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Thread: Cycle sample critique and comments

  1. #1
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    Cycle sample critique and comments

    Rough draft

    8-12 weeks total time

    Week 1-(8-12): 300mg of test a week. 150mg Test E 150mg Test prop.

    Other option is 200-300mg EW of just prop.

    Week 1-(8-12): 20mg of RAD140 ED
    Week 1-(8-12): 20-25mg of Ostarine
    Week 1-(8-12): .5 arimadex EOD/E3D
    250mg of HCG EW
    Bringing closer to the cycle within the last four weeks of it, either Masteron or Anavar to close out the cycle.

    Working on post cycle

    Debating on cruising on 125mg-150mg of Test E after cycle.

    This is a rough draft that I've been entertaining in my mind. The low dose of Test EW is to just run a mediocre dose of test considering I'll be suppressed regardless. This "light cycle is to let the sarms do the work while taking test to aid in general hormone levels.

    This is probably info for another topic but I'll be switching from hgh to MK677 for finances and ease of use during cycle. This OK to do?

  2. #2
    Few things... Why such low dose on test? 500mg -MIN Why piss with prop if you have E? You can frontload with prop in the beginning, sure.

    Low dose to let sarms do the work? Doesn't work like that lol. just run high dose real shit - not some sarms. Yes they help but they are not like AAS

    Masteron is pretty meh unless you're lean and running it alongside with Tren. Sure it has benefits, but you aren't getting the maximum from them.

    HCG is to be ran at 500IU/week

    Also I wouldn't run this cycle less than 12 weeks. Sounds like you're more leaning towards "cutting roids" whatever that means, but don't piss with the var - so ungodly expensive (and often faked) and you're already concerned with finances so that tells me you'll run low dose which will be not all that useful.

    what's your main purpose here?

  3. #3
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    You're on GH right now?

    No amount of MK is gonna compare to like 4iu gh or stronger GHRPs tbh. That in itself is problematic. Going from GH to MK is like going from gold to copper lol.

    This is overall very overly complicated, I see what you would like to do with the sarms replacing some of the test but... Why? They have WAY more sides than the test and from Ive seen INSANELY (400 for a bottle??) expensive. Don't even work well at all even compared to just pure test either. If you want (FAR) better gains just use a real drug like dbol or sdrol.

    In this situation I think most cost effective scenario is replacing the GH with GHRP2/6 and 500mg test instead of 300/sarms. That should be piss cheap.
    Last edited by fiddlesticks; 03-10-2019 at 09:59 PM.

  4. #4
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    Purpose is to take it slow and learn more about steroids by moving with caution. Quick cycle rather then long one. Previous cycle between the notorious just dbol noobie mistake then bridging with tbol to only take a test E cycle I was on for a long time. Want to cut down doses and experiment. I can get legit anavar and have heard that using it to finish off cycles can help with keeping gains and such id take moderate doses. I don't like water weight so I'm trying to stay away from estrogen lol

  5. #5
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    Jan 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by CAADsprint View Post
    Purpose is to take it slow and learn more about steroids by moving with caution. Quick cycle rather then long one. Previous cycle between the notorious just dbol noobie mistake then bridging with tbol to only take a test E cycle I was on for a long time. Want to cut down doses and experiment. I can get legit anavar and have heard that using it to finish off cycles can help with keeping gains and such id take moderate doses. I don't like water weight so I'm trying to stay away from estrogen lol
    Eat more food to keep gains, don't worry about anavar lmao. That is how I interpret this post.

    Sounds like what someone selling you dbol as anavar would tell you. A total load of shit tbh.

  6. #6
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    Not a fan of SARMs - too many grey area variables and still a lot of unanswered questions for them. Can also produce more sides than anabolics as previously mentioned.

    Using that many compounds is the opposite of slow progression. AI dose is bananas for that little Testosterone. Your estrogen will crash 7-10 days in and you will make zero gains.

    If you can't bankroll HGH anymore just put money aside until you can financially afford 9+ months at a time or put it towards anabolics.

    If you are terrified of estrogen just run a TRT dose of Test and cut it with Primobolan / Equpoise (you will either love EQ or hate it - only way to know is run it).

