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Thread: keep going with tren cycle or stop gyno

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2018

    keep going with tren cycle or stop gyno

    Hi everyone this is like the 3rd thread i have made this week you all have been a massive help so far but im not sure what to do next i should of took my cc of tren yesterday but i never i have pea sized lump under nipples and they are quite sore last 3 days i have took 0.25 of arimidex and now will do 0.5mg on each test injection i have been taking 600mg of vitamin b6 the past 3 days and have caber coming tomorrow my question is will i be able to continue the tren cycle i all this has happend on week 5 just as it kicks in

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2018
    da states
    So, what are your doses of tren & test?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    sorry i forgot to put that. i have been taking 200mg a week of test cypionate split into 100mg twice a week and 400mg tren enanthate split into 200mg twice a week

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2018
    da states
    I would think adding an AI won't help. The caber may help but I would think nolvadex would be your best option

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
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    you need Nolvadex . what cycle number is this for you ? did you have gyno sensitivity with other cycles you did or is it just new with the Tren?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    i have been on trt for years and have done alot of sarms but this is my first steroid cycle i did run arimidex at 0.25 with each injection for the first 3 weeks but i was getting extreme lethargy and thought it could of been my e2 was crashed so i stopped the arimidex. i have read on a few fourms that nolva is no good for prolactin induced gyno because it increases progesterone is that bullshit

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by morton30 View Post
    i have been on trt for years and have done alot of sarms but this is my first steroid cycle i did run arimidex at 0.25 with each injection for the first 3 weeks but i was getting extreme lethargy and thought it could of been my e2 was crashed so i stopped the arimidex. i have read on a few fourms that nolva is no good for prolactin induced gyno because it increases progesterone is that bullshit
    ok for starters Tren does not aromatize into estrogen. so you don't really need much additional estrogen control then whatever your 200mg TRT dose of test you had been doing called for (which for a lot of guys is no AI use at all). Taking Tren with no additional aromatizing drugs and then adding more AI on top of it then what you need is a sure fire way to, through androgen/estrogen ratios out of whack, make your dick stop working , among other things (as Tren does not convert to DHT either ... low estrogen with low DHT will = tren dick.. which is often times the problem WAY before prolactin ever is).

    if you have not had blood work that shows you have elevated prolactin then you do not really know if its elevated or if you even have "prolactin induced gyno" .. which is not really a thing anyways, but lactation due to elevated prolactin is. the gyno you have is more then likely estrogen gyno and Nolvadex is going to block the estrogen from binding to those receptors. thats what you need to have happen.
    now the reason you have estrogen gyno, even though you were trying to control you estrogen with an AI , is likely because of the progestin nature of the Tren. again tren does not convert to estrogen, but it has the capacity to make your normal estrogen into "super estrogen" and bind much more strongly in breast tissue .. (some guys don't have to have elevated estrogen in order to get gyno symptoms while running tren)
    this is why I always recommend guys run MASTERON when running Tren . As MASTeron (mast means 'breast') has the ability to blunt both prolactin and estrogen in breast tissue and elsewhere.

    this whole idea that Nolvadex does not work well with Tren is bullshit and being propagated by some false understandings on an old study (which study is also likely bullshit as there have not been many human studies done with tren)..
    go by the anecdotal evidence here. ask guys that have been running gear for years and years and have dozens of tren and other 19 nor cycles under their belt if nolvadex worked for them or not at preventing gyno from tren usage.. they will all likely say yes.

    note: also so you are aware, Tren is a progetin based drug. it does not need to raise progesterone and ultimately prolactin levels in your blood for it to have progestinic side effects.. it can act on progesterone receptors all on its own.
    you may not have elevated progesterone or prolactin levels at all . just saying.. but you can still have progestin side effects. but your side effects sound like its just estrogen based onset of gyno . and nolvadex will likely do the trick
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 02-13-2019 at 07:12 PM.

  8. #8
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    to clarify . masteron and nolvadex is what your going to need to run with any future tren cycle you do

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    ok for starters Tren does not aromatize into estrogen. so you don't really need much additional estrogen control then whatever your 200mg TRT dose of test you had been doing called for (which for a lot of guys is no AI use at all). Taking Tren with no additional aromatizing drugs and then adding more AI on top of it then what you need is a sure fire way to, through androgen/estrogen ratios out of whack, make your dick stop working , among other things (as Tren does not convert to DHT either ... low estrogen with low DHT will = tren dick.. which is often times the problem WAY before prolactin ever is).

    if you have not had blood work that shows you have elevated prolactin then you do not really know if its elevated or if you even have "prolactin induced gyno" .. which is not really a thing anyways, but lactation due to elevated prolactin is. the gyno you have is more then likely estrogen gyno and Nolvadex is going to block the estrogen from binding to those receptors. thats what you need to have happen.
    now the reason you have estrogen gyno, even though you were trying to control you estrogen with an AI , is likely because of the progestin nature of the Tren. again tren does not convert to estrogen, but it has the capacity to make your normal estrogen into "super estrogen" and bind much more strongly in breast tissue .. (some guys don't have to have elevated estrogen in order to get gyno symptoms while running tren)
    this is why I always recommend guys run MASTERON when running Tren . As MASTeron (mast means 'breast') has the ability to blunt both prolactin and estrogen in breast tissue and elsewhere.

    this whole idea that Nolvadex does not work well with Tren is bullshit and being propagated by some false understandings on an old study (which study is also likely bullshit as there have not been many human studies done with tren)..
    go by the anecdotal evidence here. ask guys that have been running gear for years and years and have dozens of tren and other 19 nor cycles under their belt if nolvadex worked for them or not at preventing gyno from tren usage.. they will all likely say yes.

    note: also so you are aware, Tren is a progetin based drug. it does not need to raise progesterone and ultimately prolactin levels in your blood for it to have progestinic side effects.. it can act on progesterone receptors all on its own.
    you may not have elevated progesterone or prolactin levels at all . just saying.. but you can still have progestin side effects. but your side effects sound like its just estrogen based onset of gyno . and nolvadex will likely do the trick
    In my experience...

    Gyno lump forms with high dosage of test npp tren or what have you...

    I add 20mg ed of nolva for one to two weeks and lump starts to soften

    I drop dosage to 10mg ed for 2 more weeks and lump has shrank and is very soft

    At week 6 or so it is gone.

    With mast on cycle I had no issue with gyno.

    Its already starting to form on my current blast with no mast or nolva.

    I never run AI or caber on a regiment.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    Ok so there's no point keep going with the cycle if all i have is just caber and arimadex if i get the nolva and mast should I restart the whole 10 week cycle

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by morton30 View Post
    Ok so there's no point keep going with the cycle if all i have is just caber and arimadex if i get the nolva and mast should I restart the whole 10 week cycle
    Most will tell you to pct and take off pct time plus the amount of time you were on. Shoot me a pm about nolva.

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