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Thread: Female cycle - suspected cortisol rebound

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Italy, Messina

    Female cycle - suspected cortisol rebound

    Hello guys, i've implemented a bulk cycle of 10 weeks to my girlfriend as following:

    1-6 weeks:
    - Var 20mg/ED
    - T3 50mcg/ED

    7-10 weeks:
    - Var 20mg/ED
    - T3 50mcg/ED
    - Tren Ace 15mg/EOD

    Now we are at beginning of the 12th week and i just got her drop Tren Ace keeping Var and T3 as the same dosage as above. I administer Tren Ace at low dosage just to give a boost in the last weeks and she tolerated very well it without particular sides ( she has a little bigger clito by now as the previous cycles she did and no further increasing was seen ).

    What happened instead, seems to be a cortisol rebound ( i don't think it's progestins/estrogens related ) when we removed Tren even though we kept Var. Now she told me she feels tired, bloated and with a short breathe without strength to get training.

    I wonder if this could be, especially in female physiology, a common rebound side effect and if there are a best practices to face it and in what way in female cycling protocols. She will do BW ASAP, anyway and i will check prolactin too obviously.

    Any suggestions and thoughts will be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
    Last edited by Slacker78; 03-06-2019 at 02:16 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Switching from var to winny as you come off tren ace would make much sense here. Winny is famous for lowering the cortisol levels, and this is why its bad for your joints..
    Tren ace is a wild decision for a female cycle, nice to hear she had no sides.
    Best of luck!

  3. #3
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    Jun 2014
    Italy, Messina
    Quote Originally Posted by The God Himself View Post
    Switching from var to winny as you come off tren ace would make much sense here. Winny is famous for lowering the cortisol levels, and this is why its bad for your joints..
    Tren ace is a wild decision for a female cycle, nice to hear she had no sides.
    Best of luck!
    Yes, thank you TGH. I thought to switch to winny too as you suggested. I will do so, after she will do BW. Yes, i tested Tren Ace to her starting with the lower dosage i supposed could be tolerated with a few sides to her; gains were fantastic and no sides were experimented except a little of short of breathe as Tren usually cause and a bit of rage... ( she was a bit angry with me for nonsenses but i knew how to calm her... ). However, i guess this is cortisol rebound, i don't think estrogens are involved.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker78 View Post
    Yes, thank you TGH. I thought to switch to winny too as you suggested. I will do so, after she will do BW. Yes, i tested Tren Ace to her starting with the lower dosage i supposed could be tolerated with a few sides to her; gains were fantastic and no sides were experimented except a little of short of breathe as Tren usually cause and a bit of rage... ( she was a bit angry with me for nonsenses but i knew how to calm her... ). However, i guess this is cortisol rebound, i don't think estrogens are involved.
    All steroids are known to lower cortisol, especially the DHT derived ones.

  5. #5
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    this may not be cortisol related at all . could be she has simply developed symptoms of hyper thyroid from being on that high of a dosage of T3 for that long. Try dropping the T3 to 25mcg per day

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    this may not be cortisol related at all . could be she has simply developed symptoms of hyper thyroid from being on that high of a dosage of T3 for that long. Try dropping the T3 to 25mcg per day
    GH, really ? Uhmm... questions:

    1 - She did a similar cycle time ago with another trainer... he administered to her Test Prop 50mg/week for about 5 weeks after which she dropped all ( NO AI he gave to her... great error he did IMHO ). After a while, she had the same symptoms as now... she bloated, short breathe, extreme fatigue and so on... she didn't take T3 ( it could be possibile in this case an estrogens rebound... but in the recent cycle i did with her, there's not aromatizable compounds, just progestin as Tren Ace ).

    2 - T3 in long term at that dosages ( so "artificial" hyperthyroidism ) could cause water retention and the other symptoms i told ? Keep in mind she has just one kidney from birth... and a cortisol rebound could be more critical than a normal person as its direct stimulation on aldosterone...

    She will have BW results on Monday anyway. If it's all ok, i thought to administer to her a winstrol for pair of weeks. What do you suggest me how to proceed ? She wouldn't loose her gains obtained with Tren at all... even she would be partecipate to a contest on May...

  7. #7
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    can you check her morning fasted blood sugar ? thats an easy way to get some insight into wither her cortisol is elevated (which could also be elevated indirectly from too much T3)

  8. #8
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    I advocate the use of Winstrol quite often for short term anti cortisol phases , as winstrol is nearly as good as cytadren at blocking cortisol and it does it directly (where as most AAS blunt cortisol indirectly).
    this is just temporary obviously, but can help continue a growth phase and get past a plateu. if her issues are effecting her health though and there is more going on then it may be best to pull back on the drugs rather then add more drugs in.
    at least you got blood work coming though so you can make an informed decision

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I advocate the use of Winstrol quite often for short term anti cortisol phases , as winstrol is nearly as good as cytadren at blocking cortisol and it does it directly (where as most AAS blunt cortisol indirectly).
    this is just temporary obviously, but can help continue a growth phase and get past a plateu. if her issues are effecting her health though and there is more going on then it may be best to pull back on the drugs rather then add more drugs in.
    at least you got blood work coming though so you can make an informed decision
    Ok. I will check it but it think it could have sense that a strong androgens compounds in a female body, could cause stronger rebound than male in terms of cortisol release. If BW will show a good values ( she's taking just 20mg of Var/ED and T3 50mcg/ED ) it would a good choice to remove Var and giving her Winstrol at 25mg/ED for 2 weeks and lowering T3 to 25mcg/ED ? She's going to join a contest on May... so after these 2 weeks, she could start to blast again ( according to BW ).

  10. #10
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    However, yes T3 could elevate cortisol in long term as it increases glucose metabolism and lowering sugar level ( especially in a low carb scenario ), causing in turn a cortisol increasing to stabilize glycemia... 20mg of Var i suppose are too much little to protected muscles catabolism from T3/Cortisol increasing.

  11. #11
    I found thyroids to be resilient when coming off of T3/T4 based cutting cycle. If your lady's already run Tren (whoa) then running 20mg of var should be a walk in the park.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    I found thyroids to be resilient when coming off of T3/T4 based cutting cycle. If your lady's already run Tren (whoa) then running 20mg of var should be a walk in the park.
    Yeah SG. But she's taking T3 still. However, she became a monster in few weeks with that Tren Ace dosages. Apart a bit of angry and short of breathe, no particular sides she got. Ah... except clito... that sometimes i feel like a blow-job man rather than a pussy licker...

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