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Thread: Insights on my cycle suston 800mg, NNP 50ed 400ish, And 600EQ

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Insights on my cycle suston 800mg, NNP 50ed 400ish, And 600EQ

    Been on this cycle for 5-6 weeks now. During week 2-3 week I wasn’t able to get in my normal cycle routine. Nonetheless pretty lean vascular (I play sports) and do a lot of HIIT style of traning. With the gym Im
    At. What are you thought on this cycle. What are of it’s potiental of this cycle.
    5”11 178 very lean minor bulk thus far in to the cycle. 35yrs old.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    The potential is based on your diet and training. What are your goals? Bulk? Cut? Prior cycle experience? 800 is alot of test you probably dont need that much.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Been on it for the last ten years in and off never have gone over 1000 of test. Last cycle last year I was on 500 I decided to go a lil more this time. Last cycle was 500 test 400 tren A 400 primo.
    Goals since I’m playing sports football really trying to lean and good endurance (equipoise/deca) and of course have strength. Seems to be headed in the right direction

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Id lower the test and raise the eq. And maybe front load the eq for a week or two. 800mg of test is going to cause alot of water retention unless you have an awesome diet or are one of those “hard gainer” body types. Honestly youd be surprised what you can do with just a trt level of test and fill the gaps with eq. And then keep your deca/npp dose.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    If you want even more strength you could add in something like mast or proviron to free up some test.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    aka m.hornbuckle
    I've been playing with just keeping my TRT dose of 175mg per week test (keeps me in low 900ng.) And adding other gear like 40-60mg var or primo etc.

    I really been thinking by how I feel on low test and cycle doses of other things, that high test is DEFINITELY overrated.

  7. #7
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    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    I've been playing with just keeping my TRT dose of 175mg per week test (keeps me in low 900ng.) And adding other gear like 40-60mg var or primo etc.

    I really been thinking by how I feel on low test and cycle doses of other things, that high test is DEFINITELY overrated.
    Test/eq/var was probably the best i ever felt in terms of no sides. Only problem is var makes my back break out. Test/eq/dbol would probably be my best “comfort” combo

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    aka m.hornbuckle
    Quote Originally Posted by Octaneforce View Post
    Test/eq/var was probably the best i ever felt in terms of no sides. Only problem is var makes my back break out. Test/eq/dbol would probably be my best “comfort” combo
    That's trt dose test and moderate dose EQ and var?

  9. #9
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    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    That's trt dose test and moderate dose EQ and var?
    It was actually moderate test and high eq and moderate var

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by z06vett View Post
    Been on this cycle for 5-6 weeks now. During week 2-3 week I wasn’t able to get in my normal cycle routine. Nonetheless pretty lean vascular (I play sports) and do a lot of HIIT style of traning. With the gym Im
    At. What are you thought on this cycle. What are of it’s potiental of this cycle.
    5”11 178 very lean minor bulk thus far in to the cycle. 35yrs old.
    This is more of a strength/bulk phase. The "lean" comes from your diet and cardio. You're mixing short esters with long ones. It can be done but it's way more convenient to run all short esters or all long esters. For a bulking cycle I like long esters. It is a longer cycle and will give your body more time to metabolize food and grow muscles. Assuming a long ester cycle, 500mg/wk Test Cyp, 600mg/wk Deca, 600mg/wk EQ. Another cycle I've run is 600mg/wk Test an 800mg/wk Deca. That's a good bulk cycle. Run for 12 weeks and see if you're still making gains. You can run this cycle for 14 wks even 16 wks if you're still making gains. Make sure you have a good PCT planned.

    Also, you need to run an AI and HCG.

  11. #11
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    Feb 2012
    Yea I got some amidex and letro and nolva on stand by. Once the npp is on the last 3 weeks I plan on finish off with test tren and what ever is left of any of the eq on the back end of the cycle

    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    This is more of a strength/bulk phase. The "lean" comes from your diet and cardio. You're mixing short esters with long ones. It can be done but it's way more convenient to run all short esters or all long esters. For a bulking cycle I like long esters. It is a longer cycle and will give your body more time to metabolize food and grow muscles. Assuming a long ester cycle, 500mg/wk Test Cyp, 600mg/wk Deca, 600mg/wk EQ. Another cycle I've run is 600mg/wk Test an 800mg/wk Deca. That's a good bulk cycle. Run for 12 weeks and see if you're still making gains. You can run this cycle for 14 wks even 16 wks if you're still making gains. Make sure you have a good PCT planned.

    Also, you need to run an AI and HCG.

  12. #12
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    Feb 2015
    Other people will disagree with me here but I think that's complete overkill for 5'11 178lbs. You could get extremely good results on less than half of that e.g 400test 600eq and no NPP. or even just drop the dosages of all of these. 800test seems like overkill. Is this your first cycle or do you know how you react to 800mg of test?

    For comparison I'm 5'11 205lbs and just running 300test 600eq and have gained 12lbs of quality size.

    Guess it depends on you but I would prefer to get the most from the least and you can always up the dosages if necessary.

    Additionally, why NPP with all long esters and not just deca?

  13. #13
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    Jun 2018
    Dude if you're taking all that and don't even weigh 180 lbs, wtf are you even doing?

    I agree with others who say lower the test. IMO you shouldn't be taking more than 1000 mg total exogenous hormones per week.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by jackfrost88 View Post
    Other people will disagree with me here but I think that's complete overkill for 5'11 178lbs. You could get extremely good results on less than half of that e.g 400test 600eq and no NPP. or even just drop the dosages of all of these. 800test seems like overkill. Is this your first cycle or do you know how you react to 800mg of test?

    For comparison I'm 5'11 205lbs and just running 300test 600eq and have gained 12lbs of quality size.

    Guess it depends on you but I would prefer to get the most from the least and you can always up the dosages if necessary.

    Additionally, why NPP with all long esters and not just deca?
    Agree, after 13 cycles I don't even take that much test.

    Also, maybe all he had was NPP and no deca? Afterall sust is best shot EOD/ED anyway.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle1337 View Post
    Agree, after 13 cycles I don't even take that much test.

    Also, maybe all he had was NPP and no deca? Afterall sust is best shot EOD/ED anyway.
    For a cycle that big I hope that it isn't just what's "lying under the kitchen sink" type of thing. And cycles should be planned out based of efficacy NOT on availability regardless. It will be a very awkward and uncomfortable injecting routine and it sounds like the OP is new into this. So the test alone will be 2 times a week injection at least (at 1cc per shot or more), same with the EQ only more than 1 CC and the NPP needs to be ED or EOD thrown in there as well. Makes for almsot a full CC syringe of compounds and then a separate shot of NPP each day or EOD. I don't know deca would just be so much easier.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackfrost88 View Post
    It will be a very awkward and uncomfortable injecting routine .
    test, npp, eq .. makes for an extremely easy injection routine. simply inject 1cc of each EOD. gives you more then adequate dosages. fits into a 3cc syringe. easy to remember. does not get any more simple then that

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    test, npp, eq .. makes for an extremely easy injection routine. simply inject 1cc of each EOD. gives you more then adequate dosages. fits into a 3cc syringe. easy to remember. does not get any more simple then that
    Hmm, I was assuming test and eq injections twice a week and NPP ED or maybe EOD, but that makes sense - I take it back. Still a lot of volume for a noob like me. 1.5cc twice a week is more than enough for me.

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