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Thread: 3rd cycle ordered

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    3rd cycle ordered

    So I will be going ahead with 300 test 600 primo with some modifications.

    Will be doing 300test 1-12 but 600primo 1-6, then switching to 300test 300mast and 50winny for the last 6-12 weeks. This is to harden out during the cut and get greater effect but keep the dosages low by rotating compounds.

    HCG throughout and same PCT as usual.

    Will start a log to monitor results when I start here soon. Have a feeling this will be a good one.

    Thoughts on this cycle and what to expect?

  2. #2
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    May 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by jackfrost88 View Post
    So I will be going ahead with 300 test 600 primo with some modifications.

    Will be doing 300test 1-12 but 600primo 1-6, then switching to 300test 300mast and 50winny for the last 6-12 weeks. This is to harden out during the cut and get greater effect but keep the dosages low by rotating compounds.

    HCG throughout and same PCT as usual.

    Will start a log to monitor results when I start here soon. Have a feeling this will be a good one.

    Thoughts on this cycle and what to expect?
    It’s a waste to only run primo for 6 weeks. It needs to be run much much longer.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Thanks will keep posted and see if 6 weeks does anything .
    I have found that long runs are not necessary for long esters and it is a bit of broscience that long esters need 16weeks min to see effects. Maybe I'll eat my words on this one though lol

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackfrost88 View Post
    Thanks will keep posted and see if 6 weeks does anything .
    I have found that long runs are not necessary for long esters and it is a bit of broscience that long esters need 16weeks min to see effects. Maybe I'll eat my words on this one though lol
    It’s not that it’s a long esther (you actually didn’t post which esther you were using) it’s just that Primobolan in general is best run for longer. You’ll accumulate slow but solid gains over a longer period of time. It just won’t see much from it in 6 weeks regardless of the esther

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars View Post
    It’s not that it’s a long esther (you actually didn’t post which esther you were using) it’s just that Primobolan in general is best run for longer. You’ll accumulate slow but solid gains over a longer period of time. It just won’t see much from it in 6 weeks regardless of the esther
    Arnold gave me the wrong advices...

  6. #6
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    Primobolan has a cumulative/compounding effect. It needs to be run longer. The Ester part is irrelevant.

    You are literally wasting hundreds of dollars by running it for 6 weeks.

    300mg of Masteron is basically using Mast as an AI - not that it's a problem but you have the wrong expectations of the compound at the dosage you want to use. Also the "hardening" effect really only kicks in at single digit bodyfat
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  7. #7
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    That cycle is a waste. You are not maximizing with those durations and doses. That layout shows a clear cut lack of knowledge. I wouldn’t personally bother shutting down my system for such a weak cycle.

  8. #8
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    Maybe something like EQ and test for 12 weeks, with Anavar for 6 weeks and Winstrol for 6 weeks would be better? Then, save the primo for cruise and maintaining after the cycle with 100 test and 300 primo.

  9. #9
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    Sample cycle;

    Week 1-16
    Test 150-250mg
    Primo 900mg
    Anavar 30-40mg @ Last 4-6 weeks
    Cardarine 20mg (10mg AM + 10mg PM)
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  10. #10
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    Hmm okay thanks guys!

  11. #11
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    well if your cutting I'm assuming your going to be tapering your calories down over time. so for example, starting in a 200 cal deficit, then going to 300, then 400 etc..

    Primos number one attribute is protein synthesis and its ability to help hold onto muscle even in an extreme calorie deficit .

    so really you have your cycle ass backwards. now it would be ideal to run Primo the whole duration of your cycle. heck I'd be running primo year round if I could afford it . BUT if your set on only running it for 6 weeks then your better off running it the last 6 weeks when your at the biggest calorie deficit and use it to help you hold onto muscle .

    your not going to notice any gains running primo for 6 weeks . but thats fine. without doubt its still going to up regulate protein synthesis and make you super efficient at using protein to hold onto muscle . you may not notice it in the mirror, but believe me the Primo is still going to be working and doing its thing (even if only used for 6 weeks), and if your in a calorie deficit and hitting your cardio consistently, you will be getting leaner while still holding onto plenty of muscle.

    I think 6 weeks is just fine to run primo , especially in a cut or contest prep. its without doubt going to help you retain muscle.

    now sure, if you were bulking and trying to add a lot of size and you were running primo, then a high dosage for a long duration is going to work much better to achieve those goals.

    primo is NOT a cosmetic compound like Masteron or Tren.. its simply a pure anabolic. thats all it does. upregulates protein synthesis. building new tissue via protein turn over is a very slow steady process that takes time. but wither your running primo for 6 weeks or 6 months, that help from protein efficiency is a good thing especially when cutting and in a cal deficit.

    I'm in a calorie deficit right now due to some diet changes I'm experimenting with . . heck I wish I had some primo to run right now. even if it was only for a few weeks . I don't care. that additional protein synthesis is going to help either way , period.

