I found about 50 iu’s in my fridge of GH (growth hormone). I know GH is long term, is there anyway that I can use this and have it make a difference? If not I’lo get rid of it.
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As I mentioned to Obs, it takes 7-10 days of daily use to saturate igf levels, then you can switch to EOD to maintain them
So if you're going to do 5iu/day, then the whole 50 will just be used to get to the saturation point. If you're doing 2.5, you will have 20 days of getting the max benefit from it. That is also the time period where I usually retain a bunch of water and 2.5 probably won't do much besides improve recovery and metabolism.
I would just save it and add it to the end of the next run of GH, unless you don't play on ever running it again.
Just my opinion from what little I have learned about it.
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if your goal is to put on 15 pounds of muscle and get jacked.. which I'm guessing it is, cause I've helped plenty of people use low dose HGH for lipolytic effects and it works like a charm... but to get jacked, its not so simple as running 6iu every single day and just keeping feeding that with $..
HGH to get lean and full is easy.. hgh to get big is a little different and you can NOT do it without insulin. you try to get big using HGH and you will end up diabetic. but it you use the right protocols and use HGH's effect on glucose metabolism and fueling that glucose for growth only, and you can grow like a weed and safely .
again you can't just take HGH and expect to grow, it doesn't work that way (at least for muscle).. can you get lean using HGH, yes for sure.. but real muscle growth is hard and it has to be tied into glucose metabolism and protein synthesis to work.
a bolus dose of HGH a few times per week in the right setting is my strategy. not daily use of HGH.. anyhow I can clarify later
I was listening to Dave Crossland say the other day that hGH doesn't actually build muscle directly, and that's the reason it's not that great at it. Which is counterintuitive given "growth" is in the name. It helps you recover better (and another action or two I forget what, maybe water retention and glycogen storage in the muscle?), which leads to better workouts, which leads to indirect muscle growth. Which coincides with that you are saying about easy to use to get full and lean, but hard to build muscle. If I am not misremembering?
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If HGH makes you lean, why did it cause major water retention? I took HGH 2 weeks out from a comp and gained 8 lbs of water. I know it was water because I lowered calories below 1000 and still was gaining weight while trying to figure out what was happening.
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We are due for an update on the expirement. I am very interested to see if my expectation are real.
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ok so fat loss and water retention are two completely different and un-related things. you can be 30% body fat and be very dry and retain little water, or you can be a stage ready bodybuilder at 4% body fat and end up retaining so much water it puts you in the hospital.. in fact I know of guys who have ended up in the hospital a few days after their show because they rebounded so hard with water retention that they got cardiac edema (even though they were super lean).
this is also why I don't advise guys in contest prep attempt to dry out too early. there is no point in being dry 5 weeks out from a show.. you only need to focus on getting lean, NOT getting dry. you only need to by dry on show day. getting dry too early is going to make your body fight you on show day as it tries to maintain homeostasis (its hard to get 'dryer' when you've been somewhat dry for weeks.. its much better to be hydrated and 'wet' the whole contest prep and then dry out and trick the body at the very end).
now for HGH and its fat burning properties and its ability to lean you out.
a majority of people have no clue how HGH works at all. they think its just a magic hormone that repairs and builds cells.. well all that repair and cell building processes requires lots of ENERGY. it doesn't just happen from nothing. HGH kinda "knows this" and so its going to work from two different fronts. the first thing its going to do is provide your body with the raw material and energy it needs to repair and build cells.
now what does your body use for energy ? Fat and Glucose... what happens when you take HGH and you were to immediately test your blood. well your blood glucose levels are going to be greatly elevated and so are your blood triglycerides. thats because the HGH is causing the dumping of these two energy sources into the blood stream as an immediate source of energy available for the cell building and repairing process.
so in regards to fat loss . HGH is directly lipolytic. it frees fat from fat cells and makes that fat available to be oxidized for energy. thats how HGH makes you lean.. note: its NOT a fat burner though. theres a difference between liberating fatty acids from storage and the actual burning of fat by the mitochondria of a cell. HGH only liberates the fat, it does not directly burn it.
but if you took HGH fasted and did fasted cardio, the fat that HGH liberated into the blood stream is then available to be burned up as energy.
thats why I highly recommend HGH first thing in AM with fasted cardio..
now in regards to blood sugar and HGH. as stated already HGH frees up fat into the blood stream for energy and it also frees up glucose into the blood stream for energy. again, HGH has to free up energy first, because the repairing and building of cells is an energy demanding task.
