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Thread: **Greatest FEARS in LIFE**

  1. #1
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    **Greatest FEARS in LIFE**

    What are your phobias?

    What are your more serious fears?

    What fears hold you back?

    What fears drive you?

    List them.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    What are your phobias?

    What are your more serious fears?

    What fears hold you back?

    What fears drive you?

    List them.
    No phobias by the clinical definition (irrational, debilitating, etc.)

    The only fear that really holds me back, is the fear of chronically upsetting the one person who’s opinion truly affects my day to day life. Fortunately though, this really only causes me to reign in my opinions on one or two subjects.

    The fear that drives me is disappointing myself.

    Embracing nihilism did really good things for crushing fears a long time ago. When you accept that life has no inherent meaning or value, you’re free to ascribe your own to it. This can be dangerous in the hands of the psychotic, but has worked well for me.

  3. #3
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    Spiders and tall skinny women creep me out.
    They are disgusting. Get in your hair and bite you and lay eggs in your throat.

    Fear of failing my family drives me in most day to day tasks. Fear of failing whoever is working with me and their family.

    I am not keen on getting old. So I won't.
    I fear I won't have my family set without me when I do leave which is another driving fear. I fear being disloyal to my gf. Only way to stop it is to fear what it would cause to her. So I stay afraid and horny as hell.

    I am afraid of heights rather falling from heights. Something I accepted on purpose. Have a lot of dreams about falling. I never die, it just hirts like a mfer.

    I chase my fears down. Its instinctual now.
    If it worries me then I pursue it immediately. Except for tall skinny women. I just get the hell away.
    I mean I am afraid silabolin is gay, I aint pursuing that. (Not really a concern, but you have been warned.) But confrontation in general or something like speaking before people or a noise outside.
    I am right there in its face to quell it.

    I fear God and atonement for the shit I've done.
    Though I don't look at it like I did. Out of sight out of mind day will come. I just do the best I can.

  4. #4
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    Oh and I fear people messing with my toothbrush so I store it seperate from everyones.

  5. #5
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    **Greatest FEARS in LIFE**

    Getting old and being alone..getting old period, scares me..not being able to train anymore..being skinny fat..
    Getting disfigured, especially me losing my dick or sight..
    Orite iam go cry now
    Thanks OB, for the thread [emoji24][emoji24][emoji24]

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    Last edited by KINGKONG; 01-14-2020 at 10:16 AM. Reason: Originally too sad, this is brightened up

  6. #6
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  7. #7
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    Physical fear would be losing my sight. I wouldn't continue this life being blind.
    The fear of being average or typical is what drives me every day.

  8. #8
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Fear of being small.
    Fear of not being better than others physically
    Fear of getting old

    Two out of three ain't bad I guess...
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  9. #9
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    Clostraphobic. Damn the MRI machines suck but I made it through with the temp at about 60.
    I have a fear of spiders and heights. I can usually contain the fears and hide them.

    I have a fear of being a failure or obsolete. A failure to my family and society. Everything I do is 110% to ensure that I don’t fail.
    I wouldn’t say that I’m afraid of getting old, but I do try to slow down the process. Hell, I’m probably speeding it up. As GH said growing means death. LOL

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  10. #10
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    Presently, a CVA (stroke). It was a total shoulder (imminent in as little as a few years), but after talking to my wife whose recently been treating some, I’m seeing the potential to lift afterwards now, so that’s not as big a concern.

    And dammit, I’m so attached to my cat, I couldn’t imagine dealing without the little guy. I am afraid of that day, but actually the good news there is I can realistically see him outliving me lol.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gallowmere View Post
    Embracing nihilism did really good things for crushing fears a long time ago. When you accept that life has no inherent meaning or value, you’re free to ascribe your own to it. This can be dangerous in the hands of the psychotic, but has worked well for me.
    You're always teaching me something Gallow. I had to look that up, Definition of nihilism:a viewpoint that traditional values and beliefs are unfounded and that existence is senseless and useless... wowza. I'm glad it works well for you brother, but damn it seems dark.

