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Thread: I did not loose any hair on tren??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2018

    I did not loose any hair on tren??

    ok guys so im 31 and have a full head of hair maybe slight receeding but normal i think for my age but my dad is bald he went bald in his early 20s and all of my dads side of the family are all bald all my mums brothers are bald but my granddad on my mums side has a full head of hair at 88yrs old i allways thought i was to go bald so i never wanted to speed it up on steroids but i done a tren cycle and never lost any hair now i have brought my next cycle that i will run in a few months dbol/deca/test/proviron. could it be that being that i never lost my hair on tren does that mean chances are i will never loose it or does androgenic steroids not speed up mpb but dht does

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
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    well if you want to find out for yourself personally if DHT causes more hair loss for you then strong androgens like Tren, then running your Test/Proviron combo should let you know. as Tren is probably the strongest androgen avail, and test/proviron is one of the strongest combos to promote DHT conversion .

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    yea i know this is why i am wondering well i will keep the Proviron in case i cant get it up so hopefully i will never use it. but im really debating on dropping the dbol out of it and just going deca400mg/test400mg or maybe drop the dbol if i notice any hair loss. thing is i dont know how quick it goes to work on the hair if i go bald in a few days or if it will just recede it a bit after the 6 weeks

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Just use finasteride if your worried. Or run tren again? Since you know its safe for your hair?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    i heard the erectile dysfunction is really bad on finasteride dunno if thats true. i dont think i could ever go on tren again the misses would leave me i did not handle the mental sides very well have you ever ran finasteride? any ed?

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by morton30 View Post
    yea i know this is why i am wondering well i will keep the Proviron in case i cant get it up so hopefully i will never use it. but im really debating on dropping the dbol out of it and just going deca400mg/test400mg or maybe drop the dbol if i notice any hair loss. thing is i dont know how quick it goes to work on the hair if i go bald in a few days or if it will just recede it a bit after the 6 weeks
    Dbol is more estrogenic then androgenic. its not likely going to effect your hairline (it can convert to DHT slightly , but not like Test).
    again, if anything is going to effect your hairline in the combo your running its the test/proviron combo (you should be just fine with the Dbol and Deca combo)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    ok then so my hair seems to be doing fine on my 200mg trt dose do you think 200mg test would be ok to support the deca and dbol. and drop the proviron

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    personally have used tren numerous times, hair still like a birds nest.

    finasteride is pretty fucking nuts, you should research it heavily if you intend to use it. seems like it causes more problems than any steroid can mentally at least.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    I use fina regularly and have never had any sides. And my hair is thicker now than it was before i ever touched gear.

    Test, deca, dbol. Thats a hair safe combo and will pack on mass. granted you keep the test at or near your trt level.
    19 nors cause way more sexual sides than fina ever will.

  10. #10
    What I found was that with my first 2 Tren cycles, no hairloss. I noticed hairloss during my 3rd Tren cycle. I don't have a history of MPB on both sides of my parents. Part of my hairloss could be age appropriate. I do think that it takes time for the body to react to DHT and androgenic compounds. I slather minoxidol in my hair and take Finasteride. If my hair falls out, it falls out. I'm doing the best I can for my hair.

    I could stop cycling but then I'd be a mere mortal like sweaty "soft bodies" in the gym. LOL

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