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Thread: Help.Cutting cycle without tren(fuck mental sides)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Mount of Olympus

    Help.Cutting cycle without tren(fuck mental sides)

    hey !

    Currently on my last week on bulk.I want to start cutting on april but i dont want to touch tren, i prefer to do a ''well being'' cycle. (last summer fuck my mind a lot and isnt worth it)

    My idea is :

    10 weeks of Primbo at 600mg.
    10 weeks of Mast at 600mg.
    Anavar at 75mg-100mg 6 weeks (6-12) finisher.

    I dont know if add test as base(150-300mg) because i aromatize heavy on long sters and always have bad experiences with cutting on sust /test e , the only test who i dont aromatize is Test prop, and in this case 3 vials of prop + asin is more cash.For the libido mast is a great enhancer so why add test?old school cycles use to do this.

    PCT: Clomid+Nolva+hcg.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    aka m.hornbuckle
    You would have aromatized more on testosterone propionate as the full dose is released within 2 days so you have a higher release of testosterone which will lead to a higher conversion of estrogen

    I would say if you are running just the anavar you can get away with no test but if you're going to run the Mast and primo alongside the anavar at the doses you laid out that's 1.7 - 1.9g of total steroids per week I would definitely think you need to run test at least at 200 mg a week

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    You would have aromatized more on testosterone propionate as the full dose is released within 2 days so you have a higher release of testosterone which will lead to a higher conversion of estrogen

    I would say if you are running just the anavar you can get away with no test but if you're going to run the Mast and primo alongside the anavar at the doses you laid out that's 1.7 - 1.9g of total steroids per week I would definitely think you need to run test at least at 200 mg a week
    This ^^
    Always add test base, on a TRT dose you won’t aromatize at all as TRT means obtaining natural test levels hence lower E2 levels.

  4. #4
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    has anyone ever wondered why women can run twice the dosages of T3 then men can while in a calorie deficit and not lose muscle while men run half the dosage and end up losing lots of size while cutting.. the reason is likely due to estrogen. women have naturally much higher E then men, and men often times do stupid shit when they are cutting like run a crap ton of AI's and anti estrogens, or don't take any test. so their estrogen levels plummet , and so does their ability to retain muscle along with it.. Estrogen has many anabolic properties that help you retain muscle mass, like IGF production.

    stripping your body of estrogen , while in a calorie deficit and cutting is not a good idea (unless your trying to lose muscle) . by not running testosterone, your not going to give you body the ability to produce estrogen.. your going to lose muscle. on top of it your running two compounds , masteron and primo, that also have anti estrogen effects. your estrogen is going to go to crap and so will your physique. estrogen not only plays a role in muscle retention, hgh and igf. production, healthy cholesterol levels , BUT also in fat burning as well as glycogen retention (lots of contest bodybuilders make the mistake of running too much AI and lowering their estrogen too much for a bodybuilding show, and then they end up not being able to carb load and they end up flat on stage).

    I could go on . but the point is , YES run some Test with this cycle , if for the only reason that you can at least get some estrogen conversion out of it . your going to need it.

    heck you could even run Dbol and be better off. cause at least you'll get some much needed estrogen conversion.

    Arnold used to prep for bodybuilding shows running Primo and Dbol (no test).. I believe the Dbol gave him the needed amounts of estrogen so he was able to retain muscle mass and fullness while cutting .
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 03-15-2019 at 09:28 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    aka m.hornbuckle
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    has anyone ever wondered why women can run twice the dosages of T3 then men can while in a calorie deficit and not lose muscle while men run half the dosage and end up losing lots of size while cutting.. the reason is likely due to estrogen. women have naturally much higher E then men, and men often times do stupid shit when they are cutting like run a crap ton of AI's and anti estrogens, or don't take any test. so their estrogen levels plummet , and so does their ability to retain muscle along with it.. Estrogen has many anabolic properties that help you retain muscle mass, like IGF production.

    stripping your body of estrogen , while in a calorie deficit and cutting is not a good idea (unless your trying to lose muscle) . by not running testosterone, your not going to give you body the ability to produce estrogen.. your going to lose muscle. on top of it your running two compounds , masteron and primo, that also have anti estrogen effects. your estrogen is going to go to crap and so will your physique. estrogen not only plays a role in muscle retention, hgh and igf. production, healthy cholesterol levels , BUT also in fat burning as well as glycogen retention (lots of contest bodybuilders make the mistake of running too much AI and lowering their estrogen too much for a bodybuilding show, and then they end up not being able to carb load and they end up flat on stage).

    I could go on . but the point is , YES run some Test with this cycle , if for the only reason that you can at least get some estrogen conversion out of it . your going to need it.

    heck you could even run Dbol and be better off. cause at least you'll get some much needed estrogen conversion.

    Arnold used to prep for bodybuilding shows running Primo and Dbol (no test).. I believe the Dbol gave him the needed amounts of estrogen so he was able to retain muscle mass and fullness while cutting .
    Question related to this post.

    Say I run test to keep my level right at 940ng.

    I add mast and primo to this at 400 per week each. .125mg Adex EOD puts my estrogen at 19ng. Will I even need any ai on trt test and 400ng each of primo n mast?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Question related to this post.

    Say I run test to keep my level right at 940ng.

    I add mast and primo to this at 400 per week each. .125mg Adex EOD puts my estrogen at 19ng. Will I even need any ai on trt test and 400ng each of primo n mast?
    everyone is going to be different in regards to how these two compounds effect your E levels .. I personally haven't bothered checking (as many of you know I stopped paying extra $ to check estrogen levels on blood work years ago).

    but I do know a guy that had his TRT really dialed in well (he goes in for blood work monthly) and was on the same protocol for about 6 months. Then he ran 500mg of Primo (kept his TRT the same protocol) and his E2 went way down (off the top my head he went from 30s to the mid teens).
    also with Masteron, keep in mind that it also has anti estrogen effects at the receptor level. so even if your serum E levels don't go down much on blood work, the estrogen is still not doing as much at the receptors themselves (think of it kinda like running a SERM)

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