    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    What are your phobias?
    What are your more serious fears?
    What fears hold you back?
    What fears drive you?
    List them.
    Phobias: I'm not phobic about it, but I'm not comfortable having water in my face... no need to waterboard me, I'll talk.
    Fears: I think nihilism scares me, lol. But seriously, I'm scared that my kids will figure out that I have no idea what I'm doing as a parent. One day they're going to be like, "Dude, do you just make this shit up?".... uh. Yes.
    What fears drive me: Letting people down.... sadly, even people I SHOULDN'T care about... freaking ex-wives.

  12. #12
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    its cold alot
    I'm weird about germs on public door handles gas pumps credit card machines. Basically anything that doesn't get disinfected that the general public has their unwashed hands on.
    I worry about stressing away my life trying to make enough money to get by that I'll die from it.
    Sappy as this sounds I think about not falling in true love again. I don't think it'll happen. Too jaded with walls to shut people out.
    I decided a couple years ago that If I wanna do something I'm gonna do it. Basically how I ended up here. Fear of getting old is what drove that decision. Seeing people get cancer and dementia was enough to push me to do what I want within my means.
    Being broke and losing my house and appearing like a bum loser is something that drives me I can't disappoint my family.

    Failing at my personal business keeps me from taking the plunge to rely on it as my sole source of income. I will eventually because I'm a stubborn fuck and it's the only long term situation I see myself in.

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  13. #13
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    I'm claustrophobic and have a hatred for authority - put those things together and yes spending time hand cuffed and in the back of a cop car and then in jail was the worse time ever. I totally despise authority and weak ass pussy bitches having the 'right' to hand cuff and lock other people up like animals .
    jail or prison is the most disgusting sick invention ever devised on earth.. no man, no matter how big of a criminal he is, should ever be 'locked up'. yet America has more people locked up today at one time, then have been locked up total in every nation combined over the history of the world. and no its not being funded by tax payers. its the opposite. they make money locking up innocent people. they charge family members 40$ a minute to talk to you on the phone. they serve you 3 shit meals per day and charge you 15$ for each meal..
    its modern day slavery. the prison system is traded on the stock market. even a simple first time offense DUI is going to cost a person around 20,000$ and stimulate economic growth for the state. thats why the blood alcohol level is so low. they want to bust your ass to make $ off your ass.

    its utterly a disgusting system imo. its my biggest fear. no man should ever be subject to such bullshit.
    if your rob someone of 500$ you should be forced to pay them back 1500$.. if you murder someone you should give your life in retribution. but spending one day locked behind bars and cuffed should never be an option. all mankind deserve some amount of dignity to not be treated this way and locked up in cages

  14. #14
    Not necessarily a fear... however, I get anxiety when water touches my skin. Primarily rain... shower water is bad too, need to EASE into it very slowly.

    Not scared of much else except loss of job just due to uncontrollable things (company not doing well)

  15. #15
    The only fear I have is being dishonored. Because dishonor is worse than death.

    The rest of our life is banal, our male sovereignty must remain on top of anything. Even if we are subject to death.
    But a death of honor is a death of glory.
    Our name will be remembered by those who met us in this world, our name will become a legacy for the people who truly love us.
    Last edited by JaneDoe; 01-14-2020 at 07:11 PM.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by davimeireles View Post
    The only fear I have is being dishonored. Because dishonor is worse than death.

