This is old news but with googles announcement of reaching a quantum computing status, I immediately started thinking about the implications.
#1 google would basically dominate the internet when it is used to decipher and relay.
#2 You cannot and will not see individual computers of this capacity for many many years.
#3 The first would be large companies and government agencys ciphering your data with the finest tooth comb imaginable.
#4 Many encryptions and 100% of your passwords would mean nothing.
#5 because of this, no matter how wise the end user and no matter how untraceable the user is today, they would be pinpointed in seconds.
Web filtering could be specifically tuned to the individual to pretty much make them believe anything the quantum entity wished.
#6 The dark web, closed circuits of exit nodes and all it entailed would be infiltrated at a whim.
We are talking about the ability to canvas every bit of info in a billionth of the time.
#7 In the hands of any government agency, they could literally pick you apart to the fraction of a micron and there would be zero way you could hide any bit of digital info.
Your security on any form of digital info would mean precisely... dick.
Now imagine the ability to not only compress the entire web into a billionth the size it is but to be able to basically comparatively seek out "abnormal" behavior.
I.e. (such as in my case) this guy has wickr and a vpn. He is not just using the web for facebook and twitter.
"Red flag" as Mr. Trump would say.
That vpn and yes even the randomly generated wickr encryption would be infiltrated in seconds.
Live time there would be no way you could hide.
Every bit of info you ever sent could be collected and if necessary, weighed against you.
They have a 50 year head start so its time to start thinking about ways to circumvent stored data entirely. Even data that is encrpted only to your device.
Within ten years all major governments will be using this tech.
It will be very interesting to watch the cold warring governments see who can send who the most viruses.
What most do not see is that quantum computing requires quantum storage.
That means you are quantumly fucked.
I welcome any and all to share this link everywhere.
There is an all controlling fist closing around us in a way most have zero clue about.
If you trust your government,or believe a high ranking politician gives a damn about you, move along.