Currently 190 approximately 14% bodyfat at 6’2. On Trt for 2 years now at 100mg weekly pinning every sunday and wed. Just started week one of 500mg test cyp and 400mg EQ pinned at 250 and 200 every sunday and wednesday. I was maintaining at 3200 cals for a few months. Calories are now at 3800. Training is a split hitting chest and back twice a week one heavy day and one high rep day. Shoulders and legs on the same day. Realistically being 40 and lifting for 5 years what can my expected lean gains be from other’s experience. I plan on ramping EQ to 600 at week 6. Trying to figure if this cycle will be absolutely physique altering. Thanks in advance! Have adex on hand and obviously there is no need for PCT![]()