    The rest of our life is banal, our male sovereignty must remain on top of anything. Even if we are subject to death.
    But a death of honor is a death of glory.
    Our name will be remembered by those who met us in this world, our name will become a legacy for the people who truly love us.
    Great fear I left out brother.
    Peimary thing I teach my son about is honor.
    Most today have no idea what it is.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I'm claustrophobic and have a hatred for authority - put those things together and yes spending time hand cuffed and in the back of a cop car and then in jail was the worse time ever. I totally despise authority and weak ass pussy bitches having the 'right' to hand cuff and lock other people up like animals .
    jail or prison is the most disgusting sick invention ever devised on earth.. no man, no matter how big of a criminal he is, should ever be 'locked up'. yet America has more people locked up today at one time, then have been locked up total in every nation combined over the history of the world. and no its not being funded by tax payers. its the opposite. they make money locking up innocent people. they charge family members 40$ a minute to talk to you on the phone. they serve you 3 shit meals per day and charge you 15$ for each meal..
    its modern day slavery. the prison system is traded on the stock market. even a simple first time offense DUI is going to cost a person around 20,000$ and stimulate economic growth for the state. thats why the blood alcohol level is so low. they want to bust your ass to make $ off your ass.

    its utterly a disgusting system imo. its my biggest fear. no man should ever be subject to such bullshit.
    if your rob someone of 500$ you should be forced to pay them back 1500$.. if you murder someone you should give your life in retribution. but spending one day locked behind bars and cuffed should never be an option. all mankind deserve some amount of dignity to not be treated this way and locked up in cages
    Agree completely.
    I have seen an innocent father go to prison for signing fdic requisition forms as "paid" trying to help people. Someone blew the whistle.

    He went to prison for 7.5 years. Divorced his wife so as not to hold her back. He was my employer and a good man. I was there the day he went to turn himself in. His kids were 9 (adopted kid) and 13. They were bawling as he left. 7.5 years federal time. The worst part was it took a couple of years to sentence him. I been in his shoes facing 10-30 years.

    It changes you.
    It sends you to prison in your mind immediately when you face an indictment that heavy. My ex wife left shortly after that indictment.

    My employer went down right as Goldman sachs went down and thats who the prosecutor compared him to.

    A banker in a town of 400 that lived in a trailer house...

    Accused of embezzling because the fdic found a gap in mortgage requisition.

    They swarmed the bank with 40 armed guards, no one in or out.

    They locked the bank down and it bankrupted immediately. So some thousand dollars, became a 3.5 million dollar deficit.

    So that was exactly what was put on the front page of the papers. "Banker indicted for imbezzlement, 3.5 million."

    Upon prosecution they could find no way to actually make an imbezzlement charge stick because he fucking didn't.

    So they hammered him with two counts of signing false statements in comparison to G&S.

    7.5 years at 40 years old.
    Ruined him and his family.

    All so a federal prosecutor could chalk up a win.

  18. #18
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    That same guy left me a $700 christmas bonus. Not much today but it was a lot to me back then at a thinkless truck driving job.
    Money he could have used to support his family while when he was gone, which was his every waking minute dedication, once indicted.

    You should watch "brawl in cell block 99" GH.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by teejey View Post
    I'm weird about germs on public door handles gas pumps credit card machines. Basically anything that doesn't get disinfected that the general public has their unwashed hands on.
    I worry about stressing away my life trying to make enough money to get by that I'll die from it.
    Sappy as this sounds I think about not falling in true love again. I don't think it'll happen. Too jaded with walls to shut people out.
    I decided a couple years ago that If I wanna do something I'm gonna do it. Basically how I ended up here. Fear of getting old is what drove that decision. Seeing people get cancer and dementia was enough to push me to do what I want within my means.
    Being broke and losing my house and appearing like a bum loser is something that drives me I can't disappoint my family.

    Failing at my personal business keeps me from taking the plunge to rely on it as my sole source of income. I will eventually because I'm a stubborn fuck and it's the only long term situation I see myself in.

    Sent from my moto g(7) play using Tapatalk
    Once you been fucked over by a woman you attached yourself to fully, you wont ever do it again.

    But a woman can and will make you love her and it will be her doing.

    As much as I bitch, I would have fucked around on my ex wife constantly if I felt the shit I do today.
    But I remain loyal to gf.

    True love the second time isn't devotion like the first time. Its stronger in its own way.

    First time most make that mistake of forgetting themself to please her. Well, thats doomed to fail.
    Second time you wont be doing that again. You keep that piece of yourself and give the rest.

  20. #20
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    **Greatest FEARS in LIFE**

    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Once you been fucked over by a woman you attached yourself to fully, you wont ever do it again.

    But a woman can and will make you love her and it will be her doing.

    As much as I bitch, I would have fucked around on my ex wife constantly if I felt the shit I do today.
    But I remain loyal to gf.

    True love the second time isn't devotion like the first time. Its stronger in its own way.

    First time most make that mistake of forgetting themself to please her. Well, thats doomed to fail.
    Second time you wont be doing that again. You keep that piece of yourself and give the rest.
    It’s a discipline, even in love, to stay monogamous..I respect any man that stays loyal..the hormones do not help..
    It’s why I keep ruining relationships..I crave the excitement that comes with meeting new women..At least iam at a point in my life were I know why I do things next step is be about it not talk..respect OB, I know it’s hard..
    Truthfully, never known that were faithful..knowing ppl I like and respect that are gives me something to think about..

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    Last edited by KINGKONG; 01-14-2020 at 09:31 PM.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by KINGKONG View Post
    It’s a discipline, even in love, to stay monogamous..I respect any man that stays loyal..the hormones do not help..
    It’s why I keep ruining relationships..I crave the excitement that comes with meeting new women..At least iam at a point in my life were I know why I do things next step is be about it not talk..respect OB, I know it’s hard..
    Truthfully, never known that were faithful..knowing ppl I like and respect that are gives me something to think about..

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    I am not above you in any way.
    You are the same. You dint devote yourself or lie to yourself. The women coming in arent hurt. They have fun just like you.
    Last edited by Obs; 01-15-2020 at 09:56 AM.

  22. #22
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    Why are you guys so high on being monogamous? It’s an orgasm FFS. It doesn’t mean shit.

  23. #23
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    **Greatest FEARS in LIFE**

    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Why are you guys so high on being monogamous? It’s an orgasm FFS. It doesn’t mean shit.
    Makes me feel bad to be dishonest and unfaithful to someone I care about at this point in my life..
    Don’t know why?
    Wish I had your attitude, Prox
    Also lost some excellent women cheating..

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  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I am not above you in any way.
    You are the same. You dint devote yourself or lie to yourself. The women coming in arent hurt. They have fun just like you.

    I am not equal to you in the aspect of turning them away. I am a hypocrite.

    Its not a joke, I am serious, it hurts me to not cheat.
    It affects my balls, heart, and mind.

    Tren rage or even coming off tren is nothing compared to getting my fucking hair cut by the same woman who I know wants me and I want her. I just continue the torture.

    I want to fuck her so bad and even lead her on.
    But I dont.
    Yet I go back.
    Its fucking stupid of me!
    There is no love to be had for her.
    Its just mechanical instinct that burns like a mfer.

    My fucking mind goes back and forth even talking about it.

    I have been so gd hard on cheaters and infidelity in the past. Total hypocrite.

    I shouldn't be posting this.
    Thhen again I should tell gf how I feel.
    But I won't tell her. It would just hurt her beyond recognition of what we were.

    Life is a goddamn joke
    Post away OB, ppl here all know you..your wife won’t see it..your gonna have those urges the rest of your life man..just gotta ask yourself red or blue pill?beautiful family, or excitement with strange all the time ..I’ve had both somewhat and I envy your situation..end of the days guys like me end up old and kids,no wife, no family just me and my retirement home ladies
    Not looking forward to it

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  25. #25
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    I understand the why, but just be honest.

    To me, there is lust & there is love. Lust is temporary & largely meaningless. Love though, a completely different animal.

  26. #26
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    monogamy is not natural in general .. its a choice. its a choice decided on based mainly on fear (fear of yourself and fear of your spouse leaving you for another).

    ts a ridiculous and self defeating concept imo ..

    I got married young. but I've also been self confident by nature. got married at 21.. 40+ years later I can say in that time we've been with dozens of other people . total opposite of monogamy . we both love to to Fk other people . big deal. and to this day she wants me 3x per day. cause I'm the king lion of the jungle and I'm not jealous or care about monogamy ,, I simply take what I want at the moment and then move on to other shit .
    at the end of the day I'll get everything I want or ask .. I don't need some bulsshit oath of monogamy

  27. #27
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    Jesus, it was cathartic just reading these. Great post and such honesty.

    Fuck, the little things first. Heights, snakes, falling, high ledges, like rooftops or leaning over a tall bridge and definitely claustrophobic. MRI may as well be the gas chamber. I have sleep apnea and catch my gasping for air a lot, I think it’s manifested into a fear of choking. Nothing worse then when I dream I’m drowning and it’s because my big ass neck is cutting off my airway.

    Big things. Failing as a father. Letting my fuck ups become theirs. Scared my two boys will be a fucking maniac like I was and that my temper which sometimes comes out will cause them to hate or they’ll model it and be an asshole when they get older.

    Scared of losing my job. I’m the breadwinner and work in an industry where there’s always layoffs. It’s happened to me twice and I land a new role but that fear is always there.

    Fucking my home life because I can’t stop staring at pretty woman. I still have it and I’m scared here real soon I won’t and wonder what it’ll be like when woman find me old and creepy. Hard to pass up a pretty woman who throws me attention even when I know it could wreck my whole existence and my kids. Scared I’m weak and without willpower, so I try to work harder at everything else to compensate.

    You guys gonna bill me for this therapy session. Holy shit...

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Jesus, it was cathartic just reading these. Great post and such honesty.

    Fuck, the little things first. Heights, snakes, falling, high ledges, like rooftops or leaning over a tall bridge and definitely claustrophobic. MRI may as well be the gas chamber. I have sleep apnea and catch my gasping for air a lot, I think it’s manifested into a fear of choking. Nothing worse then when I dream I’m drowning and it’s because my big ass neck is cutting off my airway.

    Big things. Failing as a father. Letting my fuck ups become theirs. Scared my two boys will be a fucking maniac like I was and that my temper which sometimes comes out will cause them to hate or they’ll model it and be an asshole when they get older.

    Scared of losing my job. I’m the breadwinner and work in an industry where there’s always layoffs. It’s happened to me twice and I land a new role but that fear is always there.

    Fucking my home life because I can’t stop staring at pretty woman. I still have it and I’m scared here real soon I won’t and wonder what it’ll be like when woman find me old and creepy. Hard to pass up a pretty woman who throws me attention even when I know it could wreck my whole existence and my kids. Scared I’m weak and without willpower, so I try to work harder at everything else to compensate.

    You guys gonna bill me for this therapy session. Holy shit...
    I would pay you brother if thats you in the avi.
    Most of these young idiots dont realize they are loonging at their future self.

    Pussy be fucked my btother.
    Fuck that poosay before its too late.
    Last edited by Obs; 01-15-2020 at 09:56 AM.

  29. #29
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    Last edited by Obs; 01-15-2020 at 09:57 AM.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Why are you guys so high on being monogamous? It’s an orgasm FFS. It doesn’t mean shit.
    If I gave you an orgasm, you would understand.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    monogamy is not natural in general .. its a choice. its a choice decided on based mainly on fear (fear of yourself and fear of your spouse leaving you for another).

    ts a ridiculous and self defeating concept imo ..

    I got married young. but I've also been self confident by nature. got married at 21.. 40+ years later I can say in that time we've been with dozens of other people . total opposite of monogamy . we both love to to Fk other people . big deal. and to this day she wants me 3x per day. cause I'm the king lion of the jungle and I'm not jealous or care about monogamy ,, I simply take what I want at the moment and then move on to other shit .
    at the end of the day I'll get everything I want or ask .. I don't need some bulsshit oath of monogamy
    Ok, if I can get a girl like that it’s a gravy train..problem is the women I date generally, would never go for it and Tbh I don’t know if I could handle some guy being with a women of mine..As you said though we are animals, men are meant to spread seed(says so in bible I think?) so spread I do and then the women iam with thinks its a problem with her..that’s the issue, the guilt over hurting others..not the actual act itself ..

