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Thread: Sacrifice your health to become strong and muscular?

  1. #1

    Sacrifice your health to become strong and muscular?

    How far are you willing to go?

  2. #2
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    At a younger age, I wouldn’t, thus after nice success with something (don’t recall the AAS), I got worried about my addictive nature & shut it down in a couple of months.

    Now, my concern is HBP leading to a stroke, so I try to minimize that. And then just recently realized last year’s cycles thinned my hair more than I realized.
    That, I won’t settle for - will be doing hair transplants this year & watching my dosages. Hopefully there is some more hair friendly steroids out there?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    At a younger age, I wouldn’t, thus after nice success with something (don’t recall the AAS), I got worried about my addictive nature & shut it down in a couple of months.

    Now, my concern is HBP leading to a stroke, so I try to minimize that. And then just recently realized last year’s cycles thinned my hair more than I realized.
    That, I won’t settle for - will be doing hair transplants this year & watching my dosages. Hopefully there is some more hair friendly steroids out there?
    This world of steroids is really addictive, I say this because I started to sink when I was 18!

    At 18, I started taking oxymetholone alone.
    As I was a skinny guy, the complex made me enter this at the time.
    I took real oxymetholone directly from the hospital where a friend of mine worked.

    He smuggled drugs from the hospital to sell to his friends. And guess what, he sold it to me!

    And in a short time, I gained 8 kg at the time ... All the girls in my neighborhood at the time started to say that I was using steroids.

    I liked to see my name in the mouths of bitches who didn't pay attention to me in high school.
    That's when I bought sustanon.

    To give you an idea, I used sustanon without any protectors in the cycle.
    I didn't use the anti-e nor did I make a pct
    I just used it; my mind was that of a completely crazy extremist at 18 !!! Lmao

  4. #4
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    Sacrifice your health to become strong and muscular?

    Let’s face it..that’s what we do..the lifestyle is healthy , clean food, training, taking care of yourself for your goals..I can’t see any of the hormones actually increasing lifespan or making health better(minus trt doses or legitimately sick ppl who use them as anti-wasting,etc) I know the risk ,accept them and act accordingly..I can honestly say I don’t have or don’t know of any medical problems I’ve had related to gear, and after 20 years of test prostate is still just right
    Don’t misunderstand me..iam the biggest advocate, I’ll argue all day for our lifestyle..quality over quantity of life, I guess there is no way to actually tell but, I plan to live to 100..
    Never know?

    “The only true wisdom is knowing you know nothing” Socrates
    Last edited by KINGKONG; 01-18-2020 at 08:22 PM.

  5. #5
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    This reminds me of Joe Rogan interviewing Dorian Yates.

    Yates: Is it worth it for regular guys to take steroids for aesthetic reasons?
    Rogan: Depends on how much pussy that’ll get you, dude...

  6. #6
    Losing your hair is something that nobody wants in this bro world; we take steroids out of vanity!
    It HURTS the heart.The hair transplant is a great option for those who want to spend a few dollars.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by wavefunction View Post
    This reminds me of Joe Rogan interviewing Dorian Yates.

    Yates: Is it worth it for regular guys to take steroids for aesthetic reasons?
    Rogan: Depends on how much pussy that’ll get you, dude...

  8. #8
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    There's not much healthy about me , so no I'd gain a pound of muscle and die

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  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by bomb_r2 View Post
    There's not much healthy about me , so no I'd gain a pound of muscle and die

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-J727AZ using Tapatalk
    Important is that you are alive, so think on the bright side!
    Practicing weight training and eating properly, is enough to build some muscle and in a healthy way.!!!
    So don't worry about it bro.

  10. #10
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    I have seen both sides over the years.

    I was 21 and responded great to test alone doing everything wrong.
    I had always been the skinny wirey kid.
    Brother was always a lot bigger. I decided I was gonna change that and did. Outgrew my brother quick.

    I started noticing everyone treating me different.
    I was not disrespected in public and in general people talked to me though I was still antisocial.

    My brother got in a bad wreck on a motorcycle and I was trying to run our business and feed us and keep it going and I had to come off. I did not lift or do anything but bust my ass and my brain to try to keep us going. Pretty soon I moved into a motel and drank myself to sleep. Ate one meal a day. I shrank to the smallest I have ever been in my adult life and wanted to die.

    I married a cunt and divorced her after she left. Found myself back in a much worse mindframe.
    Came back to this shit.