    Diet training and sleep should be in check before cycling.
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    Not a fan of SARMs - too many grey area variables and still a lot of unanswered questions for them. Can also produce more sides than anabolics as previously mentioned.

    Using that many compounds is the opposite of slow progression. AI dose is bananas for that little Testosterone. Your estrogen will crash 7-10 days in and you will make zero gains.

    If you can't bankroll HGH anymore just put money aside until you can financially afford 9+ months at a time or put it towards anabolics.

    If you are terrified of estrogen just run a TRT dose of Test and cut it with Primobolan / Equpoise (you will either love EQ or hate it - only way to know is run it).

    Diet training and sleep should be in check before cycling.
    yeah thank you before this I was thinking of exactly that test/EQ filler. I love dbol but I am trying to run from estrogen this cycle for to see what would happen. the AI dose is at max as I've heard different philosophy's of running it damn near max dose and working backwards rather then to run low and slowly increase.

    I can afford HGH but wanted to prioritize my cycle for a minute and build up my inventory before I run the cycle. I basically replaced recreational pot smoking and couple Saturday nights for HGH. ironically I spend less on HGH a month then I do with buying cannabis. was spending about $60-$90 a week on cannabis and within two weeks I can get a kit of HGH that will last me 20 days to a month depending on dosing and if I have a low waste BD syringe. I find if I get regular syringes and needles that you waste about 1/20th of a ml per shot, depending on how much BAC water you use to reconstitute that is sometimes upwards to half a ui, meaning you loose about 1.5-2ui per vial just from waste. so I reconstitute with 2ml of BAC water and use BD's low waste syringes. excessive? maybe but I am a cheap bastard.

    About the Anavar. I can surely tell you that I can get a hold of real anavar. I got dumb stupid lucky with my lab and have spoken to countless people who have gotten bloodwork and such to test legitimacy. super high quality seals and labels and each item has its own authentication number that you can link up with their website to check if it's real. super fast rep service for questions etc etc. I'm not name dropping to show respect but as much as its hard to believe its a genuine tried and true lab.

    If I did test and EQ would you still recommend RAD140 and/or Ost? its not $400 gamble either its more like $60 for 60 10mg tabs.
    gotta run and check out and buy a new car today but I'll be back.

    Thank's for the advice

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAADsprint View Post
    the AI dose is at max as I've heard different philosophy's of running it damn near max dose and working backwards
    curious where you've heard this philosophy .
    as starting a cycle off with "max" dosages of arimidex (especially when a cycle doesn't even need an AI , like low dose test and sarms) is one of the fastest ways to develop negative side effects and greatly hinder gains.
    so just wondering who and why anyone one advocate such a thing.

    I personally take the opposite approach in most cases. being estrogen is responsible for sensitizing androgen receptors to androgens, starting off with higher amounts of estrogen , rather then crushing estrogen from the start, makes more sense. its generally at the end of the cycle when androgen receptors are fully sensitized and saturated that an anti estrogen phase is initiated.. starting off a cycle with an anti estrogen phase makes zero sense and is just going to hinder gains and make your cycle less effective (even the SARMS will be less effective).

    Quote Originally Posted by CAADsprint View Post
    About the Anavar. I can surely tell you that I can get a hold of real anavar. I got dumb stupid lucky with my lab and have spoken to countless people who have gotten bloodwork and such to test legitimacy.
    what exactly is being checked on blood work to prove Var is legitimate Var ?
    I'm not aware of anything on blood lab work that tests for the legitimacy of var being var. you can't take Var, get blood work done, and have anything on that blood test tell you if your taking real var or not (that only works with Testosterone)
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 03-11-2019 at 10:17 AM.

