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Thread: test e only , need advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    test e only , need advice

    Hey there, ive posted this some weeks ago, but i want to make sure im doing the right way.

    im 21, ive used dianabol for 5weeks, didnt lose anything(at least i think i didnt), but my diet wasnt that so so perfect, i had some cheat meals like 2 times a week.. but my calorie intake always was on point..
    and i took clomiphene after cycle as pct, then i told to some guys what i did with my cycle, they said u made big mistake using clomiphene,for ur cycle it was not needed..
    i felt that low testosterone after pct.. i had some pain in legs(quadriceps) it felt so tired in that spot..

    so now i think im good but gonna wait some weeks more or some months(2 prob) to start this cycle
    so this time im plaining to run Test Enatathe 2x250g weekly(im not scary of needles, but im scary shotting myself u know what i mean)

    so.. The diet im thinking about:

    meal1 - (breakfast)
    100g Oats( with water or sometimes milk)
    1scoop impact whey..(MyProtein)

    after that meal gonna take multi-vitamin

    meal2 - (before gym)
    4egg whites 1 whole egg(scrambled)
    or 4 eggs boiled..
    with 2-3 slices black bread.

    Shake Whey after gym.

    meal3 - ( i will be on pause at work )
    100g Rice and 150g chicken breast
    100g Rice and 100g minced beef
    gonna add some brokoli to this meal

    meal4 - (gonna try to add more nutrients so it will be high calorie cuz this time im going to be still at work)
    Oats- 80-100g
    1spoon cocoa with zink in it)
    sometimes gonna add 1 Banana
    1spoon peanut butter
    and Water

    meal5 - ( after work )
    pasta with tuna and myb light mayo
    or integrated spagetthi with minced beef

    and sometimes before bed Casein Protein

    Water Intake gonna try 5liters per day

    And gonna try to find AI to have it in hand

    Guys i want some advices and what you think about this cycle and about this diet? i think im gonna go this time without pct and just ai on hand as said above,
    what supplement should i take on cycle? give me ur opinion.

    1st-beforedbol, 2nd-whilecycle, 3th-taken 3-4days ago..(see attached items)
    Click image for larger version. 

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    Last edited by m1o; 09-09-2019 at 10:35 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Seems a little lite on protein. I would personally go for less fat and more carbs
    Enter that into my fitness pal and see what totals you get
    Why are you not going to PCT after? Or did I not read that correctly

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    not going to pct cuz some of the guys tell me like "ur used clomiphene,but u dont know what it does to ur body, u fuckedup something when took clomiphene for prev cycle.." and also said u should have ai on hand only when u see some symptoms
    idk i will eat 2 times oats* i forgot to say that, so gonna point at high carbs and protein
    and low fat ofc

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by m1o View Post
    not going to pct cuz some of the guys tell me like "ur used clomiphene,but u dont know what it does to ur body, u fuckedup something when took clomiphene for prev cycle.." and also said u should have ai on hand only when u see some symptoms
    idk i will eat 2 times oats* i forgot to say that, so gonna point at high carbs and protein
    and low fat ofc
    Tell your friends to fuck off. If you are not on TRT or don't consider a blast&cruise, PCT is the best way of coming off. You may or may not recover without a PCT, if you do it will take more time compared to PCT.
    Ask your friends to explain scientifically, what exactly you did wrong. Never take advice from gym bros. Better be safe than sorry, you didn't harm yourself with clomid.
    PCT will help the transition between recovery and cycle smoother. Otherwise, it is likely that you'll feel like shit having low T for a few months, bad for your gains also.
    Nolva + clomid combo as PCT is a medically proven method of restarting HPTA. You didn't do anything wrong with taking clomid after dbol, though running ONLY dbol for 5 weeks is a mistake on its own imho.
    Are you going to do 1g test a week? You wrote 2x500 not 2x250, I doubt you'll need a gram of test per week at that stage.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    yes my wrong sorry 2x250 weekly, idk i posted that to any forum and they were talking how i fucked up with clomid i really had some strong pain in quadriceps after came off from dbol, the other one said "nowadays they got fuckedup more on pct then while oncycle"
    so u suggest to have clomid as pct?
    cuz nolva(tamoxifen) cant be found in my country

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by m1o View Post
    yes my wrong sorry 2x250 weekly, idk i posted that to any forum and they were talking how i fucked up with clomid i really had some strong pain in quadriceps after came off from dbol, the other one said "nowadays they got fuckedup more on pct then while oncycle"
    so u suggest to have clomid as pct?
    cuz nolva(tamoxifen) cant be found in my country
    What about toremifene?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    Is that an alternative of smh like nolva? Ill try to find it.. and what is going on to forum from my country when i posted this cycle everyone where like saying to not have an pct only ai in hand

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by m1o View Post
    Is that an alternative of smh like nolva? Ill try to find it.. and what is going on to forum from my country when i posted this cycle everyone where like saying to not have an pct only ai in hand
    Follow this one, it'll be helpful.

    Yes toremifene can be a replacement to tamoxifen.