    Blew up and continued way past where I was.
    I never wanted to build just to be bigger than the others to get that respect. Then I started looking in the mirror and seeing my old self. I realized it would never be enough.

    I accepted that.
    I was gonna stop at 215 and just do trt the rest of ny days.
    At 240 I saw the same guy. I could not go anyfuckingwhere without someone commenting and I liked it. I liked it a lot more than when I was a kid and people stopped fucking with me and started being respectful.

    I have came down since then and people are still respectful because of a reputation but the eyes arent the same. When all the kids in two towns, 250 miles apart think you are John Cena, in his prime... It fucks with you. When you get out at a gas station and think some 18 year old is smart-eyeing you, only to have him say "You gotta be the strongest looking mfer I ever saw!" That shit stays with you.

    It's narcissistic I suppose.
    Its more driving than pussy though.

    You cant go to a bar without being flogged.
    Even the toughies that wanna fight the big guy, cower. Its better than any drug.

    Its a quality if life rater than quantity, as kk said.

    If I gotta go back to being what I was... Kill me tonight.

  11. #11
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    Natty big is nothing like steroid big.

    I still got that wiry skinny kid in me telling me that I have to fight with all I have to give to be equal to the big kid. That big kid that was always respected and developed a bully mentality.

    Where did that motherfucker bully go?
    I want to talk to him...
    Little pussy motherfucker has never been hit in his life! Doesn't know shit about effort or all he has.

    At 240 and 5'10" a huge tall natty big guy still knows he is a bitch and I cant really put a price on that. So my goal is to achieve that again and surpass it.

    I will stop absolutely never.
    I will be my own undoing and thats ok. Doing what I have to and what I was born to do.

  12. #12
    Well, I'm in my 20s few years few years and still consider myself a crazy extremist!
    I do all this out of narcissism, I can't lie!
    Taking steroids makes me feel more respected, in the social circle around me!
    No one respects a set of bones unless he carries a gun around his waist. No girl likes a skinny guy, unless he is in high social status and on several dollars!
    Last year, I had some financial problems and almost came across a major depression, as I had to stop training for 3 months and ended up seeing my body fall every day. If I remember correctly, I lost 5 kg on the scale and I felt like shit!
    The thoughts in my mind were completely destructive, thinness, in my mind it is the same thing as killing my mood!
    I know that if I stop training and use steroids, I will go into a major depression, because I put my life in physical conditioning.
    So I can't stop training and try to grow every day! This shit is the fuel to get the demons out of my mind.

  13. #13
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    As far as I have gone & where I’m going

    I consider it mild - in comparison

    Double trt dose with small injectable dose cycle or mild orals for short bursts

    I’m waiting for my BW this week - I got everything pulled, from psa to e2

  14. #14
    Chad Nicholls has always put all the athletes he trained in an short-term physical condition incredible. Many of these athletes have paid the price for Chad Nicholls protocols a few years later.
    Some had kidney problems etc. So the question I ask;
    Would you like to be trained by Chad Nicholls;
    since you would have to follow all the heavy anabolic steroid protocols he passed you on?

    How far are you willing to go for results?

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by davimeireles View Post
    Chad Nicholls has always put all the athletes he trained in an short-term physical condition incredible. Many of these athletes have paid the price for Chad Nicholls protocols a few years later.
    Some had kidney problems etc. So the question I ask;
    Would you like to be trained by Chad Nicholls;
    since you would have to follow all the heavy anabolic steroid protocols he passed you on?

    How far are you willing to go for results?
    Fuck yes. If his protocols increased creatine enough and increased diuretics enough to make his competitors fail on a medical basis.... Thats the right protocol.

    I call that protocol, "all you got".

    No room for pussies or extroverts here. We got one thing on our mind.

  16. #16
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    Ronnie Coleman was a bodybuilder for years that ended up placing last place at a whole lot of shows.. Kevin Levrone once asked Ronnie why he even bothered competing being he sucked so bad at it .
    then Ronnie got a coach named Chad Nichols . then Ronnie put on 40 pounds of muscle and got leaner and learned to prep for shows and became mr Olympia 8x in a row.

    never under estimate the power of a good coach like Chad Nichols and teaching the person how to get to the next level .
    most people don't realize that Ronnie Coleman was a bad bodybuilder and placed last in shows and was going to retire ,, UNTIL hiring a good coach

  17. #17
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    A lot of guys will push the limit and harm their health pushing the limits in the wrong way .. a good coach can have you on more gear and get more gains yet have the co factors in place to optimize things so your not pushing your health as much. its about optimization .

    or push things properly yourself . you will get bigger and better gains when your optimizing your health at the same time. its not a 'get strong and muscular and ruin your health at the same time' only can get jacked with optimizing your health. but most people will not go that route because its time consuming and expensive

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    Ronnie Coleman was a bodybuilder for years that ended up placing last place at a whole lot of shows.. Kevin Levrone once asked Ronnie why he even bothered competing being he sucked so bad at it .
    then Ronnie got a coach named Chad Nichols . then Ronnie put on 40 pounds of muscle and got leaner and learned to prep for shows and became mr Olympia 8x in a row.

    never under estimate the power of a good coach like Chad Nichols and teaching the person how to get to the next level .
    most people don't realize that Ronnie Coleman was a bad bodybuilder and placed last in shows and was going to retire ,, UNTIL hiring a good coach
    That’s not what happened...
    Flex wheeler told Ronnie about testosterone because Ronnie was still natty.

    Then Kevin gave Ronnie Vodka and Pizza and it dried him up and filled him out, and he was Mr. Olympia.


  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    Ronnie Coleman was a bodybuilder for years that ended up placing last place at a whole lot of shows.. Kevin Levrone once asked Ronnie why he even bothered competing being he sucked so bad at it .
    then Ronnie got a coach named Chad Nichols . then Ronnie put on 40 pounds of muscle and got leaner and learned to prep for shows and became mr Olympia 8x in a row.

    never under estimate the power of a good coach like Chad Nichols and teaching the person how to get to the next level .
    most people don't realize that Ronnie Coleman was a bad bodybuilder and placed last in shows and was going to retire ,, UNTIL hiring a good coach
    Ronnie did an interview with Patrick bet David recently. He seems like a nice fella, but not the sharpest knife in the drawer. He said it himself in the interview: he just did and took what he was told. Definitely genetically gifted.

    Most top level athletes are highly intelligent. Guys like Arnold, Dorian did not need no goddamn coach.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    Ronnie Coleman was a bodybuilder for years that ended up placing last place at a whole lot of shows.. Kevin Levrone once asked Ronnie why he even bothered competing being he sucked so bad at it .
    then Ronnie got a coach named Chad Nichols . then Ronnie put on 40 pounds of muscle and got leaner and learned to prep for shows and became mr Olympia 8x in a row.

    never under estimate the power of a good coach like Chad Nichols and teaching the person how to get to the next level .
    most people don't realize that Ronnie Coleman was a bad bodybuilder and placed last in shows and was going to retire ,, UNTIL hiring a good coach
    Ronnie attributed his success to vodka. He uses awalker now at 50 some because of whatever great coach.
    Beyond mediocre coaches are useless imo

  21. #21
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    Measure the wasted nutrients in my shit over years. Until then no picture, or online analysis can help perfection.

    By the time men reach that level. they already know whats best and just need someone in person to yell at them for cheating a rep.

    Coach a beast as a puss?
    Nah.... Fuck off.
    Last edited by Obs; 01-19-2020 at 07:17 PM.

  22. #22
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    I wish I had the information that’s available today, I would have done things way different but I guess that goes with all parts of life. It’s seems I’m the one that always does it wrong then I give people advice on what not to do. Well that’s what I promised God if he were to give me a second chance............... that something positive would come from my life. So I guess I’m doing alright, but sometimes I feel like I’m smarter then some of the things I do and the decisions I make.

    I also wish I could have the 20 years, $500,000 and especially my hair back. But I’m grateful for how good my health is for what I’ve done.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

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    Ronnie is about to have another major hip surgery i think

  24. #24
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    Fuck all.... 100% of the anabolic mastrubation.
    Catch me in mode and you wont keep up. Dont give a shit what great knowledge someone has... I know me better.

  25. #25
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    "I will teach you what protein you digest the best and how fast you use carbs..."

    I taught myself.
    So eat shit.

    Online coaches are fking fantastic for newbies.
    Last edited by Obs; 01-19-2020 at 07:25 PM.

  26. #26
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    I'm 49 years old and definitely the best shape of my life, I've worked my ass off to achieve it along with running gear the last few years. Is it worth it? In my eyes hell yes, I remember being a fat out of shape unconfident slob. Today on my 5th set I put up 315 on seated military press fuck yeah it's worth it for me. I stood up feeling 10ft tall and bulletproof.

    Just for the record I'm not bragging about the 315 but it was a huge accomplishment for me.

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    Being in good looking shape is always nice

    But, the shit that I do to achieve this look just can’t really be good on my body/health. . . There are times I do think shit like “wtf did I sign up for” - but, there’s no turning back now

  28. #28
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    Sacrifice your health to become strong and muscular?

    Quote Originally Posted by < > View Post
    Being in good looking shape is always nice

    But, the shit that I do to achieve this look just can’t really be good on my body/health. . . There are times I do think shit like “wtf did I sign up for” - but, there’s no turning back now
    How could you go back to being, normal....
    Back to that worst fears thread..
    Btw got a trainer buddy I work with sometimes..nice to make sure you don’t have any training deviations and someone to hold you to that higher standard..

    “The only true wisdom is knowing you know nothing” Socrates
    Last edited by KINGKONG; 01-19-2020 at 10:12 PM.

  29. #29
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    The good thing is that the years you’re going to lose are the years at the end that no one cares about. The wheelchair adult diaper years.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars View Post
    The good thing is that the years you’re going to lose are the years at the end that no one cares about. The wheelchair adult diaper years.

    Unfortunately, this may turn out to be crock shit

    How - well, if you’re still amongst the living at let’s say 55 < and your liver, your kidneys & your heart is in shambles. . . Well, guess fucking what - you’re still alive, but in pieces & feel like udder shit 24x7

    Yeah, that’s reality - I have my fingers crossed that at least it won’t be mine(one can only hope)

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by < > View Post
    Unfortunately, this may turn out to be crock shit

    How - well, if you’re still amongst the living at let’s say 55 < and your liver, your kidneys & your heart is in shambles. . . Well, guess fucking what - you’re still alive, but in pieces & feel like udder shit 24x7

    Yeah, that’s reality - I have my fingers crossed that at least it won’t be mine(one can only hope)
    I know plenty of people in shambles at that age without gear. Anything could really happen. Gotta live this life when you still can.

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  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by teejey View Post
    I know plenty of people in shambles at that age without gear. Anything could really happen. Gotta live this life when you still can.

    Sent from my moto g(7) play using Tapatalk

    A real fine, nonexistent line

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by diesel101 View Post
    I'm 49 years old..... Seated military press.... Just for the record I'm not bragging about the 315 .
    I'd be bragging to any damn one I could get to listen! That's outstanding!

    Brag away IMHO!

    I'm impressed,

  34. #34
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    See the thing is guys what Samson and I were talking about is that it’s hard to keep up in the long run eventually your body starts to give out, eventually it doesn’t want the gear and then what do you do when you are beat up, needs surgeries take pills just to get through the day, then you start second-guessing if it was worth it.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Fuck all.... 100% of the anabolic mastrubation.
    Catch me in mode and you wont keep up. Dont give a shit what great knowledge someone has... I know me better.
    I wonder how many Miller Lights deep this statement is and its only 6pm your time when it was made .. lol

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by wavefunction View Post
    Ronnie did an interview with Patrick bet David recently. He seems like a nice fella, but not the sharpest knife in the drawer. He said it himself in the interview: he just did and took what he was told. Definitely genetically gifted.

    Most top level athletes are highly intelligent. Guys like Arnold, Dorian did not need no goddamn coach.
    Tom Brady is a pretty damn good quarterback ,, guess what . he has a quarterback coach, an offensive coordinator coach, a head coach and a conditioning coach .
    Michael Jordan was pretty damn good at shooting hoops . yet he still had a shooting coach and a head coach .

    Arnold won Olympia titles simply because he was the only guy that showed up for the show and Joe welder gave him the title . look it up .. you know how many times Arnold won an Olympia and he was pretty much the only guy on stage . lol

    and your right , Dorian didn't need a coach cause he simply is one of the baddest mother fuckers on the planet (a rare breed). but had he had a coach he may of won 8 Olympia titles and not gone out like a little bitch with his bicep tears..