but people take HGH and they see they have high blood sugar levels from it. they automatically think "oh no I'm getting insulin resistant" "I'm getting diabetes" .. no thats not whats going on. your blood sugars are not high because hgh causes you to be insulin resistant, its high because of what I explained about HGH needing the energy dumped into the blood, so glucose that is stored is in the blood now and thus your blood sugar levels are going to be higher . you really think one shot of HGH is going to cause insulin resistance . no. your blood sugar is high cause thats how HGH works . it dumps both fat and glucose into the blood so there is energy available for hgh to do the building and repairing processes.
ok so Dave is partially right here.. HGH is anabolic in soft tissue (ie, non contractile tissue, like tendons) but its not directly anabolic for muscle hypertrophy. it is however very anabolic indirectly. muscle tissue responds to IGF and MGF , and not directly to HGH.. but HGH increases both of those (via hepatic IGF production, where when both HGH and Insulin are present in the blood stream the liver takes this synergy and upregulates the production of IGF). IGF directly builds and repairs muscle tissue.
so the HGH itself is only repairing soft tissues, but a by product of HGH is repairing muscle tissue. so your going to build more muscle over all with high levels of HGH, because the raw material is then there as compared to having low levels of HGH.
the idea of water retention, better recovery, glycogen storage, etc.. is all very secondary to the above which is a bit more direct.
so standard all around basic protocol for HGH use is simply 4iu per day taken in the morning every single day. if fat loss is your main goal then take 2iu with fasted cardio and then another 2iu later in the day.
IF getting huge is your number one goal. then this is what I recommend. 4-5 days per week on workout days.. about 1 hour before your workout take a large bolus dose of HGH, 8-10iu (with a carb meal). pre workout take 10iu of slin. intra workout drink 50g of carbs, 15g of EAAs, 5g creatine, 5g glycerol, teaspoon of salt. then with your post workout meal take in 20iu of slin with 100+ g of carbs from potatoes (potatoes are super high in potassium and potassium is very synergestic with insulin and salt.. the potassium "pump" is going to drive all that shit in your blood stream into the muscle cells).
no need to take HGH on your off days.. the large bolus dose of HGH in the above scenario is going to provide a super compensating effect in IGF output along with the insulin and the IGF signaling we will be generating during the workout.
remember, there are IGF receptors all over your body, including in your intestines and the smooth muscles of the stomach.. you want your IGF to spike when IGF in muscle tissue signaling is high . you don't want IGF super high all the time and it begin to build the smooth muscle of the intestinal track and cause stomach growth (intestinal muscle IS muscle and IGF will cause it to grow, especially when that muscle is working hard all the time because of all the calories your eating)...
so my above strategy is based on timing for IGF signaling in muscle tissue and only using large amounts of HGH during that exact time and way only, to avoid spill over and stomach growth.
so I have not been on this new cycle very long, and again I'm taking long esters (EQ and Tren E).. but I have not injected Test in a few weeks. so my test levels have dropped off to near nothing by now. however, I feel just fine. libido has actually picked up (this is the tren kicking in).
I did not add in the VAR like I had planned. but starting yesterday I did add in 20mg of Dbol. This is just to get some estrogen.
the interesting thing about running no test at all while I start this blast is that I have no back acne like I usually get when I blast. we shall see if it stays this way with no test in this cycle.
body weight - I'm up 6 pounds since starting. my goal is to be up 30 pounds from just this cycle (regain the 25 I lost and add 5). I will add in some 'bulking' compounds at the end like NPP, Deca, Anadrol. but want to see how far this little bit of EQ and Tren gets me first.
I did add in 75mcg of T4 per day.. the reason for this is I think my metabolism slowed down quite a bit from that long phase of barely eating, plus Tren is thyroid suppressive. so I'm boosting the metabolism NOT for fat loss, but for nutrient partitioning and assimilation.
I was thinking of adding in 25mg of MK677 mainly for the appetite increase.. I'm a bit hesitant to do this though mainly because I know its going to make me retain a bit of water, which is a good thing for growth, but I kinda wanted to see how far I can get with a 'dry' bulk.
insulin, 10-30iu per day.
10iu in the morning with breakfast
5-10iu pre workout
10-15iu post workout
as my weight goes up and my calories go up my insulin use will also go up.. another reason I want to add in the MK677 here is to get the synergetic effects with the insulin and the T4 usage. I'll get a greater IGF increase and more overall growth factors happening
as for the diet -- I've switched from rice and potatos as my main carb sources to adding in quite a bit of pasta. red meat and pasta are my main food sources right now. point there is calorie density.. I'm only eating 4-5 meals per day so I want the cals of those meals to be as dense as possible.. as I progress the number of meals will go up.
heres an example of why I'm going with pasta instead of rice as my main carb source.. last night for dinner was 8oz of Cod. which is like 50g of protein, now if I would of just had a cup of rice with that I'd simply be adding 50g of carbs. so instead I had the cod with an entire box of Mac and cheese (the Mac was a total of 141g of carbs, 27g of protein, and only 9g of fat for a total of 750 cals). so that pasta addition instead of the rice made that meal substantially more macro and cal dense.
