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Thread: Corona Virus numbers don't make sense

  1. #1
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    Corona Virus numbers don't make sense

    anyone look at some of the stats and numbers on the news and think things don't really add up

    so like 217 reported deaths in the entire country of the US total.. yet we supposedly need 1.5 million ventilators and life support machines.

    car companies are going to stop making cars and start making breathing machines instead. really.. why the hell does the US suddenly need so many ventilators (ie, life support machines) with only 217 total deaths reported.
    numbers don't really add up

  2. #2
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    just seems odd that we have thousands of life support machines already .. the mortality rate of Corona is less then 1% , only 217 people in the US have died, yet we have some sort of sudden need for tons more life support machines, to the point were going to stop making cars and have car makers make life support machines instead.

    where are all these millions of sick people in need of life support machines ?

    there are 6,000+ life support machines in NY city. they say they need 30,000 more from the federal govt.. really, 36,000 people on life support in. NY city alone !?
    bullshit .
    if this is true why don't we seen images on news of stuffed hospitals filled with thousands and thousands of people on these life support machines then

  3. #3
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    I agree GH I have been trying to figure this whole thing out for a couple of weeks.
    We have 330,000,000 people in the US and less than 20,000 infected and they are shutting major cities down and states down? International travel shut down?
    This is all being done for a virus that only gives flu like symptoms? Not to sound like a conspiracy theorist but something does not add up to cause the entire world to panic and go on shut down. I have a couple of friends that are RN's at the local hospital and even they are confused of what is really going on.

  4. #4
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    This is 70% political

    30% real health

    Prob is that anything that touches health in the hands of media could turn into the end of the world

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by < > View Post
    This is 70% political

    30% real health

    Prob is that anything that touches health in the hands of media could turn into the end of the world
    The US is talking about restricting crossing the Mexican border. It’s the other way around. Your not going to get it from Mexico but rather take it to Mexico.

    The numbers that they are using is trend data. They are seeing how fast the number changes. Not saying it’s right, but they are seeing the numbers are growing fast.

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  6. #6
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    Look at the base statistics they use to create panic!

    200,000 confirmed cases 10,000deaths!

    I have two kids in my house sick.
    Sore throat runny nose cough...

    Hmmm.... Do you think I am going to a doctor if I get it?


    So the death rate is 100% bullshit.

    You all laid at home as a family when everyone had the flu.

    Yet very few entire households have become sick because this is the least contagious virus we have witnessed maybe ever.

    You cant convince me this entire shitshow isn't engineered to fuck us all.

  7. #7
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    God could save us.

    I hope this virus mutates and dies off which is likely.
    I just hope its soon.
    The only way we will be able to fix the economy is to literally turn off all mortgage requisition and extend the national debt 10 fold, then print off a few trillion and inject it back into the economy when this is gone.

    They other way is to literally to shut off all mortgages and pretend this time never existed as a planet, then throw the switch back on at an agreed date.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    just seems odd that we have thousands of life support machines already .. the mortality rate of Corona is less then 1% , only 217 people in the US have died, yet we have some sort of sudden need for tons more life support machines, to the point were going to stop making cars and have car makers make life support machines instead.

    where are all these millions of sick people in need of life support machines ?

    there are 6,000+ life support machines in NY city. they say they need 30,000 more from the federal govt.. really, 36,000 people on life support in. NY city alone !?
    bullshit .
    if this is true why don't we seen images on news of stuffed hospitals filled with thousands and thousands of people on these life support machines then
    Mortality rate as best I can tell is about .00001%

    My figures are just as accurate as their statistics made from "reported" cases.

    Fuck I probably have it now and dont know it with all my ephedrine beer and cigarettes

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    Mortality rate as best I can tell is about .00001%

    My figures are just as accurate as their statistics made from "reported" cases.

    Fuck I probably have it now and dont know it with all my ephedrine beer and cigarettes

    I swear it was already here this past winter when everyone was hit with pneumonia and respiratory issues. It was pretty damn bad and naturally they didn't know about it because they weren't testing for it.

    Personally, I think China sat on this a lot longer than people believe. I have another theory about that, but I'm keeping it in a sealed envelope for now. We can go down that rabbit hole later.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  10. #10
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    Corona Virus numbers don't make sense

    This fuckin orange clown just went on tv and gave all kinds of lies and misstatements. He proved again that he has no idea what he or the government is doing. That short CDC doctor had to step up and contradict him to set everybody straight. Trump looks so weak and ineffective.

