I'm from Argentina, and I use Landerlan steroids, I've used Testovirón (Bayer, from Germany) and Testenat (Landerlan) they are exactly the same (Test E 250 mg/ml), but Landerlan is very cheap in comparison (actually is 4 times cheaper than Testovirón).
So far I've tried Test E, Test Prop, Winstrol, Anavar and Proviron. The lab is pharma grade, they also sell some of their products in real pharmacies, for example Test E and Winstrol are easy to find in many pharmacies in Paraguay.
Landerlan is the real deal ONLY if you find a trusted dealer, and how do u find it???, just go to their website, or send an email to them requesting a reputed dealer.
Here you have some videos from Landerlan labs: