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Thread: First stacked cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    First stacked cycle

    Currently 190 approximately 14% bodyfat at 6’2. On Trt for 2 years now at 100mg weekly pinning every sunday and wed. Just started week one of 500mg test cyp and 400mg EQ pinned at 250 and 200 every sunday and wednesday. I was maintaining at 3200 cals for a few months. Calories are now at 3800. Training is a split hitting chest and back twice a week one heavy day and one high rep day. Shoulders and legs on the same day. Realistically being 40 and lifting for 5 years what can my expected lean gains be from other’s experience. I plan on ramping EQ to 600 at week 6. Trying to figure if this cycle will be absolutely physique altering. Thanks in advance! Have adex on hand and obviously there is no need for PCT

  2. #2
    Why no need for PCT? Still learning. Thanks

  3. #3
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    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Butcher78 View Post
    Why no need for PCT? Still learning. Thanks
    Hi there. I atill have a lot to learn myself My particular reason for the exclusion of PCT is because I am on TRT so Ill be cruising for the rest of my life. I am hypo as my FSH and LH levels were normal but my test level was 290 at 37 years old. I felt pretty awful most of the time and I was busting my ass dietwise and in the gym but all I ever got were fat gains. After a year of being on TRT I was amazed at what I was missing out on. Now I am trying to put on all of the mass that I didn’t get in my first couple of years of lifting. Below is a before and after once on TRT.Click image for larger version. 

Name:	04EA4B7F-3CB0-4D27-A8CE-5C84CA7B9E76.jpg 
Views:	91 
Size:	110.1 KB 
ID:	176018

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Butcher78 View Post
    Why no need for PCT? Still learning. Thanks
    he is on TRT.. Pct is for recovering natural testosterone production after a cycle. if your on TRT then your on Test for life and there is no natural production to ever recover (your test always comes from a bottle, not your testes).

    So in the AAS usage world there are several classes of guys that don't run PCT-
    guys on TRT
    guys that blast and cruise (ie, after their cycle they just go on low dose AAS and stay on year round)
    guys that only do maybe 1 cycle per year and choose to let their HPTA recover naturally without pct drugs

    as for guys that do run a PCT and need to recover natty test production. the options is to run a PCT after every cycle you do , or to run a PCT once or twice per year after running a series of cycles

  5. #5
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    OP .. you have a decent cycle put together there. I will say that in 12-16 weeks you will make reasonable gains. however they are not going to be "physique altering" like you had asked about . no one is likely going to see you after 6 weeks and think your on steroids cause you changed so much .
    you would need a much more advanced and aggressive protocol to get that effect. but I think what you have laid out is very reasonable for a first run and you should get results with very few if any negative effects

  6. #6
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    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Butcher78 View Post
    Why no need for PCT? Still learning. Thanks
    Hi there. I atill have a lot to learn myself My particular reason for the exclusion of PCT is because I am on TRT so Ill be cruising for the rest of my life. I am hypo as my FSH and LH levels were normal but my test level was 290 at 37 years old. I felt pretty awful most of the time and I was busting my ass dietwise and in the gym but all I ever got were fat gains. After a year of being on TRT I was amazed at what I was missing out on. Now I am trying to put on all of the mass that I didn’t get in my first couple of years of lifting. Below is a before and after once on TRT.Click image for larger version. 

Name:	04EA4B7F-3CB0-4D27-A8CE-5C84CA7B9E76.jpg 
Views:	91 
Size:	110.1 KB 
ID:	176018

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    OP .. you have a decent cycle put together there. I will say that in 12-16 weeks you will make reasonable gains. however they are not going to be "physique altering" like you had asked about . no one is likely going to see you after 6 weeks and think your on steroids cause you changed so much .
    you would need a much more advanced and aggressive protocol to get that effect. but I think what you have laid out is very reasonable for a first run and you should get results with very few if any negative effects
    Thank you sir. My first 3 years of lifting were so disappointing. I never experienced new gain like most, granted I didn’t start lifting until I was 35. At most in my first year I gained 5 pounds. Right now I am at 190 14ish% bodyfat. Its frustrating because at my height I feel like you need to be over 220 to be called “big guy” or “jacked”. That is a whole lot of lean mass I need to add and I’m never really going to be open to aggressive cycles. I’ll always probably be “that lanky guy”.

