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Thread: War climate: Usa vs iran

  1. #1

    War climate: Usa vs iran

    Iranian General Qasem Soleimani, killed on Thursday by a US air strike in the Iraqi capital.

    Soleimani led Iranian military operations in the Middle East as commander of the Quds Force, an elite unit of the Revolutionary Guards, and was considered one of Iran's most powerful men. A three-day mourning for the general's death and promised revenge against the USA.

    I do not believe in this possible retaliation.
    If Iran dares to do so, it will be crushed by USA war powers.

  2. #2
    New air strike in Iraq
    Iraqi state media reported on Friday that another air strike was carried out in the country 24 hours after the one that killed Soleimani. An Iraqi army source told Reuters that six people were killed in the action, which targeted a convoy of an Iraqi militia.

    An army spokesman denied that the US was behind the new attack.
    "The coalition (led by the US Army) has not conducted air strikes (in that region) in recent days," Colonel Myles Caggins III said on Twitter.

    However, the United States said it dispatched 3,000 more US troops to the Middle East to help respond to possible counterattacks against Soleimani's. Regarding Soleimani's death, President Donald Trump, in a statement at his Florida resort on Friday, said "the US military has carried out a flawless precision strike that has killed the number one terrorist worldwide."

    Trump accused Soleimani of being "plotting imminent and sinister attacks on US diplomats and military, but we caught him and eliminated him."

    Representatives of his government gave no details on what these plans would be. In past governments, both Barack Obama and George W. Bush found it too risky to target the general in air actions.

    The US State Department issued a warning after the attack, warning US citizens to leave Iraq immediately.

  3. #3
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  4. #4
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    F’n Los Angeles Times making the killing out to be like, wtf did the dude do to deserve to be “assassinated”?

    Don’t really like Trump & definitely don’t like some of his decisions, but ffs, the guy was responsible for US deaths.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    F’n Los Angeles Times making the killing out to be like, wtf did the dude do to deserve to be “assassinated”?

    Don’t really like Trump & definitely don’t like some of his decisions, but ffs, the guy was responsible for US deaths.

    OK... I have yet to hear of any "believable", "conclusive" evidence which links him to what I have read as, "100's of American service members deaths...".

    And to accuse him of planning attacks on the US and it's regional assets; well, isn't that a generals job? I am sure that we are constantly planning for any eventualities concerning the nations in the ME... I hope we are...

    I don't know, maybe it is just me, but I keep hearing in the background to all of this, echos of "weapons of mas destruction... dirty bombs... mushroom cloud..." We have keep in mind; this is an election year, and a "trumped-up" (no pun intended) incident could help the incumbent.

    I am a patriot, supporting the USA and the current CIC, but I don't support a shooting war with Iran. NOT because we couldn't win (THIS word, win, opens up another discussion...), but it would just be too costly an undertaking...

    Consider the topography of the nation, the population and it's loyalty to the regime, the size of their military... Also, I would bet money that the Iranians are very close to going nuclear, and this creates another set of difficulties for any and all aggressors; the USA included. All they have to do to upset the apple cart is to launch a strike on Israel, and this does not have to be a nuclear strike. This is not Iraq, gents. Furthermore, throw in there the choke-point of the Straits of Hormuz, and we have the makings of a military and economic nightmare, in my opinion...

    I am hoping that cooler heads will ultimately prevail in this situation. I mean, aren't we already getting raped at the pump (the gas pump) already? I would hate to imagine what would happen to the pump price in the event of a conflict with Iran.

    Again I will add: I support Team USA!!!

  6. #6
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    I personally don’t care if we piss off Iran. And if our actions are dictated by the price of gas, God help us.

  7. #7
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    In a recent press conference today president trump was stoic and simply stated,

    "I will wait to get the current state of affairs before commenting on the situation at this time. My source is unquestionable and will give detailed description to me and my council. You have no idea how thorough this guy is."

    When asked who his source was, he laughed arrogantly and said, "You can refer to him as Beetleguese."

    This has left a nation in bewilderment but it is speculated, "Beetleguese," may be codename for a former soviet spy who tried to influence the 2016 presidential election.
    Last edited by Obs; 01-05-2020 at 04:29 PM.

  8. #8
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    A veteran once told me we can still drill through glass to get the oil.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by diesel101 View Post
    A veteran once told me we can still drill through glass to get the oil.
    Clarify because I don't get it but want to badly and now I feel silly for not understanding...

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Clarify because I don't get it but want to badly and now I feel silly for not understanding...
    Extreme heat (nuclear blast) turns sand into glass

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by diesel101 View Post
    Extreme heat (nuclear blast) turns sand into glass
    Ah shit man...
    Now I feel really stupid.

  12. #12
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    For the record I asked the lady what you meant.
    She didn't know either but said "WTF IS THIS POST IN YOUR THREAD! YOU POSTING SHIT ABOUT ME! MFR!"

    I told her to stay on topic but... Ugh...

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by diesel101 View Post
    A veteran once told me we can still drill through glass to get the oil.
    I agree with you bro "diesel101" 100%!!! We can surely drill through the glass to get to the black gold, but do we really need to add to our onus of being the only nation to have used nukes in an offensive manner? I rather think not.

    Certainly talk of the nuclear option makes for powerful threatening rhetoric, but I firmly believe that this is the last of the Iranians worries...

    In my view, the bomb will remain (lets hope) a last resort weapon. It is in this regard that, when the Iranians announce to the world, in the most likely near future, that they are members of the nuclear club; this will radically change the game board in the ME; we will perhaps relinquish our hegemony in the region... I liken possession of the bomb to having a pistol in your pocket, and in the event of a showdown, it really doesn't matter if the weapon is a Glock or a cheap throwaway "Saturday Night Special .25 auto". The pistol, in and of itself sets the stage for a situation where the possessor can only be pushed so far. Lets be honest here, like India and Pakistan's nuclear capabilities; there is a big difference between having the bomb and being able to deliver that device onto downtown Detroit (although, a strike onto that city might not be viewed as such a bad thing...), ie: ICBM. Iran doesn't need that capability to change the game, and Washington knows it.

    When on 07 June 1991 the Israelis knocked out the Iraqi nuclear facility which was under construction; obviously, the Iranians took note. Apparently, if we can believe western intelligence agencies, the Iranians constructed their sensitive facilities underground, deep underground. This creates one hell of a difficulty to neutralizing these sites. We just can't send in Chuck Norris to take care of them...

    I firmly supported Trump's / the Govt.'s decision to dump the Iranian nuclear deal. I think that deep thinkers, and not wishful thinkers know that a nuclear Iran is inevitable... So, perhaps diplomacy and the knowledge of MSD is what will ultimately carry the day, once Iran announces her nuclear capability. And the CIC's decision to vaporize the late Iranian badguy may just as well act as a casus belli, whereby if not igniting a conflict, justifying in Iranian eyes, and perhaps the eyes of some of our erstwhile (I use this term to apply to some EU nations which pay us lip service, but nothing else, so in my humble view they make for poor bed partners...) allies, Iran's "need" to possess the bomb. Possession acting as a means of protection from an aggressive USA...

    Ahhhhh.... We could go on and on here... These are truly interesting times in which we are living, gents.
    Last edited by XnavyHMCS; 01-06-2020 at 05:41 AM.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Ah shit man...
    Now I feel really stupid.
    Dont worry.........I didnt get it either.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  15. #15
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    Iranian Gov is a terrorist organization, period. They use propaganda and provide terrorist orgs with money, weapons and intelligence. They have been pushing things trying to get the Pres to act, the oil tankers, Saudi a Arabia's oil fields now our Embassies and compounds in Iraq. The Iraqi people were pressuring regime change in Iran and this type of incident rallied them all back together. Iranian gov is the best.....#1......Uno .....whatever the fuck else there is in propaganda. I guess President Trump probably figured no one else would want to be president if there was a war with Iran, funny he said that this was Obama was going to do to stay in office.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  16. #16
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    Hell, I’m still pissed off about the hostage crisis from 79! F them all.

  17. #17
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    I work in a heavily Persian (read: Iranian) company.

    The owner of the company and many of my clients fled the bullshit that is that country today and don't look at all kindly upon the government in power there now. They tend to be very Western in their thinking. I've heard all about how those in power there now, they're not true Iranians, they're terrorists, etc, etc.

    One coworker tells me that this General was hugely popular there in a way we don't fathom, like celebrity status, and people who do support the regime are super pissed that he got smoked.

    Being in a place where I hang out with Iranians on a daily basis it's pretty hard to think of them on the whole as being evil. On the contrary a lot of them are some of the nicest people I've ever met.

    Most people everywhere just want to live in the peaceful pursuit of prosperity and happiness... and then there's a few assholes who work to screw it up for everyone.

  18. #18
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    Iran simply cannot stand against US military might. Not even close. They'd need to pick up a very big and powerful ally or two to even stand a chance.

    No, for all their bluster they'll just continue to do exactly what they've already been doing: shitty little proxy wars and guerilla tactics and denying everything.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ernst View Post
    I work in a heavily Persian (read: Iranian) company.

    The owner of the company and many of my clients fled the bullshit that is that country today and don't look at all kindly upon the government in power there now. They tend to be very Western in their thinking. I've heard all about how those in power there now, they're not true Iranians, they're terrorists, etc, etc.

    One coworker tells me that this General was hugely popular there in a way we don't fathom, like celebrity status, and people who do support the regime are super pissed that he got smoked.

    Being in a place where I hang out with Iranians on a daily basis it's pretty hard to think of them on the whole as being evil. On the contrary a lot of them are some of the nicest people I've ever met.

    Most people everywhere just want to live in the peaceful pursuit of prosperity and happiness... and then there's a few assholes who work to screw it up for everyone.
    I agree and was being a tad over-zealous. I have a lot of students that come from families that have fled & they are great kids.

    I’d just hate to see Korea jump in now that they have nukes; have Russia join along & then China saying sure, why not. We have some potent enemies & shit can get really messy.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ernst View Post
    Iran simply cannot stand against US military might. Not even close.
    100% correct here, gents!!!

    In fact, NOBODY can top the US militarily. Military capability along with the technological aspects, throw in all of the experience we've gained in the last roughly 19 yrs of fighting' we are the juggernaut.

    But we would have to go there to do it, and this is going to be difficult...

    Somebody please tell the Taliban that we are the baddest player in the arena!!!

    The whole show changed in Iran when the Shah left and the Ayatohla (spelling error...???) returned.

    I remember the hostage crisis at the end of the 70's, hell I was 14 yo then, and it dominated the news. I don't remember which news outlet was running it, but it was titled: "Day 237 America Held Hostage" I think Tom Brokaw (sp again) was the anchor, if I remember correctly...

    So, let's just hope that diplomacy takes center stage in the coming weeks.

    I do like what BG said, "it is an election year..." this is so true...

    Hell, I'm voting AGAIN for Pres. Trump!!! Regardless of his faults, and they must be numerous if guys like Rex Tillerson and Ret. Gen, Mattis can't work with him... But I'm voting again for him...

    Go Team USA!!!!

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    Iranian Gov is a terrorist organization, period. They use propaganda and provide terrorist orgs with money, weapons and intelligence. They have been pushing things trying to get the Pres to act, the oil tankers, Saudi a Arabia's oil fields now our Embassies and compounds in Iraq. The Iraqi people were pressuring regime change in Iran and this type of incident rallied them all back together. Iranian gov is the best.....#1......Uno .....whatever the fuck else there is in propaganda. I guess President Trump probably figured no one else would want to be president if there was a war with Iran, funny he said that this was Obama was going to do to stay in office.
    You could say the same about the US and its allies. US literally did everything that they accused Iran of.

  22. #22
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    Globalists try to encourage this idea that socialism exists and is the only way. If we all lived in one nation in a world without greed and evil, that would be true.

    Welcome to reality.
    Countries compete against each other in a capitalist manner to build their empire and accumulate wealth/power. This is the sole reason Iran wants nuclear armament. Same as North Korea.

    It puts them on a new level of worldwide status.

    Now, I am a nationalist and I care about my country and my wallet because given the opportunity they would walk on us.

    You think they would sit by and watch a docile nation of no active military sit as #1 wealthiest and not piss on it and try to take what they had?

    Countries compete for power.
    The ones making the biggest stink are the least evolved third world pieces of shit because they are desperately trying to be one of the big dogs. They want what we have and the only way to get it is via propoganda and increasing their status.

    Are we mean to them?
    It's us or them.
    Reverse the situation and it will be the same thing.
    Its life.
    We are all greedy and any who sympathize with them should go live in their shithole and help build their army and propoganda and wealth.

    Don't be suprised when you get there and find a nation full of trash and disgust, the same as it has been for thousands of years because the people there operate like animals. They always have and always will.

    Media propogandizes both sides and tries to make every story sound as dire as possible to create polarity and keep the sheep in two warring pens.

    Globalism is about as likely as peace.
    You won't have it. Ever.
    Fuck Iran.

  23. #23
    Pentagon acknowledges Iran launched more than a dozen ballistic missiles

    [vídeo] [/ video]
    Last edited by JaneDoe; 01-07-2020 at 08:43 PM.

  24. #24
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    They missed.

    Quote Originally Posted by davimeireles View Post
    Pentagon acknowledges Iran launched more than a dozen ballistic missiles

    [vídeo] [/ video]

  25. #25
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    85 dead was what I heard.
    85 reasons to wipe their military out.

    I have enemies and I have friends.

    Polotics determine neither of them.

    I hate trump and all the cunts on both sides but 85 Americans died and 90% of them were rednecks like me.

    Send every missle we have and I will pay an extra 5k on my taxes this year.

  26. #26
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    The worlds nations are in competition.

    Last edited by Obs; 01-08-2020 at 12:48 AM.

  27. #27
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    Mark my words..
    If Trump is to be re-elected after all he did against freedom, he best light that fucking country up.

    Every base hit with shit never seen before.
    Totally cripple the broke motherfuckers.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    The worlds nations are in competition.

    Hopefully we learned something from Vietnam.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Hopefully we learned something from Vietnam.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Yeah... You cant occupy. But we doi it in every war.
    No need to occupy or do anything humanitarian.
    Blow them up until they have nothing left and leave.

    Not try to dictate their lives or rebuild a country for them.

    You are looking at them like they are human.
    They are dogs and will always be dogs. Filthy sickening jihad loving pieces of shit and if they could they would kill you.

    But they cant afford to do so.

    We can.
    Last edited by Obs; 01-08-2020 at 10:30 AM.

  30. #30
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    No US casualties...

    They are too scared to shoot another American and don't want to shocked and awed.
    So fuck em blow them up anyway.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    F’n Los Angeles Times making the killing out to be like, wtf did the dude do to deserve to be “assassinated”?

    Don’t really like Trump & definitely don’t like some of his decisions, but ffs, the guy was responsible for US deaths.
    Yeah the OC Register put out a retarded headline like that the other day too, on the main page of course, something about "death" and "mourning" in the same sentence. What a joke.

  32. #32
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    We occupied Japan and Germany and both of those turned out pretty well.

    This was The Israel National News' take on the "targeted killing" of Gen. Salmonella:

    So sorry we eliminated your mass murderer
    The world’s gone nuts – it’s official.
    Jack Engelhard, 07/01/20 09:05 | updated: 15:50

    President Trump takes out the world’s leading terrorist, of the moment, and rather than a big warm hug, more than half the country thinks Trump did wrong. Or so it seems ...

    ... Soleimani was a calculated killer of our people. For him, they cheer. For Trump, they are “outraged.”

    That man Soleimani destabilized the entire region. Trump saved us from his death squads even back here at home.

    In the hearts and minds of our Dem/leftists, Soleimani deserved to live, and our president deserves to be impeached…and worse ...

    ... Finally, back to the point.

    The nation was behind the takeout of Osama bin Laden. Everybody cheered. Except for the few.

    Now? Now the scoffers are the many, or so it appears, and they are all over…and all over Trump. Main reason. He is Trump. Not Obama.