  9. #9
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    regarding your cycle.. if your worried about estrogen. then don't mess with running a cycle dosage of test let alone adding in extra test prop. 150mg of test e as trt and then design your cycle with other non aromatizing AAS. why run more test then you want/need if its just going to convert to estrogen and your not really wanting estrogen benefits right now. theres a hundred other steroids out there that don't aromatize to estrogen. just run or stack them
    Winny and Masteron , or Primo and Tbol, or Superdrol and Eq.. the choices and combos of non estrogen compounds is endless. and if you throw SARMs into the mix, the list gets even longer.
    you don't need an AI with any of these compounds if you keep test low enough (and you don't need much test if your not wanting to benefit from estrogen). it makes zero sense to run something that converts to estrogen to a high degree, then run something else to block that estrogen . the benefit of test is that it does aromatize to estrogen . but if you don't want that benefit then don't run it at cycle dosages
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 03-11-2019 at 10:43 AM.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAADsprint View Post
    yeah thank you before this I was thinking of exactly that test/EQ filler. I love dbol but I am trying to run from estrogen this cycle for to see what would happen. the AI dose is at max as I've heard different philosophy's of running it damn near max dose and working backwards rather then to run low and slowly increase.

    I can afford HGH but wanted to prioritize my cycle for a minute and build up my inventory before I run the cycle. I basically replaced recreational pot smoking and couple Saturday nights for HGH. ironically I spend less on HGH a month then I do with buying cannabis. was spending about $60-$90 a week on cannabis and within two weeks I can get a kit of HGH that will last me 20 days to a month depending on dosing and if I have a low waste BD syringe. I find if I get regular syringes and needles that you waste about 1/20th of a ml per shot, depending on how much BAC water you use to reconstitute that is sometimes upwards to half a ui, meaning you loose about 1.5-2ui per vial just from waste. so I reconstitute with 2ml of BAC water and use BD's low waste syringes. excessive? maybe but I am a cheap bastard.

    About the Anavar. I can surely tell you that I can get a hold of real anavar. I got dumb stupid lucky with my lab and have spoken to countless people who have gotten bloodwork and such to test legitimacy. super high quality seals and labels and each item has its own authentication number that you can link up with their website to check if it's real. super fast rep service for questions etc etc. I'm not name dropping to show respect but as much as its hard to believe its a genuine tried and true lab.

    If I did test and EQ would you still recommend RAD140 and/or Ost? its not $400 gamble either its more like $60 for 60 10mg tabs.
    gotta run and check out and buy a new car today but I'll be back.

    Thank's for the advice
    There is no bloodwork markers to prove that Anavar is real. It sounds like someone is taking advantage of your knowledge level in order to make a sale. I would also question an HGH kit that costs only $120.00. I would spend a lot more time doing third party and unbiased research on this lab you had in mind so you don't get ripped off.

    The two oral only cycles don't really count imo - You really have 1 cycle behind you of Test only. It doesn't make sense to go from Test Only to Test + 1-2 other compounds + HGH + 2 SARMS.
    Last edited by Windex; 03-11-2019 at 10:49 AM.
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  11. #11
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    What I meant by blood work is when others take test, aas, peptides, hgh, igf, etc etc the work checks out. Can’t generalize if one particular is working I understand that.

    It’s a legit source I ran the gear before and taking dbol I got bigger by the day and when I would idiotically take 150mg of prop on top of 600mg of test E I’d wake up the next morning with about 50 pimples on my shoulders. Shoulders were bust the entire cycle but test and dbol are the more main stream easy to make compounds.

    After countless testimonials and reports the source is legit. One person had taken 10ui of said HGH and got blood work to get some high mark of Gh at like 28. I don’t know the units of measurements but apparently it was a good enough statistic to prove it was legit

    I really really appreciate you guys looking out for me and trying to wake me up with potential fake or cheap gear. I’m not sure of the policies of name dropping but I will say on the first page of source checks the labs name is right there towards the bottom half of the first page.

    At Gearheaded. I was thinking that on the way to CT to pick up my new car. Test/eq/tbol/mast

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAADsprint View Post
    What I meant by blood work is when others take test, aas, peptides, hgh, igf, etc etc the work checks out. Can’t generalize if one particular is working I understand that.

    It’s a legit source I ran the gear before and taking dbol I got bigger by the day and when I would idiotically take 150mg of prop on top of 600mg of test E I’d wake up the next morning with about 50 pimples on my shoulders. Shoulders were bust the entire cycle but test and dbol are the more main stream easy to make compounds.