  8. #8
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    if your looking to put on a lot more size and mass and get that "jacked" and full look.. then you'd likely get better results running more wet compounds. you don't need to run any advanced or aggressive cycles, you just need the benefits that come with water retentive based compounds .
    EQ is more dry and more of a pure anabolic and doesn't give much volume or retentive properties. Dbol on the other hand (which is just oral alkalated EQ) does give these volume and retentive type properties that can help put on more size. just using that as an example. lots of options out there. my point being that you may need and be better off with more water retentive type AAS for your mass goals.

    note: and I don't mean "water retention" in a bad way , or a bloated way. I'm talking about retentive intercellular properties that help volumize the muscle and put on more fullness and size

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    if your looking to put on a lot more size and mass and get that "jacked" and full look.. then you'd likely get better results running more wet compounds. you don't need to run any advanced or aggressive cycles, you just need the benefits that come with water retentive based compounds .
    EQ is more dry and more of a pure anabolic and doesn't give much volume or retentive properties. Dbol on the other hand (which is just oral alkalated EQ) does give these volume and retentive type properties that can help put on more size. just using that as an example. lots of options out there. my point being that you may need and be better off with more water retentive type AAS for your mass goals.

    note: and I don't mean "water retention" in a bad way , or a bloated way. I'm talking about retentive intercellular properties that help volumize the muscle and put on more fullness and size
    Thanks for the insight man. Thats what I love about this forum, knowlegde and honesty. Im going to finish this cycle and see it through right then get lean for summer. Come next fall I’ll be looking into another cycle. I have to be careful with my timing as I have bloods every 6 months via my family doc. If he sees my levels above 1100 he will freak.
    Last edited by Meloncap78; 03-21-2019 at 01:21 AM.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Meloncap78 View Post
    Thanks for the insight man. Thats what I love about this forum, knowlegde and honesty. Im going to finish this cycle and see it through right then get lean for summer. Come next fall I’ll be looking into another cycle. I have to be careful with my timing as I have bloods every 6 months via my family doc. If he sees my levels above 1100 he will freak.
    easy solution is if your getting close to coming up on bloodwork, don't be running a cycle with Test. keep your test at TRT and run other AAS compounds that won't effect your blood work. the Eq your going to take, primo, Var, Tbol, Mast, etc.. you can run with TRT dose of test and its not going to skew your blood work

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    easy solution is if your getting close to coming up on bloodwork, don't be running a cycle with Test. keep your test at TRT and run other AAS compounds that won't effect your blood work. the Eq your going to take, primo, Var, Tbol, Mast, etc.. you can run with TRT dose of test and its not going to skew your blood work
    Perfect. Bloods are in 4 months so I should be ok.

  12. #12
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    I uave attached a copy of my most recent bloodwork jist before starting this test/eq cycle. Pretty sure everything is in order. I ordered an e2 sensitive so holefully thats what I got. I won’t have bloods again until afrer cycle unfortunately but I don’t have any other option here in NYS. Click image for larger version. 

Name:	21F7B35E-9E18-4CD1-8C13-9CFB4FD53497.jpg 
Views:	76 
Size:	210.3 KB 
ID:	176020

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    he is on TRT.. Pct is for recovering natural testosterone production after a cycle. if your on TRT then your on Test for life and there is no natural production to ever recover (your test always comes from a bottle, not your testes).

    So in the AAS usage world there are several classes of guys that don't run PCT-
    guys on TRT
    guys that blast and cruise (ie, after their cycle they just go on low dose AAS and stay on year round)
    guys that only do maybe 1 cycle per year and choose to let their HPTA recover naturally without pct drugs

    as for guys that do run a PCT and need to recover natty test production. the options is to run a PCT after every cycle you do , or to run a PCT once or twice per year after running a series of cycles
    Makes sense. I am thinking I'm the 1 cycle per year guy that will you PCT to revive my natural test production. Who knows that all may change by the time I validate a source.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Butcher78 View Post
    Makes sense. I am thinking I'm the 1 cycle per year guy that will you PCT to revive my natural test production. Who knows that all may change by the time I validate a source.
    My doc and an endo wouldnt help me regardless of levels. They kept just telling me that it was in range. Well let me tell you, in range is very subjective. I finally went through a wellness clinic and was on a protocol for a year while getting regular bloodwork through my family doc. After realizing that polycethemia wasn’t a risk and seeing that I was overall better as a result he finally wrote me a script. Although now I have a solid source for when I want to blast. Can’t be blowing through my script lol

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