    Then he blew up at a reporter, losing his cool in the process and looking nothing like a leader. A few minutes later Pence stepped up looking presidential and properly answered the same question from the same reporter, reassuring the country.

    That orange clown is making this much worse by the day. He tells obvious lies and contradicts himself within the same sentence.

    Every press conference shows how far in over his head he is. He has no command of the material, but insists on answering questions which show just how uninformed he is. Then the staff has to step up and correct what he just said. His presence there is harmful to the country.

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    Last edited by C27H40O3; 03-20-2020 at 02:58 PM.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    I swear it was already here this past winter when everyone was hit with pneumonia and respiratory issues. It was pretty damn bad and naturally they didn't know about it because they weren't testing for it.

    Personally, I think China sat on this a lot longer than people believe. I have another theory about that, but I'm keeping it in a sealed envelope for now. We can go down that rabbit hole later.

    I agree it has been here a lot longer than we know.

    I will tell you my theory on this situation. This is the first phase or wave if you want to call it that. The Chinese have set this virus in play to see how the world will react to a epidemic, this is just a test run. When they feel the time is right they will release the virus that will have a lot higher death rate.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by diesel101 View Post
    I agree it has been here a lot longer than we know.

    I will tell you my theory on this situation. This is the first phase or wave if you want to call it that. The Chinese have set this virus in play to see how the world will react to a epidemic, this is just a test run. When they feel the time is right they will release the virus that will have a lot higher death rate.
    Yes sir. I take the pneumonia vaccine, currently every 3 years. I know the vaccine doesn't cover all causes of pneumonia, but I don't think it was coincidence that I ended up with triple pneumonia.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by C27H40O3 View Post
    This fuckin orange clown just went on tv and gave all kinds of lies and misstatements. He proved again that he has no idea what he or the government is doing. That short CDC doctor had to step up and contradict him to set everybody straight. Trump looks so weak and ineffective.

    Then he blew up at a reporter, losing his cool in the process and looking nothing like a leader. A few minutes later Pence stepped up looking presidential and properly answered the same question from the same reporter, reassuring the country.

    That orange clown is making this much worse by the day. He tells obvious lies and contradicts himself within the same sentence.

    Every press conference shows how far in over his head he is. He has no command of the material, but insists on answering questions which show just how uninformed he is. Then the staff has to step up and correct what he just said. His presence there is harmful to the country.

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    I beg to differ on this, I personally think he is handling everything very well considering the situation. As far as blowing up at a reporter he has done that for 3 years and most of them needed to be put in their place plus he could care less if they like him or not. Yes a lot people don't like him because he isn't a puppet up there trying to make everyone happy like our former president. He is not afraid to make tough decisions that everyone is not going to agree with.

    This is just my opinion but I do also respect yours.

  14. #14
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    Well - our friend the Orange Clown. . . I never thought I’d see myself think this, but he’s just fine by me - there is nothing he could have done or said to change one thing -

    This shit set off & this was the last thing he was expecting to deal with

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by diesel101 View Post
    I agree it has been here a lot longer than we know.

    I will tell you my theory on this situation. This is the first phase or wave if you want to call it that. The Chinese have set this virus in play to see how the world will react to a epidemic, this is just a test run. When they feel the time is right they will release the virus that will have a lot higher death rate.
    I thought the same thing at the beginning, either them or North Korea, Iran, or Putin. Time will tell.

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  16. #16
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    Corona Virus numbers don't make sense

    Quote Originally Posted by diesel101 View Post
    I beg to differ on this, I personally think he is handling everything very well considering the situation. As far as blowing up at a reporter he has done that for 3 years and most of them needed to be put in their place plus he could care less if they like him or not. Yes a lot people don't like him because he isn't a puppet up there trying to make everyone happy like our former president. He is not afraid to make tough decisions that everyone is not going to agree with.

    This is just my opinion but I do also respect yours.
    And I indeed certainly respect yours brother.

    I grew up in NYC, and only a true New Yorker can be really familiar with 35 years of this grifter con man and his hustling. If you are not from here, you didn’t hear about him in the early 80’s. He is a local queens guy who we all laughed at for decades.

    In emergencies line this, real leaders project calm. They actually do things to assure people that they are doing the best they can. They don’t just make up shit and lie about actions they are taking that are so easily proven to be lies. This boob is no leader.

    He lets a reporter get under his skin. Pence took and easily answered the same question and made trump look like an impetuous child in the process. This president must have been a favorite target of bullies growing up. He is so easily baited to the point of losing it.

