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Thread: Mk677 your experience

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2017

    Mk677 your experience

    Hello steroid fam
    The past few days I am trying to collect as much info as I can for mk677 or ibutamoren . I got access to google scholar scientific papers cuz i am
    Still a student but all the papers have little to no info about the side effects of this oral .
    All I ve managed to gather is good benefits you can get , like the ones hgh promotes .
    -Boosts growth hormone
    -May increase lean body mass and enhance fat burning
    -Strengthens the bones
    -May improve sleep quality
    -May support cognition and longevity
    . None of the studies had legit evidence That can have sides but they were claiming that should never use it as it is forbidden from human use .

    Now I am
    Asking people in here 3 things .
    What was your experience With it ?
    What is a good dosage to start with ( I don’t wanna go ham with it ) and for how long to use.
    Where can I find legit mk677 or what’s a legit brand ( don’t know if I can ask here ) , all my sources who selL
    Me pharma grade stuff claim they all fake it and they will never bring it as it can ruin their rep.
    Last edited by Getsomehate; 08-26-2020 at 05:08 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Source rec chem uk

    Best is more muscell cells threw years of use.
    All other stuff is pretty hyped and in best case, shortlived.

    But after lets say 4 months, 25 mg, i notice its easier to look big.
    I like to run it 10 months a year and the longer i run it, the more easy it will be to look buff.
    The theori says the same. It gives u more musclecells. Just like GH. But it takes time.

    But if u run it for 2months only and expect things, u will get dissapointed.

    Sent fra min BLA-L29 via Tapatalk

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    MK is actually a solid alternative to real GH if u cant afford the real thing. Ive dosed it all the way up to 75mg a day and the results only get better the higher I go with the dose. Insane hunger though but I like that as I struggle to eat. It gives u a really thick full look and balloons u up but in a good way not watery looking. Strength goes up energy levels are good it makes u feel great as well. Started to notice very very numb hands tho but I was on 10iu gh a day also but I couldnt close my hands in the mornings they were so stiff. All in all id recommend it to anyone who wants the benefits of gf without breaking the bank.

  4. #4
    Awesome stuff as mentioned Mike Arnolds Somatozine is legit. I run 25mg/day and put on 15lbs in a month mostly water but still nice to look fuller it will make you tired for a bit and it's great for bulking literally the first week its just eat everything in sight for me.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    I am on pct right now , can you use it , solo ? Or lower dose year round ?? Anyone had negative sides on his bloods ???

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by cylon357 View Post
    MK is legit.

    I had great sleep at 25mg per night 4 nights a week but my appetite was through the roof. I swear after a week my hair started getting darker. I had to stop taking it because I couldn't have the appetite at that time but I will work it back in at some point.

    Dosing... depends. Standard thinking is 25mg 5 nights on 2 nights off. Some go higher or lower, depending. A lot of that will depend on your goals. There is also a lot of variability in dosing, lots of folks will probably chime in. I like to keep it simple so prefer once a day dosing, but once again, that's going to depend on your goals. If you wanted to start small, you could try 3 or 4 nights a week, 12.5mg per night. I had some decent results at that dosing.

    Mike Arnold Somatozine is the real deal. It contains melatonin so might be best as an evening only thing. I just googled Somatozine in two different browsers and the first result is a link to the product. Spelling is important! Look for discount codes, though I think ALEX15 is good still. Note that it is NOT on his research chem site, rather on the supplements site. Mike Arnold SUPPS <-- peep the caps if you can't find it easily via google.
    My goals are always the same , staying lean year round and pure muscle gains . Gonna buy it , how to avoid water retention though if it’s not from e2 ?
    Lower the dose ?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Surley you would have to run it for the whole year to see the GH benefits. Not really going to do much on a 2 month cycle

  8. #8
    MK677 increased my appetite like nothing ever has before. I'm also bigger, leaner and fuller when I use it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Ashop View Post
    MK677 increased my appetite like nothing ever has before. I'm also bigger, leaner and fuller when I use it.
    How long did you run it for?

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