    So sorry we eliminated your mass murderer, Soleimani, who was always thinking ahead to the next atrocity.

    This was not assassination, but combat; taking out an enemy fighter in a theater of operation, on the battlefield.

    Totally fair and square. It’s called war. Also known as …we fight to win…under THIS president, thank G-d, finally.

    Collectively, the contrarian boo-birds belong to the Democrat Party, and in normal times they’d be known as the loyal opposition.

    Nothing loyal about them these days. Just to name a few, we have Schumer, Pelosi, Biden, the Squad, and so many others who scorn Trump but weep for Soleimani.

    Or justify for him, and against our president.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beetlegeuse View Post
    We occupied Japan and Germany and both of those turned out pretty well.

    This was The Israel National News' take on the "targeted killing" of Gen. Salmonella:

    So sorry we eliminated your mass murderer
    The world’s gone nuts – it’s official.
    Jack Engelhard, 07/01/20 09:05 | updated: 15:50

    President Trump takes out the world’s leading terrorist, of the moment, and rather than a big warm hug, more than half the country thinks Trump did wrong. Or so it seems ...

    ... Soleimani was a calculated killer of our people. For him, they cheer. For Trump, they are “outraged.”

    That man Soleimani destabilized the entire region. Trump saved us from his death squads even back here at home.

    In the hearts and minds of our Dem/leftists, Soleimani deserved to live, and our president deserves to be impeached…and worse ...

    ... Finally, back to the point.

    The nation was behind the takeout of Osama bin Laden. Everybody cheered. Except for the few.

    Now? Now the scoffers are the many, or so it appears, and they are all over…and all over Trump. Main reason. He is Trump. Not Obama.

    So sorry we eliminated your mass murderer, Soleimani, who was always thinking ahead to the next atrocity.

    This was not assassination, but combat; taking out an enemy fighter in a theater of operation, on the battlefield.

    Totally fair and square. It’s called war. Also known as …we fight to win…under THIS president, thank G-d, finally.

    Collectively, the contrarian boo-birds belong to the Democrat Party, and in normal times they’d be known as the loyal opposition.

    Nothing loyal about them these days. Just to name a few, we have Schumer, Pelosi, Biden, the Squad, and so many others who scorn Trump but weep for Soleimani.

    Or justify for him, and against our president.
    There he is... I been waiting.
    Japan and Germany weren't dogs living in caves.
    They had civilized societies before the war.

    Agree with all.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by moetorious View Post
    You could say the same about the US and its allies. US literally did everything that they accused Iran of.
    US For good mostly.

    Iran does it to keep power and press their beliefs. They kill their own people when they protest. Snakes, nothing good, surpress their people to fund terrorism.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  35. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    US For good mostly.

    Iran does it to keep power and press their beliefs. They kill their own people when they protest. Snakes, nothing good, surpress their people to fund terrorism.

    The only way to stop these terrorists is to blow them

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    Dude, I know You didn’t mean that, but FFS, change that!

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by davimeireles View Post
    The only way to stop these terrorists is to blow them
    Blow them UP.

    The "up" is very important here. Otherwise you just sucked their dicks.

  38. #38
    Trump is taking too long to fight back.What does he plan?

  39. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Dude, I know You didn’t mean that, but FFS, change that!

    Fire with fire!

  40. #40
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    Leading Israeli Analysts Says Soleimani Assassination Is Significant Blow to Iran: Regime Will Not ‘Easily Recover’

    Fucked up the Iranian's whole plan that Trump45 exterimated their head terrorist. No Iraqis turned out for General Salmonella's funeral so they obviously would prefer not to get caught between the Americans and the Iranians. And the remaining Iranians mostly have fled Iraq for fear they're next on Trump's hit list.

    Plus it's a kick in the crotch for Iranian prestige in the region.

    “Some argue that the assassination of Soleimani will increase tensions in the Middle East,” Melamed observed. “This outlook confuses cause and effect: Tensions in the Middle East have intensified over the past decade because of the violent Iranian aggression which Soleimani spearheaded. … Killing Soleimani is not the cause of the escalation — but the result.”

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