Should I be using prami or caber with 600mg NPP?
Should I be using prami or caber with 600mg NPP?
Now I am afraid to answer. You start out with a normal dose of NPP and ask about prami then drop that you are taking 1200 test and .5 arimidex.
Be careful... you could crash your e2.
I have taken 1500 test before with no AI. I didn’t have E2 issues however I did start experiencing endema ( a lot of wet chemicals in the cycle). This is where you need to be careful. You can start shutting down your organs and piling on the water.
You need to provide everything that you are taking.
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sust 1200mg
npp 500mg
eq 500mg
dbol 25mg pre training
adex .5mg ed
gh 10 iu pre training
Yea when youve been juicing for as long as I have and are 100lbs over ur starting bodyweight thats what u need...
Its just like training and food. As u get bigger u need more food. As u get stronger u use more weight. As u get bigger u need more gear.
Guys on this forum are VERY conservative my doses are actually pretty small for being 260+ at 5'10 I started at 165. Guys at my gym push waaay more gear then me and they are the same size ive seen 1.5 grams of tren with test and gh and eveyrthing else.
Looks like a pretty good cycle to me minus the EQ. I probably wouldn’t bother with it, but to answe your question it wouldnt hurt to start adding in caber. Never dealt with prami im on 500 ish npp right now and side free. Of course i keep my test low when i run a 19-nor but thats just my preference. You can always pull bloods, the .5 adex seems about right to me with that much test. Assuming your advanced like you say the cycle doesnt seem overkill to me.
Caber might not be a bad idea with that much NPP, but I’d still wait to see if sides show their heads before starting. Maybe start with high dose B6 in place as a precautionary then add the caber if necessary.
After the bullshit sides I’ve seen people get from Prami, I’d deal with the prolactin sides before I’d take that shit.
Also with Cuz on dropping the EQ. Frankly, the more I find out about that shit, the more I say leave it for the horses and endurance athletes (and even the latter abandoned it for EPO forever ago).
I just started a bulk. Front load 1 g deca for two weeks. , 500 deca, 1 g test, 350 mast 50 anadrol, 25 MK, 40 iu slin. No AI
I wouldn’t recommend that cycle to most. I did something similar last year but had to abort because the water retention Was getting bad. I grew like a weed though. I got big fast.
I am careful about this because it is pushing limits and I have had my heart checked out extensively. I do not do it for long periods either- I do phase cycling.
Last time I was at 1.5g test. I am hoping that I don’t experience endema.
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Yea I can relate to the growing to fast after the first quarantine here is AZ the gyms were closed for 8 weeks I lost like 20-30 lbs and then the gyms reopen I put the 20-30lbs BACK ON then the gyms shut down AGAIN for 8 weeks I lost the 20-30 lbs AGAIN and now I just got back up over 250ish... My weight has gotten as low as 230ish when the gyms closed I just use 250mg test with some gh so bascially TRT. This has fucked everything up for me with my cycles cuz Ive been jumping on and off all the time cuz the gyms are closing and opening ever other day..
But the gyms have no reopened again and hopefully will stay open I just started this blast I really wanted to push the envelope this time thats why the doses are a bit higher I honestly need that much to progress.. I dont use insulin which Im saving for when I get stuck. I dont compete I just love bodybuilding and pushing my body as far as I can take it thats with everything, food, training, and drugs.
The only thing I noticed was these small pimples on my arms, ass, and legs which I have never had before. It could be estrogen related but Im using a good dose of an AI so im wondering if maybe its a Progesterone or prolactin issue ive never used prami or caber
I didn't start using caber until I started getting a dark fluid discharge in my nipples. Most people don't need to use that though. You'd probably be better off using masteron though.
It's a pretty potent progestin. If you're going to use caber, I would just use it IF you get symptoms. And only take like .25mg every other day until symptoms go away then reduce it And don't play with your nipples. Of course, if .25 every other day doesn't work, try increasing dosage frequency or increasing the dose.
Hahahaha. Well there are very good reasons why we suggest these ancillary drugs. Believe you me, reading a description of it is a little less trauma-inducing than actually seeing it come out of your own nipples.
I think he should do that too, but he should still have the caber or prami on hand.
Guys im not having issues with the nipples at all just these small pimples on my arms, ass, and legs. Was wondering if the NPP was giving me progesterone or something causing it.
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