Im on day 2 buy Can i take a week break and start cycle again? I just want to rest then begin taking halo again...
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Im on day 2 buy Can i take a week break and start cycle again? I just want to rest then begin taking halo again...
Sent from my SM-N950F using Tapatalk
How much are you taking and what else is in the cycle? Halo is an interesting compound but highly liver toxic.
I would advise you abort the cycle completely you are going to have a lot of issues. You need to run test with that as it is highly depressive to your hpta. Is this a first cycle? This is one of the more advanced compounds out there.
You need to do research, halo isn’t even good for building mass anyways what’s your goal? My prediction is you end up worse than you started feeling like crap from crashing your test.
Look into a test only cycle. Halo isn’t what you need.
Test alone is best if you search there is a beginners sticky that tells you all you need to know. Save Tren for later on after you get used to cycling. Test E for 12 weeks at 500mg/week will be enough to give huge results alongside a good diet and training plan.
Remember this: you'll use test at at least a trt dose for any cycle. If you use multiple compounds at once the first time you run gear and you do experience negative sides, how do you know which compound is causing the issue? I recommend running test alone around 400-600mg and seeing how your body responds. I'd drop the halo, let your body recover, and then read every single red envelope thread on this forum. Really do your research, dont just read the profiles, and you can learn alot from the people on these boards. On top of that research on your own... THEN consider a cycle. And dont feel bad... Someone said the same thing to me basically when i got on here.
Man just use 500mg of test a week and eat a ton of food. Halo by itself is a god awful idea
Quit being a sissy and do it right.
509 test base (tne) per week split into 2 50mg shots daily.
100mg Tren ace daily
100mg Halo daily
100mg anadrol daily.
No ai, you need estrogen to build too.
Run this for 16-20 weeks.
Don't forget the quart if vegetable oil per day for extra calories.
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