    He has no command of the material he is talking about. He just wings it saying absurd stream of consciousness bullshit like an incoherent stoned hippie. He contradicts himself with everything he says.

    He blew up the CDC two years ago, gutting it and closing the unit that specialize in pandemics, simply because Obama beefed it up. He has a pathological obsession with Obama. It’s really bizarre.

    A true leader never blames subordinates or his predecessor. He takes the blame because he is running the show. His cowardly attempt to blame a guy out of office over three years would be laughable, if it wasn’t so pathetic.

    Now contrast his shitshow with my state governor Cuomo. Now, you know from prior posts I clearly can’t stand Cuomo. He pulled a middle of the night gun grab years ago that completely violated due process and the legislative process. The states gun owners were completely disenfranchised from the process. I can’t stomach him because of that.

    That being said, Cuomo came off looking like the next president from his daily press conferences. He projects calm and he informs the public of the concrete steps he is doing to help the situation. He actually said “if you want to blame somebody, blame me. It’s my watch and I am in charge in the state”. Spoken like a true leader. He doesn’t put out vague meaningless platitudes like that orange boob.

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    Last edited by C27H40O3; 03-20-2020 at 11:55 PM.

  17. #17
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    Worst case scenario we all lose contact with one another when society crashes and have to rebuild society to get the net back up and running.

    In which case the ones of us that survive will have cool stories to tell.

    I will be dead by then of a heart attack just know I kicked a lot of ass in that 10-15 years.

  18. #18
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    I really think Andy Cumhole is setting himself up nicely for a presidential run in eight years. He is really shining in this crisis.

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  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    God could save us.

    I hope this virus mutates and dies off which is likely.
    I just hope its soon.
    The only way we will be able to fix the economy is to literally turn off all mortgage requisition and extend the national debt 10 fold, then print off a few trillion and inject it back into the economy when this is gone.

    They other way is to literally to shut off all mortgages and pretend this time never existed as a planet, then throw the switch back on at an agreed date.
    Wasn’t it Ben Franklin who said all debt should be erased or forgiven every twenty years so as to not saddle future generations with our mistakes from the grave.

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  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by diesel101 View Post
    I agree GH I have been trying to figure this whole thing out for a couple of weeks.
    We have 330,000,000 people in the US and less than 20,000 infected and they are shutting major cities down and states down? International travel shut down?
    This is all being done for a virus that only gives flu like symptoms? Not to sound like a conspiracy theorist but something does not add up to cause the entire world to panic and go on shut down. I have a couple of friends that are RN's at the local hospital and even they are confused of what is really going on.
    There is a difference between “known infected” and “infected”. The government knows there are many thousands more infected that haven’t been tested yet.

    They have known what’s coming since November. We have disease surveillance programs watching other countries at all times. There was no surprise after November, just government inaction and maybe analysis paralysis. More likely pure ineptitude.

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  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by C27H40O3 View Post
    This fuckin orange clown just went on tv and gave all kinds of lies and misstatements. He proved again that he has no idea what he or the government is doing. That short CDC doctor had to step up and contradict him to set everybody straight. Trump looks so weak and ineffective.

    Then he blew up at a reporter, losing his cool in the process and looking nothing like a leader. A few minutes later Pence stepped up looking presidential and properly answered the same question from the same reporter, reassuring the country.

    That orange clown is making this much worse by the day. He tells obvious lies and contradicts himself within the same sentence.

    Every press conference shows how far in over his head he is. He has no command of the material, but insists on answering questions which show just how uninformed he is. Then the staff has to step up and correct what he just said. His presence there is harmful to the country.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    You might be the biggest idiot on this entire forum. Trump knows the whole thing is a crock of shit. Why would he take something that isn’t even a threat seriously. The media is wasting his time asking questions about a virus that is doing zero damage to the population. Why don’t you spit the leftist cock outta your mouth and stop letting those idiots brainwash your simple most likely Godless mind.