Training -- frickin loving these full body workouts. much different then what I've done in the past (even though I've written at least 50+ different full body training programs for clients over the years, I've rarely used them myself). I did have a program I did in the past that was an upper/lower split for the week but had one day of the week that was a full body "pump" and "recovery" day.. but never really did full body for every single workout that I do.
we'll see if the results come from it or not. I'm mainly doing more blood volume based training and lots of RIR based training. I'm rarely going heavy or to failure right now.
one thing for sure I've learned here is this quote "STRENGTH IS NOT LOYAL" .. strength is not loyal to anyone at all. its not there by your side and something you can depend on.. nope, you have to work for it every single day. if you step away for even a short time, strength is gone. it does not stay with you, its not loyal to you, its something you have to earn daily.
Last edited by GearHeaded; 06-01-2019 at 03:58 PM.
Matt Porter -- RIP... fucking sucks!
he is the real deal and an awesome coach.. (edit delete the rest the whole post)
Last edited by GearHeaded; 06-01-2019 at 11:24 PM.
here is an interesting tid bit - so I have digestive issues and will do occasional fasting just to reset my gut. this generally consists of having only 1 meal in a 48 hour period. as you'd expect I normally drop a pound or two when doing this, which comes right back once I start the diet up again.
Well I'm on my second day of fasting and to my surprise I'm up 3 pounds. wtf. how does that happen.. the only thing I can think of that I did differently is that I just added in the Balkan Dbol. my last meal was a very carb heavy meal. perhaps it helped partition the carbs and fill out some glycogen stores. idk.. I've never fasted and ended up 3 pounds heavier then before the fast began. weird
excellent point .. however in my situation it was just the opposite. I trained 4 days in a row this week and I always super hydrate, carb load, and drink electrolytes on training days. so on Friday (the last day I trained) I was super hydrated. then going into this weekend I began my fast. this weekend not eating I spent a lot of the day just sipping on coffee. then going outside and spending lots of time in the sun. really not drinking much water at all. so if anything I'm actually dehydrated more now then I was a few days ago.
thats why it seems weird to of jumped up 3 pounds like that out of no where
Batteries in the scale going out? Malfunction of some type?
so your saying maybe the wife swiped batteries out of the scale with her vibe cause her vibe was running weak ? its possible
I'm pretty OCD about tracking my weight.. same scale, same time of day (after several cups of coffee and a meal but before I begin chugging water). have used same scale for about 6 years now and always have batteries. its been fairly accurate and never fluky or giving weird numbers.
if I step on it and it reads 210.8, I get off and back on it will go right back to 210.8 and not some other number
pm sent
No Testosterone update -
so its been a pretty long time since I've had optimal or supra-physioligical levels of test in my system. Test is definitely completely out of my system. this latest cycle I just started (very conservative low dose) does not include any test.
so how do I feel with just a tiny bit of tren and some EQ with no Test ?
the basics.. um yeah libido and all that stuff is functioning at top notch capacity (you can find me on porn hub banging hot Latinas if you need to confirm this .. jk)
my skin is way way more clear then even when on just TRT doses of test.
I'm also not as flushed or puffy looking in the face.
negative -
I'm extremely flat and depleted. I cannot get a pump in the gym at all. I think most of this is likely due to my diet as I'm struggling bad with digestion issues and stomach problems and can't eat like I should and go through long periods of fasting to try and help.. but maybe its the lack of test on top of it.
so far, no test cycle has had more positive then negative.
keep in mind - training.. I'm coming back from so crappy injuries (again) and am only doing very very low volume to start out. I'm training only about 3 days per week. this will ramp up over time and so will the food and so will the drugs.
for now no Test on this current run has been positive
well as you know I own my gym and am a trainer.. I'm used to working out in the past twice per day just cause I'm there and its my job.
so this approach is totally different for me. its just an experiment I'm trying. I do think that if I increased my training volume, took in more cals, more intra workout nutrition, etc.. I would have way better pumps and not be so flat and weak feeling right now.