  9. #9
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    IF your going to start running a lot of gear and blasting multiple cycles per year , then I don't think doing a PCT after every single cycle is necessary (5-6 pct per year is over kill) . but I think planning at least 1-2 good PCT protcols per year and taking one steady break off the gear per year is a good idea.

    so maybe you don't PCT after this cycle cause your going to jump on gear again pretty soon . but at least do your research and find out how to to do a quality pct and plan it at some point over the year when your plan to take some time off the gear

  10. #10
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    I'm not a fan of Test only cycles , I think you can get a lot more bang for your buck, add synergy, add anabolic load and even less side effects by stacking or adding secondary compounds to your test cycle.. BUT if you are going to do a test only cycle, the fact that your running 1000mg per week, thats about the dose I'd recommend.. playing around with 500mg of test only and messing with AI's is really far from optimal . add some Masteron and Anavar or Anadrol to that same 500mg of test and you got something ,, but yeah running just test by itself on an actual blast/cycle and not just a cruise , 1000+mg is the sweet spot

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    Nono im not going to do 1000mg of test i wrote it wrong going to edit it now.. im doing 2x250

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2018
    So whats your question brother? I thought it was about diet since all your questions where answered in this thread you made. Or is there something you still don't understand? I am not quite sure what your asking, so idk how we can help you. It seems like everyone is just telling you the same things they already told you in your last thread.

  13. #13
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    Nov 2018
    I need srs answer do i need that bad PCT after cycle , and should i do the cycle with that percentage of bf.. bcuz last time i used clomid pct cuz of someone told me to, and i fucked up my energy i felt that lowT, i dont want it again, i wanna do the cycle success.

    and ye everyone keeps saying like one is talking take , the other ones telling me not to.. at least not needed.. only in hand to have some AI...

  14. #14
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    your going to have "low T feeling" after every cycle you ever do in your life, wither you do a pct or not. thats simply what happens when you come off of a cycle. unless your on TRT or blast and cruise .
    its the testosterone and the cycle itself thats shutting down natural T production, not the pct drugs giving you that "low T feeling'

  15. #15
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    May 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by m1o View Post
    I need srs answer do i need that bad PCT after cycle , and should i do the cycle with that percentage of bf.. bcuz last time i used clomid pct cuz of someone told me to, and i fucked up my energy i felt that lowT, i dont want it again, i wanna do the cycle success.

    and ye everyone keeps saying like one is talking take , the other ones telling me not to.. at least not needed.. only in hand to have some AI...
    Yeah, it's hard to extract info when you get that many replies.
    -yes, you should pct. If you're going to cycle again before your pct would even be over, then I would just "cruise" like GH suggested earlier. Standard pct protocol:
    Clomid 75/50/50/50
    Nolvadex 40/20/20/20
    That's per day / week
    I would suggest hcg as well if you plan to pct
    -i didn't see where you mentioned your body fat. A lot of people say no if you're above 15%. I disagree, it depends on your goals. It is going to be a waste if you're just going to be a calorie deficit the whole time in my experience. If your goal is to gain size and or strength and you don't care about losing body fat and you eat in a surplus AND you know there are higher risks, go ahead (within reason, don't do it if you're obese)
    -it is recommended to not take an AI, keep it on hand just in case. Also have extra nolva on hand as well (it is also used for treating signs of gyno). The protocol for that I have used is 20/20/ then 10 until it's gone (so you know how much extra to get). I get side effects with high e2 easily, but I also crash e2 even easier, so I avoid compounds that convert to it. What I would do if I were you: no ai, have it on hand as everyone else suggested
    I hope this answers your questions. Lmk if we missed anything

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    I would just like to chime in. You are 21 and your HPTA is still developing. Have you researched the risks involved?
    I think first that you should research the risks and then make a decision if it is worth the risk.
    Low T sucks- as you have experienced. If I were to have my life over, I would have started cycling at an earlier age however it would be after 25.
    I know people that have cycled since their teens that appear fine so I’m not trying to scare you, just asking you to make an educated decision.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  17. #17
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    Nov 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    I would just like to chime in. You are 21 and your HPTA is still developing. Have you researched the risks involved?
    I think first that you should research the risks and then make a decision if it is worth the risk.
    Low T sucks- as you have experienced. If I were to have my life over, I would have started cycling at an earlier age however it would be after 25.
    I know people that have cycled since their teens that appear fine so I’m not trying to scare you, just asking you to make an educated decision.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    I made big mistake using dianabol only for 5 weeks so when i started to fuck myself up then gonna do it now properly.. atleast

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by m1o View Post
    I made big mistake using dianabol only for 5 weeks so when i started to fuck myself up then gonna do it now properly.. atleast
    I wouldn’t get too spun up in that “ooh you did a cycle wrong ONE time, so now you’re fucked up forever” crowd. If you were to never take steroids again, I’d imagine that within a few months your body would be as if you never had. 5 weeks of dbol is laughable compared to these girls they put on birth control when they’re 13 and they stay on it for 20 years, and nobody ever monitors anything.

  19. #19
    Don't wanna be that guy but you are 21 and did a Dbol cycle as your first cycle? Brah at your age I was going crazy without gears, eating like a pig and workout like a horse and building foundation. Don't want to discourage you but I personally feel 21 is too early for gears and you already did Dbol

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