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  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charlie67 View Post
    You're always teaching me something Gallow. I had to look that up, Definition of nihilism:a viewpoint that traditional values and beliefs are unfounded and that existence is senseless and useless... wowza. I'm glad it works well for you brother, but damn it seems dark.
    It’s only dark if you insist upon staying in the dark.
    One of the most misunderstood aspects of Nietzsche’s work is that he preached toward nihilism. He did, but only as a means to an end. We have to come to nihilism and accept that the narratives that we have been fed are nonsense, that there is no inherent meaning to life, and that in order to become stronger and evolve as individuals, we must be willing to shrug off the old stories, and write our own.
    For some, yes, this could lead down a dark path that they don’t return from. These are not the people that he was speaking to. Those without “the will to power” were nearly useless, beyond being the tools of the strong in his eyes, and probably better off lost to the abyss anyway.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I would pay you brother if thats you in the avi.
    Most of these young idiots dont realize they are loonging at their future self.

    Pussy be fucked my btother.
    Fuck that poosay before its too late.

    Unfortunately that’s me in the avi, would’ve chosen someone with long flowing locks if I was putting someone else’s picture up

    I hear you man, I tell myself the same is short! Just get scared getting caught (add that to the fear list). Getting caught! Lol

    Agreed with you on the young fellas, such a great veteran presence here, maybe they actually listen, huh?

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Unfortunately that’s me in the avi, would’ve chosen someone with long flowing locks if I was putting someone else’s picture up
    I take it it’s turtle wax these days and not a comb you use? [emoji6]

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gallowmere View Post
    It’s only dark if you insist upon staying in the dark.
    One of the most misunderstood aspects of Nietzsche’s work is that he preached toward nihilism. He did, but only as a means to an end. We have to come to nihilism and accept that the narratives that we have been fed are nonsense, that there is no inherent meaning to life, and that in order to become stronger and evolve as individuals, we must be willing to shrug off the old stories, and write our own.
    For some, yes, this could lead down a dark path that they don’t return from. These are not the people that he was speaking to. Those without “the will to power” were nearly useless, beyond being the tools of the strong in his eyes, and probably better off lost to the abyss anyway.

    I’m of the belief that it’s a free world and you should be allowed to believe whatever you want. That being said, Nietzsche was a drug addict who suffered a complete and totally breakdown. He suffered from manic depression and dementia. He was born and raised in a rough dark existence that shaped his philosophical approach very early on. I don’t want to get in a philosophical debate with you and reading your posts, it’s quite obvious you are an extremely intellectual fellow. Just consider this...have a child, watch the life you’ve created and are now ultimately responsible for and I believe that you will challenge your inner belief that life has no meaning.

    Nietzsche believed that there was no longer any real substance to traditional social, political, moral, and religious values. He denied that those values had any objective validity or that they imposed any binding obligations upon us. With that component, there is some agreement with me as following the church, politicians and your neighbor is a lesson in futility.

    Children change it all and really are the meaning to life, at least that’s where I find it even on my darkest days. Something to consider at least and maybe deserving of a separate thread.

    My brain now hurts and I need more coffee

  36. #36
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    Mop and glow!! Man I miss combs...

    Actually I miss the hot chicks at the hair place that run their fingers over your scalp and let you close your eyes and relax for a minute. (I think you know what I’m talking about Obs )

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    I’m of the belief that it’s a free world and you should be allowed to believe whatever you want. That being said, Nietzsche was a drug addict who suffered a complete and totally breakdown. He suffered from manic depression and dementia. He was born and raised in a rough dark existence that shaped his philosophical approach very early on. I don’t want to get in a philosophical debate with you and reading your posts, it’s quite obvious you are an extremely intellectual fellow. Just consider this...have a child, watch the life you’ve created and are now ultimately responsible for and I believe that you will challenge your inner belief that life has no meaning.