  22. #22
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    Despite having to likely put off retirement and also watch decades of savings dwindle, I’d still prefer that the numbers underwhelm vs. the opposite.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    anyone look at some of the stats and numbers on the news and think things don't really add up

    so like 217 reported deaths in the entire country of the US total.. yet we supposedly need 1.5 million ventilators and life support machines.

    car companies are going to stop making cars and start making breathing machines instead. really.. why the hell does the US suddenly need so many ventilators (ie, life support machines) with only 217 total deaths reported.
    numbers don't really add up
    That’s because hardly anyone is being tested. The numbers you see are from the few test that have been done. The actual number of infected/deaths in the U.S is extremely higher than what they are posting and will continue to rise for the next few months

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wannabhuge14 View Post
    You might be the biggest idiot on this entire forum. Trump knows the whole thing is a crock of shit. Why would he take something that isn’t even a threat seriously. The media is wasting his time asking questions about a virus that is doing zero damage to the population. Why don’t you spit the leftist cock outta your mouth and stop letting those idiots brainwash your simple most likely Godless mind.
    Did you really just say the virus is doing 0 damage? Besides the impact it’s having on people... It’s drastically taking a toll on our economy and leading us into a recession/possible depression. This is a global epidemic. Those playing this down are to naive to see the facts. Unless you are old or have underlying health issues the virus isn’t the biggest threat. The big picture here is what is going to happen to our economy in the short and long term. Over 5 million people have already filed for unemployment recently and It will keep rising..

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Despite having to likely put off retirement and also watch decades of savings dwindle, I’d still prefer that the numbers underwhelm vs. the opposite.
    Great opportunity to be in the stock market and short it while it drops down to make some of your losses back. ( bad idea if you aren’t familiar with the market )

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    Well - our friend the Orange Clown. . . I never thought I’d see myself think this, but he’s just fine by me - there is nothing he could have done or said to change one thing -

    This shit set off & this was the last thing he was expecting to deal with

    Agree. This issue here is China. There needs to be repercussions at this point. This isn’t the first time there has been a virus that spread globally and killed/infected hundreds of thousands/millions from one of there wet markets.. I have a feeling we are going to give China an ultimatum with there wet markets. If they refuse, shit will really hit the fan

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by GymHero View Post
    Great opportunity to be in the stock market and short it while it drops down to make some of your losses back. ( bad idea if you aren’t familiar with the market )
    We’re well diversified and last year actually lowered the risk percentage of our investments in respect to our pending retirement. Our broker has done consistently amazing work through the years and we are trusting he will continue.

    If we have to work longer, hey we have jobs.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by < > View Post
    Well - our friend the Orange Clown. . . I never thought I’d see myself think this, but he’s just fine by me - there is nothing he could have done or said to change one thing -

    This shit set off & this was the last thing he was expecting to deal with
    Bullshit. The first country didn’t expect to deal with it. After that, every advanced country should have known. If his administration took the warnings from Italy, instead of him getting warned and then going on a golf trip, we could have gotten a jump on this.

    We have programs of health surveillance that gives us early warnings of trends in other countries. He didn’t heed the warnings. That’s criminal official misconduct. He has nobody to blame but himself.

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    Last edited by C27H40O3; 03-21-2020 at 04:57 PM.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wannabhuge14 View Post
    You might be the biggest idiot on this entire forum. Trump knows the whole thing is a crock of shit. Why would he take something that isn’t even a threat seriously. The media is wasting his time asking questions about a virus that is doing zero damage to the population. Why don’t you spit the leftist cock outta your mouth and stop letting those idiots brainwash your simple most likely Godless mind.
    Not that serious? Are you a troll? You couldnt be that stupid.

    Zero damage to the population? You must live in the forest, so you dont see any effect on the country.

    Are you even in the USA? You sound like a typical euro with his head up his ass. If you get the news where you are, just watch one of his press conferences. A total shitshow. Far worse than anything SNL could have written about him. Everytime anyone around him speaks, he looks worse and worse. Like a bumbling fool who didnt prepare for a speaking engagement. zero knowledge of the facts, continues to regurgitate meaningless vague platitudes instead of anything of substance.

    uses the inane, moronic catch phrases of a real estate conman grifter trying to bamboozle folks out of their life savings. Words like "magical, next big thing, awesome, game changer, beautiful, like really easy, etc..." when trying to give out factual health information. The ineptitude is embarrassing to watch.

    The fastest way you can tell right off that he is not a true leader, is the way he constantly heaps praise on himself. ALso, before any subordinate speaks, they are made to heap false, effusive praise on him and his administration before they start to update us on what is happening. it not only wastes time, and is monotonous, but it undermines trust in the administration. ANy true leader will tell you that the only praise that matters comes from outside an organization, not from its head constantly congratulating himself.

    If the administration was truly doing a great job, as it constantly claims, that praise would be coming from all sides outside the administration, such as the governors, the people, the healthcare industry, the media, wall street, other countries, etc... The total lack of any praise coming from those areas just serves to demonstrate how the praise he always touts is nothing but fake news.