    and your all wrong about Ronnie . he didn't win titles until someone taught him about proper AAS use, insulin, and HGH .. not the silly fricken vodka story the night before a show . just go look it up and see how many times Ronnie didn't place well in shows until having a coach to get him on the right path

    people think they can do shit on their own . but rarely can they ... Bill Bellicheck has never thrown an NFL touchdown pass in his life, yet Tom Brady still listens to him and does what he is told .
    thats just how life fucking works . do what your told and you'll succeed .. everyone needs a boss. everyone needs to listen to someone.
    its just how the universe is set up . even Jesus Christ himself had to listen and do what he was frickin told from his big boss man .
    follow that example and stop thinking you know what the hell your doing when you actually have no clue. everyone needs a master.
    the best basketball shooter in the world , Michael Jordan, still had a shooting coach he had to listen to . its just the way it is.. he listened and guess what , now he has a billion dollars in his bank and NBA titles on his fingers
    Jesus Christ was God himself in the flesh . yet he still had a master and a 'coach' he had to listen to. thats what made him successful .
    only Satan doesn't want a coach or a boss to listen to . thats a true rebel
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 01-20-2020 at 09:59 AM.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I wonder how many Miller Lights deep this statement is and its only 6pm your time when it was made .. lol
    just an fyi - I'm just messing with you obs and being real with you

  38. #38
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    Shit, it's not just the gear/compounds - it's the whole lifestyle. . . . I want to hold this conversation with Golias when he's 50, I'd say Rich < but, that's never gonna happen

    I'm pulling the rings back on everything, yet I'm not stopping. . . . The whole entire lifestyle has a part in my life, a fairly big one at that. . . . .

    Wish us all "luck" - - - We are all guaranteed to need it

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    Shit, it's not just the gear/compounds - it's the whole lifestyle. . . . I want to hold this conversation with Golias when he's 50, I'd say Rich < but, that's never gonna happen

    I'm pulling the rings back on everything, yet I'm not stopping. . . . The whole entire lifestyle has a part in my life, a fairly big one at that. . . . .

    Wish us all "luck" - - - We are all guaranteed to need it
    Golias is 350lbs now and looks well actually kinda retarded of course hes not but but hes so damn big it doesnt even look real lol . Says he has to cut for “health reasons” on his instagram

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    Unfortunately, this may turn out to be crock shit

    How - well, if you’re still amongst the living at let’s say 55 < and your liver, your kidneys & your heart is in shambles. . . Well, guess fucking what - you’re still alive, but in pieces & feel like udder shit 24x7

    Yeah, that’s reality - I have my fingers crossed that at least it won’t be mine(one can only hope)

    I respect the hell out of all of you. Your choices, your attitudes, etc.

    I chose a different path for my dedication that did not involve AAS. However still blew through 2 hips (not an issue except when they are BAD), you will not be in a hurry to limp your ass around the gym and hoping that when your cane falls over while you’re doing pressdowns, someone doesn’t trip over it.

    I’m now without a left RC and 1/2 of my bicep (courtesy of 46 years in the gym). Makes it a bitch to do somethings at home, like put a suitcase up on a shelf.

    Had I done AAS, those would have been accelerated.

    I’ve done healthcare. The pain, inconvenience and cost of cardiovascular & other issues to you (and those you will have to possibly rely on to care for you) are not pretty.

    The 50’s, so far the 60’s & I’m hoping the 70’s can be fun and productive years. I’m happy that my BP issues just started recently, I cant imagine what decades worth of elevated BP would have done to the smaller arteries and capillaries in my brain. With the addition of TRT and mild cycles, my weight is now considered obese. My heart doesn’t care that it’s muscle, it just knows it has to work harder every second of the day.

    One day, you may hope to kick back and retire (to some degree) and still want to be able to enjoy the gym and still be able to do physical shit at home. Those are not intended to be wheelchair years. Regarding diapers? Some degree of incontinence will likely effect you, be prepared. It’s a new hot area of expertise/treatment in physical therapy. Who knows what a lifetime of eating mountains of food and gallons of water a day to fuel your growth and AAS will do to those little sphincter muscles, lol?

    It will be interesting to see what issues occur by excessive insulin usage or HGH (and related products like MK-677).

    Not trying to be a downer guys, like I said I respect and admire your philosophies.

    Just saying, being in healthcare, being 61, seeing and dealing with issues in myself; I’m just presenting a different view.

    But with that said, can’t wait for the Summer, can’t wait to jump on the slin wagon, up the HGH & tren doses. Is the wife thrilled, hell no. But she knows I am willing to die at this age (bored actually, have led a very full life), and things are in place that financially she is set despite my death.

    Will watch my BP so I don’t stroke out (death yes, stroke no) get my hair transplants to regain a full hairline ( I want to look good when they crank me into that furnace dammit). And shit, now I can get all that ink I wanted on my neck that would have been inappropriate at work. Don’t tell me the 50’s and beyond are a waste.

    Rant over.

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