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Thread: When did you tell your significant other about your use?

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by DuckTheViking View Post
    My wife injects both my TRT and my cycles. I don't remember when I told her. She thinks TRT is the best thing ever, made wonders to my mood and libido.
    I wouldn't tell a woman that I've only known for a few weeks. She could run her mouth unintentionally, or use it against you on purpose.
    If it's just a week or 10 days holiday, why don't you just load up a bit extra before and skip bringing it with you.

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    Yeah , load up all of the tren at once. LOL

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  2. #42
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    I tell no one..... except you guys. My wife knows cause she’s seen it.
    I say don’t tell anyone. They may use it against you at some point.

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    Treat it like Santa and The Tooth Fairy...iffff she ever finds out, it'll be because she was ready to know.
    Master Pai Mei of the White Lotus Clan

    My motto: SAFETY & RESPECT (for drugs and others).


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    DNP like Chemotherapy, can be a useful poison, but both are still POISONS


  3. #43
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    The other day she asked me while we were working out if I ever did steroids. The conversation came up because I said something along the lines of "I took some creatine back in the day and blew up 15 lbs and guys were asking me if I'm on steroids." Probably should have kept my mouth shut. I had to says something like "Not knowingly, but who knows what they put in those supplements."

    I'd be curious how long some of you have been keeping this a secret from your significant other? The deception has to be insane to keep a secret like this for years and years lmao.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    The other day she asked me while we were working out if I ever did steroids. The conversation came up because I said something along the lines of "I took some creatine back in the day and blew up 15 lbs and guys were asking me if I'm on steroids." Probably should have kept my mouth shut. I had to says something like "Not knowingly, but who knows what they put in those supplements."

    I'd be curious how long some of you have been keeping this a secret from your significant other? The deception has to be insane to keep a secret like this for years and years lmao.
    Not necessarily. Unlike most drug use, AAS use is pretty damned easy to hide permanently. Direct usage can be relatively infrequent (a couple of pins per week with longer esters), no obvious “I’m fucked up” giveaways, never heard of anyone getting fired for being a shitty employee due to gear use, etc. etc.
    I mean really, unless you fuck up and end up with a nasty infection, it would be pretty easy to sell to any genpop pubbie that you’ve never touched a thing.

    The other big help? Outside of tested competition, almost no one actually gives a shit anymore. I’d put AAS in the “marijuana” department. Everyone either assumes that everyone else who doesn’t look like a fat sack of shit used them at some point, or doesn’t give a shit either way.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Gallowmere View Post
    Not necessarily. Unlike most drug use, AAS use is pretty damned easy to hide permanently. Direct usage can be relatively infrequent (a couple of pins per week with longer esters), no obvious “I’m fucked up” giveaways, never heard of anyone getting fired for being a shitty employee due to gear use, etc. etc.
    I mean really, unless you fuck up and end up with a nasty infection, it would be pretty easy to sell to any genpop pubbie that you’ve never touched a thing.

    The other big help? Outside of tested competition, almost no one actually gives a shit anymore. I’d put AAS in the “marijuana” department. Everyone either assumes that everyone else who doesn’t look like a fat sack of shit used them at some point, or doesn’t give a shit either way.

    Yeah, but I don't know. Maybe guys don't care as much, but a woman who wants to have kids is probably going to have a problem with steroid use, since it affects her chances of becoming pregnant. Unless she's not educated on the topic.

    What if she wants to know what's in that safe, or why do I have a mini fridge in my room (opens and finds melanotan and HCG vials), or I forget to throw the bathroom trash away? I "Sanitize" my house from all evidence before my girl comes over, but living with someone would not be easy. Think about if I use test, melanotan, and HCG, that's at least 6 pins a week, along with the alcohol pads, some with blood on them. I would think a decently inquisitive girl would catch on eventually.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Like a year after being together .
    Ofc she used it against me few times to explain why our relationship is not going well , but now she is asking me to do my pins for me .
    i am 26 and she is 24.

  7. #47
    For me, it was a little difficult, as my wife of 24 years is a nurse practitioner. My first experiences with gear date back into the 90's and taking trips to Mexico from my base in 29 Palms Ca. I'd like to say it was more difficult to hide from the Marine Corps than her, but damned near everyone was juiced up back then! Eventually, I went to an endocrinologist, did the bloodwork and got started on TRT. With a prescription in hand (at the time) my conscientious wife had no problem helping out. Of course, it would be hard to explain the "for veterinary use labeling" to her or any partner that can read. She works for the VA and is a psych. nurse, which puts her in direct contact with veterans suffering from a multitude of issues ranging from PTSD to Heroine addiction, so she is relatively schooled in detecting bullshit. I the end, I truly believe she knows I am not 100% legit, but the longevity of our relationship has allowed her to understand the goals here and for most everyone here, that goal is a healthier body and life. I agree with previous comments that in the early stages of a relationship, mum is the word, but as trust develops...well you know.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Naniki68 View Post
    For me, it was a little difficult, as my wife of 24 years is a nurse practitioner. My first experiences with gear date back into the 90's and taking trips to Mexico from my base in 29 Palms Ca. I'd like to say it was more difficult to hide from the Marine Corps than her, but damned near everyone was juiced up back then! Eventually, I went to an endocrinologist, did the bloodwork and got started on TRT. With a prescription in hand (at the time) my conscientious wife had no problem helping out. Of course, it would be hard to explain the "for veterinary use labeling" to her or any partner that can read. She works for the VA and is a psych. nurse, which puts her in direct contact with veterans suffering from a multitude of issues ranging from PTSD to Heroine addiction, so she is relatively schooled in detecting bullshit. I the end, I truly believe she knows I am not 100% legit, but the longevity of our relationship has allowed her to understand the goals here and for most everyone here, that goal is a healthier body and life. I agree with previous comments that in the early stages of a relationship, mum is the word, but as trust develops...well you know.
    I guess too many Latina wives got pissed over the veterinary use only and the Mexican companies have since removed it. LOL

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