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Thread: Quantum computing PLEASE READ

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Quantum computing PLEASE READ

    This is old news but with googles announcement of reaching a quantum computing status, I immediately started thinking about the implications.

    #1 google would basically dominate the internet when it is used to decipher and relay.

    #2 You cannot and will not see individual computers of this capacity for many many years.

    #3 The first would be large companies and government agencys ciphering your data with the finest tooth comb imaginable.

    #4 Many encryptions and 100% of your passwords would mean nothing.

    #5 because of this, no matter how wise the end user and no matter how untraceable the user is today, they would be pinpointed in seconds.
    Web filtering could be specifically tuned to the individual to pretty much make them believe anything the quantum entity wished.

    #6 The dark web, closed circuits of exit nodes and all it entailed would be infiltrated at a whim.
    We are talking about the ability to canvas every bit of info in a billionth of the time.

    #7 In the hands of any government agency, they could literally pick you apart to the fraction of a micron and there would be zero way you could hide any bit of digital info.
    Your security on any form of digital info would mean precisely... dick.

    Now imagine the ability to not only compress the entire web into a billionth the size it is but to be able to basically comparatively seek out "abnormal" behavior.

    I.e. (such as in my case) this guy has wickr and a vpn. He is not just using the web for facebook and twitter.

    "Red flag" as Mr. Trump would say.

    That vpn and yes even the randomly generated wickr encryption would be infiltrated in seconds.

    Live time there would be no way you could hide.

    Every bit of info you ever sent could be collected and if necessary, weighed against you.

    They have a 50 year head start so its time to start thinking about ways to circumvent stored data entirely. Even data that is encrpted only to your device.

    Within ten years all major governments will be using this tech.

    It will be very interesting to watch the cold warring governments see who can send who the most viruses.

    What most do not see is that quantum computing requires quantum storage.
    That means you are quantumly fucked.

    I welcome any and all to share this link everywhere.
    There is an all controlling fist closing around us in a way most have zero clue about.

    If you trust your government,or believe a high ranking politician gives a damn about you, move along.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Just wait until we have two quantum computers comparatively adjusting processes...

    The private secotor just developed something that will be its demise.

  3. #3
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    I'm going to retire 'off the grid' with a cabin on 200 acres in the rocky mountains of Wyoming. live off the land. eat what I hunt and kill or what I ranch. no more computers, no internet. no cell phone. no online banking (I won't even have a bank account).. just me, my guns, my land, a few good books to read, and a barbell with some heavy ass weights. don't need nothing else

  4. #4
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    Jul 2018
    Giving up modern conveniences is infinitely more difficult than many believe. It’s why we continue to give up more and more privacy rights everyday. Think about how many times in the last year you have just clicked (accept terms) without even reading a single sentence of the new “terms”.

    Sent from my etch-a-sketch using dial up

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Google's announcement is a cool achievement but not really "walk on the moon" territory. As Quantum Computing becomes more available all the things that they can, mainly, do so much faster than existing technologies will also be used to have better encryption and privacy. This has been, like everything else, a cat and mouse type of game. I for one is excited to be able to have a genuinely verifiable random number generated, yeah, I'm that nerdy :-)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by tarmyg View Post
    Google's announcement is a cool achievement but not really "walk on the moon" territory. As Quantum Computing becomes more available all the things that they can, mainly, do so much faster than existing technologies will also be used to have better encryption and privacy. This has been, like everything else, a cat and mouse type of game. I for one is excited to be able to have a genuinely verifiable random number generated, yeah, I'm that nerdy :-)
    Their encryption will be improved.
    Yours will be meaningless.
    Yours might be after a few decades of total web control.
    Only prob is why would they hand the power back to the individual to be anonymous? I cant see it

  7. #7
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    Jul 2009
    In my day job I develop a security product used in airports. I suppose my bosses just trust that I'm not a terrorist and that I wouldn't try to make money (or some other sort of gain) by leaking or selling information to terrorists.

    Hypothetically, if Google were to actually make some sort of crazy computer that's faster, then it would worry cryptographers who are relying on the impossibility of brute-forcing. I haven't heard anyone fretting about it though and I'm knee deep in implementing the TPM2 encryption chip in embedded Linux (along with all the best algorithms Twofish, TripleDED, AES, RSA).

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I'm going to retire 'off the grid' with a cabin on 200 acres in the rocky mountains of Wyoming. live off the land. eat what I hunt and kill or what I ranch. no more computers, no internet. no cell phone. no online banking (I won't even have a bank account).. just me, my guns, my land, a few good books to read, and a barbell with some heavy ass weights. don't need nothing else
    Lol enemy of the state

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Cameron View Post
    In my day job I develop a security product used in airports. I suppose my bosses just trust that I'm not a terrorist and that I wouldn't try to make money (or some other sort of gain) by leaking or selling information to terrorists.