  12. #12
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    using the compounds you have and the time duration your working with .. this is how I would set it up

    weeks 1-4
    300 test
    600 mast
    50 winny

    drop the winny at week 5

    weeks 6-8
    300 test
    300 mast
    600 primo

    weeks 9-12
    300 test
    300 mast
    600 primo
    50 winny

    weeks 13-14 going into Pct
    25mg winny

    similar to what you were wanting to do in the first place but with a few tweaks.. the reason for the Mast the whole duration is to add some androgen load to your cycle. being your wanting to keep your test dosage low, and both primo and winny are not very androgenic, the Mast will be there for androgen load the whole cycle . for a cut its good idea to keep androgen load high (also why Tren works so damn good in a cut)

  13. #13
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    Thanks a lot! Yes I keep hearing that running primo EQ for shorter durations is useless but from my experience and just looking at peak blood levels I honestly don't believe it either. Seems better to use for a shorter duration and rotate compounds like the example you gave.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackfrost88 View Post
    Thanks a lot! Yes I keep hearing that running primo EQ for shorter durations is useless but from my experience and just looking at peak blood levels I honestly don't believe it either. Seems better to use for a shorter duration and rotate compounds like the example you gave.
    I have a thread on here somewhere that I posted stating that we have it ass backwards.. from looking at Veterniary medicine and how AAS use is used their the long esters are made for short durations and the short esters need to be ran longer.

    a rancher will give his sick cow and injection of Eq once per week for 2-3 weeks is all . but if that same rancher only had Winny-v at his disposal he may have to give 3 injections per week for 4 or more weeks.

    think about it .
    if you take 1500mg of EQ per week for only 3 weeks. because of its super long ester, your going to get 4500mg of Eq essentially spread out over 6 weeks.
    tryi doing that with test prop or tren ace or Winstrol . if you stop at 3 weeks your essentially done at 3 weeks . you actually have to keep taking short esters LONGER for them to keep working

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    well if your cutting I'm assuming your going to be tapering your calories down over time. so for example, starting in a 200 cal deficit, then going to 300, then 400 etc..

    Primos number one attribute is protein synthesis and its ability to help hold onto muscle even in an extreme calorie deficit .

    so really you have your cycle ass backwards. now it would be ideal to run Primo the whole duration of your cycle. heck I'd be running primo year round if I could afford it . BUT if your set on only running it for 6 weeks then your better off running it the last 6 weeks when your at the biggest calorie deficit and use it to help you hold onto muscle .

    your not going to notice any gains running primo for 6 weeks . but thats fine. without doubt its still going to up regulate protein synthesis and make you super efficient at using protein to hold onto muscle . you may not notice it in the mirror, but believe me the Primo is still going to be working and doing its thing (even if only used for 6 weeks), and if your in a calorie deficit and hitting your cardio consistently, you will be getting leaner while still holding onto plenty of muscle.

    I think 6 weeks is just fine to run primo , especially in a cut or contest prep. its without doubt going to help you retain muscle.

    now sure, if you were bulking and trying to add a lot of size and you were running primo, then a high dosage for a long duration is going to work much better to achieve those goals.

    primo is NOT a cosmetic compound like Masteron or Tren.. its simply a pure anabolic. thats all it does. upregulates protein synthesis. building new tissue via protein turn over is a very slow steady process that takes time. but wither your running primo for 6 weeks or 6 months, that help from protein efficiency is a good thing especially when cutting and in a cal deficit.

    I'm in a calorie deficit right now due to some diet changes I'm experimenting with . . heck I wish I had some primo to run right now. even if it was only for a few weeks . I don't care. that additional protein synthesis is going to help either way , period.
    I would disagree to a degree, because of experience level of OP, not because what you said is "wrong".

    Since primo can't be gauged by bloodwork, a mirror, or really a strength index - it's hard for someone to see it working behind the scenes.

    Now partner that with a user that has only run two cycles (Test/Test+EQ).

    Now partner both of those with someone who has never used Primobolan so has no baseline to reference from or expectations.

    Add that all up and you end up with a person that is disappointed with 6 weeks of Primobolan because they aren't in tune with their body or advanced enough to recognize the effect without a giant neon sign in the mirror.

    It's like we know our blood sugar level without needing a glucometer. Or we can look at a piece of meat and give you the macro breakdown without weighing it.
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  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    I would disagree to a degree, because of experience level of OP, not because what you said is "wrong".

    Since primo can't be gauged by bloodwork, a mirror, or really a strength index - it's hard for someone to see it working behind the scenes.

    Now partner that with a user that has only run two cycles (Test/Test+EQ).

    Now partner both of those with someone who has never used Primobolan so has no baseline to reference from or expectations.

    Add that all up and you end up with a person that is disappointed with 6 weeks of Primobolan because they aren't in tune with their body or advanced enough to recognize the effect without a giant neon sign in the mirror.

