Alright so I just started my 1st SARMS stack after my 3rd AAS cycle. The primary goal is to bridge between cycles (My next one will be on March) while maintaining muscle and preventing and/or getting rid of fat.
I'm currently using MK-677 and GW-501516 from Pure Science Labs, as there are only two brands to choose from here in Malaysia and this is the only one that had stock of MK-677. Tried to order from Enhanced Athlete but for some reason my card got declined.
Here's a picture of the brand I'm using:
So let's start!
Day 1
12.5 mg. - Morning
12.5 mg. - Before Bed
12.5 mg. - Morning
12.5 mg. - 30 Minutes Before Workout
My sleep was not really that deep, although I kinda remember I dreamed of something cool. I've read from studies that you're supposed to sleep really deep while on MK-677 and wake up lethargic. Didn't notice any of that on my first day. Also no numb hands or feet like what they say the side effects should be. I did feel somehow "energized" on GW-501516 when I took it before my workout. Not sure if it was just a placebo effect but when I finished my first hour at the gym, I felt like I could go on for another 3 hours. As far as fat loss goes, still haven't noticed any changes.
Day 2
12.5 mg. - Morning
12.5 mg. - Before Bed
12.5 mg. - Morning
12.5 mg. - 30 Minutes Before Workout
Still didn't have any numbness in my hands or feet. I wonder if this side effect happens to 100% of the users or if it's selective? I did notice an increase in appetite, because normally I'm satisfied with a small breakfast (Oatmeal and eggs). But today, I craved for a lot of red meat. Again, not sure if this is just a placebo effect since I know from research that it's one of the side effects of MK-677. As for my workouts with GW-501516, I'm still noticing increased endurance. Again, as far as fat loss goes, still haven't noticed any changes. Take note I'm eating like a mad man because of the increased appetite side effect of MK-677.
I'll be updating this post everyday.