100mg per week), and I will mix this into my 30ml vial as well.

    I will take 80mg of Anavar by mouth daily.

    If I can get Cabergoline, I will take it twice a week to counteract the anti-libido effects of Deca.

    Not sure if I would need an AI like Aromasin or Amiridex. I probably will because of the 600mg/wk of Deca converting to a small amount of estrogen.

    The aim of this cycle is to put on muscle and to be kind to my joints, while also maintaining my cardio endurance as I participate in a 5k parkrun every Saturday morning.

    Normally I have Tren in every cycle but not this time because I want to maintain cardio and also because it's just harsh in general (e.g. lack of sleep, blood lipids).

    I won't kickstart with dbol or a adrol because I don't want to go hard on my liver.

    I will run this cycle for 12-16 weeks and then do a 4wk PCT of Clomid & Nova.

    Any thoughts on this cycle?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Kimbo Almond View Post

    If I can get Cabergoline, I will take it twice a week to counteract the anti-libido effects of Deca.

    Any thoughts on this cycle?
    Probably a good idea to pick up some caber now before later. You're going to need it..

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I like the idea.

    couple thoughts -

    - you don't want to kickstart with dbol or adrol because of potential liver toxicity. but you could easily kickstart by front loading your Deca with NPP for the first 4 weeks. the NPP will simply get the Nandrolone juices flowing much quicker as the nandrolone from the Deca then begins to kick in.

    - you could add in a bit of Masteron to this cycle and will likely negate your need for Caber. The mast will act as a basic androgen to stimulate libido, but also has blunting effects of both estrogen and prolactin receptors. it will also lower SHBG and make the small dose of Test your running more effective.

    - you likely won't need an AI at all. Deca converting to E is way over stated. it really doesn't convert much at all (in fact I came across a study awhile back where guys taking Deca ended up lowering their E levels .. this was likely due to hpta shutdown, but non the less it still shows that Deca barely converts to e at all).. ALSO, EQ has the ability to stimulate an anti estrogenic enzyme in the body and the longer you take EQ the lower your E levels get due to the increase in this enzyme . so again, likely you don't need an AI (especially if you added the Mast in there too)

  4. #4
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    A few years ago I was taking 1.2g of Tren E per week. I wasn't impotent, however I had numbness of the genitals as well as anorgasmia.

    I'm guessing that the 600mg/wk of Deca will do something similar, hence why I want Caber.

    I hadn't considered Masteron. In the past I've had the tendency to unnecessarily (and dangerously) complicate my cycles. This time I'll keep it to test/eq/deca/var.

    Would you add hGH or IGF-1 to this cycle? I'm not keen on insulin.

  5. #5
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    Give me a day or two and I'll post graphs and dosages of how to get Deca to behave like NPP. (Yes, it's possible).

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kimbo Almond View Post
    Give me a day or two and I'll post graphs and dosages of how to get Deca to behave like NPP. (Yes, it's possible).
    You can use the following formula to calculate the loading dose of Deca that you need in order to get the same initial kick as you would get from NPP.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20190104_133914.jpg 
Views:	129 
Size:	149.4 KB 
ID:	175394

    I'll go to my local library tomorrow to make graphs to show you comparisons of Deca and NPP with different loading doses, maintenance doses and dosing frequencies.

    I plan on kickstarting my cycle simply by taking very big doses of everything at the beginning.

    I made this spreadsheet for making graphs:
    Last edited by Kimbo Almond; 01-04-2019 at 07:48 AM.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kimbo Almond View Post
    Give me a day or two and I'll post graphs and dosages of how to get Deca to behave like NPP. (Yes, it's possible).
    I'm all for front loading a deca cycle with 2000mg a week to get blood levels elevated. however having done both personally, I prefer NPP as the front load for Deca . not a big difference either way

  8. #8
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    I'm not a competitive bodybuilder, I only want to run about 3 cycles every 5 years.

    Do you reckon I should add GH to this cycle, or would I just be wasting my money? Or what about IGF-1?

    One thing I'm taking into account in this cycke is that my dosages might be limited by how much oil I can inject. I don't want to put more than 6cc into each glute per week, or more than 4cc in one shot.

  9. #9
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    I wonder if I could add a minimal amount of Tren..... just enough to have a little effect.... but not enough to ruin my cardio or to be harsh on lipids

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kimbo Almond View Post

    I wonder if I could add a minimal amount of Tren..... just enough to have a little effect.... but not enough to ruin my cardio or to be harsh on lipids
    running a low dose of Tren just to get the Androgenic effects out of it can be beneficial here especially being your dose of Test is so low (and your not getting a lot of androgen effect from low dose test, and no androgen effects from either var or deca really)

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    running a low dose of Tren just to get the Androgenic effects out of it can be beneficial here especially being your dose of Test is so low (and your not getting a lot of androgen effect from low dose test, and no androgen effects from either var or deca really)
    What do you reckon about the following?

    Eq 1g/wk
    Test 100mg/wk
    Deca 600mg/wk
    Tren 200mg/wk
    Var 80mg/day

    Ancilaries: Caber twice a week, hCG twice a week
    PCT: 4 weeks of Clomid & Nolva

  12. #12
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    I think you will be disappointed with eq and anavar. Eq does a slight boost in appetite and some extra red blood cells and anavar just made me very tired with no tangible benefit at all.

    Why not just make a simpler cycle anyway? If anything add in a DHT derivative like masteron or winstrol to diversify growth pathways better (e.g. eq, test are test and tren and deca both 19-nor).

  13. #13
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    I actually might do the following instead.

    Week 1-8:
    Test 100mg/wk
    Tren 175mg/wk
    Deca 700mg/wk (with a loading dose of 2.2g)

    Week 9-12:
    Test 100mg/wk
    Tren 175mg/wk
    Var 80mg/day

    Ancillaries: 12 weeks of hCG, Cabergoline

    PCT: 4 weeks of Clomid, Nolva

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Actually my next idea is:

    Week 1-8
    Testosterone Propionate 50mg EOD
    Nandrolone Phenylproprionate 100mg EOD
    Trenbolone Acetate 100mg EOD

    Week 9-12
    Testosterone Propionate 50mg EOD
    Nandrolone Phenylproprionate 100mg EOD
    Oxandrolone 50mg ED

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