    Hypothetically, if Google were to actually make some sort of crazy computer that's faster, then it would worry cryptographers who are relying on the impossibility of brute-forcing. I haven't heard anyone fretting about it though and I'm knee deep in implementing the TPM2 encryption chip in embedded Linux (along with all the best algorithms Twofish, TripleDED, AES, RSA).
    Standard computing is a joke comparatively.
    We are talking about processes that would take 10,000 years (with the best standard binary computers today) taking two minutes.

    Its not some souped up computer.
    Its an entirely different platform that makes 1's and 0's look like an "etch a sketch" as balance would say.

  10. #10
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    And who is it that is seeking out quantum thus far?

    China, the US is on the forefront.

    The US military will achieve it and employ it soon if they haven't.

    Google made its "quantum supremacy reached" statement twice.

    They released the statement then retracted it then re announced it which I thought was kinda funny.

    From a government stand point though, its like a nuclear arms war.

    If we hit it first we could crack every governments data and know all while we remained impervious.

    Because the platform is so advanced a binary written virus could not harm it. It would be impervious to their computing and able to comb theirs like a childs book.

  11. #11
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    I actually have an idea for bruteforcing the best encryption

  12. #12
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I'm going to retire 'off the grid' with a cabin on 200 acres in the rocky mountains of Wyoming. live off the land. eat what I hunt and kill or what I ranch. no more computers, no internet. no cell phone. no online banking (I won't even have a bank account).. just me, my guns, my land, a few good books to read, and a barbell with some heavy ass weights. don't need nothing else

    Just like Ted Kaczynski?
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  13. #13
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    When the machines come I will kill them.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    When the machines come I will kill them.
    It will be two swat teams at your house lol

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    It will be two swat teams at your house lol
    And I’ve got 4lbs of C4 for each of them.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    And I’ve got 4lbs of C4 for each of them.
    Damn now you are getting a tank

  17. #17
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    "Maybe we do live in a computer simulation after all. But instead of being some advanced creature’s favorite NPCs, we’re just bits of math that help the operating system run. "

    It cracks me up just how far ahead of modern science Chris Langan is with the CTMU.

    Every new thing discovered by these researchers as a shicking new discovery that proves past theories wrong was already covered by him.

    He was outcasted because he called it "God," rather than "supercomputer."

    "Supercomputer" shows more ignorance and dogma than anything I can think of.

    It's hilarious how many studies have launched on quantum entanglement since the recent photos of it's existence were released.

    Chris put it in laymans terms and the idiots scoff it while proving more of it 100% correct every day.
    They can't disprove any of it and it is so thorough it makes them mad. All because he said, "God."

    He should have never said "God."

    He should have just used a capital "G" in his equations and if someone asked he could have just said it symbolized inception. The uh... First time the super computer was powered up.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I'm going to retire 'off the grid' with a cabin on 200 acres in the rocky mountains of Wyoming. live off the land. eat what I hunt and kill or what I ranch. no more computers, no internet. no cell phone. no online banking (I won't even have a bank account).. just me, my guns, my land, a few good books to read, and a barbell with some heavy ass weights. don't need nothing else
    Cant live without pussy?

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    Cant live without pussy?
    He is only gonna eat the pussy he hunts and ranches.

    Just pictured him on a horse with a lasso herding women in bikinis... Little blue heeler nipping at their heels.

    "Easy jake GD! Your gonna make her lame!"

    Just a simple personal outfit.
    40 cattle, a few pigs, chickens, 100 bitches....
    Last edited by Obs; 11-28-2019 at 09:19 PM.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    Cant live without pussy?
    I didn't mention things like oxygen and pussy .. thats pretty much a given. I'll keep it simple though, not too many , just 7 women, one for each day of the week.
    when I'm bored at night and just chilling sipping on a glass of whisky , they'll just come and put a show on for me
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_0734.JPG 
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    every once in awhile I'll let them play with each other as well
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_0039.JPG 
Views:	81 
Size:	786.2 KB 
ID:	177559

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Really cool and interesting article!

    Imagine you had a device that read seperated entangled particles in a comparative fashion.

    Someone had its twin.
    You could have instantaneous live time communiction anywhere with the twin. No internet needed. No hacking possible.

    Its not that far away either.
    Last edited by Obs; 12-16-2019 at 01:26 PM.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Its getting real now... Crazy how fast this tech is progressing.

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