    As i said earlier, watch that scumbag gov. Cuomo give his daily press conference, and see the difference between an inept reality TV figure clown in way over his head, and a true leader with a lifetime of political experience. I dont like cuomo at all, going back for years, but he is really shining lately in this crisis. Regardless how i personally feel about him, i gotta give credit where it is due.
    Last edited by C27H40O3; 03-21-2020 at 07:16 PM.

  30. #30
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    I just want to mention that I am not for or against Trump. He has a big mouth and usually doesn’t know when to shut it.
    There was a question about leadership. Good leaders do not know all of the details and usually know them from a 30,000 ft view. Anyone who thinks the leader knows all the fine details knows nothing about leadership.
    I am sick of incorrect information. Yea when someone wants to lead people to believe the wrong information they should be called out.
    I have had numerous people tell me the border with Mexico was closed. Bullshit- it is not fucking closed. I listened to the words from the state dept. however people are reporting v it’s closed.
    Sorry for ranting but when someone’s like or dislike of someone influences the message, I just want to clear it up.
    Do not portray this as saying Trump is or is not a good leader. I just took lessons from leadership 101 and made a point.

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  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    I just want to mention that I am not for or against Trump. He has a big mouth and usually doesn’t know when to shut it.
    There was a question about leadership. Good leaders do not know all of the details and usually know them from a 30,000 ft view. Anyone who thinks the leader knows all the fine details knows nothing about leadership.
    I am sick of incorrect information. Yea when someone wants to lead people to believe the wrong information they should be called out.
    I have had numerous people tell me the border with Mexico was closed. Bullshit- it is not fucking closed. I listened to the words from the state dept. however people are reporting v it’s closed.
    Sorry for ranting but when someone’s like or dislike of someone influences the message, I just want to clear it up.
    Do not portray this as saying Trump is or is not a good leader. I just took lessons from leadership 101 and made a point.

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    I agree. Good leaders do know what they know. they surround themselves with folks who have the answers that they dont. They dont pretend to have the answers and put themselves on the spot to so easily be proven wrong in such a public way.

    When a false leader just wings it, and tries to bullshit his way through it, rather than let the right person just step up to the mic, he makes the situation worse. It doesnt make sense to watch his press conferences or read his tweets. it would be better to tune in the following day when all the corrections are issued. He falsely claimed that the European travel ban would also "apply to the tremendous amount of trade and cargo but various other things", which sent the market tanking. He then claimed that the insurance companies have all agreed to cover all copayments and treatment costs for the corona virus. Again, total bullshit. Never happened. Fake news.

    There is no excuse for him to put out all this false information every day, yet the process continues.

  32. #32
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    Everyone is looking to leaders and it would be nice if they would fix the economy or lay out a plan.

    I am my own leader though and I dont wait on mfers looking for a vote.

  33. #33
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    At this point anyone who has any faith in what Trump says has questionable intelligence imo. The dude is a walking lie. Everything he says is half truths or flat out lies. Any one of the shitty ass democratic candidates would have more credibility. Everyone wanted a big clown in the White House, now we got one.

  34. #34
    In my opinion yes this is something we should stock up a bit for(not panic buying), and take extra precautions to slow the spread. With that being said I feel this is being blown out of proportion for political reasons, and going to be dragged out up to, or through election time.
    Also I think i have the virus been, coughing, short of breath, had a mild fever, and a bit tired the last 2 days. If all this wasn't going on I would think nothing of it.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by 99JT View Post
    In my opinion yes this is something we should stock up a bit for(not panic buying), and take extra precautions to slow the spread. With that being said I feel this is being blown out of proportion for political reasons, and going to be dragged out up to, or through election time.
    Also I think i have the virus been, coughing, short of breath, had a mild fever, and a bit tired the last 2 days. If all this wasn't going on I would think nothing of it.
    Honestly i had those same symptoms 2 weeks ago but no cough. It went away after 3 days so who knows. I feel great now but my daughter is sick now..... Ugh

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    This is 70% political

    30% real health

    Prob is that anything that touches health in the hands of media could turn into the end of the world


    Its inflated because fear sells. Everyones got their eyes glued to the news stations on tv and they can use that viewership to sell commercial time.
    Also everyone hates trump and this was a great way to tank the economy before the election.

    Speaking of the election, i havent heard trump talk about it during this crisis. Which is good for him considering he likes to talk about himself. I like trump but i also have no problem with people that hate him.

    The damage to the economy will be more devastating than the affects from this flu. People will be jobless, homeless, suicidal, etc.

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