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Thread: Wheel comes off moving car

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Wheel comes off moving car

    Four years ago I was in the passenger seat of a transit van moving down the road at 60mph. There was just me and the driver in the van . The back left wheel wobbled for a couple of seconds and then came clean off the car.

    If you had been the passenger in this van, what would you have thought?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Just like kimbos sanity leaving his brain.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Just like kimbos sanity leaving his brain.

    The question I'm asking is what do you think would have caused it?

    This wheel was held on with 6 nuts, so how do you think it came off?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Cameron View Post

    The question I'm asking is what do you think would have caused it?

    This wheel was held on with 6 nuts, so how do you think it came off?
    It lost its bearings just like you

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Not here.
    Perhaps they felt that you were one nut too many & they just bolted.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    upper midwest
    As a professional mechanic for 31 years I can tell you this for a fact, no one cares it was 4 years ago.

  7. #7
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    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by diesel101 View Post
    As a professional mechanic for 31 years I can tell you this for a fact, no one cares it was 4 years ago.
    In your 31 years of professional mechanic experience, have you ever heard of a wheel coming clean off a moving vehicle travelling down the road? I'm not talking about crashes here... I'm talking about a car travelling at a constant speed in a straight line and then a wheel just falls off the car.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by diesel101 View Post
    As a professional mechanic for 31 years I can tell you this for a fact, no one cares it was 4 years ago.
    That was funny

  9. #9
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Cameron View Post
    In your 31 years of professional mechanic experience, have you ever heard of a wheel coming clean off a moving vehicle travelling down the road? I'm not talking about crashes here... I'm talking about a car travelling at a constant speed in a straight line and then a wheel just falls off the car.
    I have had rims detonate from overload, lost a front wheel bearing on an overgross 80000lb big truck, snapped axels out of half tons, lost wheels off trailers, and lost front wheels off half tons due to wheel bearing.

    Official count is 7 or 8 times.
    You euros dont get out and do much.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Oh... And twice now I have simultaneously blown duals from overload.

    If you got shit done, it wouldn't be such a mystery.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Bragging to someone
    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I have had rims detonate from overload, lost a front wheel bearing on an overgross 80000lb big truck, snapped axels out of half tons, lost wheels off trailers, and lost front wheels off half tons due to wheel bearing.

    Official count is 7 or 8 times.
    You euros dont get out and do much.
    Lol . so true.. I don't think the Euros are even allowed to drive full size trucks in the first place

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    Lol . so true.. I don't think the Euros are even allowed to drive full size trucks in the first place

    Trucks aren't allowed on the road on Sundays in Germany

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Attachment 177643

    I timed off 34 seconds between mile markers running down the hill to Albuquerque New Mexico.

    There is this state of being that happens in an overgross 18 wheeler like that.

    70-75 is loud.
    80-90 is really loud.

    Once you pass a certain break all the vibrations synchronize.

    You go from yelling to hear one another to quiet talk.

    If something is outta place its done. One little bearing oil fill cap blows off and the bearing cooks in about three seconds.

    Once that axle hits the asphalt it dig and pulls. Men have broken bones at the whip of the wheel.
    I was a little boy riding in that truck going triple digits constantly. My father was young and strong. He should have written the manual for DOT spec.

    You hold that goddamn wheel, 72 hours straight enough times and finally it becomes a part of you.

    You nod off and havent moved from the lines.
    All to feed your family.

    You know where every goddam county mounty and bear is because of the CB you had custom built to overshadow all others. You are a captain of a large vessel most cant drive. You have had police escorts hauling biohazards, you have chased away every lot lizard, you have nocked out nig mfers reaching in your truck while you slept with the windows down (no AC), stabbed in New York, had a fatality accident because of a senior citizen, bawled your eyes out writing letters to your wife you see once every two weeks for two days, and you do it for millions of miles.

    That is the old American truck driver.

    Then the tech boom happened and we gave fluidic pussy mitherfuckers like you ruling all of europe.

    This is why you will always live under the bootheel of someone raised like me.

    I forgot to mention the payphone calls from dad.
    Every day I learn how much like him I am. Just running away from something and conquering worlds.

    Attachment 177643
    Last edited by Obs; 12-12-2019 at 06:00 PM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Btw... When that wheel bearing on a steer comes off, on a semi... You plat that pedal to the floor until the engine bogs down and dies. Thats the only thing that may or may not keep you from rolling over.

    I am one of very few people on this planet to lose a front wheel bearing on a lodeded big truck, without the wheel coming off.

    When the tow truck came to take it to the plant I was delivering to, the wheel fell off.

    When that bitch cooked, I knew immediately what it was. The thing my dad warned me the most about in a big rig.

    My front brakes were the only thing that kept me from going off a 100'+ embankment.

    That and the feel... Knowing that truck like myself.
    It was actually one of my proudest moments calling my boss and telling him I lost a steer bearing on 59 hwy going highway speed and didn't crash.

  15. #15
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    upper midwest
    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Cameron View Post
    In your 31 years of professional mechanic experience, have you ever heard of a wheel coming clean off a moving vehicle travelling down the road? I'm not talking about crashes here... I'm talking about a car travelling at a constant speed in a straight line and then a wheel just falls off the car.
    Yes I've seen and heard of it several times. Most of the time it is due to the rim not being torqued properly when installed. It can take several thousand miles before it comes loose sometimes.

    I had a front wheel come off a 76 nova at 90+ mph at 2am with 4 drunk guys in it. Kept it on the road but the brake rotor sure caught hell.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by diesel101 View Post
    Yes I've seen and heard of it several times. Most of the time it is due to the rim not being torqued properly when installed. It can take several thousand miles before it comes loose sometimes.

    I had a front wheel come off a 76 nova at 90+ mph at 2am with 4 drunk guys in it. Kept it on the road but the brake rotor sure caught hell.
    Oh fuck...
    If we are talking lugs working loose counting, I got way more stories.

    I was dropping rocks down a portapotty vent tube so it would splash blue shit on my employers ass while he was shitting.

    He came out all pissed off and kicked my duals on my truck.
    They rocked...

    Fuckers were about to fall off and his little anger kick revealed that the lugs had backed off.

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