so heres what a day of diet and training look like
training - full body pull day
cable lat pullovers - 5 sets 20 reps
lat pull down reverse grip 3 sets 12 reps
lat pull down - 3 sets 12 reps , 2 hard working sets 8-10 reps
seated row - 3 sets 12 reps, 2 hard working sets 16+ reps
smith machine shrugs - 4 sets 12 reps
rear delt reverse pec dec - 4 sets 12 reps
seated hamstring curls - 4 sets 20 reps
wide stance smith squats - 4 sets 6 reps
standing hamstring curls - 4 sets 20 reps
meal 1 - protein shake in milk
meal 2 - egg whites with 4 whole eggs, 1.5 cups rice, 6oz ground beef
meal 3 - 14oz steak, 2 medium potatoes
meal 4 - pre workout snack - ice cream (yeah yeah)
intra - 40g carbs 15g aminos
meal 5 - 10oz salmon 1.5 cups rice
meal 6 - 2 cups pasta 8oz ground beef
keep in mind thats a training day.. off days are different. and as I've said I've been doing lots of fasting on off days. which I hope will change soon.
this type of volume and food is only 3 days per week right now. I will be slowly ramping this up.. as these things ramp up I may ramp up the drugs as well. but will see
I should note-- I'm finishing off some stuff in my freezer. but for most part this summer I'm going to be "budget bulking" . NO steak and salmon.. whole chickens, ham, pork steaks, can tuna, Mac and cheese, etc.
I recently saw a video of a guy that advocates a deca only cycle. He argues that deca(nandrolone) can perform all the functions that test does when run at a high enough doseage(1-3grams). At that dose it does convert to enough estrogen to be at a good level. He argues that test doesn’t actually do anything special other than convert to estrogen and that’s why guys that don’t run a test base run into issues. He claims that deca only(really deca plus anything other than test) is the least side effect cycle possible.
deca only cycles are nothing new, been around for decades, but some of these guys are advocating like its some new idea they just figured out
Deca only cycles work just fine for 8-10 week high dosage blasts. run much longer then that and here is what your going to run into
- Deca does NOT convert to DHT. it converts to DHN (which has the capacity to bind to DHT receptors, but provide no androgenic or masculizing effects what so ever.. its basically DHT in "feminine" form if that makes sense.. DHT is what makes a man a man and is what turns a fetus into a male fetus).
so what does this mean. well DHT is required to get and maintain an erection . on top of many other male sexual attributes. also losing out on the androgenic effects is not going to be beneficial long term for muscle growth and gym performance.
- Deca does NOT aromatize into estrogen (for the most part), despite all the shitty online profiles that state that it does.. Deca is a 19 Nor modified nandrolone (progestin) and by its very nature/structure is not aromatizable (there some debate here). However, as a progestinic derived compound its able to be estrogenic in the body and provide estrogen like characteristics by interacting with estrogen receptors via the progestin mechanism.
this is why guys think it does aromatize because it can display estrogenic like effects.
one thing good about deca is that it has been used in Medicine for the treatment of various diseases and conditions so we have quite a bit of real life human studies with it.
off the top of my head, one study I remember reading had men taking 200mg of deca per week. over time every single person in that study estrogen levels went DOWN.
why. because Deca does not aromatize and is very suppressive and will shut down natty test production pretty hard. with no natty test production you have no source of estrogen.
so I completely disagree with this guy saying that Deca aromatizes enough to provide sufficient estrogen... even if it did aromatize to a small degree, it would be so far off compared to test that it just wouldn't really be able to keep up. so over time your estrogen would still go down (just because something aromatizes does not mean its sufficient enough to maintain E levels). this is the same with EQ without test, it does not aromatize enough.
so now you have low estrogen and low DHT and low androgen levels.. not the most ideal condition for putting on muscle. and something that will eventually "feminize" you over time (DHN + progestin effects).
note: this is why Deca is a very female friendly steroid (its basically an anti androgen .. and androgens are what give all the bad sides for women)
so I'm not against short deca only blasts . but its by no means a good idea to do long term AND your going to get more bang for your buck by adding in some androgenic and estrogenic attributes to the cycle.. I'm not saying you have to add test , but other AAS will help make Deca work better .
eg. deca + mast
deca + dbol
deca + Tren
all better then deca only imo
and as far as him saying deca is the least side effect cycle ,, well tell that to guys who are super sensitive to progestinic effects. deca for them may be the most side effect drug they could use
edit - I will note here that for some guys that are estrogen sensitive, adding too high a dosage of test can cause more side effects. deca only is more appealing for them I'm sure.. but really you could still drop the test and run something like Mast with it to at least get some androgenic effects if your running it long term
Last edited by GearHeaded; 06-11-2019 at 01:17 PM.
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