    It's like we know our blood sugar level without needing a glucometer. Or we can look at a piece of meat and give you the macro breakdown without weighing it.
    makes sense . probably situations like these is where Primo gets a bad rep as being a "weak" compound or guys think what they are taking is fake even though its legit

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    I would disagree to a degree, because of experience level of OP, not because what you said is "wrong".

    Since primo can't be gauged by bloodwork, a mirror, or really a strength index - it's hard for someone to see it working behind the scenes.

    Now partner that with a user that has only run two cycles (Test/Test+EQ).

    Now partner both of those with someone who has never used Primobolan so has no baseline to reference from or expectations.

    Add that all up and you end up with a person that is disappointed with 6 weeks of Primobolan because they aren't in tune with their body or advanced enough to recognize the effect without a giant neon sign in the mirror.

    It's like we know our blood sugar level without needing a glucometer. Or we can look at a piece of meat and give you the macro breakdown without weighing it.
    Thanks! Definitely not expecting a "punch" from this cycle like other compounds offer but it's good to know nonetheless. Training/diet going to be the key driver of progress and this will help but I am not the kind of guy who is using steroids for a quick fix and a temporary boost in the mirror.

    Going into a calorie deficit with anabolic support will be nice as compared to being natural

  18. #18
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    Wish you good luck on your cycle. I recall you had limited gain from your last one maybe getting your bf down will help you in future cycles when bulking too.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    Wish you good luck on your cycle. I recall you had limited gain from your last one maybe getting your bf down will help you in future cycles when bulking too.
    Will be in member results in 2 weeks - bring the hater comments!

  20. #20
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    Not a hater at all I was only noting I remembered your previous cycle results. I sincerely wish you good luck on your cycle.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackfrost88 View Post
    Will be in member results in 2 weeks - bring the hater comments!
    You need thicker skin honeybun.
    Last edited by Windex; 11-09-2019 at 06:24 AM.
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  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    You need thicker skin honeybun.
    Guy's a clown but I will let progress speak for itself

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackfrost88 View Post
    Guy's a clown but I will let progress speak for itself
    Not sure why the need to insult a fellow member who is being sincere, especially as Redz is respected by the board.

    Use the chip on your shoulder for your workouts, not in forum posts.

    Good Luck.
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  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackfrost88 View Post
    Will be in member results in 2 weeks - bring the hater comments!
    You're interpreting posts negatively because that's what you are expecting as a response. Seems to me like the Redz was wishing you luck and you insulted him for no reason. Save being defensive for when someone is actually trying to offend you.
    It happens brother, just try to read things more objectively in the future

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    You're interpreting posts negatively because that's what you are expecting as a response. Seems to me like the Redz was wishing you luck and you insulted him for no reason. Save being defensive for when someone is actually trying to offend you.
    It happens brother, just try to read things more objectively in the future
    Goes back to his comments on my old progress thread. Apparently I have had bad results and have too high bf lol. But hey a backhanded compliment is still a compliment right?

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackfrost88 View Post
    Goes back to his comments on my old progress thread. Apparently I have had bad results and have too high bf lol. But hey a backhanded compliment is still a compliment right?
    Will do, which thread?

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackfrost88 View Post
    Goes back to his comments on my old progress thread. Apparently I have had bad results and have too high bf lol. But hey a backhanded compliment is still a compliment right?
    Brutal honesty hurts a lot more than injecting gear. Redz was not the only person who gave you constructive criticism as other members did as well. You also mentioned you only had your diet properly set up for the last 5 weeks. Food is more anabolic that anything you can put in a syringe and nobody can out train a bad diet.

    If I had my head in the sand when I first started I would have NEVER gotten to where I am today. I didn't get to 255 lbs lean by running cookie cutter cycles or following training programs. I got to my size because of people like Redz showing my blind spots, someone explaining why my diet sucked, why I was 20%+ Bodyfat not the 15% I thought I was, and so on.

    Here is the reality ;

    - You are a beginner with gear and have a lot to learn (everyone starts from ground 0, I thought I could do Tren on my first cycle).

    - Your diet likely has a lot of room for improvement.

    - Your physique is above average and probably better than 80-90% of people in Canada

    - However, if I saw you at the gym, I would not think you were on gear because of your conditioning, size, etc. In fact, if I looked at your pics out of context from this board, I wouldn't think you've ever touched a needle.

    - You are a higher body fat than what you think. If you want to argue the point, buy skin fold calipers from amazon or spot chek or wherever for $15. Have a random person take 8-12 skin measurements. The math simply does not lie.

    Again, if you are happy with your cycle plan, your progress, etc then you are entitled to your happiness. Nobody can take away how you feel. But to be completely pigheaded stubborn at people giving you real and helpful feedback is going to set you up for failure in the long term.

    I hope you recognize members only look out for your best interest so you don't waste time or money, nor repeat the same mistakes we already have.
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