    After countless testimonials and reports the source is legit. One person had taken 10ui of said HGH and got blood work to get some high mark of Gh at like 28. I don’t know the units of measurements but apparently it was a good enough statistic to prove it was legit

    I really really appreciate you guys looking out for me and trying to wake me up with potential fake or cheap gear. I’m not sure of the policies of name dropping but I will say on the first page of source checks the labs name is right there towards the bottom half of the first page.

    At Gearheaded. I was thinking that on the way to CT to pick up my new car. Test/eq/tbol/mast
    Well if Growth Hormone levels are being checked the result is irrelevant because IGF-1 levels are what matter. Also reference ranges vary greatly. Even the way calculations are made (ie lipids) are different. I could walk in to bloodwork, lie and say I am fasted despite just eating a juicy meal and completely manipulate the results.

    I still don't understand the first point. You say the bloodwork from the guys determines its real gear but that's not a factor of authenticity. The bloodwork is irrelevant to determine authenticity outside of very few compounds.

    Have you actually seen someone's blood work results with sky high IGF-1 levels to show the HGh is real?

    Not trying to give you a hard time but recognize there is a fine line between being confident in a source and being naive / ignorant. There are thousands of threads where people were overconfident on their source and got junk. Just don't want to see your money go out the window
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  13. #13
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    I'll get that checked out when I get another kit. I would with my current one but I friggen left it in the fridge at under 1 degrees Celsius for two days. Many would suggest to dump it but after contacting the rep I was told that the growth hormone in its freeze dried puck form can last frozen for sometime before it spoils. Non the less I feel waiting for a brand new kit is only fair.

    For what it's worth I sleep like a rock, wake up with numb hands, used to randomly get crazy hip and joint pain, would become fatigued etc etc.

    It seems like sarms are still not favored here. But the idea of sticking to low amounts of test with steroid stacks ok. Windex youd rather me stick to only one or two compounds?

  14. #14
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    I'm gonna sound like a dick but jesus man stop worrying about the exact temp the GH is stored at instead just eat more calories and train better lmfao. It amazes me how complicated people make this. Unless your name is Phil Heath or akin something like that is totally irrelevant and 0.1% reason results aren't occurring.

    Fuck anavar, fuck sarms just run .5g test a week and if you're downgrading from GH it would be much better to take GHRP over MK. Lots of calories. Good results occur.

    And honestly tbol mast and EQ sounds like the worst combo ever assuming your goal is any size at all and holy shit that will be alot of injection volume from the eq and mast.
    Last edited by fiddlesticks; 03-11-2019 at 10:23 PM.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAADsprint View Post
    I'll get that checked out when I get another kit. I would with my current one but I friggen left it in the fridge at under 1 degrees Celsius for two days. Many would suggest to dump it but after contacting the rep I was told that the growth hormone in its freeze dried puck form can last frozen for sometime before it spoils. Non the less I feel waiting for a brand new kit is only fair.

    For what it's worth I sleep like a rock, wake up with numb hands, used to randomly get crazy hip and joint pain, would become fatigued etc etc.

    It seems like sarms are still not favored here. But the idea of sticking to low amounts of test with steroid stacks ok. Windex youd rather me stick to only one or two compounds?
    If you can't get results with only Test or Test + HGH at your stage, you only have diet and training to blame.
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  16. #16
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    Heres a summary of what I've gathered based on your responses from some smart dudes that makes sense to me bud:

    Cut all the shit out, if you want to expand your experience and knowledge you won't learn anything if you pile on a ton of shit because how will you know what is doing what to you!?

    Just like most other aspects of AAs usage seems like slow and steady, progression and advancement is best so try a lower dose of test with a moderate dose of EQ or another non aromatizing compound and see how that works for you. This combination will help with your fear of high estrogen. If it doesn't produce the results you are looking for your diet and training need work. If it does you can look at further increasing or modifying that stack. Keep running the HGH or store it and save up to buy enough to stockpile a meaningful amount for the next cycle or between cycles.


  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    If you can't get results with only Test or Test + HGH at your stage, you only have diet and training to blame.
    as true as this may be . I'll just add that there are far better more effective compounds out there then test. if your going to run AAS, you might as well run the most effective and side effect free compounds.

    as nostalgic as it may be to teach your kid how to drive in a 1930s Ford model T car, it may be more effective and less problematic for him to drive a modern car with all the tech and safety features

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