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Thread: Handle paranoid friend who ruin company

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Handle paranoid friend who ruin company

    Been a while and much has happened!
    I didn't do my invention yet as some of you know, but I did start my first company
    with 3 friends, all in my name.
    So far it's going great, until just recently - one of the three f*cks it up.

    Long story short.
    Because of this ones drug abuse and extremely aggressive paranoia, we couldn't have him onboard.
    (Note, we didn't know it was this bad)
    We had to kick him out and fast.
    He has done nothing to deserve to be a part, except being a friend (and was clever before).
    He however believes he has worked his ass off and we owe him.

    We offered him 10% for just be quite and sit back, but he demands 33% (or else).
    Now the screaming calls come, the death threats and the side desserts.
    I don't know what he can do or will do in his state, but we can't sort it out rationally.

    I live close by and the other friend do not.

    Any advice how to handle people like this? Logical and rational thinking doesn't work.
    Fair talk doesn't work since opinions vary extremely between us 2 and him.
    Can't get thru and this is draining my management battery.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    La Cocina
    First off, you don’t owe him anything. You can’t fix people who don’t know that they’re broken.
    I would start with contacting his family and if that doesn’t work and the threats continue, then I’d contact the authorities. You can’t help people who cannot help themselves and cannot sacrifice vital resources like time and energy.

    I’m sorry you’re in this position, it’s the classic cliche of why business and pleasure don’t get along. Of course there are exceptions and kudos for you for even attempting it.

    He’s sick and until he gets healthy he’ll only bring down those who are around him.

    Tough love, one last firm talking to and the cut him off completely. If he gets dangerous, you defer to his family and the authorities...I don’t see any way else.

    Best of luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Thank you all very much for your opinions and advice! I agree and that is the path I have chosen to take, or try to take.
    The legal part is on my name solely, so I'm solely responsible.
    The systems part where we work is solely on the stable friend.
    The client base is (as we understand it) on the third one.

    He has brought us to the company who delivers the customers.
    Apparently they are friends, but mixed feelings between them business-wise.
    That is why I don't know if he can shut us down now when we are the most in need, by calling
    companies and make up stories.

    I managed to have a so so call with the one mentioned this morning.
    For a little larger cut he will leave us alone and I accepted, we will still earn a lot as it seems
    and I will have enough to re-invest.
    So far it sounds good, but it will be interesting to see if the mental state change again, hope not.

    Damn these drugs!
    I'm all for a party pop now and then, but rely on them to be functional and still not be functional... ugh...
    Worst is that it scares me how much the human mind can change, that is not the same person, not in the least.
    I've had an ex in similar situation, it's like a primate, just fear and instinctal behavior.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Defiling Myself
    Never do business with family or friends. Always ends badly.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    Never do business with family or friends. Always ends badly.
    Agree and that is business 1 on 1, still did it haha

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by cylon357 View Post
    This is the era of near instant communication. If your company doesn't have a website, twitter feed, facebook account, LinkedIn presence, etc, then you need to get one (actually ALL of them) NOW. You will have to be diplomatic in wording but get the message out that you are very much active and accepting business. That will counter any negative vibes your addict friend might try to spread. A well crafted online presence may also get you more business than you know what to do with, so prepare to staff up accordingly.

    If you are legally responsible for the company, then you control the information. That doesn't mean you can't accept input from your partners - you definitely should. But if your name is on the paperwork, and you don't have any LEGALLY BINDING WRITTEN agreements otherwise, then every single call is yours to make: the buck stops with you.

    As for the addict friend (sounds like he is in sales), tell him to take some time off to get his sh!t together. If he can't or won't, then you will have to fire him. There may be some intricate legal issues in your jurisdiction, so do the due diligence to make sure you are operating legally, but cut his a** loose if he can't get it together. In a team, any team but ESPECIALLY a small one, everybody pulls their weight or has to go. Give him a chance to get it together (implement a performance improvement plan aka PIP if you need to) but recognize that you can't let him drag you all under.
    Very true and thank you!
    Was actually listening to Jordan P in the background and while reading this his voice came a long lol
    We have cut him off to give him time to get his life in a single piece. I did the mistake of testing that recently and the respons was beyond okey.
    A trivial became a world issue.
    So we run everything ourselves for now and so far it seems to go great.
    We all get money and company won't be jeopardised, then we can secure it bit by bit so we are standing steady
    regardless of possible outcome.
    Already planing A, B and C.
    Gotta adapt fast being CEO, and damn you learn that fast.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Thank you very much!
    I work on the same path as you mentioned - working regardless to make it last.
    Right now this is that type of company, but I would do the same in any situation since (almost always) it's about numbers.
    I'd bet that you get a much higher number if you sell to someone and can also prove expected cost, delivery and revenue,
    preferably a few years to come.

    I'm not new to think in terms of risk analysing and improvements, but I am new to conflicts where I need to make
    tough decisions, still uncomfortable.
    I'm also new to working with my head so to speak, feels weird.
    What I mean is that when I do physical labour like field work or carpenting, I know that after I've built that finished, it's finished.
    On to next.

    Now I need to set up everything I think will be the best, then I gotta wait doing nothing for several hours/ days until something pops up.
    The waiting makes me feel that I'm doing something wrong or can do something more.
    I can't take a holiday because I think I will miss something important.
    Waiting is a damn weakness of mine^^

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