    Nietzsche believed that there was no longer any real substance to traditional social, political, moral, and religious values. He denied that those values had any objective validity or that they imposed any binding obligations upon us. With that component, there is some agreement with me as following the church, politicians and your neighbor is a lesson in futility.

    Children change it all and really are the meaning to life, at least that’s where I find it even on my darkest days. Something to consider at least and maybe deserving of a separate thread.

    My brain now hurts and I need more coffee
    Fortunately for me, I have completely dead nuts. Nearly no test, zero motility, etc. They’re just hilarious, atrophied, poorly designed decoration. Mumps is a bitch.

    That said, you’re right, purely because you are talking about our ultimate evolutionary endpoint. Procreation is ultimately all that matters to pretty much any species, including our own. It’s why nearly everything that bodybuilders try to do in the dieting phase destroys natural hormone production. “You’re starving, this is no time for throwing dick, we’re shutting everything down until you fix this.”

    I realized a long time ago that children would be bad for me. I have nearly zero patience for stupidity, and children are, by their very nature, stupid. It’s just a phase we all have to go through. I’m not willing to risk being that guy on the news who locked his kid in the trunk because they wouldn’t shut the fuck up about nonsense though. I am an evolutionary dead end, which is perfectly fine, because my genetic line would die off VERY quickly without modern conveniences/tech anyway.

  38. #38
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    La Cocina
    Quote Originally Posted by Gallowmere View Post
    Fortunately for me, I have completely dead nuts. Nearly no test, zero motility, etc. They’re just hilarious, atrophied, poorly designed decoration. Mumps is a bitch.

    That said, you’re right, purely because you are talking about our ultimate evolutionary endpoint. Procreation is ultimately all that matters to pretty much any species, including our own. It’s why nearly everything that bodybuilders try to do in the dieting phase destroys natural hormone production. “You’re starving, this is no time for throwing dick, we’re shutting everything down until you fix this.”

    I realized a long time ago that children would be bad for me. I have nearly zero patience for stupidity, and children are, by their very nature, stupid. It’s just a phase we all have to go through. I’m not willing to risk being that guy on the news who locked his kid in the trunk because they wouldn’t shut the fuck up about nonsense though. I am an evolutionary dead end, which is perfectly fine, because my genetic line would die off VERY quickly without modern conveniences/tech anyway.

    Well by reading your posts, you are certainly a mental evolutionist. You are well ahead cognitively no doubt about it.

    Nothing wrong with knowing your limits and you can balance the over breeders. Feel free to borrow my two any time you want. I find them rather helpful when I want to go to a new Pixar movie and use them as my excuse...

  39. #39
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    Aug 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Well by reading your posts, you are certainly a mental evolutionist. You are well ahead cognitively no doubt about it.

    Nothing wrong with knowing your limits and you can balance the over breeders. Feel free to borrow my two any time you want. I find them rather helpful when I want to go to a new Pixar movie and use them as my excuse...
    The girlfriend and I have no quarrel with watching cartoons and various animated movies in public. If Spielberg hadn’t popped so early, we’d be those 35+ year olds enjoying the hell out of the Animaniacs movies in theaters.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by KINGKONG View Post
    Makes me feel bad to be dishonest and unfaithful to someone I care about at this point in my life..
    Don’t know why?
    Wish I had your attitude, Prox
    Also lost some excellent women cheating..

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Kong, it’s a shared attitude with my wife. We are not swingers, but soul-mates that have been together for going on 37 years.

    The extracurricular activity is not encouraged, but should it present itself (like an amazing desert at a restaurant that you just can’t say no to), go for it.

    IMO, a loving relationship is not about sex, it’s everything but. But then again, this has to be the attitude of both parties.

    I could not live without my wife & should she say no more to the extracurricular sex, then I will respect that.

    Hell at my age, my days are numbered. Shit, sometimes the viagra isn’t a big help. OK, that’s a fear.

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